symbolic reality
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A.V. Emelyanov

The article deals with examples of symbolic, virtual artifacts as part of the social reality of the modern world. The author analyzes the influence of symbolic reality on a person, the transformation of forms of perception, reflection of the world. The symbolic world, the world of simulacra is considered as an instrument of influence on various spheres of society. Examples of symbolic structures involved in various forms of social life, the involvement of symbolic forms of reflection of the world in the mechanisms of perception, decision-making are given. We consider the relationship between the conditionally real and conditional virtual worlds, their interweaving, reciprocity. The article shows the relationship between the symbol and the simulacrum as a more modern and more complex form that characterizes the state of current social reality, various phenomena of post-modern types of societies, and their historical variability. The ethical aspects of the expansion of symbolic human spaces, the reasons for their appearance and development, and the consequences of their existence for human civilization are considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 ◽  
pp. 322-329
Elena V. Kovaleva

The article analyzes the influence of the basic “concrete metaphysics” ideas of Pavel Florensky, and in particular sophiology and the concept of symbolic reality, on his theory of the sacred image.

Skhid ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-42
Liudmyla Ovsiankina ◽  
Tetiana Kuprii

The article is dedicated to revealing the specific features of fashion as a system of cultural and aesthetic values, as well as a contradictory social phenomenon which plays an important role as a symbolic regulator of mass society. The purpose of this article is to study the mechanism of creation of the sign and symbolic world of fashion, new models and patterns of behavior, evident and hidden functions of fashion in the era of globalization.  Attention is focused on the fact that fashion, as one of the central phenomenon of the modern world, has become an industry based on the principle of rationality, for the production of original trends, in line with the trends and challenges of modern times. It reflects social reality, and people who actively contribute to changing its fashion patterns set in motion models of social reality. It is the sociological study of fashion that can contribute to its most adequate description and explanation. This is due to the fact that the process of spreading and changing fashion patterns is characterized by the value attitude of people both to things and to other people. The result of such an attitude is the social division of people into groups. A fashionable thing, which is desirable for a person, at the same time becomes for him a desirable image of the social status and interpersonal relations to which a person aspires. The article analyzes modern fashion in terms of symbolic conditionality and symbolic reality characterized by features of sociality, temporality, ambivalence and spectacularity.  The main attention of authors of the study is devoted to the analysis of the specific behavior of a human-consumer, for whom the sign and symbolic world of fashion is not only a means of self-expression, but also an opportunity to fill the spiritual vacuum and feel a lost sense of stability.  Attention is also focused on the importance of solving the problem of ethics of responsibility of modern fashion, which is the determinants of all relations in the sphere of contemporary consumer society.

Natalya N. Rostova

The article analyzes the work of Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi. According to the author, Kuindzhi’s paintings are not for the mind or distancing thinking, but for the soul. Kuindzhi's way of thinking is contemplation, not conceptualization. The article considers Kuindzhi's works through the prism of P. Florensky's metaphysics of light. According to Florensky, light is not just illumination or the inner principle of things, but the transcendent source of the world. So we have to understand what role the light plays in Kuindzhi's paintings. The author shows that Kuindzhi is not a pantheist who deifies nature and depicts the self-illumination of things, but the artist who sees the world as a symbolic reality. The author explores the work of Kuindzhi in the perspective of the philosophy of modern culture. We look at Kuindzhi today, in the 21st century. The 21st century differs from the 19th or the 20th century. Kuindzhi’s work means light, and the 21st century is the age of darkness. The author brings forth the problem of the collision of modern metaphysics of darkness in the Western tradition and the light-bearing Russian culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-36
K.V. Sorvin ◽  
A. Mert

This paper addresses one of the main topics of the works of the famous Russian philosopher F.T. Mikhailov aimed at overcoming the oversimplified conception of the relation between the biological and the social origins of human being, in the context of the methodological problems in the social sciences that have characteristic representations of the transcendence of society over individual. It is shown that the solution proposed by the philosopher was related to the revision of the dominant notions about the ground of the subject-subject unity and the ontology of the symbolic objects that provide this unity. In particular, the disintegration of the ‘activity approach’ in psychology into the concepts of A.N. Leontyev and S.L. Rubinstein, that are called by Mikhailov ‘antinomical’, is associated with the limited reliance on the methodological traditions of Spinozism, in which there was no idea about the reflexive type of subject-subject relation as opposed to the methodology of "late Fichte", with his characteristic position on the initial identity based on multiple selves. It is argued that the most adequate categories for description of the ontological connections between the ideal content and the material form in symbolic objects that provide such an identity can be found in Hegel's aesthetic works.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 7
Michael Abiodun Oyinloye ◽  
Eyitayo Tolulope Ijisakin ◽  
Johnson Olarinde Oladesu ◽  
Afeez Babatunde Siyanbola

