system equation
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Alperen Pekdemir ◽  
Ali Bekir Yildiz

Purpose This paper aims to propose a new unified and non-ideal switch model for analysis of switching circuits. Design/methodology/approach The model has a single unified structure that includes all possible states (on, off) of the switches. The analysis with the proposed switch model requires only one topology and uses the single system equation regardless of states of switches. Moreover, to improve accuracy, the model contains the on-state resistance and capacitive effect of switches. The system equations and the states of switches are updated by control variables, used in the model. Findings There are no restrictions on circuit topology and switch connections. Switches can be internally and externally controlled. The non-ideal nature of the model allows the switch to be modeled more realistically and eliminates the drawbacks of the ideal switch concept. After modeling with the proposed switch model, a linear circuit is obtained. Two examples related to switching circuits are included into the study. The results confirm the accuracy of the model. Originality/value This paper contributes a different switch model for analysis of switching converters to the literature. The main advantage of the model is that it has a unified and non-ideal property. With the proposed switch model, the transient events, like voltage spikes and high-frequency noises, caused by inductor and capacitor elements at switching instants can be observed properly.

2021 ◽  
pp. 152808372110545
Rochak Rathour ◽  
Apurba Das ◽  
Ramasamy Alagirusamy

During an operation, the turnout gear for firefighters must meet two important requirements: thermal protection and comfort. As comfort and protection are inherently incompatible, it is impossible to satisfy both. As part of this study, the outer layer of multilayered turnout suits was analyzed under the influence of various factors such as intensity of heat flux, pick density, and air space between the fabric and the sensor. Choosing Nomex IIIA was based on its inherent properties that are conductive to thermal protection. To simulate the environment encountered during firefighting, benchtop experiments were designed. A system equation for the prediction of the protection time (t-protection) was developed based on a three-factor and three-level Box–Behnken model. The predicted values of t-protection obtained for all the experimental blocks in the design space were subjected to ANOVA analysis which showed that the system equation, as well as the coefficients of linear interactive and square terms, is significant, so the system equation can be efficiently used for predicting t-protection. The validity of the system equation was verified by using the same experimental blocks and estimating t-protection using the Stoll criteria. The accuracy of the system equation was checked by comparing t-protection and t*-protection which revealed a linear relationship with a high correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.975). To analyze the effects of the independent variables on protection time, 3D surface response curves were created. The nature of the surfaces was critically analyzed by developing regression equations for the contours and the diagonals.

Janusz Czelakowski

AbstractAction theory may be regarded as a theoretical foundation of AI, because it provides in a logically coherent way the principles of performing actions by agents. But, more importantly, action theory offers a formal ontology mainly based on set-theoretic constructs. This ontology isolates various types of actions as structured entities: atomic, sequential, compound, ordered, situational actions etc., and it is a solid and non-removable foundation of any rational activity. The paper is mainly concerned with a bunch of issues centered around the notion of performability of actions. It seems that the problem of performability of actions, though of basic importance for purely practical applications, has not been investigated in the literature in a systematic way thus far. This work, being a companion to the book as reported (Czelakowski in Freedom and enforcement in action. Elements of formal action theory, Springer 2015), elaborates the theory of performability of actions based on relational models and formal constructs borrowed from formal lingusistics. The discussion of performability of actions is encapsulated in the form of a strict logical system "Equation missing". This system is semantically defined in terms of its intended models in which the role of actions of various types (atomic, sequential and compound ones) is accentuated. Since due to the nature of compound actions the system "Equation missing" is not finitary, other semantic variants of "Equation missing" are defined. The focus in on the system "Equation missing" of performability of finite compound actions. An adequate axiom system for "Equation missing" is defined. The strong completeness theorem is the central result. The role of the canonical model in the proof of the completeness theorem is highlighted. The relationship between performability of actions and dynamic logic is also discussed.

Zhen Chen ◽  
Pudong Sun ◽  
Tommy H. T. Chan ◽  
Ling Yu

Moving force identification (MFI) from dynamic responses of bridges is a typical inverse problem with ill-posedness. Under the efforts of researchers, some regularization methods have been presented to solve the ill-posed problem, but there still lacks an effective index to reveal the ill-posedness of the vehicle–bridge dynamic system such that it can be utilized as a guidance for the regularization parameter selection. In this paper, an ill-posedness indicator (IPI) defined as the ratio of the Fourier coefficient to the singular value is adopted to reveal the ill-posedness in the MFI problem. Simulation results show that the larger the IPI value is, the more obvious the ill-posedness of the vehicle–bridge system equation, namely, the intrinsic factor of ill-posedness in MFI is attributed to very large IPI value. The maximum IPI value increases with the increasing noise level, which leads directly to the ill-posedness of the vehicle–bridge system equation. In addition, a relative percentage error (RPE) is used to select the optimal regularization parameters, while evaluating the ill-posedness existing in the MFI. Using the proposed IPI value, the influence of ill-posedness on identified results is evaluated in this study, which can assist qualitatively and quantitatively in selecting optimal regularization parameters and proper regularization methods.

