recommended treatment
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Folasade Isinkaye

Plant diseases cause major crop production losses worldwide, and a lot of significant research effort has been directed toward making plant disease identification and treatment procedures more effective. It would be of great benefit to farmers to be able to utilize the current technology in order to leverage the challenges facing agricultural production and hence improve crop production and operation profitability. In this work, we designed and implemented a user-friendly smartphone-based plant disease detection and treatment recommendation system using machine learning (ML) techniques. CNN was used for feature extraction while the ANN and KNN were used to classify the plant diseases; a content-based filtering recommendation algorithm was used to suggest relevant treatments for the detected plant diseases after classification. The result of the implementation shows that the system correctly detected and recommended treatment for plant diseases

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Tissa Wijeratne ◽  
Win Sen Kuan ◽  
Anne Maree Kelly ◽  
Kevin H. Chu ◽  
Frances B. Kinnear ◽  

<b><i>Background and Aim:</i></b> Migraine headache is commonly diagnosed in emergency departments (ED). There is relatively little real-world information about the epidemiology, investigation, management, adherence to therapeutic guidelines and disposition of patients treated in ED with a final diagnosis of migraine. The primary aim of the current study is to get a snapshot of assessment and management patterns of acute migraine presentations to the different settings of EDs with a view to raise awareness. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> This is a planned sub-study of a prospective study conducted in 67 health services in 10 countries including Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the UK investigating the epidemiology and outcome of adult patients presenting to ED with nontraumatic headache. Outcomes of interest for this study are demographics, clinical features (including severity), patterns of investigation, treatment, disposition, and outcome of patients diagnosed as having migraine as their final ED diagnosis. <b><i>Results:</i></b> The cohort comprises 1,101 patients with a mean age of 39 years (SD ± 13.5; 73.7% [811]) were female. Most patients had had migraine diagnosed previously (77.7%). Neuroimaging was performed in 25.9% with a very low diagnostic yield or significant findings (0.07%). Treatment of mild migraine was in accordance with current guidelines, but few patients with moderate or severe symptoms received recommended treatment. Paracetamol (46.3%) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (42.7%) were the most commonly prescribed agents. Metoclopramide (22.8%), ondansetron (19.2%), chlorpromazine (12.8%), and prochlorperazine (12.8%) were also used. <b><i>Conclusions:</i></b> This study suggests that therapeutic practices are not congruent with current guidelines, especially for patients with severe symptoms. Efforts to improve and sustain compliance with existing management best practices are required.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Chih-Huang Tseng ◽  
Pei-Hsuan Lu ◽  
Yi-Ping Wang ◽  
Julia Yu Fong Chang

Ameloblastoma is the most common benign odontogenic neoplasm, but with an aggressive behavior and a high recurrence rate. Nowadays wide surgical resection is the current recommended treatment, which can cause further loss of function and esthetics. Recent studies point to the stem/progenitor cells as both initiators and propagators of the tumors. Elucidation of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the tumor stem cells is of broad interest for understanding tumorigenesis and for developing effective targeted therapies. SRY related HMG box gene 2 (SOX2) is a transcription factor that plays important roles in development, stem cell renewal, and cancer formation. Few studies have revealed increased SOX2 expression in atypical ameloblastoma and ameloblastic carcinoma. For the development of personalized medicine for ameloblastoma, biomarkers that provide prognostic or predictive information regarding a tumor’s nature or its response to treatment are essential. Thus, in this study, we aimed to study if SOX2-positive cells exist in ameloblastomas and their correlation with the clinicopathologic parameters. Our data suggested BRAF(V600E) mutation might contribute to the expansion of SOX2-positive cells. The identification of BRAF(V600E) mutation and the amplification of SOX2-positive cells in ameloblastomas imply the possible benefit of applying BRAF and SOX2 inhibitors in recurrent and un-resectable ameloblastomas.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Jeb. McAviney ◽  
Benjamin T. Brown

