fracture surface
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Amanzhol Kubeyev ◽  
Nathaniel Forbes Inskip ◽  
Tomos Phillips ◽  
Yihuai Zhang ◽  
Christine Maier ◽  

AbstractFlow in fractures is sensitive to their geometrical surface characteristics. The surface can undergo deformation if there is a change in stress. Natural fractures have complex geometries and rough surfaces which complicates the modelling of deformation and fluid flow. In this paper, we present a computational model that takes a digital image of a rough fracture surface and provides a stress–permeability relationship. The model is based on a first-principle contact mechanics approach at the continuum scale. Using this first principle approach, we investigate numerically the effect of fracture surface roughness and shifting of surfaces on the permeability evolution under applied stress and compare the results with laboratory experiments. A mudrock core fracture surface was digitalized using an optical microscope, and 2D cross sections through fracture surface profiles were taken for the modelling. Mechanical deformation is simulated with the contact mechanics based Virtual Element Method solver that we developed within the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox platform. The permeability perpendicular to the fracture cross section is determined by solving the Stokes equation using the Finite Volume Method. A source of uncertainty in reproducing laboratory results is that the exact anchoring of the two opposite surfaces is difficult to determine while the stress–permeability relationship is sensitive to the exact positioning. We, therefore, investigate the sensitivity to a mismatch in two scenarios: First, we assess the stress–permeability of a fracture created using two opposing matched surfaces from the rock sample, consequently applying relative shear. Second, we assess the stress–permeability of fractures created by randomly selecting opposing surfaces from that sample. We find that a larger shift leads to a smaller drop in permeability due to applied stress, which is in line with a previous laboratory study. We also find that permeability tends to be higher in fractures with higher roughness within the investigated stress range. Finally, we provide empirical stress–permeability relationships for various relative shears and roughnesses for use in hydro-mechanical studies of fractured geological formations.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Zuping Xiang ◽  
Yangyang Ding ◽  
Xiang Ao ◽  
Zhicong Zhong ◽  
Zhijun Li ◽  

After large-scale sand fracturing of horizontal wells in shale gas reservoir, fracturing fractures will deform in the production process. However, fracture deformation will lead to the decrease in fracture conductivity and then cause the decrease of gas well productivity. Therefore, in order to evaluate the fracturing fracture deformation mechanism of shale reservoirs, the shale proppant-supported fracture deformation evaluation experiments were carried out under different proppant types, particle sizes, sanding concentrations, and closure pressure conditions, respectively, and the variation curves of fracture width was calculated by a stereomicroscope under different experimental conditions. Then based on the experimental results, the fracture sensitivity factors and fracture deformation mechanism were analyzed, and the deformation mechanisms of fracturing fractures affected by proppant embedding and crushing were studied emphatically. The analysis results of fracture sensitivity factors indicate that the larger the particle size and hardness of proppant, the lower the sand concentration, proppant embedded on the shale rock surface. Moreover, the deeper the proppant is embedded, the faster the fracture conductivity decreases. In addition, the greater the closure pressure, the more serious is the proppant embedment, and the faster the fracture width decreases. The analysis results of fracture deformation mechanism show that, on the on hand, under variable closure pressure, the proppant with larger hardness and larger particle size is used for fracturing, and the proppant embedded in the fracture surface is the main cause of fracture deformation. However, if only the sand concentration of the proppant in the fracture is changed, the fracture deformation is jointly dominated by the embedding and crushing of the proppant. On the other hand, under constant closure pressure, the main mechanism of fracture deformation is that the proppant is embedded into the fracture surface when the closure pressure is low, but if the closure pressure is high, the main mechanism of fracture deformation is the crushing and compaction of proppant.

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Xiucheng Li ◽  
Guangyi Lu ◽  
Qichen Wang ◽  
Jingxiao Zhao ◽  
Zhenjia Xie ◽  

The effects of prior austenite grain (PAG) refinement on the mechanical properties of bainitic/martensitic steels not only come from itself, but also have more complex effects by affecting the substructure formed by coherent transformation. In this study, the samples of a low-alloy steel were water quenched from different austenitizing temperatures and the bainitic/martensitic microstructures with different PAG sizes were obtained. Electron back-scattered diffraction was used to characterize the microstructure and different types of boundaries were identified and quantitatively analyzed. The tensile tests and series temperature Charpy impact tests of different heat treatment were also carried out and comprehensively analyzed with microstructure characterization works. The results show that the uniform refinement of prior austenite grain can increases the density of packet boundary and block boundary, which leads to microstructure refinement with higher density of high-angle grain boundaries with misorientation >45°. The contribution of this microstructure refinement to toughness is significant, but its contributions to strength and elongation are relatively limited. Compared to uniform refined PAG, if the PAGs are mixed crystal, the density of block boundary will be reduced, which leads to a lower density of the high-angle boundary with misorientation >45° and the positive effects of microstructure refinement on toughness improvement are weakened. The observation of fracture surface of impact specimens indicates that refining the PAG can delay the tendency of brittle fracture with the decrease in test temperature, and even in the case of brittle fracture, the cleavage facet of the fracture surface is relatively smaller. This result also verifies that PAG refinement can effectively improve toughness by inhibiting cleavage fracture.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 80
Wojciech Macek ◽  
Ricardo Branco ◽  
José Domingos Costa ◽  
Jarosław Trembacz

