interpopulation variability
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2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 1642-1647
Irina Agasyeva

One of the promising entomophages capable of controlling the abundance of the codling moth is Habrobracon hebetor Say. Natural populations of the gabrobragon can reduce the number of caterpillars of the corn moth to 22%, the garden moth to 35%, the cotton moth to 45%, and the gamma moth to 30%. This work aims to assess the parasitic activity of the gabrobragon as a regulator of the codling moth abundance in various geographic populations, to select a host insect for its mass breeding in laboratory conditions, and to assess the molecular genetic variability of the structure of H. hebetor populations. The capture of natural populations of the gabrobragon H. hebetor was carried out in apple orchards in Krasnodar Krai and Stavropol Krai of Russia using cassettes in which caterpillars of the codling moth were placed. As a result of the research, the natural starting population of the gabrobragon H. hebetor was captured, and a method for their maintenance and breeding was developed. The most effective host insect is the wax moth (Galleria mellonela L.), which resulted in 195 adults, compared to 98 of the mill moth (Ephestia kuhniella Zell.). The gabrobragon population introduced into the apple tree cenosis continued its reproduction in natural conditions and largely suppressed the number and harmfulness of the codling moth. The RAPD analysis of the Krasnodar and Stavropol populations of Habrobracon hebetor Say revealed a high level of DNA polymorphism and genetic diversity in the studied geographic populations of the gabrobragon. At the same time, intrapopulation variability was 87.1%, while interpopulation variability accounted for 12.9% of the total indicator. The limited gene flow (Nm = 3.298) results in relatively low identity (GI = 0.906) between populations and significant interpopulation variability. This indicates that the analyzed insect samples probably represent different geographic populations of the H. hebetor ectoparasite.

Oecologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Erola Fenollosa ◽  
Laia Jené ◽  
Sergi Munné-Bosch

AbstractSeeds play a major role in plant species persistence and expansion, and therefore they are essential when modeling species dynamics. However, homogeneity in seed traits is generally assumed, underestimating intraspecific trait variability across the geographic space, which might bias species success models. The aim of this study was to evaluate the existence and consequences of interpopulation variability in seed traits of the invasive species Carpobrotus edulis at different geographical scales. We measured seed production, morphology, vigour and longevity of nine populations of C. edulis along the Catalan coast (NE Spain) from three differentiated zones with a human presence gradient. Geographic distances between populations were contrasted against individual and multivariate trait distances to explore trait variation along the territory, evaluating the role of bioclimatic variables and human density of the different zones. The analysis revealed high interpopulation variability that was not explained by geographic distance, as regardless of the little distance between some populations (< 0.5 km), significant differences were found in several seed traits. Seed production, germination, and persistence traits showed the strongest spatial variability up to 6000% of percent trait variability between populations, leading to differentiated C. edulis soil seed bank dynamics at small distances, which may demand differentiated strategies for a cost-effective species management. Seed trait variability was influenced by human density but also bioclimatic conditions, suggesting a potential impact of increased anthropogenic pressure and climate shifts. Geographic interpopulation trait variation should be included in ecological models and will be important for assessing species responses to environmental heterogeneity and change.

Sergei Pavlovich Pustovoit

A morphological study of three Asian populations of pink salmon of the Ola, Bolshaya and Zhupanov rivers of adjacent even generations was carried out. For a quantitative description of the external appearance of pink salmon, a scheme of 17 measurements proposed by M.K. Glubokovsky [3] was used. On average, lower values of morphological diversity are characteristic of head measurements and fin heights, while indicators of body length and height have high indicators of morphological diversity. The hierarchical method of decomposition of morphological diversity makes it possible to find out the proportions of intrapopulation and interpopulation variability included in the total value of morphological diversity of each measurement. For females, the shares of morphological diversity averaged over all dimensions are as follows: sample — 48%, intra-annual — 19% and interpopulation — 33% share In males sample — 47%, intra-annual — 17% and interpopulation — 36% share. Thus, almost half of the total value of morphological diversity is determined by differences in morphological measurements between individuals within the sample, interpopulation differences make up one third of the total value, and the interannual share in the indicator of morphological differences is quite small. The rather high interpopulation proportion of morphological diversity indicates the possibility of using morphological measurements to distinguish populations from different parts of the range.

