scholarly journals Sikap Dan Tanggung Jawab Orang Percaya Dalam Menyikapi Teologi Imanensi

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 241-264
Yonatan Alex Arifianto ◽  
Alfons Renaldo Tampenawas ◽  
Deice Miske Poluan

The view of God which is reasoned logically and rationally brings the concept of God as an experience and not a transcendent person. Therefore, any form of immanence theology cannot be accepted as biblical teaching. Through a literature study approach, it is concluded that the existence of a transcendent and immanent God can counter the principles of immanence theology. God is present and actively participates in the world to give believers rest in the knowledge that no place or situation is too far away to be under God's protective hands. And moreover, God is present supernaturally and transcendentally far beyond human reason and logic, both in the form of religiosity that is built and one's relationship with the world.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Tri Adianto ◽  
Tihas Citra Buwana ◽  
Marcellinus Dicky Pradhana ◽  
Aris Sarjito

<p>Radicalism has become a real threat faced by all countries in the world, including Indonesia. This condition occurs because radicalism is the origin ideology of terrorism which has been confirmed as an extraordinary crime for the world. So, the Indonesian government needs to pay special attention to counter the radicalism issue which is now growing rapidly in Indonesia. This article was written to analyze the Government, the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) roles in countering radicalism issues in Indonesia through good governance concept. This article is written based on the result of phenomenology research used literature study approach of various literature that is relevant to the research topic. Based on the study, the results show that the countering process of radicalism issues conducted by the government of the Republic of Indonesia has not been well managed, because there is no strong legal basis concerning radicalism in Indonesia. Additionally, the weak synergy between the TNI and the Polri, which is tasked to countering radicalism issues, is also become an obstacle for eradicate radicalism issues in Indonesia. Therefore, optimizing the role of the Government, TNI, and Polri are needed by prevention, mapping, detention, and contra radicalism actions. On the other hand, those three parties must strengthen their synergy and cooperative in performed their roles in maintaining public security and national security from the dangers of radicalism.</p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 69
Deshinta Vibriyanti

The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world not only has physical health impacts but also mental health. One of the effects of a pandemic on mental health that is feelings of anxiety about being exposed to viruses and the uncertainty of conditions during a pandemic. Anxiety needs to be managed properly so that it can still make alertness, but not excessive so that it causes worse mental health disorders. This paper aims to explain how to manage anxiety during a pandemic for the society with a literature study approach. From the perspective of social psychology, this paper concludes that managing anxiety at a proportional level, is the result of repeated perception of situations. The selection of information received during a pandemic is the key to managing anxiety. Next, adapt to the changes that occur so that can through a mentally healthy life in a pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-163
Yonatan Alex Arifianto ◽  
Joseph Christ Santo

Social media is actually used to improve social relationships and increase roles in various ways. However, on the one hand, social media is used as an arena for bullying to others and groups. The problem in this research is how the role of Christian faith. Using a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach, this research comes to the conclusion that believers must know the era of disruption in human social development, then understand the influence of social media on ethics, and examine how Christian faith views in the face of bullying. Holding on to the view that the Christian existence must be the salt and light of the world means that we must be prepared to live side by side with physical differences, ideas, and all other things.Persoalan yang terjadi dimana media sosial yang sejatinya digunakan untuk meningkatkan hubungan sosial dan meningkatkan peran dalam berbagai hal. Namun dalam satu sisi media sosial dijadikan ajang perundungan (bullying) kepada sesama maupun kelompok. Menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi literatur dapat dicapai tujuan penulisan dengan menyimpulkan bahwa iman Kristen dalam menghadapi perundungan di tengah disrupsi, dimana orang percaya harus mengetahui era disrupsi dalam perkembangan sosial manusia, lalu memahami adanya pengaruh media sosial dalam etika, dan mencermati bagaimana perundungan dalam pandangan iman Kristen untuk diterapkan dalam menghadapi penindasan. Sehingga ada peran orang percaya dalam menghadapi perundungan di era disrupsi. Orang percaya diharapkan mempunyai pandangan dalam menerima segala perbedaan baik fisik, ide, dan segala hal. Serta mau hidup berdampingan untuk terus menjadi garam dan terang seperti yang diinginkan Yesus dalam kehidupan kekristenan

