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2022 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-29
Xinyi Dai ◽  
Yunjia Xi ◽  
Weinan Zhang ◽  
Qing Liu ◽  
Ruiming Tang ◽  

Learning to rank from logged user feedback, such as clicks or purchases, is a central component of many real-world information systems. Different from human-annotated relevance labels, the user feedback is always noisy and biased. Many existing learning to rank methods infer the underlying relevance of query–item pairs based on different assumptions of examination, and still optimize a relevance based objective. Such methods rely heavily on the correct estimation of examination, which is often difficult to achieve in practice. In this work, we propose a general framework U-rank+ for learning to rank with logged user feedback from the perspective of graph matching. We systematically analyze the biases in user feedback, including examination bias and selection bias. Then, we take both biases into consideration for unbiased utility estimation that directly based on user feedback, instead of relevance. In order to maximize the estimated utility in an efficient manner, we design two different solvers based on Sinkhorn and LambdaLoss for U-rank+ . The former is based on a standard graph matching algorithm, and the latter is inspired by the traditional method of learning to rank. Both of the algorithms have good theoretical properties to optimize the unbiased utility objective while the latter is proved to be empirically more effective and efficient in practice. Our framework U-rank+ can deal with a general utility function and can be used in a widespread of applications including web search, recommendation, and online advertising. Semi-synthetic experiments on three benchmark learning to rank datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of U-rank+ . Furthermore, our proposed framework has been deployed on two different scenarios of a mainstream App store, where the online A/B testing shows that U-rank+ achieves an average improvement of 19.2% on click-through rate and 20.8% improvement on conversion rate in recommendation scenario, and 5.12% on platform revenue in online advertising scenario over the production baselines.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Tissa Wijeratne ◽  
Win Sen Kuan ◽  
Anne Maree Kelly ◽  
Kevin H. Chu ◽  
Frances B. Kinnear ◽  

<b><i>Background and Aim:</i></b> Migraine headache is commonly diagnosed in emergency departments (ED). There is relatively little real-world information about the epidemiology, investigation, management, adherence to therapeutic guidelines and disposition of patients treated in ED with a final diagnosis of migraine. The primary aim of the current study is to get a snapshot of assessment and management patterns of acute migraine presentations to the different settings of EDs with a view to raise awareness. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> This is a planned sub-study of a prospective study conducted in 67 health services in 10 countries including Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the UK investigating the epidemiology and outcome of adult patients presenting to ED with nontraumatic headache. Outcomes of interest for this study are demographics, clinical features (including severity), patterns of investigation, treatment, disposition, and outcome of patients diagnosed as having migraine as their final ED diagnosis. <b><i>Results:</i></b> The cohort comprises 1,101 patients with a mean age of 39 years (SD ± 13.5; 73.7% [811]) were female. Most patients had had migraine diagnosed previously (77.7%). Neuroimaging was performed in 25.9% with a very low diagnostic yield or significant findings (0.07%). Treatment of mild migraine was in accordance with current guidelines, but few patients with moderate or severe symptoms received recommended treatment. Paracetamol (46.3%) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (42.7%) were the most commonly prescribed agents. Metoclopramide (22.8%), ondansetron (19.2%), chlorpromazine (12.8%), and prochlorperazine (12.8%) were also used. <b><i>Conclusions:</i></b> This study suggests that therapeutic practices are not congruent with current guidelines, especially for patients with severe symptoms. Efforts to improve and sustain compliance with existing management best practices are required.

