judicial corruption
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Zoran Jovanović ◽  

It has been empirically confirmed that corruption has damaging effects on the stability of political institutions and economic growth undermining democracy and the rule of law. Traditional ombudsman has been seen as one of the institutional options for fighting corruption whereas its role and significance vary in different legal systems. In the countries with strong bureaucratic mentality, where people have higher expectations form this institution, and not without reason, ombudsman has been given a leading role in the anticorruption battle. The advantages of this institution lie in its accessibility and openness, authority and trust. Citizens can easily approach ombudsman with their issues and expect that they will be resolved in a prompt and efficient way, which is not the case with judiciary. The court procedures are rather slow and often inefficient and judges and prosecutors may be affected by judicial corruption and political interference, which is the valid reason for considering the ombudsman to have larger authority than traditionally assigned. Indeed, the ombudsman institution has a broad mandate to investigate the cases of illegal and inadequate work of administration and civil servants. In majority of cases, inadequate work of administration is the result of corrupt activities. In the public administration system, various bodies and agencies are not independent, but are rather under the supervision of the executive branch of power, while ombudsman is an independent institution which makes the citizens believe that their complaints or information will be treated according to law and the principles of equity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (7) ◽  
pp. 1247-1281
Peter Čuroš

AbstractThis Article explores the similarities between the principles which guide the judiciary nowadays and those typical for the functioning of the Communist justice system, particularly the susceptibility to obedience to the requests, orders, or meeting anticipations. The habitus of the judges typical for the authoritarian regime has persisted until these days and was the main reason for the judicial corruption revealed in the “Threema scandal.” This Article’s argument does not connect the judiciary’s dependency to the Communist legacy embodied in members of the judiciary who served before 1989 and are active today. Still, the argument presumes that the Communist heritage is a key to understanding the current situation. The past heritage is hidden in the habitus of the agents or members of the judiciary. This habitus may be unconscious yet defining for the behavior of the agents. The Article aims to identify which continuities of the judicial habitus are apparent in the current judiciary. To demonstrate changes in the position of the judiciary, it presents a thesis of the development of the judiciary from an instrument of the governing party in maintaining a homogenous and subordinated society to the current situation of the Slovak judiciary, defined as a crisis of mental independence resulting in inappropriate behavior and corruption.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 12-25
Ana Fauzia ◽  
Fathul Hamdani ◽  
Deva Octavia

It can be called that the dynamics of national and state life in Indonesia are increasingly being tested by the same problem. For example, an outbreak of judicial corruption from the time to time, which was never ending. Law enforcers who are echoed as honorable professions, but on the other hand, these are exacerbated by the corrupt behavior of those professions. The sale and purchase of a case is no longer viewed as taboo, indeed it just looks like proper. Which means, it is a kind of a sign that the various legal regulations that normatively regulate the entire judicial process are ultimately unable to overcome the judicial corruption. The main objective of this research focuses on analysis related to efforts to revitalize the legal system in order to create an ideal rule of law as stated by Lawrance Friedman in his book namely "The Legal System: A Social Science Perspective". In this research, the method used is normative juridical using statutory, conceptual and historical approaches. The results of the research present an idea which is divided into three according to the three elements in the formation of a rule of law according to Lawrance Friedman, namely legal substance, legal structure, and legal culture. With regard to legal substance, the author provides the idea of a judicial preview as a method of validating the constitutionality of laws. Then related to the legal structure, the author provides ideas related to efforts to build morality and professionalism of law enforcement officials. Meanwhile, in terms of legal culture, the author provides ideas related to efforts to build a legal culture in society that is aware of the law and the constitution.

Zaka Firma Aditya ◽  
Sholahuddin Al-Fatih

Judicial corruption practices in Indonesia have been going on for long time. Even, according to Transparency International survey (2007), the judiciary in Indonesia ranks highest for corruption perception index. Not only that, the mode used by the judicial mafia is also increasingly modern and occurs almost in all aspects of judiciary. This research has two aims, namely: (1) to know and analyze the mode of corruption in the judicial process in Indonesia, and (2) to know and analyze the model of litigation cost control in the judicial process in Indonesia. This research is juricial-normative research which are using the statute approach and conceptual approach. From this research, it can be seen that, Typically, corrupt practices have been initiated since the registration of the cases, the establishment of judges panel, summoning witnesses and experts, negotiationg decisions and cost of copy of the decisions. Ironically, many parties are involved in the judicial corruption practices ranging from clerks, officials and employess in the judiciary and the judges themselves. However, the more modern technology can be used as an alternative solution in combating the practices of judicial corruption. One of them, by applying litigation cost control that can be integrated through whistleblowing system. In this way, the public can monitoring in real-time the trial process starting from registration fee litigation, the process of litigation until post-verdict.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 116
Susanto Susanto

