mechanisms of toxicity
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Madalena Cipriano ◽  
Katharina Schlünder ◽  
Christopher Probst ◽  
Kirstin Linke ◽  
Martin Weiss ◽  

AbstractDisorders of the eye leading to visual impairment are a major issue that affects millions of people. On the other side ocular toxicities were described for e.g. molecularly targeted therapies in oncology and may hamper their development. Current ocular model systems feature a number of limitations affecting human-relevance and availability. To find new options for pharmacological treatment and assess mechanisms of toxicity, hence, novel complex model systems that are human-relevant and readily available are urgently required. Here, we report the development of a human immunocompetent Choroid-on-Chip (CoC), a human cell-based in vitro model of the choroid layer of the eye integrating melanocytes and microvascular endothelial cells, covered by a layer of retinal pigmented epithelial cells. Immunocompetence is achieved by perfusion of peripheral immune cells. We demonstrate controlled immune cell recruitment into the stromal compartments through a vascular monolayer and in vivo-like cytokine release profiles. To investigate applicability for both efficacy testing of immunosuppressive compounds as well as safety profiling of immunoactivating antibodies, we exposed the CoCs to cyclosporine and tested CD3 bispecific antibodies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Albert Serrano ◽  
Jessica L. Guyette ◽  
Joel B. Heim ◽  
Michael Taylor ◽  
Patrick Cherubin ◽  

AbstractCholera toxin (CT) and Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) are structurally similar AB5-type protein toxins. They move from the cell surface to the endoplasmic reticulum where the A1 catalytic subunit is separated from its holotoxin by protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), thus allowing the dissociated A1 subunit to enter the cytosol for a toxic effect. Despite similar mechanisms of toxicity, CT is more potent than LT. The difference has been attributed to a more stable domain assembly for CT as compared to LT, but this explanation has not been directly tested and is arguable as toxin disassembly is an indispensable step in the cellular action of these toxins. We show here that PDI disassembles CT more efficiently than LT, which provides a possible explanation for the greater potency of the former toxin. Furthermore, direct examination of CT and LT domain assemblies found no difference in toxin stability. Using novel analytic geometry approaches, we provide a detailed characterization of the positioning of the A subunit with respect to the B pentamer and demonstrate significant differences in the interdomain architecture of CT and LT. Protein docking analysis further suggests that these global structural differences result in distinct modes of PDI-toxin interactions. Our results highlight previously overlooked structural differences between CT and LT that provide a new model for the PDI-assisted disassembly and differential potency of these toxins.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-8
George P. Philipopoulos ◽  
John Tat ◽  
Adriano Chan ◽  
Jingjing Jiang ◽  
David Mukai ◽  

Fernando Wendel Franco ◽  
Maíra Casali Malonn

Acetaminophen (Tylenol®) or APAP is a widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug responsible for many cases of intoxication, suicide, and liver toxicity. Due to its toxicity mechanisms are not yet fully elucidated and this literature review aims to objectively bring some of the most recent and relevant scientific discoveries that can help in the understanding of the subject. After being ingested, paracetamol is absorbed and begins to be digested in the stomach, then being metabolized by the liver through phase I and phase II (glucuronyltransferases and sulfotransferases). When present in excess in the body, APAP forms an active metabolite known as N-acetyl-para-benzoquinone-imine (NAPQI). This metabolite is a reactive species capable of binding to living cells and proteins causing damages, which are largely responsible for injuries, especially in the liver. As a conclusion of this study, it can be inferred that the lesions caused by acetaminophen, in addition to protein adducts, also extend to mitochondria and proteins. New markers, in addition to enzymes already known from the CYP families, also include proteins and cytokines, in addition to molecular methods, messenger RNA and micro RNA have been used to study hepatotoxicity by APAP. This makes it easier to deeply understand the mechanisms of toxicity induced by acetaminophen and then to advance in studies with new therapies.

Metallomics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Natalie Gugala ◽  
Daniel A Salazar-Alemán ◽  
Gordon Chua ◽  
Raymond J Turner

Abstract The competitive toxic and stress inducing nature of copper necessitates systems that sequester and export this metal from the cytoplasm of bacterial cells. Several predicted mechanisms of toxicity include the production of reactive oxygen species, thiol depletion, DNA and iron-sulfur cluster disruption. Accompanying these mechanisms include pathways of homeostasis such as chelation, oxidation, and transport. Still, the mechanisms of copper resistance and sensitivity are not fully understood. Furthermore, studies fail to recognize that the response to copper is likely a result of numerous mechanisms, as in the case for homeostasis, in which proteins and enzymes work as a collective to maintain appropriate copper concentrations. In this study we used the Keio collection, an array of 3985 Escherichia coli mutants, each with a deleted non-essential gene, to gain a better understanding of prolonged copper exposure. In short, we recovered two copper homeostatic gene and genes involved in transporting and assembling to be involved in mediating prolonged copper stress under the conditions assessed. The gene coding for the protein TolC was uncovered as a sensitive hit and we demonstrated that tolC, an outer membrane efflux channel, is key in mitigating copper sensitivity. Additionally, the activity of tRNA processing was enriched and the deletion of several proteins involved in import generated copper tolerance. Lastly, key genes belonging to central carbon metabolism and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide biosynthesis were uncovered as tolerant hits. Overall, this study shows that copper sensitivity and tolerance are a result of numerous mechanisms acting in combination within the cell.

