reform program
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Bui Hoang Tan ◽  

The reform initiated by Khuc Hao was the first reform in the history of Vietnam carried out in the context that the country had just gained autonomy from the Duong Dynasty (China). With the positive contents of the reform program, it has made many important contributions to the solid construction of the nation's autonomous government after a period of arduous struggle. Accordingly, the land issue has had certain adjustments compared to the Chinese domination period, which has had a strong impact on the economic and social changes of the country. The paper focuses on studying the basic issues of land ownership in Khuc Hao's reform program, through which it outlines the basic characteristics of Vietnam's land ownership in the early days of gaining autonomy. The research results will contribute to adding useful references on land issues in the history of the Vietnamese nation in the early 10th century.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-25
Jill E. Kelly

Abstract Land claims and contests have been central to the construction of political authority across the African continent. South Africa’s post-apartheid land reform program aims to address historical dispossessions, but the program has experienced numerous obstacles and limits—in terms of pace, communal land access, productivity, and rural class divides. Drawing on archival and newspaper sources, Kelly traces how the descendant of a colonially-appointed, landless chief manipulated a claim into a landed chieftaincy and how both the chief and the competing claimants have deployed histories of landlessness and firstcomer accounts in a manner distinct to the KwaZulu-Natal region as part of the land restitution process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 145-157
Jennifer S. Tumbagahan ◽  
Merlita V. Caelian ◽  
Zeaphard Gerhart V. Caelian

Accurate implementation of real property assessment principles strengthens real property taxation resulting in improved performance towards client satisfaction. This study assessed the implementation of assessment principles, the performance, and the satisfaction of clients of municipal assessment offices in Negros Occidental, Philippines.  It likewise determined the challenges encountered by offices.  A descriptive-comparative design was utilized using researcher-made survey instruments administered to assessors and randomly selected staff and clients. Using descriptive and inferential analyses, the findings revealed a very great extent of implementation with no significant differences across all areas when municipalities were grouped as to variables of income classification and land area. While the level of performance was outstanding as a whole, with no significant difference in all areas when grouped as to income class, a significant difference was revealed when assessment offices were grouped as to land area.  Clients were very satisfied with assessment services with no significant difference in physical setup when grouped into income classes. However, there were significant differences in frontline services, service quality, physical setup, and basic facilities. While when grouped as to land area, there was a significant difference across all areas. Several challenges were encountered by assessment offices, such as the agrarian reform program, administrative, policies, and political concerns. The study recommends a review of some policies specifically on the preparation and approval of the schedule of market value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
Trond Klevgaard

The orthographic reform program known as kleinschreibung, or writing small, was an integral part of the New Typography of the 1920s and 30s. Commonly associated with institutions like the Bauhaus, or groups like the ring 'neue werbegestalter', New Typography was also taken up in the work of numerous printers and compositors across Germany and beyond. In Denmark, where common nouns were capitalized then as they still are in German, one proponent of New Typography amongst printers was Typografernes fagtekniske Samvirke (The Compositors' trade-technical Cooperative). In 1988 the London design group 8vo published an issue of their journal Octavo on the topic, positioning kleinschreibung as "a microcosm of a larger debate, one which raises pertinent questions about the potential of design to be part of a force for positive social change. The following takes a similar stance. The Danish printing calendar Typografisk arbog 1935 is used as a point of departure for a discussion of how Danish printers engaged with the issue of lower case.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-106
Kinfe Micheal Yilma

Ethiopia has embarked upon an ambitious project of revising a number of laws with a view to entrench human rights and democratic governance. Part of this legal reform program has been the revision of Computer Crime Proclamation No 958/2016. This article examines key aspects of the Draft Computer Crime Proclamation prepared by the Media Law Working Group from a human rights perspective. As it shall be shown in this article, making the cybercrime legal regime human rights friendly has been the overarching objective of the revision project. Most human rights concerns associated with the current cybercrime legislation are, as a result, rectified in the cybercrime Bill. However, the Bill goes overboard in embracing themes that go well beyond the scope of cybercrime legislation. With respect to the overall revision process, the article submits that the process has not been sufficiently inclusive.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Samuel Walker

The Department of Justice's pattern-or-practice police reform program has been an unprecedented event in American policing, intervening in local and state law enforcement agencies as never before and requiring a sweeping package of reforms. The program has reached reform settlements with forty agencies, including twenty with judicially enforced consent decrees. Academic research on the program, however, has been fairly modest. Social scientists have largely focused on a few selected issues. There is no study of the full impact of the program on one agency, and there is no comprehensive study of the impact of the program as a whole. Evaluations of individual agencies have been generally favorable, although with backsliding in some agencies. This review argues that the combination of several major goals and the various elements of specific consent decree reforms have created a web of accountability that is unmatched by any previous police reform effort. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Criminology, Volume 5 is January 2022. Please see for revised estimates.

