Journal of Applied Sports Sciences
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Published By National Sports Academy - Vassil Levski

2534-9597, 2535-0145

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2021) ◽  
pp. 40-50
Borislava Petrova ◽  

Soccer is a high-intensity intermittent team sport where both the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems contribute to the physiological demands of the game. The study aims to search and determine relationships between the values of cardiopulmonary and gas exchange indices during frequently used laboratory tests - the CardioPulmonary Exercise Test (CPET) and the Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT), exploring the capacity of the energy systems. Forty-seven soccer players (15.06 ± 0.84 years of age) performed both tests as Oxygen uptake (VO2), Oxygen pulse (O2HR), Pulmonary ventilation (VE), Volume of expired air (VTex), and Breath frequency (BF) were measured online using a breathby-breath cardiopulmonary exercise testing system. Ergometric achievements during WAnT: PP (Peak Power) 662.4 ± 121.2 W; AP (Average Power) 494.67 ± 98.5 W; FI (Fatigue Index) 61.2 ± 28.7%. There was no correlation between WAnT PP and AP and maximum power output in CPET. WAnT VE and VTex correlate significantly with CPET VO2max (r = .676 and r = .772, respectively). The main finding was a presence of approximately identical maximal values of cardiopulmonary parameters achieved in the very different in duration and intensity CPET and WАnT: insignificant differences between CPET versus WAnT: VO2max (55.97 ± 2.02 versus 56.02 ± 17.3; VEmax (133.96 ± 21.77 versus 126.77 ± 24.77 l.min-1); VTex max (2.19 ± 0.37 l versus 2.06 ± 0.43 l); BFmax (62.20 versus 75.43.min-1). We assume that when conducting WAnT with simultaneous registration of respiration, together with the indices of athletes’ power output, reliable information about the magnitude of VO2max and other cardiopulmonary parameters of players could be obtained. This will greatly facilitate the ongoing control of the exercise conditioning status of athletes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2021) ◽  
pp. 28-39
Dimitar Avramov ◽  

The aim of this study was to determine aerobic fitness through the VO2max treadmill test of elite Bulgarian taekwondo players with international results, and to determine whether the aerobic system had an effect upon the sports result in taekwondo. Fourteen elite taekwondo athletes, members of the Bulgarian national team (8 male and 6 female) were tested using a continuous progressive treadmill test. Physiological characteristics such as maximal oxygen uptake(VO2max), blood lactate and heart rate were measured. The male athletes recorded 58.2±3.4 ml kg–1 min–1 and the female 46.0±2.8 ml kg–1 min–1. The lactate level reached its highest at the 6’ after the VO2max with results for the males of 11.5±3.7 (mmol l-1) and 9.9±4.1 (mmol l-1) for the females respectively. A comparison between our results, regarding VO2max and previously reported was made using the One-way Anova for independent samples. It showed no significant difference between the male subjects (58.2±3.4 versus 60.7±3.3 ml kg(-1) min(-1), p>.05) and significant difference between the female ones (46.0±2.8 versus 49.8±2.8 ml kg(-1) min(-1), p<.05). Investigated also was the number of kicks executed by the winner of -49 kg weight category and her direct opponents during the 2019 Grand Prix Sofia. It was discovered that the winner kicked an average of 86.25 times per match and her kicks during the Grand Prix Sofia accumulated to 390 in total. It is our conclusion that the aerobic fitness does not play a significant role in taekwondo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2021) ◽  
pp. 66-76
Polina Hadjiyankova ◽  
Tatiana Iancheva ◽  

In the last years, the issue concerning individualism and collectivism in sport has increasingly attracted researchers’ attention. The relation between individualism-collectivism and performance has been surveyed (Cox et al., 1991, Mann, 1980, Wagner, 1995), the stability of teamwork (Kiffin-Petersen & Cordey, 2003, Kirkman, 1996, Kirkman & Shapiro, 2001), team performance (Karsh, 1984, Smith, 1984). This study aimed to examine individualism and collectivism and their relation to goal orientation among athletes with different levels of qualification practicing six different kinds of sport. The research was done among 160 athletes practicing six sports – three (3) team sports and three (3) individual sports. To fulfill the aim of the research, we used: 1. Scale for measuring the horizontal and vertical individualism and collectivism INDCOL of Singelis, Triandism Bhawuk, & Gelfand, 1995; 2. Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire – TEOSQ, Duda & Nicholls, adapted for Bulgarian conditions by Domuschieva-Rogleva, 2003. 3. Psychological Collectivism Measure – Jackson et аl., 2006. We established significant differences among competitors practicing individual and team sports and differences depending on the qualification, club affiliation, gender. The influence of individualism and collectivism on goal orientation in sport was revealed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2021) ◽  
pp. 3-16
David N. Suprak ◽  
Tal Amasay ◽  