<em>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of E-Court to eliminate judicial corruption activities. Actions or policies permitted by law and which are not permitted. Corruption in the administration sector is closely related to the relationship between justice seekers and individual administrative staff. The issues raised in this study are How is the systematic E-Court in Suppressing Judicial Corruption in Case Administration Management in Courts in JABODETABEK and How to Improve Administrative Management of Courts in the Future. This study uses an empirical method approach with descriptive analytical research specifications. This is because this study seeks to describe the facts of the E-Court System Effectiveness in the field of suppressing Corruption in the Court's administrative management sector and the factors faced so that it can finally describe the concept of implementing a clean court management system with technology and improvement efforts. The concept of public services must be well understood by the judiciary, because until now there are still many complaints about legal services originating from the justice seeker community. The functionalization of E-Court is not optimal because there are still many justice seekers who still do not know the existence and use of the system. The E-Court system is expected to support the realization of judicial principles that are fast, simple and inexpensive in managing case administration</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 370
Muhamad Iqbal Iqbal ◽  
Susanto Susanto ◽  
Moh Sutoro

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of E-Court to eradicate the activities of judicial corruption. Corruption in the administration sector is closely related to the relationship between justice seekers and court administration staff. The problems raised in this study are how functionalization of E-Court in eradicating judicial corruption in administrative management of cases in the courts in JABODETABEK and how to reform the management of administrative court in the future. This study uses an empirical method approach with descriptive analytical research specifications. This is because this research seeks to illustrate the facts of the effectiveness of the e-court system in eradicating corruption in the court administrative management sector. This concept of public service must be well understood by the judiciary. The functionalization of e-court is considered not optimal since many justice seekers do not know the existence and usefulness of the system. It is expected that the e-court system will support the establishment of the principle of quick, simple and low cost justice in the administrative management of cases. Keywords: E-Court, Court Administrative System, Corruption

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 383-404
Ibnu Sina Chandranegara ◽  
Syaiful Bakhri ◽  
Muhammad Ali

