scholarly journals RIO EM PEDAÇOS

Revista Prumo ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  

Desde o início da Idade Moderna, a maneira como enxergamos a realidade à nossa volta esteve pautada por uma lógica inevitavelmente contextualista, linear e contínua. Fragmentação e anacronismo são, assim, propriedades inconcebíveis do espaço e do tempo, o que se reflete na maneira como se percebe e se age na cidade. Contudo, autores como Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, Peter Eisenman e Robert Smithson (entre outros e outras), com seus respectivos conceitos de Rizoma, Diagrama e Site/Non-site exploram a potência e as múltiplas possibilidades de um espaço-tempo intermediado pela modernidade. O presente ensaio lança mão desses conceitos com o intuito de fazer emergir uma outra realidade. Para tanto, propõe um grid ficcional como ferramenta que opera sobre a cidade factual do Rio de Janeiro, que assim se transforma em um Rio aos Pedaços. Palavras-chave: Rio de Janeiro; Rizoma; Diagrama; Grid. Abstract Since the beginning of the Modern Age, the way we see the reality around us has been guided by an inevitably contextualist, linear and continuous logic. Fragmentation and anachronism are, therefore, inconceivable properties of both space and time, precluding the way one perceives and acts upon the city. Yet, authors such as Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Peter Eisenman and Robert Smithson (among others), with their respective concepts of Rhizome, Diagram and Site/Non-site, have explored the power and multiple possibilities of a space-time alien to the modern worldview. This essay makes use of these concepts in order to bring about another reality. To this effect, it proposes a fictional grid that acts upon the factual city of Rio de Janeiro, which becomes a Rio in Pieces. Keywords: Rio de Janeiro; Rhizome; Diagram; Grid.

polemica ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Gian Cabral De Lima ◽  
Maria Helena Zamora

Resumo: O presente trabalho consiste no relato de uma experiência de campo ocorrida em uma escola estadual no município de Niterói. A discussão procura se pautar nas diretrizes da pesquisa interversão e da análise institucional para habitar o espaço existencial em questão com o objetivo de analisar as práticas educacionais exercidas neste campo. O método utilizado foi a cartografia de Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari. Foi analisada nesta instituição a possível emergência de um grupo sujeito e suas decorrentes práticas de liberdade exercidas através de um dispositivo criado pelos próprios participantes da pesquisa, um projeto pedagógico que visa uma educação libertadora e autogestionária. Todo o processo é pensado dentro do contexto socioeconômico brasileiro e fluminense, para, por fim, se dar a análise do que foi relatado.Palavras-chave: Experiência. Pedagogia. Escola.Abstract: The present work consists on the report of a field experience that occurred in a state school in the city of Niterói. The discussion tries to be guided by the guidelines of the interversion research and the institutional analysis to inhabit the existential space in question with the objective of analyzing the educational practices practiced in this field. The method used was the cartography of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. It was analyzed in this institution the possible emergence of a subject group and its resulting practices of freedom exercised through a device created by the participants of the research, a pedagogical project that aims at a liberating education and self-management. The whole process is thought within the Brazilian and Rio de Janeiro socioeconomic context, in order, finally, to give the analysis of what was reported.Keywords: Experience. Pedagogy. School.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 261-275
Francisca Gilmara da Silva Almiro ◽  
Roniê Rodrigues da Silva

O trabalho apresenta uma leitura da obra A Fúria do corpo, de João Gilberto Noll, a partir dos conceitos de Corpo sem Órgãos e Rizoma propostos pelos filósofos franceses Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari. Nesse sentido, objetiva estudar a construção identitária das personagens da referida narrativa, estabelecendo uma associação com essas noções filosóficas, problematizando, sobretudo, a errância das personagens e a linguagem utilizada para a composição da obra. Ao longo da leitura crítica, destacaremos como o texto de Noll nos desafia à construção de sentidos através de uma subjetividade constituída a partir de linhas de fuga, ideia discutida pelos filósofos supracitados. Ao adentrarmos no texto ficcional pelo viés de tais linhas, é possível entender como as personagens percebem e vivem suas experimentações rizomáticas. Desse modo, não se pretende aqui atribuir sentidos fechados à narrativa, mas sugerir que o Corpo sem Órgãos e o Rizoma são características que representam as experiências errantes das personagens encontradas na escrita de Noll. Palavras-chave: Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea. João Gilberto Noll. Identidade. Corpo sem Órgãos. Rizoma. THE RHIZOME AND THE IDEA OF BODY WITHOUT ORGANS IN THE FURY OF THE BODY, BY JOÃO GILBERTO NOLL Abstract: This paper presents a reading of The Fury of the Body, by João Gilberto Noll, based on the concepts of Body without Organs and Rhizome proposed by French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. It aims to study the characters’ identity construction, establishing an association with these philosophical notions, exploring, especially, the characters’ wandering nature and the language used in the composition of the work. Throughout this critical reading, emphasis will be given on the way Noll’s text challenge us to construct directions through a subjectivity built from escape lines, a concept defined by Deleuze and Guattari. By reading the narrative through these lenses, it is possible to understand how the characters perceive and live their rhizomatic trials. Thus, the intention here is not to attribute closed meanings to the narrative, but to suggest that the Body without Organs and the Rhizome are features that represent the characters’ wandering experiences in The Fury of the Body. Keywords: Contemporary Brazilian Literature. João Gilberto Noll. Identity. Body without Organs. Rhizome.