There is a conscious effort to improve aesthetics, using visual arts to beautify the city of Lagos like other cities of the world. This study examines aesthetic characteristics of selected visual artworks in form of sculptures and murals erected at strategic places in the city of Lagos with a view to understand their aesthetic functions and socio-cultural relevance in the environment. Using qualitative art historian method, the study employed field investigation for getting useful information for the study; while photograph of selected works were critically analysed, using symbolic reality, unity of fascination and aesthetic appraisal. The study justifies reasons for appraising the use of visual arts for the beautification of Lagos city; it identifies and presents values of visual arts, in the society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 530-536
Achmadi ◽  
Khudzaifah Dimyati ◽  
Absori ◽  
Arief Budiono

Purpose of the study: This research aimed at highlighting the cultural implications in the context of the Dayak Tomun community in maintaining the management of land rights based on the customary in Lamandau, Indonesia. Methodology: This study used a quantitative doctrinal research method to look at the macro problems in legislation products and a qualitative non-doctrinal research method to look at the problems conceptualized at the level of microanalysis as a symbolic reality. Main Findings: This research revealed that the cultural approach perspective of the local indigenous people had an important role in the management of land rights. This study discovered the procedures for managing the people's customary land rights, which were simple and based on the local wisdom of the local community, which implied a philosophical meaning of belom behadat (living in traditions, obeying customs), human nature in protecting the realm from destruction. Applications of this study: The findings of this study may be useful for the government in Indonesia since the findings reveal information as regards the management of land rights viewed from not only the rules and laws, but also a form of behavior, actions, and actual and potential human interactions that will be patterned in the management of land rights of Dayak Tomun indigenous people. The cultural implications of the Dayak Tomun indigenous people in managing local land rights based on local wisdom are sacred. Novelty: Indigenous people's background has management procedures, which can be seen from the characteristics of traditional lands, such as the presence of planting and family tree. Meanwhile, the term in the management of land rights is a hereditary habit and contains legal values ​​derived from beliefs (religion), customs, and social culture.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-170
Ahmad Salim Salim ◽  
Maragustam Maragustam Maragustam ◽  
Radjasa Radjasa Radjasa

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-47
Wahyudi Wahyudi

Phenomenon of community interaction with the Qur’an, in reality, has a varied and dynamic conception. The Jantiko Mantab community, for example, has a habit of putting water in the middle of reading the Qur’an. This water is called a Barokah Banyan nomenclature. But this often creates problems among puritans, because they are considered to have no clear argumentation in the perspective of syara ‘. So it needs a deep and comprehensive study of various aspects. The process of understanding the convergence of jama’ah semaan al-Qur’an Jantiko Mantab, seen from the perspective of the Berger & Luckman theory takes place through dialectical interaction of three forms of reality that become entry concepts, namely subjective reality, symbolic reality, and objective reality. The objective reality in the construction of the understanding of many baraka is the belief that the Qur’an is the source of baraka. From this Objective reality comes a symbolic expression of that belief (Symbolic reality) in the form of putting clear water in the Al-Qur’an. Individual understanding of the blessing of the Qur’an then interacts with the subjective reality of other individuals which then gives rise to an objective reality, in the form of banyu barokah.   Fenomena interaksi masyarakat dengan al-Qur’an pada realitasnya memiliki konsepsi yang variatif dan dinamis. Komunitas Jantiko Mantab misalnya, memiliki kebiasaan meletakkan air di tengah-tengah pembacaan al-Qur’an. Air ini disebut dengan nomenklatur banyu barokah. Namun hal ini sering kali menimbulkan problematika di kalangan kaum puritan, karena dianggap tidak memiliki argumentasi yang jelas dalam perspektif syara’. Sehingga perlu kajian yang mendalam dan komprehensip dari berbagai macam aspeknya. Proses konstruksi pemahamaan jama’ah semaan al-Qur’an Jantiko Mantab, dilihat dari perspektif teori Berger & Luckman berlangsung melalui interaksi yang dialektis dari tiga bentuk realitas yang menjadi entry concept, yakni subjective reality, symbolic reality dan objective reality. Objective reality dalam konstruksi pemahaman banyu barokah adalah keyakinan bahwa al-Qur’an merupakan sumber barokah. Dari Objective reality ini muncul ekspresi simbolik dari keyakinan tersebut (Symblolic reality ) berupa meletakkan air bening dalam semaan al-Qur’an. Pemahaman individu akan barokah al-Qur’an kemudian berinteraksi dengan realitas subjektif individu- individu lain yang kemudian memunculkan satu Objective reality, berupa banyu barokah.

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