Zilin Nie ◽  
Yanming Nie

The mind-body problem is the central issue in both of philosophy and life science for several centuries. To date, there is still no conclusive theory to interpret the relation between the mind and the body, even just the mind alone. Here, we promote a novel model, a derived mathematic equation called the entropic system equation, to describe the innate characters of the mind and the mechanism of the mind-body coupling phenomenon. As the semi-open thermodynamic systems far from equilibrium, the living organisms could be logically considered as an entropic system. In the living organisms or the entropic systems, there also are three essential existing elements including mass, energy and information, in which the mind and the body are hypothetically coupled by free energy and entropic force.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Yu Hua ◽  
Na Wang ◽  
Keyou Zhao

The classical recursive three-step filter can be used to estimate the state and unknown input when the system is affected by unknown input, but the recursive three-step filter cannot be applied when the unknown input distribution matrix is not of full column rank. In order to solve the above problem, this paper proposes two novel filters according to the linear minimum-variance unbiased estimation criterion. Firstly, while the unknown input distribution matrix in the output equation is not of full column rank, a novel recursive three-step filter with direct feedthrough was proposed. Then, a novel recursive three-step filter was developed when the unknown input distribution matrix in the system equation is not of full column rank. Finally, the specific recursive steps of the corresponding filters are summarized. And the simulation results show that the proposed filters can effectively estimate the system state and unknown input.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
Angga Septiyana

This paper discusses the stability, control and observation of the dynamic system of the Lapan Surveillance UAV 05-NG (LSU 05-NG) aircraft equation. This analysis is important to determine the performance of aircraft when carrying out missions such as photography, surveillance, observation and as a scientific platform to test communication based on satellite. Before analyzing the dynamic system, first arranged equations of motion of the plane which includes the force equation, moment equation and kinematics equation. The equation of motion of the aircraft obtained by the equation of motion of the longitudinal and lateral directional dimensions. Each of these equations of motion will be linearized to obtain state space conditions. In this state space, A, B and C is linear matrices will be obtained in the time domain. The results of the analysis of matrices A, B and C show that the dynamic system in the LSU 05-NG motion equation is a stable system on the longitudinal dimension but on the lateral dimension directional on the unstable spiral mode. As for the analysis of the control of both the longitudinal and lateral directional dimensions, the results show that the system is controlled.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (15) ◽  
pp. 2050233
Guodong Ye ◽  
Kaixin Jiao ◽  
Huishan Wu ◽  
Chen Pan ◽  
Xiaoling Huang

Herein, an asymmetric image encryption algorithm based on RSA cryptosystem and a fractional-order chaotic system is proposed. Its security depends on RSA algorithm. First, a pair of public and private keys is generated by RSA algorithm. Subsequently, a random message shown as plaintext key information is encrypted by the public key and RSA to achieve ciphertext key information. Next, a new transformation map is established to generate the initial key according to the ciphertext key information. Subsequently, the initial key is substituted into a fractional hyperchaotic system equation to calculate the keystream. Finally, permutation and diffusion operations are employed to encrypt a plain image to obtain the final cipher image. In the proposed algorithm, different keys for encryption and decryption are designed under an asymmetric architecture. The RSA algorithm and fractional chaotic system are combined to encrypt images; in particular, a fast algorithm for computing power multiplication is employed, which significantly improves the encryption effect and enhances the security. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is effective and applicable to image protection.

Mustefa Jibril ◽  
Messay Tadese ◽  
Fiseha Bogale

In this paper, the stability control of the inverted pendulum on a cart with a disturbance forces has been done using observer based and full state feedback H2 controllers. The Lagrangian equation has been used to model the system equation of motions and linearized the system to the unstable upward position. Comparison of the system stability has been simulated by comparing the proposed controllers using Matlab/Scripts and a promising results has been analyzed successfully.

Mustefa Jibril ◽  
Messay Tadese ◽  
Fiseha Bogale

In this paper, the stability control of the inverted pendulum on a cart with a disturbance forces has been done using observer based and full state feedback H2 controllers. The Lagrangian equation has been used to model the system equation of motions and linearized the system to the unstable upward position. Comparison of the system stability has been simulated by comparing the proposed controllers using Matlab/Scripts and a promising results has been analyzed successfully.

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