simultaneous development
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2021 ◽  
pp. 074355842110621
Brian D. Christens ◽  
Kathryn Y. Morgan ◽  
Erika Ruiz ◽  
Alicia Aguayo ◽  
Tom Dolan

Through youth organizing initiatives, young people conduct research into social issues and build power to address these issues. This study examines the developmental interplay between the cognitive components of two of the most influential civic developmental constructs—critical consciousness and psychological empowerment—through analysis of interviews with 19 current and former participants in a youth organizing initiative in San Bernardino, CA, all of whom identify as Latinx. Most participants clearly articulated viewpoints consonant with the cognitive components of critical consciousness and psychological empowerment, but these were much more pronounced among those who had been involved for longer periods of time. Findings provide insights into distinctions and crosscurrents between critical reflection and cognitive empowerment, and into the settings and processes leading to their development. Cycles of action and reflection can support the simultaneous development of critical reflection and cognitive empowerment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 52-54
A. B. Lliin ◽  
E. V. Malakhova

Health condition of 137 f emale with genital endometriosis before hormonal therapy and under the influence of antagonists ( danazol) and agonists of gonadotropic hormones (gozerelin, decapeptyl, buserelin) treatment was studied. Frequent association of genital endometriosis and benign breast tumors (91 % ) and e fficiency of using antagonists and agonists of gonadotropins in the occasions of the simultaneous development of hyperplasic processes in the reproductive system were revealed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 133-142
Sabindra Raj Bhandari ◽  

This paper explores the concordances and the coincidences in the theories and doctrines of Bodhisattva and Messiah. The doctrines of Bodhisattva dominantly prevail in Buddhism, in its scriptures, and the literature about it. Likewise, the concept of the Messiah is also equally pervasive in the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible. The theories and doctrines of Bodhisattva and Messiah have coincidences and concordances in their essence. They both accord in their ideals and missions to lead humankind to salvation, redemption, and Nirvana or enlightenment. Despite the differences, both Bodhisattva and Messiah have a similar primal grounding on sacrifice and renunciation to liberate and redeem humankind. To accomplish this goal, both depict themselves as the saviours. Therefore, it is essential to recognize that the fundamental doctrines of Bodhisattva and Messiah are not only just because of random development; rather the crosscurrents between the two religions enriched the theories and ideas about them. The simultaneous development of these two religions has harmonized the concepts of Bodhisattva and Messiah. By providing a new outlook, this study adds the qualitative insights of the knowledge about these two aspects from Buddhism and Christianity. The congruity in their ideas demonstrates how the different roads lead to the same destination of truth and reality. To meet the objectives, this article has applied the qualitative approach to research. So, comparative research design and thematic analysis method have been implemented to formulate new interpretations while exploring the concurrences in the theories and doctrines of Bodhisattva and Messiah.

Yusuke Matsune ◽  
Katsuki Yaguchi ◽  
Shin Saito ◽  
Hideya Sakakibara ◽  
Yoshiaki Inayama ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 116-123
Елена Геннадьевна Леонтьева

Рассмотрены вопросы необходимости развития у студентов-центениалов профессиональных, надпрофессиональных и самостоятельных навыков. Представлены результаты четырехлетней (с 2017 по 2021 г.) работы со студентами инженерной школы информационных технологий и робототехники в рамках образовательного курса «Предприимчивость». За этот период в исследовании приняло участие более 400 студентов 2-го курса в возрасте 19–20 лет, из них 93 % – мужчины. География респондентов представлена от Калининграда до Благовещенска, включая Томскую, Новосибирскую, Кемеровскую области, Алтайский и Красноярский края, Республику Алтай и Республику Бурятию, а также в исследовании приняли участие иностранные студенты из Казахстана, Китая и Вьетнама. Предложены возможные модели подготовки специалистов, способствующие формированию профессиональных (твердых), надпрофессиональных (мягких) и самостоятельных навыков у студентов-центениалов. The article deals with the question of building hard, soft and self-skills among students – centennials. The article presents the results of four – year (from 2017 to 2021) work with students of the School of computer sciences and robotics as part of educational course “Entrepreneurial behavior”. During this period, more than 400 students of the 2nd year, aged 19–20 years, took part in the study, of which 93 % were men. The geography of respondents is presented from Kaliningrad to Blagoveshchensk, including Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions, Altai and Krasnoyarsk territories, the Republic of Altai and Buryatia, and foreign students from Kazakhstan, China, and Vietnam took part in this study. The author suggests the models for the building hard, soft and self-skills of students. The author considers the Tshaped model which is aimed at the simultaneous development of hard and soft skills. The Vshaped model offers the building hard skills at the intersection of two new professions from the future. The W model, so named the model of winner, is a model that allows to develop, first of all, self-skills. These model helps to train a creative and proactive specialist who is able not only to use what is available, but also to create something new.

S. Ohtani ◽  
J W. Gjerloev ◽  
K. A. McWilliams ◽  
J. M. Ruohoniemi ◽  
H. U. Frey

Marina V. Savel’eva ◽  
Aleksandr B. Smushkin ◽  
Natalia L. Potapova

In this scientific study, the authors made attempts to consider the current problems of criminalistics caused by the features of modern crime and highlighted modern innovative approaches to the detection and investigation of crimes. There is a trend in the evolution of crime, which determines the need for new modern criminalistics innovations, as well as new approaches to training investigative officers. Тhe article uses proven methods of scientific analysis. The authors analyse the views of leading experts on the main areas and trends of innovative development of Russian criminalistics. Тhe authors justify the need for simultaneous development of material innovations (new technologies), ideal innovations (new theories, concepts, recommendations) and the most innovation-oriented subject of law enforcement. The results of the research can be used in research and forensic activities, as well as in teaching criminalistics and related courses in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of legal profile

2021 ◽  
Vol LXIV (1) ◽  
pp. 36-51
Petar Kenderov ◽  
Toni Chehlarova ◽  
Georgi Gachev ◽  

The characteristic features of the online competition “VIVA Mathematics with Computer”, organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Union of Mathematicians in Bulgaria and the telecommunications company VIVACOM are described. The tasks are classified according to the type of their answers. The GeoGebra help-files accompanying some of the tasks are discussed as tools for simultaneous development of students‘ digital and mathematical competence. An analysis of the results of the competition, held on April 25, 2020, is presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 75
Yuxin Hu

<p><span lang="EN-US">Urban transport infrastructure plays a key role and creates the basic condition in the development of the urban space. Meanwhile, urban gathering and diffusion bring the different urban spatial structure directly can change the spatial distribution of infrastructure. The influence of transport equity made by spatial distribution of urban transport infrastructure has obvious stages. At every stage, transport equity and spatial distribution of transport infrastructure mutually influence and interact. The intensity of the influence of transport equity by spatial distribution of transport infrastructure is not always the same, but sees a different situation with the simultaneous development of evolution stages.</span></p>

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