AbstractConstitutional Reform after fall of Soeharto’s New Order bring favorable direction for judiciary. Constitutional guarantee of judicial independence as regulated in Art 24 (1) of the 1945 Constitution, closing dark memories in the past. In addition, in Art 24 (2) of the 1945 Constitution decide the Judiciary is held by the Supreme Court and the judicial bodies below and a Constitutional Court. Such a strict direction of regulation plus the transformation of the political system in a democratic direction should bring about the implementation of the independent and autonomous judiciary. But in reality, even though in a democratic political system and constitutional arrangement affirms the guarantee of independence, but it doesn’t represent the actual situation. There some problem which still remains, such as (i) the absence of a permanent format regarding the institutional relationship between the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and Judicial Commission, and (ii) still many efforts to weaken judiciary through many ways such criminalization of judge. Referring to the problem above, then there are gaps between what “is” and what “ought”, among others, First, by changes political configuration that tend to be more democratic, the judiciary should be more autonomous. But in reality, various problems arise such as (i) disharmony in regulating the pattern of relations between judicial power actors, (ii) various attempts to criminalize judges over their decisions, (iii) judicial corruption. Second, by the constitutional guarantee of the independence of the judiciary, there will be no legislation which reduced constitutional guarantee. But in reality, many legislation or regulations that still not in line with a constitutional guarantee concerning judicial independence. This paper reviews and describes in-depth about how to implement constitutional guarantees of judicial independence under democratic consolidation after fall of new order and conceptualize its order to strengthening rule of law in IndonesiaKeyword: Judicial Reform, Judicial Independence, Judicial Accountability, Democratic Consolidation AbstrakPerubahan UUD 1945 membawa arah yang menguntungkan bagi cabang kekuasaan kehakiman di Indonesia. Penjaminan kemerdekaan kekuasaan kehakiman sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 24 (1) UUD 1945 seperti menutup ingatan kelam di masa lalu. Selain itu, dalam Pasal 24 (2) UUD 1945 yang menentukan kekuasaan kehakiman dipegang oleh Mahkamah Agung dan badan-badan peradilan di bawahnya  dan Mahkamah Konstitusi. Dengan dasar ini, tidak ada landasan hukum sedikitpun bagi Presiden atau DPR untuk mengintervensi cabang kekuasaan kehakiman. Tetapi dalam kenyataannya, meskipun dalam sistem politik yang demokratis dan pengaturan konstitusional menegaskan jaminan kemerdekaan namun kenyataannya tidak mewakili situasi aktual. Terdapat beberapa masalah yang masih tersisa, seperti (i) tidak adanya format permanen mengenai hubungan kelembagaan antara Mahkamah Agung, Mahkamah Konstitusi dan Komisi Yudisial, (ii) masih banyak upaya untuk melemahkan peradilan melalui banyak cara kriminalisasi hakim. Mengacu pada masalah di atas, maka ada kesenjangan antara apa yang senyatanya dan apa yang seharusnya antara lain, Pertama, perubahan konfigurasi politik yang cenderung lebih demokratis, kekuasaan kehakiman harus lebih otonom. Namun dalam kenyataannya, berbagai masalah muncul seperti (i) ketidakharmonisan dalam mengatur pola hubungan antara aktor kekuasaan Kehakiman, (ii) berbagai upaya untuk mengkriminalkan hakim atas keputusan mereka, (iii) berkembangnya praktek mafia peradilan. Kedua, dengan jaminan kemerdekaan kekuasaan kehakiman, seharusnya tidak akan ada undang-undang yang mengurangi jaminan kemerdekaan kekuasaan kehakiman. Namun pada kenyataannya, banyak peraturan perundang-undangan yang masih belum sejalan dengan jaminan konstitusional mengenai kemerdekaan kekuasaan kehakiman. Makalah ini bermaksud menguraikan secara mendalam tentang bagaimana menerapkan jaminan konstitusional atas kemerdekaan kekuasaan kehakiman dalam masa konsolidasi demokrasi pasca jatuhnya orde baru dan mengkonseptualisasikan agenda reformasi peradilan untuk memperkuat supremasi hukum di IndonesiaKeyword: Reformasi peradilan, kemerdekaan kekuasaan kehakiman, reformasi peradilan, konsolidasi reformasi АннотацияКонституционная реформа после падения Нового Порядка (New Order) Сухарто дала благоприятное направление для судебной власти. Конституционная гарантия на независимость судебной власти, регулируемая статьей 24 (1) Конституции 1945 года, позволяет оставить мрачные воспоминания в прошлом. Кроме того, в статье 24 (2) Конституции 1945 года определено, что судебная власть находится в ведении Верховного Суда, нижестоящих судебных органов и Конституционного Суда. Такие строгие нормативные директивы в сочетании с трансформацией политической системы в демократическом направлении должны привести к созданию независимой и автономной судебной власти. Но на самом деле, хотя в демократической политической системе и конституционных механизмах закрепляется гарантия независимости, онa не отражает реальную ситуацию. Существует ряд нерешенных вопросов, таких как (i) отсутствие постоянного формата об институциональных отношениях между Верховным Судом, Конституционным Судом и Судебной Комиссией, и (ii) по-прежнему предпринимаются многочисленные попытки ослабить судебную власть многими средствами, такими как криминализация судей. Ссылаясь на вышеупомянутую проблему, существует разрыв между тем, что «есть» и что «должно быть», среди прочего: во-первых, изменяя политические конфигурации, которые имеют тенденцию быть более демократичными, судебная власть должна быть более автономной. Во-вторых, с конституционной гарантией на независимость судебной власти не будет закона, который ограничивал бы конституционные гарантии. В этой статье рассматривается и подробно объясняется, как реализовать конституционные гарантии независимости судебной власти после политического преобразования и концептуализировать его порядок для укрепления верховенства закона в Индонезии.Ключевые слова: независимость судебной власти, судебная ответственность, судебная реформа

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