2021 ◽  
pp. 227797602110291
Lyn Ossome ◽  
Sirisha C. Naidu

The Fast Track Land Reform Program (FTLRP) in Zimbabwe effected changes in the racial, class, and gender structure of land ownership. However, while changes in the racial and class structure have been well explored in existing literature, their articulation to gender in the agrarian structure is not yet well understood. This is because the literature has mainly accounted for gender in relation to the formal redistribution of land to women through titling, and not as a structural element of agrarian reform that locates women within the labor and capital nexus of land ownership. This article aims to fill this gap in our understanding of the gendered agrarian component of FTLRP by locating gender within the political economy of the agrarian reform and by evaluating gender in relation to the capitalist accumulation structure which the land reform sought to alter.

2021 ◽  
Vol In Press (In Press) ◽  
Ali Dabbagh ◽  
Roghayeh Gandomkar ◽  
Behrooz Farzanegan ◽  
Alireza Jaffari ◽  
Nilofar Massoudi ◽  

Background: Reform in medical education is a basic process in every academic department, especially in residency programs. Objectives: This study was designed to assess the indices of education and research as part of the Medical Education Reform program (MERP) in the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care (DACC), Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBMU) for four years. Methods: MERP in DACC, SBMU was designed and implemented as a modern academic reform model; different outcome measures in education and research were assessed to demonstrate the effects of the reform plan in academic improvements. Results: there were significant improvements regarding education indices (i.e., teaching methods, passing comprehensive exams, mentorship, assessment methods, faculty development, professionalism in medical education, integration in education, and crisis management) and research indices (targeted research activities, innovation in research approaches, increasing the impact of research). Conclusions: Based on the experiences of DACC, SBMU regarding clinical anesthesiology residency, reform could be achieved using painstaking plans and continuous efforts with tangible documented outcomes. Often, the management period is not durable, and these reforms require meticulous care to sustain.

2021 ◽  
pp. 217-224
Michael Llewellyn-Smith

Venizelos's arrived in Athens in early September 1910. He addressed the people in a major speech in Constitution Square, making clear that he would work with the King, since 'crowned democracy' best fitted the political culture of the Greek people. He looked to the King to lead the reform program. He announced that he would create a new political party from like-minded people committed to new and liberal ideas. For the rest he condemned the failures of the old political world, over emigration, security, agriculture and industry, indeed across the board, and promised better. The speech quickly acquired mythical status, partly for the forthright way in which he squashed hecklers who cried out for fundamental changes in the constitution (i.e. affecting the prerogatives of the Crown). He defended limited constitutional changes. Foreign affairs hardly featured. This debut was rapidly followed by his appointment as prime minister, following the failure of the old party leaders to pick up the baton, and by his confirmation through new elections which gave him the desired majority in parliament. This was a brilliant start to his political career in Greece.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Ignatius Adi Nugroho ◽  
Sambas Basuni ◽  
Gita Junaedi ◽  
Achmad Ponco Kusumah ◽  
Kurniawan Hardjasasmita ◽  

Development process needs lands as natural resources. Unfortunately, availability of land is relatively limited. Therefore, it needs releasing process of forestland to become non forestland. In the process of releasing the forestland, there are some policies which need stakeholders to consider so the minimum required forestland of 30% is fulfilled. Releasing forestland area is possible to undertake on non-productive forest conversion area which is also for the government agrarian reform programs which is called Nawacita. The objective of this research is tooffer answer about the indicative forestland which can be used for development needs, particularly for poor people who live near the forest. The results indicate that non-productive of conversion forest can provide land for development in Riau Province for about 205,847.86 hectares (93.01%) from the total conversion forest area based on agrarian reform program. Permanent forested land which needs to be maintained as forest area is 1,102.42 hectares, because most of the area are still primary forests. For the effectiveness of releasing conversion forest area, socialization programs to inform the community is needed.

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