Abstract Background The recommended treatment for mild to moderate infantile idiopathic scoliosis curves involves serial casting. There are concerns, however, regarding the safety of repeated casting in very young children owing to the requirement for anesthetization during the casting process. Very little research has been conducted on the influence of bracing as an initial treatment for scoliosis in this age group. This report details the successful treatment of a large thoracic curve using a thoracolumbosacral orthosis in an infant diagnosed with infantile idiopathic scoliosis. Case presentation The Dutch-Australian patient presented at 11 weeks of age with a 44° thoracic scoliosis and a rib vertebral angle difference of 14°. The history and physical examination failed to reveal a cause of the curvature, and a diagnosis of infantile idiopathic scoliosis was made. The patient was prescribed a thoracolumbosacral orthosis (ScoliBrace) to be worn on a part-time basis for a period of 8 months. At the end of the bracing program, the patient’s curve had been reduced to 7° and a rib–vertebral angle difference of 0°. A final follow-up of the patient at 2 years after the cessation of treatment revealed no evidence of scoliosis. The parents were compliant with the bracing protocol and reported that the treatment was tolerated by the infant. Conclusion The use of an orthosis as a standalone treatment in this patient resulted in significant reduction in a large thoracic scoliosis. Based on the results witnessed in this patient, further investigation into bracing as an alternative to casting is warranted.

2022 ◽  
Pierre Fwelo ◽  
Zenab Yusuf ◽  
Abigail Adjei ◽  
Gabriel Huynh ◽  
Xianglin Du

Abstract Purpose Although surgical resection is the main modality of treatment for breast cancer, some patients elect to refuse the recommended surgery. We assessed racial and ethnic differences in women 40 years and older who received or refused to receive surgical treatment for breast cancer in the United States and whether racial disparities in mortality were affected by their differences in the prevalence of refusal for surgical treatmentMethods We studied 277,127 women with breast cancer using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) data and performed multivariable logistic regressions to investigate the association between surgery status of breast cancer and race/ethnicity. Additionally, we performed Cox logistic regression analyses to determine the predictors of mortality outcomes. Results Of 277,127 patients with breast cancer, 1,468 (0.53%) refused to receive the recommended surgical treatment in our cohort. Non-Hispanic Black women were 112% more likely to refuse recommended surgical treatment for breast cancer compared to their non-Hispanic White counterparts [adjusted odds ratio: 2.12, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.82-2.47]. Women who underwent breast conserving surgery [hazards ratio (HR): 0.15, 95% CI: 0.13-0.16] and mastectomy (HR:0.21, 95% CI: 0.18-0.23) had lower hazard ratios of mortality as compared to women who refused the recommended treatment after adjusting for covariates. Conclusion Race/ethnicity was associated with refusal for recommended surgery, especially among non-Hispanic Black women. Also, surgery refusal was associated with a higher risk of all-cause and breast cancer-related mortality. These disparities stress the need to tailor interventions aimed at raising awareness of the importance of following physician recommendations among minorities.

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Chayanne Silva Ferreira ◽  
Thiago Henrique Annibale Vendramini ◽  
Andressa Rodrigues Amaral ◽  
Mariana Fragoso Rentas ◽  
Mariane Ceschin Ernandes ◽  

Abstract Background Obesity is one of the most common nutritional disorders in dogs and cats and is related to the development metabolic comorbidities. Weight loss is the recommended treatment, but success is difficult due to the poor satiety control. Yeast beta-glucans are known as biological modifiers because of their innumerable functions reported in studies with mice and humans, but only one study with dogs was found. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a diet supplemented with 0.1% beta-glucan on glucose, lipid homeostasis, inflammatory cytokines and satiety parameters in obese dogs. Fourteen dogs composed three experimental groups: Obese group (OG) with seven dogs with body condition score (BCS) 8 or 9; Lean group (LG) included seven non-obese dogs with a BCS of 5; and Supplemented Obese group (SOG) was the OG dogs after 90 days of consumption of the experimental diet. Results Compared to OG, SOG had lower plasma basal glycemic values (p = 0.05) and reduced serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels. TNF-α was lower in SOG than in OG (p = 0.05), and GLP-1 was increased in SOG compared to OG and LG (p = 0.02). Conclusion These results are novel and important for recognizing the possibility of using beta-glucan in obesity prevention and treatment.

