felix guattari
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Revista Prumo ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  

Desde o início da Idade Moderna, a maneira como enxergamos a realidade à nossa volta esteve pautada por uma lógica inevitavelmente contextualista, linear e contínua. Fragmentação e anacronismo são, assim, propriedades inconcebíveis do espaço e do tempo, o que se reflete na maneira como se percebe e se age na cidade. Contudo, autores como Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, Peter Eisenman e Robert Smithson (entre outros e outras), com seus respectivos conceitos de Rizoma, Diagrama e Site/Non-site exploram a potência e as múltiplas possibilidades de um espaço-tempo intermediado pela modernidade. O presente ensaio lança mão desses conceitos com o intuito de fazer emergir uma outra realidade. Para tanto, propõe um grid ficcional como ferramenta que opera sobre a cidade factual do Rio de Janeiro, que assim se transforma em um Rio aos Pedaços. Palavras-chave: Rio de Janeiro; Rizoma; Diagrama; Grid. Abstract Since the beginning of the Modern Age, the way we see the reality around us has been guided by an inevitably contextualist, linear and continuous logic. Fragmentation and anachronism are, therefore, inconceivable properties of both space and time, precluding the way one perceives and acts upon the city. Yet, authors such as Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Peter Eisenman and Robert Smithson (among others), with their respective concepts of Rhizome, Diagram and Site/Non-site, have explored the power and multiple possibilities of a space-time alien to the modern worldview. This essay makes use of these concepts in order to bring about another reality. To this effect, it proposes a fictional grid that acts upon the factual city of Rio de Janeiro, which becomes a Rio in Pieces. Keywords: Rio de Janeiro; Rhizome; Diagram; Grid.


 Vivemos num período marcado pela morte, hostilidade contra às diferenças, autoritarismos explícitos e que em grande parte são difundidos pelo próprio Governo federal. Dessa forma, esse artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre pistas para a produção de vida em tempos atuais de propagação de morte, tanto no âmbito individual, como coletivo, a partir do referencial teórico da esquizoanálise. O método utilizado foi a seleção de alguns conceitos da filosofia da diferença de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari para operar essa reflexão sobre o contemporâneo. Como resultados discutimos cinco movimentos da esquizoanálise para produção de vida: a transmutação das forças; adotar o próprio território como ponto de partida; trabalhar a potência do occursus; valorizar o infinitamente pequeno; e fomentar o afeto, os devires, como passagem.Palavras-chave: Esquizoanálise. Esquizodrama. Gilles Deleuze. Félix Guattari. Psicologia. Política. Production Of Life In Times Of Death: five schizoanalytic movementsABSTRACTWe are living in a period marked by death, hostility to differences, explicit authoritarianism, which is largely spread by the federal government itself. Thus, this article aims to reflect on clues for the production of life in times of death, based on schizoanalysis. The method used was the selection of some concepts from the philosophy of difference of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari to operate this reflection on the contemporary. As a result, we discuss five schizoanalysis movements for the production of life: the transmutation of forces; adopting the territory itself as a start point; working the power of occursus; to value the infinitely small; and foster affection, becomings, as a passage.Keywords: Schizoanalysis. Schizodrama. Gilles Deleuze. Félix Guattari. Psychology. Politics.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (47) ◽  
Renata lobato Schlee ◽  
Paula Corrêa Henning ◽  
Cleber Gibbon Ratto

Este artigo busca analisar como se fabrica um discurso de natureza no Pampa do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil; e Uruguai; região sul da América do Sul. Discute-se a relação entre natureza e cultura problematizando os enunciados e visibilidades de entrevistas e imagens produzidas por “fotógrafos de natureza” do Brasil e do Uruguai. A partir do campo teórico escolhido, declara-se o que se entende por arte e de como a fotografia participa de construções discursivas. No foco de uma educação ambiental pelo viés das experiências estéticas, tensiona-se o corpus discursivo, estimulando um agir sobre nossas relações natureza-cultura. O propósito do texto é provocar e desafiar o impensado e, quem sabe, transvalorar o que está dado como verdade instituída nesse campo. Para tanto, percorremos os caminhos teóricos de Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari e Friedrich Nietzsche.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (16) ◽  
pp. 23-42
Luciana Ferrari Gouvêa ◽  
Leonardo Lemos de Souza

