scholarly journals Pendidikan Keluarga Kristen dalam Mencegah Kenakalan Remaja

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-75
Marten Malo Nono

Christian Family Education is a God-centered education and is based on Biblical teaching. According to Deuteronomy 6:6-9, education is done by continuously teaching God's word. Christian family education is also directed education with excellent educational methods to do and apply in Christian families. Education in Christian families is needed to deal with juvenile delinquency. Based on the explanation above, it is necessary to develop regular education in the family through formal and non-formal theological education, hold regular retreats for Christian families, hold regular fellowships between family members, and build prayer altars at home to strengthen fellowship between family members and increasingly active in providing family members with regular and repeated Bible education and study.Pendidikan Keluarga Kristen adalah pendidikan yang berpusat pada Allah dan dasar pengajarannya yang Alkitabiah. Menurut kitab Ulangan 6:6-9 adalah pendidikan dilakukan dengan terus menerus mengajarkan firman Tuhan. Pendidikan keluarga Kristen juga merupakan pendidikan terarah dengan metode pendidikan yang sangan baik untuk di lakukan dan di terapkan dalam keluarga Kristen. Diperlukan pendidikan dalam keluarga Kristen untuk menanggulangi kenakalan anak remaja. Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, maka perlu dikembangkan pendidikan secara rutin dalam keluarga melalui pendidikan teologi secara formal maupun nonformal, mengadakan retret secara berkala bagi keluarga Kristen, mengadakan persekutuan yang rutin antar anggota keluarga, dan membangun mazbah doa di rumah untuk mempererat persekutuan antar anggota keluarga dan semakin giat untuk memperlengkapi anggota keluarga dengan pendidikan dan pendalaman Alkitab secara rutin dan berulang-ulang.

Kurios ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Febby Nancy Patty ◽  
Vincent Kalvin Wenno ◽  
Fiona Anggraini Toisuta

The moral crisis in Christian families due to globalization has resulted in the loss of the function of the Christian family in society. This results in the shift in family values to be replaced by individualist, consumerist, and hedonistic values. This article describes the concept of family (hausetafel) in the letters of Ephesians and Colossians. The author uses a historical socio interpretation, to search for and find the meaning of the two epistles. The results of the interpretation show that the two epistles are very rich related to family and moral values (character). The meaning cannot be separated from its socio-historical and cultural context. Some of the values contained include the revelation of Christ in and through the family, love as the basis for binding family members, the family as a basis for character education, equality relations. The family image becomes a model for church life. Abstrak Krisis moral yang terjadi di tengah keluarga Kristen akibat globalisasi, mengakibatkan hilangnya fungsi keluarga Kristen di tengah masyarakat. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan bergesernya nilai-nilai keluarga digantikan dengan nilai-nilai individualis, konsumerisme, hedonistik. Artikel ini memuat tentang konsep keluarga (hausetafel) dalam surat Efesus 6:1-9. Penulis menggunakan penafsiran sosio historis, untuk mencari dan menemukan makna atau nilai kekeluargaan menurut pemikiran Paulus. Hasil penafsiran menunjukkan bahwa penguatan nilai-nilai keluarga tidak lepas dari konteks sosio-historis dan kulturalnya yang yang didominasi oleh pola-pola relasi kekuasaan yakni patron-klien yang ber-dampak pada kehidupan persekutuan umat. Sehingga perlu adanya penguatan moral dan karakter yang berdasar pada nilai-nilai kekeluargaan. Beberapa nilai haustafel yang menonjol dalam perikop ini yakni nilai kebenaran, kasih dan ketaatan, penghormatan, nilai persaudaraan, bersikap adil dan hidup setara yang selanjutnya menjadi model bagi kehidupan gereja maupun kekristenan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 19-30
Ola Rongan Wilhemus

Modern communication medium allows one to easily share stories, establish contact with family members, to thank and apologize. Aware of the benefits of this communication medium each family member should utilize communications media wisely and more humanely. In the midst of this communication medium advancement of Christ's faithful should regard the family as a school of faith and a special communication experience divine grace. Each family who live karinia Divine love is called to give concrete testimony of the love of it. Every Christian family is a concrete sign of the presence and implementation of the tasks of the Church that lives. When carrying out this missionary task, God is always present in the family to bless, sanctify and strengthen family members. The presence of God is happening in real time when families gather to pray, worship and hear God's word together.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-36
Lamris Sihotang ◽  
Rulland Gerrit ◽  
Ester Kartika ◽  
Martina Novalina