Vychalkovska N.V. ◽  
Alforova A.V.

The study of the limits of variability of terrestrial mollusks in natural populations and the distribution of the whole spectrum of variability into genetic and ecological components is one of the most important tasks of evolutionary ecology and ecogenetics of these organisms. The authors who studied the malacofauna of this species have repeatedly pointed to the wide range of geographical (interpopulation) variability of conchological characteristicsof mollusks of the genus Brephulopsis. Of particular interest are the features of the populations of the Northern Black Sea coast of Ukraine, where this species is widespread and occupies a variety of geoclimatic characteristics of the territory. The population of the species was first discovered near Lake Solonets-Tuzla near the village Rybakivka of the Berezansky districtof the Mykolaivregion.Based on the measurementsdataof the shell from the first detected population of B. cylindrica from the vicinity of Lake Solonets-Tuzla (C), the limits of variability of traits were determined. The maximum indicator of the width of the shell from the population of Solonets-Tuzla was the largest among those known in the region, thus influencing the conchological characteristics of the species as a whole.Ithas beenconfirmed that shell indicators are under close genetic control within each individual population. In terms of apex height, no significant differences found between all studied populations. Apex indicators are under a high level of genetic control.The study of conchological indicators of each newly identified population of terrestrial mollusks allows clarifying the identification indicators of the species. Microevolutionary processes in B. cylindrica populations of the Northern Black Sea coast are active, specific and depend on localization factors. The variety of conditions contributes to the intensification of evolutionary processes in populations and the acquisition of significant differences in conchological characteristics. There is a tendency to approximate the absolute values of shell height in populations located in similar geoclimatic conditions that affect growth processes.Key words:Northern Black Sea coast, Brephulopsis cylindrica, local population, intrapopulation variability, interpopulation variability,shell. Вивчення меж мінливості наземних молюсків уприродних популяціях та розподіл всього спектру мінливості на генетичну та екологічну складові є однією із найважливіших задач еволюційної екології та екогенетики цих організмів. Автори, які вивчали малакофауну цього виду, неодноразово вказували на широкі межі географічної (міжпопуляційної) мінливості конхологічних ознак представників молюсків роду Brephulopsis, що відіграє значну роль у дослідження еволюційних процесів. Разом з тим, зміни екології молюсків являє собою екстраполяцію екологічних змін макроценозу. Особливий інтерес викликають особливості популяцій Північного Причорномор’я України, де цей вид поширений і займає різноманітні за своїми гео-кліматичними характеристиками території. Популяція виду була вперше виявлена поблизу оз. Солонець-Тузли біля с. Рибаківка Березанського р-ну Миколаївської області.На основі даних вимірювань черепашки з вперше виявленої популяції В. cylindrica з околиць оз. Солонець-Тузли (С) визначено межі мінливості ознак. Максимальний показник ширини черепашкиіз популяції Солонець-Тузли виявився найбільшим серед відомих в регіоні, таким чином впливаючи на конхологічні характеристики виду загалом.Підтверджено, що показники черепашки знаходяться під ретельним генетичним контролем в межах кожної окремої популяції. За показниками висоти апекса не виявлено статистично достовірних відмінностей між всіма дослідженими популяціями. Показники апекса знаходяться під високим рівнем генетичного контролю.Дослідження конхологічних показників кожної нової виявленої популяціїназемних молюсків дозволяє уточнити ідентифікаційні показники виду. Мікроеволюційні процеси в популяціях B. cylindricaПівнічного Причорномор’я активні, специфічні та залежать від факторів локалізації. Різноманіття умов сприяє активізації еволюційних процесів упопуляціях та надбанню значних розбіжностей за конхологічними ознаками. Відмічається тенденція до наближення абсолютних показників висоти раковини у популяцій, розташованих в схожих геокліматичних умовах, які впливають на ростові процеси.Ключові слова:Північне Причорномор’я, Brephulopsiscylindrica, локальна популяція, внутрішньопопуляційна мінливість, міжпопуляційна мінливість, черепашка.

