biblical teaching
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Michael Carruthers

Education and training are vital to the success of Christians who are wanting to fulfill the Great Commission. While it can be difficult to understand the ones Christians are trying to reach with the life-changing Gospel, how the Christian learns and shares with others can make a big impact in people’s lives. This study aims to determine the effect of good Christian education and training has on Christian evangelism. This study was conducted through sources and surveys with ten local pastors. The result of this study shows that good biblical teaching does impact the way Christians share with the lost in our communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 241-264
Yonatan Alex Arifianto ◽  
Alfons Renaldo Tampenawas ◽  
Deice Miske Poluan

The view of God which is reasoned logically and rationally brings the concept of God as an experience and not a transcendent person. Therefore, any form of immanence theology cannot be accepted as biblical teaching. Through a literature study approach, it is concluded that the existence of a transcendent and immanent God can counter the principles of immanence theology. God is present and actively participates in the world to give believers rest in the knowledge that no place or situation is too far away to be under God's protective hands. And moreover, God is present supernaturally and transcendentally far beyond human reason and logic, both in the form of religiosity that is built and one's relationship with the world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 187-200
Philip Igbo

The concept of tithe and tithing is a biblical concept. Tithing was a hieratic tax instituted as a means to support the Levites who ministered at God’s sanctuary. The Levites were to receive the tithes offered by Israel to Yahweh, because of the service they rendered at God’s sanctuary, and because they had no landed inheritance. The tithe system was enacted as a hieratic tax meant to provide support for the priests and Levites “for the service that they perform at God’s sanctuary (Num 18:21f). The tithes are voluntary; tithable things were products from the land or the herd. The tithe was basically for the support of the Levites who served at God’s Sanctuary. However, it has been observed and sadly so, that some contemporary Church leaders, especially in Nigeria, seem to be laying undue emphasis on tithing to their own financial advantage. This study was, therefore, conceived as a re-evaluation of the concept of tithing and the context under which it developed. The goal is to use the findings of this reevaluation to mirror the over emphasis on tithing by contemporary Church leaders in Nigeria. Findings reveal that there is a deviation from the context under which tithing was developed to somewhat exploitation of unsuspecting members of the Church to the advantage of prosperity preachers in Nigeria. This raises the question as to whether  Christians of the contemporary era should still tithe since the context in which the tradition developed has changed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-75
Marten Malo Nono

Christian Family Education is a God-centered education and is based on Biblical teaching. According to Deuteronomy 6:6-9, education is done by continuously teaching God's word. Christian family education is also directed education with excellent educational methods to do and apply in Christian families. Education in Christian families is needed to deal with juvenile delinquency. Based on the explanation above, it is necessary to develop regular education in the family through formal and non-formal theological education, hold regular retreats for Christian families, hold regular fellowships between family members, and build prayer altars at home to strengthen fellowship between family members and increasingly active in providing family members with regular and repeated Bible education and study.Pendidikan Keluarga Kristen adalah pendidikan yang berpusat pada Allah dan dasar pengajarannya yang Alkitabiah. Menurut kitab Ulangan 6:6-9 adalah pendidikan dilakukan dengan terus menerus mengajarkan firman Tuhan. Pendidikan keluarga Kristen juga merupakan pendidikan terarah dengan metode pendidikan yang sangan baik untuk di lakukan dan di terapkan dalam keluarga Kristen. Diperlukan pendidikan dalam keluarga Kristen untuk menanggulangi kenakalan anak remaja. Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, maka perlu dikembangkan pendidikan secara rutin dalam keluarga melalui pendidikan teologi secara formal maupun nonformal, mengadakan retret secara berkala bagi keluarga Kristen, mengadakan persekutuan yang rutin antar anggota keluarga, dan membangun mazbah doa di rumah untuk mempererat persekutuan antar anggota keluarga dan semakin giat untuk memperlengkapi anggota keluarga dengan pendidikan dan pendalaman Alkitab secara rutin dan berulang-ulang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-43
Chandra Gunawan

Sabbath and the Lord’s day are important concepts in the Old and New Testament. However, Christian traditions have downgraded their role and significant correlation with the Christian worship. The question is how the meaning of Sabbath and the Lord’s day could contribute to understanding the biblical teaching about worship. This article investigates Sabbath dan the Lord’s day from the historical redemptive perspective, demonstrates their significances, and considers their application for the current issue of online services. It argues that Sabbath and the Lord’s day realize of God’s vision regarding the purpose of creation and the new creation and underline God’s present seen through the right and harmonious relationships between human and all creations. Christian worship should signify their sacramental roles demonstrating God’s present through the right and harmonious relationship of believing community. This may become a substantial issue of online services, which is hardly able to show harmonious fellowship of true believers.    