The purpose of this study was: to determine the role of parents in overcoming the negative impact of gadgets that affect the character of teenagers. Parents must know that they have an important role in efforts to overcome the negative impact of using gadgets on teenagers. Researchers have explained the efforts made by parents to overcome the negative impact of gadgets on teenagers. The method in this research is qualitative by looking at cases in the field (case studies), data collection methods based on surveys or observations, and looking at previous studies that have been in journal form. The results of this study indicate that the role of parents in adolescents that must be carried out and carried out are: First, parents know and understand the rating of the game used by their child, the rating referred to here is the type of game played by the child, secondly, avoid installing electronic devices inside the children's room, the third creates rules that are agreed with the child, by treating time restrictions in using gadgets, the fourth parent actively monitors and pays attention to the media that is being consumed by the child, such as games and movies, the fifth communicates and discusses with the children what they can be from the games or shows they watch, the six parents control the play store on the gadget, by selectively choosing game features that do not cause negative things to the child's character. Another thing that must be done by Christian families is to teach God's word continuously to children and guide children to always build fellowship with God. Parents become educators, as educators in the family provide time and place and give responsibility by entrusting tasks within the family. family, teach discipline and educate with the example of parents. AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: untuk mengetahui peran Orang Tua dalam mengatasi dampak negatif gadget yang mempengaruhi Karakter anak-anak Remaja. Orang tua harus mengetahui bahwa mereka memiliki peran penting sebagai upaya untuk mengatasi dampak negative penggunaan gadget pada anak remaja. Peneliti sudah men-jelaskan upaya yang dilakukan oleh orangtua untuk mengatasi dampak negatif gadget pada remaja. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah Kualitatif, sedangkan metode pengam-bilan data berdasarkan survei atau observasi, serta melihat penelitian-penelitian sebe-lumnya yang sudah dalam bentuk jurnal. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran orang tua pada anak remaja yang harus dilakukan dan dikerjakan yaitu: Pertama, orang tua mengetahui dan memahami rating game yang digunakan oleh anaknya, rating yang dimaksud disini adalah jenis game yang dimainkan anak, kedua hindari pemasangan perangkat elektronik di dalam ruangan kamar anak, ketiga menciptakan aturan yang disetujui dengan anak, dengan cara memperlakukan pembatasan waktu dalam menggu-nakan gadget, keempat orangtua aktif mengawasi dan memperhatikan media yang sedang dikonsumsi oleh anak, seperti game dan film, kelima mengkomunikasikan dan mendis-kusikan pada anak  mengenai apa saja yang mereka dapat dari game atau acara yang mereka tonton, keenam orang tua mengontrol  play store yang di gadget, dengan cara selek-tif  memilih  fitur games yang tidak  menimbulkan hal-hal negatif pada karakter anak. Hal la-in yang harus dilakukan oleh keluarga Kristen adalah mengajarkan firman Tuhan terus-menerus kepada anak dan membimbing anak senantiasa membangun persekutuan dengan Tuhan, orang tua menjadi pendidik, sebagai pendidik dalam keluarga menyediakan waktu dan tempat serta memberikan tanggung jawab dengan mempercayakan tugas-tugas di dalam keluarga, mengajarkan disiplin serta mendidik dengan keteladanan orang tua. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 43-52
A. Merkulova ◽  
K. Nagymzhanova ◽  
N. Vlasova ◽  

The article discusses the issues of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of relationships between family members, as one of the key areas in the family education of children realizing the ability and desire to learn, as the basis of professional training of future psychologists. An analysis is made of the conditions for the development of communication between family members from the perspective of a personal-activity approach. The basic conditions for the formation of positive relationships in the family and modern approaches to the use of communication tools to enhance positive emotions are revealed. The most significant communication situations arising in the learning process are considered. The article also notes methods aimed at developing the skills of positive interaction between family members and increasing the socialization of children in society. Recommendations are used for parents to establish positive relationships and how to describe from a positive point of view, instructions to make a child better, and easily resolve family conflicts. Recommendations are given to move the child away from the computer and make his life more diverse and fun using various activities where it is necessary to make efforts to obtain a result.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Ibelala Gea