Vychalkovska N.V. ◽  
Oleksyuk Т.М.

During the study of the first detected local population of Brephulopsis cylindrica (Menke, 1828)on the adjacent territory of Lake Solonets-Tuzla, which is located in the Berezansky district of the Mykolaiv region, morphological features of the copulative apparatus structure were revealed.The nature of the distribution of features and their variability were analyzed. The elements of the copulative apparatus, the most significant in copulation, vary the least in linear terms.The appendages of the copulative apparatus tend to reduce. The specificity of the indicators of the copulative apparatus of individuals of the population is proved, which is a significant addition to the complex approach in the identification of the species of terrestrial mollusks B. cylindrica. The average values of the elements of the copulative apparatus of individuals of the species from the population of the adjacent territory of Lake Solonets-Tuzla were lower than in other studied populations.In most cases, these differences are statistically reliable(р˂0.05). The length and thicknessof the epiphalus differ significantly from almost all populations of the Northern Black Sea Coast, as a specific feature that within the population acquires certain stability due to the function of spermatophore formation.Microevolutionary processes in the population of B. cylindrica from the adjacent territory of Lake Solonets-Tuzla are active, specific and depend on the localization factor.The presence of a full-fledged local population on saline soil confirms the high level of ecological plasticity ofthe studied species of mollusks.Meristic and plastic indicators of flagellum are under a significant level of genetic control. Theelements of the reproductive system varythe least, the most important in the implementation of copulation. The appendages of the genitals tend to reduce.Key words:Northern Black Sea coast, Brephulopsis cylindrica, local population, intrapopulation variability, interpopulation variability, copulative apparatus. Під час дослідження вперше виявленої локальної популяції Brephulopsiscylindrica(Menke, 1828)на прилеглій території озера Солонець-Тузли, яке розташоване в Березанському районі Миколаївської області,були виявлені морфологічні особливості структури статевого апарату. Проаналізовано характер розподілу ознак, їхню варіативність.Найменше варіюють за лінійними показниками елементи статевого апарату, найбільш значущі при здійсненні копуляції. Придатки статевого апарату мають тенденцію до редукції.Доведено специфічність показників статевого апарату особин популяції, що є суттєвим доповненням до комплексного підходу при ідентифікації виду наземних молюсків B. cylindrica.Середні показники елементів статевого апарату особин виду із популяції прилеглої території озера Солонець-Тузли виявилися меншими,ніж в інших досліджених популяціях. У більшості випадків ці відмінності статистично достовірні (р˂0,05). Значно відрізняються між собою показники довжини та товщини епіфалуса між майже всіма популяціями Північного Причорномор’я, як специфічна ознака, яка в межах популяції набуває певної стабільності у зв’язку із виконанням функції формування сперматофора.Мікроеволюційні процеси в популяції B. cylindrica із прилеглої території озера Солонець-Тузли активні, специфічні та залежать від фактору локалізації. Наявність повноцінної локальної популяціїна засоленому ґрунті підтверджує високий рівень екологічної пластичності дослідженого виду молюсків. Меристичні та пластичні показники флагелума знаходяться під значним рівнем генетичного контролю. Найменше варіюють елементи статевого апарату, найбільш –значущі при здійсненні копуляції. Придатки статевого апарату мають тенденцію до редукції.Ключові слова:Північне Причорномор’я, Brephulopsiscylindrica, локальна популяція, внутрішньопопуляційна мінливість, міжпопуляційна мінливість, статевий апарат.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-51
L. I. Litvinenko ◽  
K. V. Kutsanov ◽  
L. F. Razova ◽  
A. Sh. Gadiadullina ◽  
A. G. Gerasimov ◽  