Este artigo tem por objetivo problematizar aspectos relevantes do SUS, da saúde da população LGBTQIA+ e discutir a Política Nacional de Saúde Integral de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais (PNSI-LGBT[1]), instituída em 2011 pela Portaria nº 2.836, com o objetivo de promover a saúde integral dessa população, na tentativa de eliminar o preconceito e reduzir as desigualdades no atendimento à saúde. Utilizaremos como ferramenta metodológica a Genealogia Cartográfica (LEMOS et al, 2015), a qual sugere a aproximação e complementaridade dos conceitos de genealogia e cartografia propostos, respectivamente, por Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, com a intenção de trabalharmos com novas maneiras de se fazer pesquisa em Psicologia e outros saberes. Faz-se necessário o acolhimento desta população nos serviços de saúde de modo a propiciar maiores vínculos de acesso, legitimação da aplicabilidade da PNSI-LGBT e pela luta da garantia de direitos a saúde integral, bem como atendimento igualitário para os LGBTQIA+[2].[1] Para facilitar a leitura, utilizaremos a sigla PNSI-LGBT para referenciar a Política Nacional de Saúde Integral de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais.[2] No momento da elaboração e efetivação da referida Política, o termo LGBTQIA+ não era comumente utilizado. Utilizaremos o termo LGBT (Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais) quando nos referirmos ao nome da Política. Nas demais referências utilizaremos o termo LGBTIQIA+ (Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis, Transexuais, Intersexos, Queer, Assexuais e outros) para contemplar as diversas orientações sexuais e identidades de gênero.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (33) ◽  
pp. 8-32
Jean Calmon Modenesi

O presente artigo foi escrito a partir de nossa pesquisa de Pós-Doutorado, cujo título é EcoFilosofia: Heidegger e Deleuze/Guattari - diálogo virtual, concluída em 2020. Nesta pesquisa, tentamos demonstrar a hipótese segundo a qual a EcoFilosofia é um conceito que subjaz tanto o pensamento de Martin Heidegger quanto o de Gilles Deleuze e de Félix Guattari. Isto significa que o conceito de EcoFilosofia é o impensado do pensamento de tais pensadores. Aqui, o impensado não significa o não pensado, mas o pensado, que, no entanto, não foi devidamente enunciado pelos mesmos. Donde por que a justificava maior desta pesquisa, a saber, enunciar o conceito de EcoFilosofia tal como foi pensado, de um lado, pelo pensador alemão, e, de outro, pela dupla de pensadores franceses. Mas, justamente, ao enunciar o conceito de EcoFilosofia no pensamento tanto de Heidegger quanto da dupla Deleuze e Guattari, também contribuímos para a sua criação - uma criação conceitual coletiva.

Petra Báder

El objetivo del presente estudio es presentar cómo se cuestiona el concepto de lo humano en dos obras representativas de la literatura hispanoamericana contemporánea: El Rey de la Habana, de Pedro Juan Gutiérrez, y Plop, de Rafael Pinedo. Si bien el punto de partida de este artículo es literario, el acercamiento a las novelas será interdisciplinario, ya que la crítica literaria se combinará con el análisis cultural y estético. Se manejará un fondo teórico variado que comprende trabajos de Giorgio Agamben, Gilles Deleuze y Félix Guattari, Gabriel Giorgi y Georges Bataille. Tras una introducción donde se presenta la diferenciación entre ‘lo humano’ y ‘lo no-humano’, se indagarán las diferentes ‘zonas de indeterminación’ (Giorgi 2012, 2014) donde ‘lo animal’ se entremete en ‘lo humano’, entre ellas, lo escatológico, lo corporal y la sexualidad. Todo esto para demostrar cómo las dos obras en cuestión subvierten, con un gesto crítico, las fronteras de la cultura humana. Uno de los propósitos fundamentales de este artículo es estudiar el papel que desempeñan, por un lado, la deshumanización y animalización del cuerpo y subjetividad humanos y, por el otro, la obscenidad y la vulgaridad en tanto discursos contraculturales en el cuestionamiento de lo humano, que hasta se manifiesta en la corrupción del lenguaje (literario).