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Asep Dadang

This article discusses the objectives and concepts of shari'ah investment. Based on the release of the OJK Investment Alen Task Force, during 2019 there were 444 entities that were terminated for carrying out business activities that were allegedly carried out without permission from the competent authorit y and potentially detrimental to the communit y. Sharia investment is an investment based on sharia principles, both investment in the real sector and financial sector, investment cannot be separated from sharia principles. This research is qualitative with  a  literature study approach with data sources, namely secondary data from previous research and other reference data sources. lnrestment  is an investment activity in the hope that you will get a profit in the future. Islam teaches people to strive for a better life in the world and the hereafter. Having a good life in this world and  in  the hereafter that can guarantee  the  achievement  of  physical  and mental welfare (falah). The purpose  of  investing,  among  others, is to obtain maximum profits, guarantee future, protect  profits, obtain passive income, realize the desire to achieve the afterlife goals. Someone  who  will  make  an  investment  should  pay attention to the conditions that are  prohibited  and  that  are allowed in investing so that it benefits him for the world and the hereafter. With the concept that all propeny and all means of production are essentially God's absolute, whereas humans are only limited to getting the mandate to manage it to be useful in life. Keywords : Objectives, Concepts, Sharia Investment, Speculation

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 114-128
Imam Khoiri

The sparkling "progress" of modernism looks very majestic and luminous. Modernization is the process of changing traditional society into a modern society, marked by changes in economic, social, and political systems. The changes that brought progress were reversed with the condition of modern human spirituality which experienced drought and decline. Therefore, a Sufism approach is needed that cultivates the heart, taste, and soul and balances the rational and experimental approaches that develop in modern society. The purpose of this study is to describe Ibn 'Athaillah al-Sakandari's views on uzlah and to analyze the suitability of uzlah in today's times. This is a qualitative research that uses a literature study approach. The analytical method used is the content analysis technique. The results of this study indicate that the uz that was written by Ibn Athaillah was not a form of activity that was carried out throughout life, but was limited to taking time to isolate oneself from the crowd. Because that way you can use meditation to the fullest. Uzlah is also an effort for modern humans to reflect and think about problems and find solutions in life so that they can get closer to Allah. Because the result of uzlah is not leaving the affairs of the world, but being able to live it with responsibility, discipline and upholding God's commands. The results of this research are expected to be practical in order to maintain the freshness of spirituality and reason.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-168
Ahmad Dakhoir

This paper studies on al-Qaradawi’s stock zakat in the millennial era and modern industry. The main purpose of the study is to elaborate several points of significance of stock zakat within huge benefits of the capital market in Indonesia; therefore, this paper is a content analysis type of study using a literature study approach. In the meantime, the primary resource for the literature is a kitab (book) entitled fiqh al-zakat by Yusuf al-Qaradawi published in 1973. The crucial point emphasized by the paper is that al-Qaradawi’s thoughts and opinions on stock zakat have been proven that he was such a progressive ulama (Islamic scholar), even he is in the current industrial revolution era. He has shown that such critical and innovative thoughts, either in zakat or other aspects. Al-Qaradawi points out that stock is categorized into traded goods so that it is an object of zakat; 2.5% of total stock should be taken out to those deserving. Indonesia as a country with the biggest Muslim majority in the world has been implementing stock zakat when one of the companies namely PT Henan Putihrai Sekuritas issued this kind of zakat. This made Indonesia the first country to proceed with stock zakat as the application of al-Qaradawi’s thoughts and opinions after 45 years.