Introduction. Countermovement jump is common in sport and testing and performed from various starting positions. Little is known about effective contributors to maximal countermovement jump height from various starting positions. Purpose and Objectives. Determine effective jump height predictors and effect of starting position on countermovement jump height. Applied Methodology. Forty-nine collegiate athletes performed maximal height countermovement jumps from upright and squatting positions with arm movement. Several variables were calculated from kinetic data. Correlation and regression determined variables related to and predictive of jump height in both conditions. Paired t-tests evaluated differences in jump height. Achieved Major Results. Upright condition jump height positively correlated with peak force and power, eccentric and concentric impulses, and countermovement depth. Jump height prediction included peak force and power, and eccentric and concentric impulses. Squat condition jump height positively correlated with peak force and power, mean rate of force development, force generated at the beginning of propulsion, and concentric impulse. Jump height prediction equation included mean rate of force development, force at the beginning of propulsion, and peak power. Jump height was higher in the upright condition. Conclusions. Higher jumps are achieved from the upright position. Peak force, peak power, and concentric and eccentric impulses best contribute to upright jump height. Mean rate of force development, force at the beginning of propulsion, and peak power best predicted squat jump height. Limitations. We did not restrict arm movement, to encourage natural motion. Depth was not controlled, rather advising a comfortable depth. Subjects were recruited from various collegiate sports. Practical implications. Maximal jump height from various positions may be achieved through efforts to maximize jump peak power and increase musculotendinous loading in sport-specific starting positions. Originality/Value. This is the first study to explore the predictors of upright and squat countermovement jumps. These results can guide jump performance training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2021) ◽  
pp. 93-105
Jörg Schenk ◽  

The German Carl Diem is considered one of the most outstanding sports personalities and Olympic promoters of modern times and was not only relevant to sports development in and for Germany but also abroad. His work unfolded especially in the first half of the 20th century but led to highly contradictory assessments of his person and his work due to the circumstances of the time and political developments in Germany and Europe. It becomes apparent that in contrast to Germany, where Diem is now almost forgotten despite an almost incalculable oeuvre and is only known to sports historians, in Bulgaria, where he created the essential basis for the establishment and structure of the “State Higher School for Physical Education”, later “National Sports Academy ‘Vasil Levski’”, and thus the academic training of sports teachers with his “Organizational Plan for Physical Education in Bulgaria”, there was initially no mention of him after 1944 and only from the 1990s of the last century at least some few mentions. This article uses an overview of the academic literature to shed light on Diem’s changed reception in Germany as well as the deficient research situation on him in Bulgaria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2021) ◽  
pp. 77-92
Trayan Popkochev ◽  
Valeri Tsvetkov ◽  

The end of the crisis in Bulgarian football is discussed through the perspective of solving the problems in youth football. Although organizational culture is essential for effectiveness within organizations, few studies are related to the organizational culture in (youth) football clubs in Bulgaria. The article aims at studying the organizational culture in three clubs from the Youth-17 League in the South-West Bulgaria Zone 1 and Zone 2. 60 players and 3 coaches participated in a survey conducted through OCAI (Cameron and Quinn). The weight of certain factors considered important for achievement in clubs was measured through dispersion analysis. The hierarchy and clan types are predominant in the club’s profiles. According to the analysis, the present state is characterized by fewer distractions than the desired state. ANOVA shows that the team success factor has the strongest influence regarding the differentiation of the clan (present state) and market (desired state) types of cultures. The competing experience factor has a lesser effect and differentiates the market and the adhocracy type of cultures (the desired state). The prospect factor differentiates between the clan and market type in the desired state. Both groups surveyed have similar preferences for the types of organizational culture in the teams, with the “strength” of the preference criteria having higher value with the coaches. The typical team sport profile of organizational culture is observed. Coaches can influence the sports training activities and manage the organizational culture in the clubs through the factors mentioned above when players are still young. The study is not representative of the South-West League and Bulgaria as a whole. Organizational culture significantly influences competing efficiency and good youth football players’ making.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2021) ◽  
pp. 51-65
Mariana Borukova ◽  

The introduction of an updated test battery, covering tests accessible for all age groups and with duration of one training session is needed for the execution of effective control on the growing up basketball players. The purpose of the study was to create an updated test battery for basketball players (boys and girls) of U12, U14, and U16, including three groups of indicators: for physical development, physical preparedness, and technical skills. Three hundred and ten children from the clubs in the country (137 boys and 173 girls) participated in the sport-pedagogical tests. We applied a new test battery, covering 21 indicators, divided into three groups: for physical development, physical preparedness, and technical skills. The results were processed with a variation analysis and comparative analysis by the t-criterion of Student. The results showed statistically important differences for both sexes between U12 and U14 for the physical development and physical preparedness signs and for some tests in relation to the technical preparedness. An important difference was observed between U14 and U16 from both sexes for some of the sings only; as far as the technical skills were concerned, the differences for the boys were due to occasional reasons; for the U16 girls, they were considerably better than the U14 girls. The new test battery objectively reflects the real status of the level of all U12, U14, and U16 competitors. Normative tables will be developed to help the work of the coaches in relation to the optimization of the school-training process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2021) ◽  
pp. 17-27
Sebastian Möck ◽  
René Hartmann ◽  
Klaus Wirth ◽  