The present study evaluates the fracture surface response of fatigued 34CrNiMo6 steel bars with transverse blind holes subjected to bending with torsion loading. The analysis of the geometric product specification was performed by means of height parameters Sx, functional volume parameters Vx, and fractal dimension Df. Surface topography measurements were carried out using an optical profilometer with focus variation technology. The experimental results show that the doubling the bending to torsion moment ratio B/T from B/T = 1 to B/T = 2, maintaining the same normal stress amplitude, greatly reduces both Sa, Vv as well as the fractal dimension Df of the analyzed specimen fractures by 32.1%, 29.8%, and 16.0%, respectively. However, as expected, a two-fold increase in the B/T ratio, maintaining the same normal stress amplitude, resulted in a larger number of cycles to fatigue crack initiation, Ni, which can be explained by the lower shear stress level. These experiments prove that parameters Sx, Vx, Df are smaller for larger Ni values, which is an important finding. In addition, it was found a high consistency of surface topography measurements for the two sides of the broken specimens. The proposed methodology is both reliable and applicable for other engineering applications involving different geometries and loading conditions.

2021 ◽  
Hesham Hussein ◽  
Shady Badran

Abstract The HFLs for the Zohr Phase 1 project contains a cobra head at each end that incorporates the female couplers and the locking mechanism. Beginning in February 2020, and with the most recent incident recorded in September 2020, a total of 4 supplied HFL reaction drive shafts (RDS) failed subsea, resulting in partial separation of the HFL cobra heads from their respective fixed stabplates with a loss of hydraulic supply pressure and subsequent automatic well shut ins. HFL failures occurred on both the XT and HIPPS side of the HFLs on 3 different well sites. A further RDS tested at the laboratory from the UTA end of an HFL showed signs of microscopic cracking consistent with the failed specimens suggesting it may have had the potential to lead to a failure in the future. The failed HFLs were retrieved and returned onshore, the HFL locking mechanism was stripped down to gain access to the failed ends of the RDS and a visual inspection was performed. The initial inspection after partial disassembly to reveal the inside of the HFL locking mechanism identified that the RDS had completely failed at a location on the threaded portion of the RDS. Surface deposits were collected from each probe surfaces and analysed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), together with energy- dispersive X-ray (EDX). A piece 10mm long was taken from each of the four probes for quantitative chemical analysis. Standard tensile and Charpy V-notch impact and Vickers hardness surveys have been conducted. Each of the failed probe exhibited an intergranular fracture surface morphology. This was confirmed through metallography/EBSD. No single initiation site was located on fracture surfaces, although some regions showed a mixed fractographic morphology, with some small areas of micro-void coalescence. Secondary intergranular cracking and corrosion was apparent at various locations, in each of the failed probes, including in thread roots, in samples 183 and 188, and just above the thread, in sample 052. These observations points towards an environmentally assisted cracking mechanism (i.e. stress corrosion cracking). Metallography revealed two layers within surface films, both in cracks and on the fracture surface: an inner layer, rich in nickel, sulphur and aluminium, and an outer, rich in copper and sulphur. Mechanical testing and chemical analysis revealed consistent results across the probes. The probe material was specified as Nibron Special (CuNi14Al3/DIN 2.1504) with a size of 2inch. Would be challenging to get the full root cause of using this material for subsea applications as it is resistant to seawater. Another factor contributed allows risk of material failure which should be eliminated for all subsea industry or taken into consideration to avoid further failures.