Africa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 89 (3) ◽  
pp. 479-498
Joshua D. Rubin

AbstractThis article is an ethnographic investigation of the labours of making art and selling liquid petroleum gas (LPG) in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. It locates these activities within a shared social world, centred on one of Bulawayo's major art galleries, and it demonstrates that artists and LPG dealers use similar strategies to respond to the political conditions of life in the city. This article frames these conditions as unpredictable, insofar as they change frequently and crystallize in unexpected forms, and it argues that both groups are attempting to act within these conditions and shape them into emergent assemblages. In adopting this term ‘assemblage’, which has been elaborated theoretically by Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari and their many interlocutors, this article emphasizes both the mutability and the unpredictability of these formations. The artists who work in the gallery, for their part, make their art by assembling their chosen media. The processes by which they choose their media constitute assemblages as well, in that artists have to adapt their artistic visions to the materials that Zimbabwe's market can provide. Street dealers in gas also produce emergent assemblages against the backdrop of unpredictability. If they want to make natural gas available to consumers, dealers must shepherd their medium through an always emergent process of distribution. They participate in transnational networks of trade, but they also theorize innovative strategies of procurement, develop circuits of trust and loyalty, and conjure up visions of a predatory state. Like artists, they use their work to construct dynamic representations of the world around them. Artists may produce images, and dealers circulate gas, but this article shows that conceptualizing these practices in terms of ‘assemblages’ calls their commonalities into view. In doing so, it also demonstrates that these practices complicate easy distinctions between aesthetics, economics and politics.

2019 ◽  
Laís Picinini Freitas ◽  
Oswaldo Gonçalves Cruz ◽  
Rachel Lowe ◽  
Marilia Sá Carvalho

AbstractBrazil is a dengue-endemic country where all four dengue virus serotypes circulate and cause seasonal epidemics. Recently, chikungunya and Zika viruses were also introduced. In Rio de Janeiro city, the three diseases co-circulated for the first time in 2015-2016, resulting in what is known as the ‘triple epidemic’. In this study, we identify space-time clusters of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika, to understand the dynamics and interaction between these simultaneously circulating arboviruses in a densely populated and heterogeneous city.We conducted a spatio-temporal analysis of weekly notified cases of the three diseases in Rio de Janeiro city (July 2015 – January 2017), georeferenced by 160 neighbourhoods, using Kulldorff’s scan statistic with discrete Poisson probability models.There were 26549, 13662, and 35905 notified cases of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika, respectively. The 17 dengue clusters and 15 Zika clusters were spread all over the city, while the 14 chikungunya clusters were more concentrated in the North and Downtown areas. Zika clusters persisted over a longer period of time. The multivariate scan statistic – used to analyse the three diseases simultaneously – detected 17 clusters, nine of which included all three diseases.This is the first study exploring space-time clustering of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika in an intraurban area. In general, the clusters did not coincide in time and space. This is probably the result of the competition between viruses for host resources, and of vector-control attitudes promoted by previous arbovirus outbreaks. The main affected area – the North region – is characterised by a combination of high population density and low human development index, highlighting the importance of targeting interventions in this area. Spatio-temporal scan statistics have the potential to direct interventions to high-risk locations in a timely manner and should be considered as part of the municipal surveillance routine as a tool to optimize prevention strategies.Author summaryDengue, an arboviral disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, has been endemic in Brazil for decades, but vector-control strategies have not led to a significant reduction in the disease burden and were not sufficient to prevent chikungunya and Zika entry and establishment in the country. In Rio de Janeiro city, the first Zika and chikungunya epidemics were detected between 2015-2016, coinciding with a dengue epidemic. Understanding the behaviour of these diseases in a triple epidemic scenario is a necessary step for devising better interventions for prevention and outbreak response. We applied scan statistics analysis to detect spatio-temporal clustering for each disease separately and for all three simultaneously. In general, clusters were not detected in the same locations and time periods, possibly due to competition between viruses for host resources, and change in behaviour of the human population (e.g. intensified vector-control activities in response to increasing cases of a particular arbovirus). Neighbourhoods with high population density and social vulnerability should be considered as important targets for interventions. Particularly in the North region, where clusters of the three diseases exist and the first chikungunya cluster occurred. The use of space-time cluster detection can direct intensive interventions to high-risk locations in a timely manner.

Mark Ingham

‘How Many Ways Can an Articulate Alien Analyse an Animated Robot?' is a performative, becoming-blended, active learning lecture that has evolved into one modelled on the principles of active blended learning. The author assembles the thinking of Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Paulo Freire, and bell hooks, amongst others, to create a discussion about how working with students actively, collaboratively, and in modes of blended delivery can enhance critical thinking and student engagement. The structure of this chapter echoes the way the lecture is organised, as in a three-act play. This enables a form of immersive experience, as the acts and actions of the lecture, dissected throughout the chapter, unfold.