2021 ◽  
Margaret Haggerty

<p>This thesis critically examines the curriculum and assessment priorities children encounter as they transition from early childhood to school and the modes of being, doing, knowing, and relating these priorities promote or make difficult. An initial focus on children’s multimodal ways of operating shifted as this study progressed toward a more relational materialist conception of multimodality, drawing on the thinking of Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari and Karen Barad. A key focus became tracing the heterogeneous forces and entities that authorise and prioritise particular constructions of learning and learners.  The thesis follows the curriculum and assessment priorities six focus children met with in their last six months at kindergarten and their first six months in a new entrant classroom, and explores how these priorities relate to those of the children and their families. Data drawn on include a range of policy and practice-related documentation, interviews, fieldnotes and video-recorded observations. Excerpts of video are incorporated into the thesis as ‘cases to think with’ about key dimensions of everyday pedagogical activity not well represented by words.  While it may be a truism to say children navigate the move from early childhood to school differently, this thesis brings attention to the multiplicity of forces at play in how this move unfolds for particular children. It offers critical insights into the complex ways the global, local and ‘here and now’ specificities operate in entanglement to produce pedagogical priorities and learner-subjectivities. It highlights that the curriculum and assessment priorities for children in this study being/becoming new entrants strongly favoured children who were lingusitically adept, and willing and able to adjust to tightly prescribed classroom normativities, many of which centred around control of the body.  This thesis challenges the ongoing privileging of the verbal, arguing for the importance of making space for children’s other modes of being, doing, knowing and relating. It questions the recent narrowing and intensifying emphasis on standards-based assessment and the strongly individualistic, regulatory discourse of self-managing learners. It foregrounds the ways in which transition to school agendas have escalated nationally and internationally and become part of day-to-day curriculum and assessment priorities. On the basis of these findings I call for greater ethical regard for the heterogeneity of children and the capacities they bring and are capable of, including the capacity to engage with ‘real world’ multiplicity and difference-making interconnectivities with human and more-than-human others.</p>

2021 ◽  
Margaret Haggerty

<p>This thesis critically examines the curriculum and assessment priorities children encounter as they transition from early childhood to school and the modes of being, doing, knowing, and relating these priorities promote or make difficult. An initial focus on children’s multimodal ways of operating shifted as this study progressed toward a more relational materialist conception of multimodality, drawing on the thinking of Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari and Karen Barad. A key focus became tracing the heterogeneous forces and entities that authorise and prioritise particular constructions of learning and learners.  The thesis follows the curriculum and assessment priorities six focus children met with in their last six months at kindergarten and their first six months in a new entrant classroom, and explores how these priorities relate to those of the children and their families. Data drawn on include a range of policy and practice-related documentation, interviews, fieldnotes and video-recorded observations. Excerpts of video are incorporated into the thesis as ‘cases to think with’ about key dimensions of everyday pedagogical activity not well represented by words.  While it may be a truism to say children navigate the move from early childhood to school differently, this thesis brings attention to the multiplicity of forces at play in how this move unfolds for particular children. It offers critical insights into the complex ways the global, local and ‘here and now’ specificities operate in entanglement to produce pedagogical priorities and learner-subjectivities. It highlights that the curriculum and assessment priorities for children in this study being/becoming new entrants strongly favoured children who were lingusitically adept, and willing and able to adjust to tightly prescribed classroom normativities, many of which centred around control of the body.  This thesis challenges the ongoing privileging of the verbal, arguing for the importance of making space for children’s other modes of being, doing, knowing and relating. It questions the recent narrowing and intensifying emphasis on standards-based assessment and the strongly individualistic, regulatory discourse of self-managing learners. It foregrounds the ways in which transition to school agendas have escalated nationally and internationally and become part of day-to-day curriculum and assessment priorities. On the basis of these findings I call for greater ethical regard for the heterogeneity of children and the capacities they bring and are capable of, including the capacity to engage with ‘real world’ multiplicity and difference-making interconnectivities with human and more-than-human others.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Zainab Akram

Fairy tales permeate the world with a magical charm, but time has brought changes in fairy tale narration, mode, context and interpretations. Under the post structural lens, the undertaken research investigates the transformations that occur at molecular level, beyond the physical and molar corporeality among selected characters in the fairy tale, The wishing spell (2013). The focus is not the examination of changes in physical anatomic structure or form of the selected characters, rather the exploration of body’s capability and potentials of undergoing phenomenological transformations through the lens of becoming molecular by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari (1987). Becoming molecular promotes the idea that instead of comprehending the whole form of an issue, a fragment or molecule needs to be comprehended as it makes it easy to understand the entire form of problem. Becoming molecular is an internal or mind attachment of the body to another entity and the attachment or link is beyond the physical form of corporal state of being. The undertaken research endeavors to map multiple occurrences of becoming molecular in the characters of Snow White and the Evil Queen, by following the thematic model of textual analysis by Miles and Huberman (2014). The findings reveal that becoming molecular is an endless process that emerges in unlimited molecular links amid two different bodies. These links illuminate profound insights by influencing thoughts and bringing changes in actions and behavior. The changes cannot be perceived through senses as in the physical world. These links do not disrupt the physical appearance of either body, rather bring changes at molecular level. 

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