One of the factors in the emergence of radicalism is the misinterpretation of the Scriptures and the weak theological education in the family. Parents as the primary and first educators in fact tend to leave their assignments to other parties who do not necessarily educate their children properly. The impact of this bad and incorrect theological education tends to form a mindset of exclusivism and rejecting inclusivism that creates intolerant people, considers all who do not have the same opinion and belief as the address of violence that must be eradicated. The family, both in the Old and New Testament times, in this case the parents, has the obligation and responsibility to educate children to understand the essence of God properly and correctly to His people. This article uses the mix methods method by collecting data on 30 (thirty) members of the Whatsapp Group STM Marsiurupan Sipoholon District which aims to describe 5 (five) theological educational content in Christian families as a preventive foundation for radicalism, especially radicalism in the name of religion in a descriptive qualitative method. 5 (five) theological educational contents are (1) Educating children to understand the Scriptures properly and correctly; (2) Understanding the essence of One God; (3) Understanding the essence of God as a savior, (4) Understanding the essence of God as a preserver; and (5) Understanding the essence of God as loving and compassionate.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-72
Mrs Lusia ◽  
Agustinus Supriyadi

The family has a great responsibility and role in the child's faith education. Children's faith education can be done through a family’s together prayer habit. One of the ways commonly used as a habit for Christian families in educating and nurturing children's faith is to instill the habit of praying in the family. Does the Christian family have a good understanding habit of the praying together in the Christian Family? Does the family have an awareness of the faith education for the development of the child’s faith? Do they understand the effect of praying together in their family for the development of the child’s faith? Based on these issues the research in this paper attempts to analyze how far the influence of family prayer for the development of the child’s faith.This study uses a qualitative method. The respondents of this study are Christian families who have children in the age range 0 to 12 years, and who live in the IV region of St. Cornelius Madiun Parish. The number of respondents in this study were 8 families. Based on the results of the study, all respondents or 8 respondents (100%) realized that the together praying in the family has a great influence on the development of the child's faith. There were 7 respondents (58,33%) emphasize that habit of the praying together in the Christian family can give spiritual provisions for the children, besides 5 respondents (62.5%) who said that habit of the praying in the Christian family is a means to educate children and 4 respondent (36,36%) expressed the habit of praying together in the family can fostering attention in the family.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-67
Obet Nego ◽  
Debby Chirst Mondolu

         Keluarga adalah kelompok sosial yang paling kecil, terdiri dari ayah, ibu dan anak. Keluarga merupakan kelompok sosial pertama dimana individu berada untuk mempelajari banyak hal penting dan mendasar melalui pola asuh dan binaan orang tua serta anggota keluarga lainnya. Orang tua mempunyai peran penting bagi pertumbuhan jiwa anak dan dalam meletakkan dasar-dasar kepribadian anak, sebab orang tua merupakan pendidik, pembimbing, dan pelindung bagi anak-anaknya. Oleh karena itu, pembimbingan orang tua terhadap anak haruslah yang alkitabiah. Salah satunya untuk mengatasi permasalah Permissive Parenting yang banyak terjadi di dalam rumah tangga. Dengan demikian, Amsal 22: 15 dinilai sangat tepat untuk menjadi landasan untuk menjawab kekeliruan pola asuh yang selama ini umum terjadi di keluarga-keluarga Kristen. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis akan membahas mengenai makna Tongkat Didikan dalam Pola Asuh anak berdasarkan Amsal 22: 15.          The family is the smallest social group, consisting of father, mother and child. The family is the first social group where individuals are to learn many important and fundamental things through parenting and fostering parents and other family members. Parents have an important role for the child's soul growth and in laying the foundations of the child's personality, because parents are educators, guides, and protectors for their children. Therefore, parental guidance for children must be biblical. One of them is to overcome Permissive Parenting problems that often occur in the household. Thus, Proverbs 22:15 is considered very appropriate to be the basis for answering the errors of parenting that have been common in Christian families. In this paper, the author will discuss the meaning of the Educational Stick in Parenting based on Proverbs 22:15.

Educatia 21 ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 62-69
Dorin Opriş ◽  

This paper presents an analysis of the contexts and implications of the industrial revolution for education and family, especially in its early stages. The main defining social aspects for the period after the development of the industry were the increase in the living standard, the development of transports and communications, the acceleration of the urbanization. All of these have experienced successive stages of increase or progress, based on the development of technology in developed countries, but an analysis of the implications they have had for family education and in terms of relationships between family members is all the more necessary since many problems from the previous stages remain current. The accelerated industrialization also brought with it the need to travel to different jobs, which led to a gradual decrease the time children could spend with their parents. In the current social context, marked in the world by an increasing rate of labour migration and implicitly by new challenges regarding education and relationships between family members, we have identified recurring hypostases and we synthesized a set of possible research topics able to offer data relevant to support the family in exercising its educational function.

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