2022 ◽  
pp. 36-51
Joaquim Teixeira Netto ◽  
Zulmira Hartz ◽  
Jorge Lima de Magalhães

In an increasingly connected world, information regarding the contagion and spread of COVID-19 has been an important weapon to enable better coping with the disease. The use of information technology can assist in the prevention, care, and monitoring of patients. In addition, remote service using applications avoids the overload of health centers and contagion. This research reports the experience of a research project initiated in Brazil at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, with the objective of developing an application and big data for the new coronavirus in a public health clinic using information management and One Health concepts. Initially, the application requirements were defined through interviews with users and health professionals. The partial results obtained so far demonstrate improvements in the different processes of the health center with the use of the application. The use of big data for the analysis of information makes it possible to define better health policies for the population in a more precise way and in a shorter time.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1126-1148
Vijander Singh ◽  
Amit Kumar Bairwa ◽  
Deepak Sinwar

In the development of the advanced world, information has been created each second in numerous regions like astronomy, social locales, medical fields, transportation, web-based business, logical research, horticulture, video, and sound download. As per an overview, in 60 seconds, 600+ new clients on YouTube and 7 billion queries are executed on Google. In this way, we can say that the immense measure of organized, unstructured, and semi-organized information are produced each second around the cyber world, which should be managed efficiently. Big data conveys properties such as unpredictability, 'V' factor, multivariable information, and it must be put away, recovered, and dispersed. Logical arranged data may work as information in the field of digital world. In the past century, the sources of data as to size were very limited and could be managed using pen and paper. The next generation of data generation tools include Microsoft Excel, Access, and database tools like SQL, MySQL, and DB2.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 54-59
Albert Kutama ◽  
Sibongile Manzini

Organisations gunning for survival must adopt or adjust their strategies in order to respond to these changes. Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) has become inevitable due to its being considered as one of the measures taken to address and adapt to the changes in the business world. Information and communication technology has been identified as one of the enablers of BPR hence this study sought to analyse the role of IT in BPR implementation to improve customer satisfaction in the banking sector. This study was guided by a pragmatic research paradigm which underpinned the study. The mixed method approach was utilised whilst a cross-sectional survey was adopted to collect data from 76 respondents. IBM statistical packsge for Social Sciences version 2.2 was used to process data. The results revealed that IT played a major role in BPR successful implementation. The study concluded that it would be impossible to implement BPR without IT. The study recommended that banking institutions should continue re-engineering their processes so as to remain relevant in the ever changing technological innovations. Training was recommended for employees on latest banking systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-260
Enzus Tinianus

Competition in the business world causes business actors to sometimes resort to various ways to conduct unfair business competition, resulting in losses for other business actors. In the virtual world (information technology for example) this action is often found. So it is necessary to study how the prohibition of monopolistic practices and unfair business competition against businesses in the field of information technology. This research is a normative legal research, the main data of which is obtained through library research. Based on the results of the research, it is known that the form of market monopoly and unfair business competition in information technology law can be in the form of vertical integration, discrimination of business actors, taking of domain names, and other actions that can harm business competitors. The Tying Arrangement in the Microsoft case is a form of unfair business competition, in which the giant software company Microsoft is accused of violating the antitrust law by taking Tying Arrangements by linking the windows product (the tying product) with the internet explorer browser product (the tied product). The Tying Arrangement was allegedly carried out in order to win a monopoly in the internet browser product market.

Valentina V. Agafonova

The management of modern companies (enterprises, organizations) is a complex process that includes the selection and implementation of a certain set of management influences in order to solve the strategic tasks ofensuring sustainable financial and socio-economic development. Information and communication technologies, which have reached a new qualitative level in the last decade, greatly expand the possibilities of effective management, since they provide managers, financiers, marketers, production managers with the latest methods of processing and analyzing economic information necessary for making management decisions. The main goal of creating and improving the company's information and communication technology system is to provide information support to all departments of the organization and its management in order to achieve sustainable competitiveness and high efficiency of the company as a whole, taking into account the current factors of domestic and world markets. Based on the foregoing, it can be said that in the modern world information and communication technologies are very important in ensuring the development and maintenance of the economy, as well as for the formation of such a society in which various types of modern systems based on computer technology, networks will be widely used by all segments of the population, information technology, telecommunications.