2021 ◽  
Yevgeniy Samarkin ◽  
Murtada Saleh Aljawad ◽  
Abduljamiu Olalekan Amao ◽  
Theis Ivan Sølling ◽  
Khalid Al-Ramadan ◽  

Abstract Hydraulic fracturing is applied in tight formations to create conductive paths within the reservoir. However, the conductivity of the created fractures declines with time due to the closure stresses. The decline is sharp in soft formations because of proppant embedment and fracture surface asperities failure. The improvement in fracture surface hardness can mitigate the abovementioned challenges and sustain the fracture conductivity. This research targeted enhancing carbonate rock's hardness by forming minerals harder than calcite. Carbonate rocks, namely dolomite, limestone, and chalk, were treated at ambient temperature conditions by immersion into the aqueous solutions of NaF and ZnSO4 with a concentration of 0.1M. During treatment, the solution was sampled to monitor the changes in ion concentration and estimate the reaction kinetics by ICP - OES and IC devices. The hardness of rock samples was measured by impulse hammering technique before and after the treatment. The changes in rock's mineralogy and elemental content were studied by XRD and SEM imaging. The permeability of rocks was estimated by the steady-state gas injection method. The formation of smithsonite (ZnCO3, Mohs scale hardness - 4.5) and fluorite (CaF2, Mohs scale hardness - 4) was achieved in the reaction of calcite (CaCO3, Mohs scale hardness – 3) with ZnSO4 and NaF, respectively. Chalk and limestone reacted efficiently with both solutions; however, the dolomite reaction with solutions was feeble. XRD detected the newly formed smithsonite minerals, and it was observed in SEM images that minerals formed an interconnected net in chalk and limestone specimens. In dolomite samples, the minerals formed isolated gatherings that were sparsely located on the grains. The treatments caused the improvement of the rock specimen's hardness. 0.1M solution of NaF was not effective in strengthening the rock samples (only chalk sample experienced 6.7% improvement in hardness) because of low concentration of the solutions used; however, treatment resulted in negligible changes in permeability of the samples. In contrast, Young's modulus of limestone and chalk treated by ZnSO4 increased by 17% and 21%. Permeability of rocks treated by ZnSO4 reduced drastically, most likely due to the formation of gypsum as a byproduct of the reaction. This research presents a method for carbonate rock hardening via the transformation of parent calcite into harder minerals. It explains its possible application in the petroleum industry to sustain the conductivity of propped/acid fractures. The proposed technique will help to mitigate fracture conductivity decline due to proppant embedment and asperities failure issues that are especially severe in soft formations.

Machines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 339
Shuailong Lian ◽  
Jiashen Li ◽  
Fei Gan ◽  
Jing Bi ◽  
Chaolin Wang ◽  

Freezing–thawing action has a great impact on the physical and mechanical deterioration processes of rock materials in cold areas where environmental changes are very complicated. The direct shear test under unloading normal stress was adopted to investigate the shear mechanical behavior of sandstone samples after a freezing–thawing cycle in this paper. The failure shear displacement (Dsf), the failure normal displacement (Dnf), the shear displacement of unloading (Dsu), and the normal displacement of unloading (Dnu) were analyzed to describe the evolution of shear and normal deformation during the test. The results indicated that the shear displacement increased as the freezing–thawing cycle duration increased in a direct shear test under unloading normal stress. The unloading rate and the number of freezing–thawing cycles affected the failure pattern of the rock sample significantly in both the direct shear test under unloading normal stress and the direct shear test. The three-dimensional inclination angle, the distortion coefficient, and the roughness correlation coefficient of the fracture surface are dependent on the number of freezing–thawing cycles and the unloading rate. The surface average gradient mode of the fracture surface decreased as the freezing–thawing cycle times and unloading rate rose.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 7504
Pan Liu ◽  
Yan Song ◽  
Mengyu Chai ◽  
Zelin Han ◽  
Yu Zhang

The precise identification of micro-features on 2.25Cr1Mo0.25V steel is of great significance for understanding the mechanism of hydrogen embrittlement (HE) and evaluating the alloy’s properties of HE resistance. Presently, the convolution neural network (CNN) of deep learning is widely applied in the micro-features identification of alloy. However, with the development of the transformer in image recognition, the transformer-based neural network performs better on the learning of global and long-range semantic information than CNN and achieves higher prediction accuracy. In this work, a new transformer-based neural network model Swin–UNet++ was proposed. Specifically, the architecture of the decoder was redesigned to more precisely detect and identify the micro-feature with complex morphology (i.e., dimples) of 2.25Cr1Mo0.25V steel fracture surface. Swin–UNet++ and other segmentation models performed state-of-the-art (SOTA) were compared on the dimple dataset constructed in this work, which consists of 830 dimple scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images on 2.25Cr1Mo0.25V steel fracture surface. The segmentation results show Swin–UNet++ not only realizes the accurate identification of dimples but displays a much higher prediction accuracy and stronger robustness than Swin–Unet and UNet. Moreover, efforts from this work will also provide an important reference value to the identification of other micro-features with complex morphologies.

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