The size of Artemia cysts is an important indicator of their value as a food resource; to some extent, it allows to identify populations. The data on cysts of Artemia parthenogenetic populations (diameter, chorion thickness, and presence of spots on a shell), sampled in hyperhaline lakes of Western Siberia in different years, were analyzed, as well as the data on the morphometry of Artemia adults, reared from cysts at the same salinity. Significant intra- and interpopulation variability in the indicators was established. The absolute values of the cyst diameter were in the range of 210–330 µm, the mean values for the samples – 243.5–282.9 µm, the mean values for populations – 257.8–279.6 µm; the absolute values of the decapsulated cyst diameter were in the range of 196–294 µm, the mean values for the samples – 236.5–262.6 µm, the mean values for populations – 239.9–253.2 µm; the absolute values of the cyst chorion thickness were in the range of 3.3–16.9 µm, and the mean values for populations – 6.6–12.4 µm. In the main commercial fishing lakes, which account for about 70 % of the total catch of Artemia cysts in Russia, the cysts had similar mean population sizes: 262–268 µm. The absence of intrapopulation correlation between the cyst diameter and chorion thickness is concluded; so, they cannot serve as reliable indicators, identifying Siberian populations. Statistically significant correlation (r = −0.5) was established between salinity of a mother water body and Artemia embryo diameter. Cyst spotting, not exceeding 5 % in almost all the samples, reached 24 % in cysts of Kuchukskoye Lake. Analysis of morphometric indicators of Artemia adults, reared from cysts, showed as follows: the mean body length (9.27–11.63 mm), abdomen width (0.53–0.69 mm), and distance between eyes (1.36–1.52 mm) were closely correlated with salinity of a water body (r values were of −0.76; −0.62; and −0.67, respectively). Cluster analysis of a set of morphometric indicators of Artemia adults showed the unification of populations based on salinity.

Akademos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-50
Maria Duca ◽  
Ana Mutu ◽  
Ina Bivol ◽  
Steliana Clapco ◽  

The article is a synthesis of some studies on the identification of broomrape races originating from China and the determination of the level of intra- and interpopulation variability based on the morphometric parameters of the seeds. The racial status of the analyzed populations was established, also two races of broomrape were identified: race G (Ch1 from Inner Mongolia and Ch3 from HeBei) and race H (Ch2 from Inner Mongolia) using internationally recognized differential Or homosygous lines set. Comparative analyses on the morphometric characteristics of broomrape revealed significant differences in seed Length (Ch1 and Ch3 populations, race G) and Length/width ratio (Ch3 and Ch4), which is an indication of the moderate level of interpopulation variability. In the case of assess of the intrapopulation variability level, the relatively homogeneous (Ch2, Ch3 and Ch4) and relatively heterogeneous (Ch1) populations were identified. According to the coefficient of variation, the population Ch2 identified as H broomrape race has distinguished as the most homogeneous for the investigated biometric indices of the seeds. The moderate positive correlations (between Length and width seed, between seed length and L/w ratio), the strong positive correlations (between Length and L/w ratio) and also the strong negative correlations (between width and L/w ratio) were established. The results obtained through Pearson coefficient revealed the discrimination of populations by region.

V. S. Mandrusova ◽  
I. S. Gordej ◽  
O. M. Lyusikov ◽  
V. E. Shimko ◽  
I. A. Gordej

In this work, the genetic diversity of the modern gene pool of the winter rye (S. cereal L.) of the Republic of Belarus from 20 actual breeding samples was investigated using 15 microsatellite (SSR) markers to develop divergent crossing combinations in breeding for heterosis. It was shown that the formed set of SSR markers is highly effective – the informational content index (PIC) varied from 0.50 to 0.83 and averaged 0.72. The most effective microsatellite markers (SCM28, SCM43, SCM101 and SCM102) were identified and can be successfully used to study the genetic diversity of rye. It has been established that the modern gene pool of the winter rye of the Republic of Belarus is generally characterized by fairly wide genetic diversity (interpopulation variability) – all collection samples are characterized by a unique allelic composition of the studied microsatellite loci. Based on investigation results, a hierarchical clustering dendrogram was constructed, which made it possible to determine the most genetically divergent combinations of crosses. The information obtained can be used for the development of an effective scheme allowing to develop new varieties and hybrids in the practical breeding of rye for heterosis.

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