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 305
Alexander Negrov ◽  
Alexander Malov

Environmental leadership and eco-theology have not been a priority for Evangelical and Orthodox Christians in the countries of the former Soviet Union (particularly, Ukraine and Russia) due to various historical, political, social, and theological reasons. However, contemporary environmental global challenges suggest that both Orthodox and Evangelical Christians should revisit their perspectives and efforts related to responsible stewardship by humankind of the earth and its life forms. This article presents the analysis of multiple forms of data (relevant Orthodox and Evangelical documents, specialized literature, and individual interviews/focus groups). We conducted individual interviews and focus groups with 101 Evangelical and 50 Orthodox Christians from Russia and Ukraine. Although the majority of interviewees agreed that the ecological crisis exists and should be addressed, only some of them admitted that they actively care for creation. While Orthodox Christians are more active in practical care for creation, Evangelicals have a stronger grasp of the biblical teaching concerning nature and humans’ responsibility for it. We argue that Evangelical and Orthodox Churches in Ukraine and Russia can learn from each other and impact their communities: engage minds, touch hearts, feed souls, and respond to environmental challenges as an expression of their faith and leadership.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-71
Yosef Yunandow Siahaan

The Portrait of Jesus in the Apocryphal Gospels often contradicts the Portrait of Jesus in the Canonical Gospels in the New Testament. For evangelical-orthodox Christianity, the canon of the Scriptures has been final, and has been endorsed at the Hippo and Carthage councils, however some Muslims always make the news that the Apocryphal Gospels, especially the Gospel of Barnabas, are the original Gospels, while the gospels accepted by Christians today is a false gospel. This interest is worth examining aside, looking into the texts of the Gospel of Barnabas insofar as they pertain to Biblical Teaching. This study will use a biblical approach to library research. Namely by looking at the texts in the Gospel of Barnabas and comparing them with the Bible text of the New Testament by doing a little exposition of some parts of the Bible. After all, the Bible is the primary source because it comes from direct eye witnesses and is only fifteen to sixty years apart from the time Jesus lived. The problem is that the Gospel of Barnabas has been mentioned in the Pseudo Gelasius I Decree which seems to support that the Gospel of Barnabas was written by the Apostle Barnabas during his lifetime. However, it is easy to trace that the Gospel of Barnabas contains many trivial errors that could not have been written by the Apostle Barnabas who had a Jewish background, living in the Palestinian-Israel area in the first century AD. Doing a study of the time of writing, writers, geographic and religious background, and language, if necessary the theological motive needs to be done in order to study the study of Heresiology or teachings that deviate from the truth of Evangelical-Orthodox Christianity. Abstrak Indonesia Potret Yesus dalam Injil-Injil Apokrif seringkali bertolak belakang dengan Potret Yesus dalam Injil-Injl Kanonik yang ada dalam Alkitab Perjanjian Baru. Bagi kekristenan yang Injili-ortodoks kanon Kitab suci telah bersifat final, dan telah disahkan pada konsili Hippo dan Kartago, Namun sebagian umat Islam selalu membuat berita bahwa Injil-injil Apokrif khususnya Injil Barnabas adalah Injil yang asli, sedangkan injil yang diterima orang Kristen saat ini adalah Injil yang palsu. Minat tersebut layak dikaji di samping, melihat ke dalam teks-teks Injil Barnabas sejauh itu bersinggungan dengan Ajaran Alkitab. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat biblika. Yaitu dengan melihat teks-teks dalam Injil Barnabas dan membandingkan dengan teks Alkitab Perjanjian Baru dengan melakukan sedikit eksposisi dari beberapa bagian Alkitab. Bagaimanapun juga Alkitab adalah sumber primer karena berasal dari saksi mata langsung dan hanya berjarak lima belas hingga enam puluh tahun sejak Yesus hidup. Masalahnya Injil Barnabas pernah di sebut dalam Dekrit Pseudo Gelasius I yang tampaknya mendukung bahwa Injil Barnabas di tulis oleh Rasul Barnabas semasa hidupnya. Namun mudah saja di lacak bahwa Injil Barnabas mengandung banyak kesalahan-kesalahan sepele yang tidak mungkin di tulis oleh Rasul Barnabas yang berlatar belakang Yahudi, tinggal di daerah Palestina-Israel pada abad pertama Masehi. Melakukan kajian terhadap waktu penulisan, penulis, latar belakang geografi dan keagamaan, dan Bahasa, jika diperlukan motif teologisnya perlu dilakukan dalam rangka mempelajari studi Heresiologi atau ajaran-ajaran menyimpang dari kebenaran Injili-Ortodoks kekristenan.

Adi Putra

This research was conducted to provide theological clarification on the teachings of Predestination. Where not all churches believe this teaching. In this study, researchers used a qualitative method using theological studies based on each theological literature to understand the experts' arguments about the teachings of predestination. After going through a careful study and paying close attention to the biblical witness regarding this teaching, the researcher concludes that the doctrine of predestination is a biblical teaching. In addition, this teaching also places sovereignty and determination in the most decisive place in the context of salvation. Conversely, human will is limited to responding only. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memberikan klarifikasi teologis terhadap ajaran Predestinasi. Di mana tidak semua gereja mempercayai ajaran ini. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan kajian teologis yang didasarkan pada setiap literatur teologi untuk memahami argumentasi para ahli tentang ajaran predestinasi. Setelah melalui sebuah kajian yang teliti dan memperhatikan dengan seksama kesaksian Alkitab tentang ajaran ini, maka peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa ajaran predestinasi merupakan ajaran yang alkitabiah. Selain itu, ajaran ini juga menempatkan kedaulatan dan ketetapan pada tempat yang paling menentukan dalam konteks keselamatan. Sebaliknya, kehendak manusia hanya sebatas merespons saja. 

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