Regina Permatadewi ◽  
Herdin Muhtarom ◽  
Tubagus Umar Syarif Hadi Wibowo

Education has an important role in shaping character and developing the potential contained in students. Education as a reference for instilling character values ​​so that students can implement character values ​​through their potential. One of the characters that can be developed in the world of education is the character of technopreneurship. The character of techopreneurship emphasizes the collaborative process between technological advances and entrepreneurial skills. The role of history learning can be used as a way to shape the character of technoprenurship. By learning history, students or students can develop skills that combine aspects of technology, entrepreneurship and historical values, so that the next generation of the nation has the potential to develop technopreneurshi characters, not forgetting local wisdom and the nation's historical values. The research method used is qualitative research through a literature study approach. The purpose of the research is to provide preventive efforts in preserving the historical value and local wisdom in Indonesia, especially in Banten and developing technopreneurship to promote history and local wisdom to the general public

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-151
Adhitya Mohammad Maheswara ◽  
Nur Fatwa

This article analyzes the depiction of Middle Eastern Islamic locality in video games that has a bad image. This research uses qualitative research method and a literature study approach. It reveals the representation of the Arab world and Muslims in video games developing after the September 11 attacks. The representation had significant impacts on Muslims around the world. It can damage the positive image of Islam and Muslims in the world community. The representation of Muslims in video games, such as in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Kuma/ War, uses stereotypes in Western societies. Muslims appear to be terrorists and live in a country that seems isolated

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-196
Muhammad Asnajib

The openness of thought in the world of contemporary interpretations at this time, making various groups competing to formulate a new understanding in the interpretation of the Qur'an. Including Muhammadiyah through the Tarjih Council and it's Tajdid formulating At-Tanwir's interpretation to add to the scientific treasury and answer contemporary problems through the approach of the original source of Islam, the Al-Qur'an. The purpose of this study is to analyze contemporary interpretations in Indonesia through the Study of the Interpretation  Tafsir At -Tanwir written by K.H. Ahmad Dahlan, a Nusantara scholar, founder of Muhammadiyah. The methodology used in writing this research article is qualitative with a literature study approach. The primary sources in this study are the book of Tafsir At -Tanwir and documentation regarding the biography of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan. The analysis used is content analysis. The results of this study reveal that contemporary Penafisran as a foothold to respond to realities in life and growing problems. There is a paradigm shift from tafsir bil matsur, and bil Rayi to contemporary. Tasir At- Tanwir is one of Nusantara scholars' works in the Tafsir study, which is presented with the Maudui approach, which discusses contemporary issues. With characteristics: responsiveness, evoking dynamics and evoking ethos

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Yonatan Alex Arifianto

Abstrak Gereja pada zaman ini mulai kehilangan esensi dan tujuan utamanya untuk memberitakan Injil. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan gereja kurang optimal dalam pemberitaan Injil adalah lemahnya kepemimpinan misi yang dimiliki. Kepemimpinan misi adalah kemampuan seseorang untuk mempengaruhi dan menggerakan orang supaya terlibat aktif dalam misi Allah. Salah satu tokoh besar dalam kegerakan misi di dunia adalah Rasul Paulus. Oleh sebab itu, penilitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakter kepemimpinan misi yang dilakukan oleh Paulus dan menghubungkan menjadi implikasi bagi pemimpin pada misi kini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah adanya 5 prinsip kepemimpinan misi Paulus yang dapat diimplikasikan bagi pemimpin masa kini, yaitu berdoa dan terlibat aktif dalam pengabaran Injil (Integritas). Lalu mendidik jemaat dan mencetak pemimpin lokal. Dan menentukan standar misionaris.serta mempersiapkan misionaris untuk diutus. Dan yang selanjutnya mendukung misionaris melalui doa, motivasi, dan pencarian solusi atas setiap persoalan. Lalu yang terakhir di atas semua strategi yang Paulus lakukan, Paulus selalu bergantung kepada Allah.   Abstract The church today begins to lose its essence and main purpose to preach the gospel. One of the factors that causes the church to be less than optimal in preaching the gospel is the weakness of its mission leadership. Mission leadership is a person's ability to influence and move people to be actively involved in God's mission. One of the great figures in the missionary movement in the world was the Apostle Paul. Therefore, this study aims to determine the character of mission leadership carried out by Paul and link it to the implications for leaders on current missions. The research method used is a qualitative method with a literature study approach. The result of this research is that there are 5 principles of Paul's mission leadership that can be implicated for today's leaders, namely praying and being actively involved in preaching the gospel (Integrity). Then educate the congregation and produce local leaders. And setting missionary standards and preparing missionaries to be sent. And that further supports missionaries through prayer, motivation, and finding solutions to every problem. Then the last, above all the strategies that Paul did, Paul always depended on God  

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