Barsha Roy ◽  
P. K. Suresh

Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections in humans and animals and also act as a growth promoter for poultry. Due to incomplete metabolism, these antibiotics are excreted in the environment in their parental forms and accumulates in the aquatic ecosystem. Besides the evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, these drugs can damage non-target organisms. Green algae are highly sensitive to different antibiotics. Damage in the algal population will cause imbalances in the ecosystems. Till now, the mechanisms of antibiotic toxicity towards algae have not been completely elucidated. It was observed that antibiotics mainly affected the photosynthetic machinery and decreased the carbon fixation process, finally resulting in algal growth inhibition. This present review deals with antibiotics classification, various routes of antibiotics exposure to the freshwater environment, sensitivity towards the different classes of antibiotics, possible Mode-of-Action (MOA) on algal systems, and gaps that need to be filled. Significant gaps include the unavailability of proper eco-toxicological data for antibiotics. Moreover, they exist in nature as complex mixtures, and their behavior in the ecosystem may vastly differ from the parent molecules. To improve our understanding of antibiotic responses mechanism in real-life scenarios, mixture toxicity studies may be the first step.

Mostafa Moradi Sarabi ◽  
Esmaeel Babaeenezhad ◽  
Maral Amini ◽  
Mozhgan Kaviani ◽  
Fakhraddin Naghibalhossaini

: Bilirubin is the main waste product of heme catabolism. At high concentrations, bilirubin may cause toxicity, especially in the brain, kidney, and erythrocytes. Membrane and mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, apoptosis, necrosis, endoplasmic reticulum stress, excitotoxicity, inflammation, and epigenetic modifications are the main mechanisms of toxicity triggered by bilirubin in susceptible organs. Many studies have shown that there is an interaction between bilirubin and epigenetic modifications in metabolic and immune diseases. In this review, we first outline the toxicity mediated by bilirubin and then summarize the current knowledge linking bilirubin and epigenetic modifications in metabolic and immunometabolic disorders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Sharifah Anoar ◽  
Nathaniel S. Woodling ◽  
Teresa Niccoli

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are neurodegenerative disorders characterized by declining motor and cognitive functions. Even though these diseases present with distinct sets of symptoms, FTD and ALS are two extremes of the same disease spectrum, as they show considerable overlap in genetic, clinical and neuropathological features. Among these overlapping features, mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with both FTD and ALS. Recent studies have shown that cells derived from patients’ induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC)s display mitochondrial abnormalities, and similar abnormalities have been observed in a number of animal disease models. Drosophila models have been widely used to study FTD and ALS because of their rapid generation time and extensive set of genetic tools. A wide array of fly models have been developed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of toxicity for mutations associated with FTD/ALS. Fly models have been often instrumental in understanding the role of disease associated mutations in mitochondria biology. In this review, we discuss how mutations associated with FTD/ALS disrupt mitochondrial function, and we review how the use of Drosophila models has been pivotal to our current knowledge in this field.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026119292110525
Anaguiven Avalos-Soriano ◽  
Alejandra García-Gasca ◽  
Beatriz Yáñez-Rivera

Two cell lines derived from the brain and heart of a Pacific white snook specimen ( Centropomus viridis) were developed and evaluated in terms of their responsiveness to glyphosate-induced cytotoxicity. The cells were grown in Leibovitz-15 (L-15) medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and were passaged 36 times. Growth was tested at different concentrations of FBS (5, 10 and 20%) at 27°C. The cell lines were cryopreserved at different passages and were successfully thawed, with a survival rate greater than 80% without detectable contamination. At passage 36, the cells were used to assess the deleterious effects of glyphosate, and cell proliferation was measured by direct counting and with the MTT assay. Similar LC50 values were obtained with both methods. Although the principles behind these two assessment methods differ, our results show that both are suitable for evaluating glyphosate toxicity. In addition, heart- and brain-derived cells showed similar sensitivity, suggesting that the same mode of action might be responsible for the toxicity of glyphosate at the cellular level. The newly developed Pacific white snook brain and heart cell lines could be useful to investigate cellular and molecular mechanisms of toxicity, satisfying the need to reduce the use of animals in experiments. Glyphosate-related toxicological data obtained in the present study will allow us to continue investigating the effects of this herbicide directly on brain and heart fish cells since similar studies have only been carried out on either live organisms or on human cell lines such as neuroblastoma, which are immortalised by oncogenes or similar.

Justin A. Veeder ◽  
Lauren N. Hothem ◽  
Amber E. Cipriani ◽  
Brian C. Jensen ◽  
Jo E. Rodgers

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