Lyudmyla Sokur

The purpose of the article is to study the world experience of forming consolidated museum, library, and archival documentary and information resources, analysis of opportunities and prospects of Shevchenko National Reserve to create an informative socio-communicative representative online environment by means of project activities and determination of phasing of outlined steps. The methodology of the research is based on the complexity of the general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, formal logic, federal consolidation of information resources, methods of analytical Internet monitoring, and visualization of the results of the research. Scientific Novelty. Prospects and expediency of forming a consolidated database of documentary and information resources of the Shevchenko National Reserve as an informative socio-communicative rep­resentative environment of the reserve in the world information space are substantiated, and the main ap­proaches and stages of this project are outlined. Conclusions. As a result of the realized study was found that the project approach to the formation of a single database of documentary and information resources of the Shevchenko National Reserve and their integration into a single information space is optimal for solving the problem, which requires a step-by-step solution and fully meets the requirements of the time. The creation of an informative and communicative representative environment of the Shevchenko National Reserve will help to reach a wide target audience, establish business communication, enter a single information space as an institution with a powerful documentary and information resource potential attractive for both the world and national community. Keywords: Shevchenko National Preserve, project activities, consolidated documentary and informa­tional resources, general informational space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S355-S355
Vahini Chundi ◽  
Jennifer J Wenner ◽  
Christopher Scheib ◽  
Yatin Patel ◽  
Cynthia snider ◽  

Abstract Background Monoclonal Antibodies directed at the spike protein of SARS-COV-2 are approved by the FDA for Emergency Use for outpatients with COVID- 19 who are at risk for severe complications. Here we present a single center experience using Bamlanivimab and Casirivimab/Imdevimab to prevent hospitalizations due to SARS-COV-2. Methods Adult patients who tested positive for SARS-COV-2 in our health system were offered outpatient monoclonal antibody infusion if: (1) testing was done within the previous 7 days, (2) the patient had fewer than 10 days of symptoms, (3) the patient was not currently hospitalized, and (4) met at least 1 of 8 criteria in the FDA EUA Fact Sheet for Bamlanivimab and Casirivimab/Imdevimab. Patients who met the criteria were offered the monoclonal antibody available at time of infusion. Those who declined antibody infusion were used as potential controls. The primary outcome was the discrepancy in hospitalization rates at 14-days past the infusion date for patients receiving the monoclonal antibody regimen versus 14-days past when those in control group would have been scheduled for infusion had they accepted. Secondary outcomes included emergency room visits, duration of hospitalization, and Intensive Care Unit stays. Coarsened exact matching (CEM) was used to obtain balance between treatment and control groups. A logistic regression model measured statistical differences between the groups. Results Between November 23, 2021 and February 8, 2021, 5567 patients were offered a monoclonal antibody infusion. A total of 894 patients completed infusion who were able to be matched with patients in the control group. Patients who received the infusion were statistically less likely to be hospitalized than those who did not receive the infusion (2.68% vs 6.70%, p&lt; 0.001). Conclusion This feasibility study shows reduction in hospitalization in patients who received monoclonal antibody versus standard care. It provides real-world information regarding using monoclonal antibodies as a tertiary prevention strategy to limit the progression of SARS-CoV2 infections, which will lead to improved clinical outcomes and decreased healthcare costs. Disclosures All Authors: No reported disclosures

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. e017
Carolina Martínez

This article analyzes the links between the first travel accounts of the New World and the production of cartographic images of America in Guillaume Le Testu’s Cosmographie Universelle (1556). Produced in 1556 and dedicated to Admiral of France Gaspard de Coligny, the Norman pilot’s manuscript atlas was created in the context of growing French colonial interest in Terra Brasilis. The transposition of America’s founding narratives into cartographic images as presented in Le Testu’s Cosmographie is interpreted here as an act of translation lato sensu. The translation of the continent’s travel accounts in the strictest sense of the word, and the adaptation of New World information to new audiences and political contexts are also examined in the analysis of this manuscript nautical atlas.

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