A high level of sprinting performance is relevant in various sports. Because of the transition of movement patterns in different sprint sections there is a shift in the relevance of speed-strength of the knee and hip extensors, and stretch-shortening cycle performance seems conceivable. Fifty-six physical education students (23.70 ± 3.00 years, 176.9 ± 8.10cm, 74.20 ± 10.30kg) were investigated. They performed sprints up to 30m in which different sections were analyzed and vertical jumps (squat jump, countermovement jump, drop jump from different dropping heights). Vertical jumping tests in squat jump and countermovement jump revealed mean values of 31.95 ± 6.56cm and 34.28 ± 7.47cm, respectively, while the drop jumps showed mean RSI values between 155.11 ± 36.77 and 168.24 ± 36.29 dependent on the dropping height. The sprint test showed a mean performance of 4.464 ± .343s (30m). The correlational analysis showed significant correlations (p < .01) for vertical jumping height with all sprinting sections (r = −.652 to −.834). Drop jump performance also showed significant correlations (p < .01) with all the sections (r = −.379 to −.594). The results let us hypothesize that the observed sample generated similar ground-reaction forces in the sprint and drop jump from a height of 40 cm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2021) ◽  
pp. 3-11
Subhojit Chatterjee ◽  
Usra Hasan ◽  
Subhra Chatterjee ◽  

Introduction: Physiological and body composition variables have important role for assessment of training status and evaluation of health status of athletes. Regular monitoring of these variables during training may provide valuable information to coaches for training and selection of players’ training protocol participating in both team sports and individual events. Purpose and objectives of the study: The aims of this study were to compare physiological and body composition variables between male athletes participating in team sports (football) and individual sprint event and also to correlate training duration (both in years and hours per week) of male athletes participating in both team sports as well as sprint with physiological and body composition variables. Applied Methodology: The study was carried out with thirty-year-old (n=30) and BMI matching male Indian athletes participating in team sports (football, n=16) and individual sprint event (n=14), having minimum 2 years of official training. They were in post competitive phase during the test. Several physiological and body composition variables were assessed such as height, weight, body mass index, training age (years), training time (hours/week), fat mass, fat-free mass, body cell mass, muscle mass, VO2 max, maximal power, training intensity and fatigue index following standard protocol. Achieved major results: The sprinters were found to possess significantly more fat free mass (p < .01), body cell mass (p < .01), muscle mass (p < .01), less fat mass (p < .05) and more average anaerobic power (p < .01) than their peers - football players. However, no significant correlation was found between any of the measured physiological and body composition parameters and the training status of these players. Conclusion: This study would provide useful information for assigning training protocols to the athletes participating in team sports and individual sprint events on the basis of physiological and body composition parameters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2021) ◽  
pp. 93-105
Zornitza Mladenova ◽  

Nowadays our global society faces big challenges and threats in the times of the first major pandemic. The outbreak of COVID-19 has forced governments to impose the lock-down policies around the world. Social isolation became a new normal form of living. After the first confirmed case on the 8th of March in Bulgaria, the government announced on the 14th of March the lock-down as a preventive strategy for the whole Bulgarian population. Under such circumstances, the big issue became the question of how to maintain the physical and mental health of people, and how to cope with the new reality. Based on this evidence the aim of the joint research study with Ohio State University, USA, entitled “Psychological Responses, Coping Strategies, and Physical Activity during the COVID – 19 Pandemic” has been proposed from the Bulgarian perspective as follows: 1. Investigate psychological responses, coping strategies, and physical activity during the COVID – 19 lock-down periods. 2. Examine the influence of physical activity as a coping strategy in psychological health and overall well-being during social isolation. To this end, an online questionnaire containing an adapted version of the short-form of International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-SF) has been used to assess the practiced level of physical activity and Metabolic Equivalents (MET) energy expenditure, PROMIS Item Bank v1.0 Emotional distress-Anxiety, Herth Hope Index (HHI) (Herth, 1992), and Brief Resilient Coping Scale BRCS (Sinclaire, Wallston, 2004) to evaluate psychological well-being during the social isolation. Evidence suggests that regular participation in physical activity helps decrease overall levels of anxiety and depression as a reliable coping strategy to overcome the social isolation and, as a whole, the negative aspects of lockdown

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