Anelice Astrid RIBETTO ◽  
Luma Balbi de Figueiredo CORDEIRO

este artigo é fruto da composição da pesquisa de mestrado “Cartografando gestos escolares de surdos em Rio Bonito: entre o Maior e o menor da educação”. Ela trata das tensões entre as Histórias, as Políticas da Educação de Surdos e as histórias escolares de quatro pessoas surdas de Rio Bonito, município localizado na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari nos apresentam o conceito de literatura menor, como dispositivo para estudar a obra de Franz Kafka. Neste sentido, tentamos promover um deslocamento: usar esse conceito, operando com a noção de histórias menores, como dispositivo para pensarmos as trajetórias escolares dos surdos como formas de resistências às formas em que hegemonicamente vêm sendo inventados e em decorrência desta invenção, quais políticas educacionais vêm sendo promovidas para a escolarização deles.

Ung Uro ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 107-116
Filippo Greggi

Can a human become a bear? Starting from an analysis of Sami yoik, this chapter suggests how the notion of becoming-animal could shed a light on this musical practice and bring out some relevant ethico-aesthetical implications. The concept of becoming-animal, as theorised by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, emphasises the proximity of the human and the non-human realm and, along with the yoik, shows the illusory nature of their division. The chapter discusses this theoretical-practical nexus and examines the potentialities of music and sound worlds in fostering a different arrangement of the way we perceive the world—freed from anthropocentrism’s chains and contiguous with a non-human sensitivity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Daniela Lopes Oliveira Dourado ◽  
Cinara Barbosa de Oliveira Morais

O Livro Pistas do método da cartografia: Pesquisa-intervenção e produção de subjetividade organizado por Eduardo Passos, Virgínia Kastrup e Liliana da Escóssia é uma obra de 207 páginas, em oito capítulos denominados por “Pistas” que são estruturados no formato de coletânea de artigos, resultado da produção de pesquisa dos professores do Departamento de Psicologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense e do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro orientadas pelos fundamentos teóricos de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari  a partir da obra Os Mil Platôs publicada em 1995. Apresenta um diálogo metodológico que discute sobre as lacunas das pesquisas quantitativas e qualitativas, visto que ambas podem constituir práticas cartográficas, desde que garantam acompanhamento de processos. E neste ponto tem-se o principal fundamento sobre a pesquisa com base no método da cartografia social, quer dizer, o processo da investigação orientado por um método igualmente processual. A perspectiva da obra não é definir regras ou protocolos de passos metodológicos de pesquisas, traz diversos estudos que apresentam pistas para o entendimento sobre a cartografia social que respeita as especificidades da autoria e dos diversos contextos de investigações. Por fim, seus artigos oportunizam a compreensão da expressão do método na prática com articulação teórica da pesquisa-intervenção, entendendo que, exprimem parâmetros importantes para todos que queiram compreender o método cartográfico e desenvolver pesquisa nesta fundamentação metodológica, como pesquisadores, professores e estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação das diversas áreas implicadas com as ciências sociais.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 231-245
Connor Gould

Mark Z. Danielewski's 2000 debut novel House of Leaves has rapidly become a gothic cult classic, detested by some and acclaimed by others with identical passion. This article explores the new approaches that contemporary ecocriticism appears to be taking, embracing the geophilosophical theories of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari to uncover the presence of the ‘monstrous vegetal’ throughout the novel. It argues that the vegetal images of the rhizome and the tree, illustrated within Deleuze and Guattari's A Thousand Plateaus reveal the way in which the titular house becomes horrifying through its similarities to a growing, organic creature. Indeed, it is its horrifying sense of uncontrollable and incomprehensible growth that overwhelms the characters’ bodies and minds before eventually infringing upon the reading experience as we are forced to acknowledge the house's, and by extension the vegetal's, complete alterity to human existence.

Literator ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-92
F. Wood

In this article, I examine Ryszard Kapuscinski’s Another Day of Life (1987) and The Soccer War (1990). Kapuscinski is a Polish journalist who has written a number of books about his experiences as a foreign correspondent in Asia, Africa and Latin America. We encounter a range of diverse and sometimes contradictory approaches in his writing, since Kapuscinski utilises realist and fantastic, surreal, postmodern, intensely subjective techniques to convey his experiences and perceptions.As a result of his blending of realist and non-realist modes, Kapuscinki's work can be related to two important trends in contemporary literature: magical realism and New Journalism. Kapuscinski's writing illustrates certain significant points of comparison between these two approaches. These aspects of Kapuscinski's writing can, to an extent, be viewed in terms of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's concept of rhizomatics and nomadism. This article indicates that Kapuscinski's writing differs from some forms of magical realism and New Journalism in certain key respects.The significance of Kapuscinski's work lies partly in the way in which it juxtaposes and interrelates various modes, thereby challenging fixed, monologic ways of viewing events. As a result of this, his writing evades easy definitions and conclusive categorisation. Finally, one of the most striking aspects of Kapuscinki's work lies in the way in which it provides a dramatic reflection of the interface between the fantastic and reality and between the surreal, the postmodern and journalistic realism.

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