James J. Clark ◽  
Cassandra M. Linder

Abstract OBJECTIVE To assess the impact of a novel communication and consultation skills model (WISE COACH [WC]) on dog owner perceptions of veterinarians and projected spending on veterinary care. SAMPLE 1,200 US dog owners who had visited a veterinarian within the prior 18 months. PROCEDURES Video recordings of 2 staged client consultations were made, with the veterinarian following the WC recommendations in one video and not following them in the other (control). Participants were randomly assigned to view one of the videos and completed an online survey to assess their perceptions and projected spending. Qualitative responses were coded to identify themes. RESULTS The veterinarian was rated significantly higher in the WC video than in the control video for the characteristics first impression, skilled and knowledgeable, cares about me, cares about my pet, and communicates clearly, and was rated significantly lower for the characteristic rushed or abrupt. Participants who viewed the WC video were significantly more likely to follow the veterinarian’s recommendations, return to see the veterinarian, and recommend the veterinarian. They were also approximately 1.4 times as likely to approve the full recommended treatment plan, and their projected total spending was approximately 15% higher than projected spending for participants who viewed the control video. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results showed improved client perceptions, client retention, quality of patient care, and financial metrics when the veterinarian followed the WC recommendations. Further study is needed to determine whether this model may also improve veterinarian well-being by improving client relationships and decreasing resistance to recommendations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 12-25
E. Yu. Zakharova ◽  
S. V. Mikhailova ◽  
V. V. Zarubina ◽  
N. A. Krasnoshchekova ◽  
N. L. Pechatnikova ◽  

Treatment of many of the diseases in the panel of expanded newborn screening includes dietary therapy. Glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA1) is a hereditary disorder caused by mutations in the gene GCDH, encoding glutaryl‑CoA dehydrogenase, an enzyme in the amino acid metabolic pathways. The decreased activity of the enzyme leads to accumulation of neuro‑ toxic metabolites. The recommended treatment approaches for GA1 are the prescription of specialized nutrition products, levocarnitine, and symptomatic management. In 2021, clinical guidelines for the treatment of this rear disease were published in Russian Federation. To provide for the timely treatment, it is essential for a practitioner involved in the care patients with such a rare disorder as GA1 to have the knowledge of the principles of management, as well as practical algorithms for diet calculation.The article gives a detailed case‑based description of management during metabolic decompensation and the choice of dietary therapy for GA1 patients of different age groups.

2021 ◽  
Eden Kassa ◽  
Rahel Argaw Kebede ◽  
Bruck Messele Habte

Abstract Background The management of asthma, which is one of the major causes of childhood morbidity and mortality has been affected by non-adherence to recommended treatment regimens with severe consequences. The aim of the present study was therefore to explore the perceptions of the children with asthma, their caregivers and their healthcare providers towards asthma and barriers to long term childhood asthma management in an institutional setting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Methods A qualitative descriptive design was followed for the present study that used individual interviews as a data collection method. The study participants were 23 pairs of children with asthma that had treatment follow ups in two tertiary hospitals and their caregivers and eight healthcare providers who cared for these children. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis approach. Results The study findings revealed that the children and their caregivers were facing physical, emotional and social burdens related with asthma and reported low adherence to their recommended treatment regimens. Factors affecting childhood asthma management were found to be limited awareness about asthma and its management and inadequate education received from healthcare professionals. Non-adherence to especially inhaled corticosteroids appears to be influenced by necessity beliefs towards chronic administration of treatment regimens and concerns related with difficulty of administration, fear of side effects and general bad attitude towards it, in addition to their low availability and affordability. Conclusions Varied perceptions about asthma and its management were reported by children with asthma and their caregivers compared to the biomedical recommendation that were related to different factors. This in turn may contribute to the low adherence of the children to their recommended regimens and suboptimal health outcomes. The findings support the need for strong asthma care and education programs that are sensitive to local and individual patients’ and family perceptions and experiences including emotional distress and of the need to institute chronic care approach.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 103
Karolina Drożdż ◽  
Katarzyna Nabrdalik ◽  
Weronika Hajzler ◽  
Hanna Kwiendacz ◽  
Janusz Gumprecht ◽  

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an increasingly common condition associated with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Since systemic metabolic dysfunction underlies NAFLD, the current nomenclature has been revised, and the term metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) has been proposed. The new definition emphasizes the bidirectional relationships and increases awareness in looking for fatty liver disease among patients with T2DM and CVD or its risk factors, as well as looking for these diseases among patients with NAFLD. The most recommended treatment method of NAFLD is lifestyle changes, including dietary fructose limitation, although other treatment methods of NAFLD have recently emerged and are being studied. Given the focus on the liver–gut axis targeting, bacteria may also be a future aim of NAFLD treatment given the microbiome signatures discriminating healthy individuals from those with NAFLD. In this review article, we will provide an overview of the associations of fructose consumption, gut microbiota, diabetes, and CVD in patients with NAFLD.

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