singular form
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2022 ◽  
Nazbanou Nozari ◽  
Akira Omaki

Agreement attraction, i.e., the production or acceptance of a verb that agrees with a noun other than the subject of the sentence, can be viewed as a process in which conflicting cues activate competing representations. The aftermath of such competition, in terms of cognitive processes, remains unclear. Using a novel referential communication task for eliciting agreement errors and both group-level manipulation of control demands and a detailed analysis of individual differences, we provide converging evidence for the role of monitoring and inhibitory control processes in agreement attraction for singular-subject sentences. We further demonstrate the dependence of producing plural verbs on such processes, suggesting the singular form is the prepotent default form. Collectively, these findings provide a clear demonstration for the role of monitoring and control processes in agreement computations, and more generally syntactic operations in sentence production.

The study investigates the stylistic features of English football news from the perspective of general stylistics. Stylistics, as a discipline based on modern linguistic theories, turns to studying non-literary texts from the perspective of stylistics. The study examines English football news from the three levels of stylistic analysis, namely lexis, syntax and semantics. Compared with other news types, English football news are less attracted to linguistics, and most of the previous studies are focused on the research of the title. This study employs samples of English football news from the official website of the 2018 World Cup in Russia. The findings of this study suggest that at the lexical level, the use of technical terms, abbreviation, nicknames, neologism and numbers highlights the uniqueness of English football news in lexical use, thereby saving space, increasing readability and narrowing the distance between news editors and readers; at the syntactic level, the special stylistic features of English football news are mainly reflected in the unmarked theme and singular form of a plural concept; and the use of rhetorical devices such as metaphor, hyperbole and personification to achieve semantic variation reflects the stylistic features of English football news at the semantic level.

The study investigates the stylistic features of English football news from the perspective of general stylistics. Stylistics, as a discipline based on modern linguistic theories, turns to studying non-literary texts from the perspective of stylistics. The study examines English football news from the three levels of stylistic analysis, namely lexis, syntax and semantics. Compared with other news types, English football news are less attracted to linguistics, and most of the previous studies are focused on the research of the title. This study employs samples of English football news from the official website of the 2018 World Cup in Russia. The findings of this study suggest that at the lexical level, the use of technical terms, abbreviation, nicknames, neologism and numbers highlights the uniqueness of English football news in lexical use, thereby saving space, increasing readability and narrowing the distance between news editors and readers; at the syntactic level, the special stylistic features of English football news are mainly reflected in the unmarked theme and singular form of a plural concept; and the use of rhetorical devices such as metaphor, hyperbole and personification to achieve semantic variation reflects the stylistic features of English football news at the semantic level.

Muhammad W. Yasin ◽  
Muhammad S. Iqbal ◽  
Aly R. Seadawy ◽  
Muhammad Z. Baber ◽  
Muhammad Younis ◽  

Abstract In this study, we give the numerical scheme to the stochastic nonlinear advection diffusion equation. This models is considered with white noise (or random process) having same intensity by changing frequencies. Furthermore, the stability and consistency of proposed scheme are also discussed. Moreover, it is concerned about the analytical solutions, the Riccati equation mapping method is adopted. The different families of single (shock and singular) and mixed (complex solitary-shock, shock-singular, and double-singular) form solutions are obtained with the different choices of free parameters. The graphical behavior of solutions is also depicted in 3D and corresponding contours.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-178
Kalpika Cahya Buana ◽  
Elita Ulfiana

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh penelitian mengenai penggunaan jargon dalam komunitas sepeda. Tujuannya adalah mendeskripsikan penggunaan jargon dalam hal bentuk, makna, dan fungsi yang digunakan oleh komunitas Sepeda Solo Raya. Penelitian ini berjenis deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data berupa percakapan dalam grup Facebook dan WhatsApp komunitas Sepeda Solo Raya. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan teknik dokumentasi dan teknik catat. Penganalisisan data menggunakan metode padan dan agih. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukan bentuk penggunaan jargon yang didasarkan pada proses pembentukan istilah beserta asal istilahnya, yakni bentuk tunggal, afiksasi, reduplikasi, pemajemukan, abreviasi, dan frasa, yang berasal dari bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Inggris, dan bahasa Jawa. Makna jargon dapat dikategorikan menjadi tiga jenis, yakni makna denotatif, konotatif, dan istilah. Berdasarkan fungsinya, jargon memiliki 13 fungsi, yakni memberikan perintah, menyampaikan imbauan, memberikan perhatian atau menyanjung, menyampaikan permintaan, memberikan persetujuan, menyampaikan penolakan, menyampaikan larangan, memberikan informasi, menyampaikan fakta, membuat pernyataan, menyampaikan pemberitahuan, menyingkap perasaan, dan memberikan pertanyaan. This research is motivated by research on the use of jargon in the bicycle community. The aim is to describe the use of jargon in terms of form, meaning, and function used by the Solo Raya bicycle community. This article was a descriptive qualitative study. The data sources are conversations in the Facebook and WhatsApp groups of the Solo Raya Bike community. The data in this study were obtained by documentation and note-taking techniques. Analysis of the data using the matching and agih method. The results of this study are found forms of jargon usage based on the process of forming the term and the origin of the term, namely singular form, affixation, reduplication, compounding, abbreviation, and phrases, which come from Indonesian, English, and Javanese. The meaning of jargon can be categorized into three types, namely denotative, connotative, and term meanings. Based on its function, jargon has 13 functions, namely giving orders, conveying appeals, paying attention/flattering, asking for requests, giving approval, conveying rejections, conveying prohibitions, providing information, conveying facts, making statements, conveying notifications, expressing feelings, and asking questions.

2021 ◽  
Jafar Mirzaee Porkoli

<p><b>The core argument of this thesis is on the aporetic moment/space of decision and the poetics of the to-come in John Milton's works, with the fundamental importance of the individual. For Milton, this moment/space is radically critical and free, and individually problematic, which goes beyond the usual private/public space even though the public aspects and responsibilities of the person's decision demonstrate exceptional significance in the form of public enactment. In Milton's terms, the experience of such an aporetic moment/space of decision is indispensible for those who want to become a "fit reader" and develop the essential qualities and attributes. I will argue that Milton has always written with the desire to highlight and exemplify the absolute singularity of such a moment and experience throughout his life and works, both prose and poetry.</b></p> <p>The thesis will represent its arguments in two sections. The first section, through a consideration of Derrida's arguments in his works (in particular: "The Laws of Reflection: Nelson Mandela, in Admiration," "The Future of the Profession or the Unconditional University," "Force of Law: 'The Mystical Foundation of Authority,'" and "This Strange Institution Called Literature") together with a selection of Milton's writings, mainly prose (including: Areopagitica, Eikonoklastes, The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, and Paradise Lost), will examine and identify possible continuities and convergences between the two writers. Such an intimate juxtaposition and close reading of their works has promisingly offered recognition of continuities, convergences, and affinities in their thought in terms of the qualities and attributes of the "fit reader" and the "democratic intellect." In the opening five chapters, the interactive reading highlights fundamental questions and notions for both writers, including the question of exemplarity or singularity, the notion of public space without conditions, the question of justice beyond the law, the critique of violence, and the question of literature as a lawless institution, providing me with the essential terminology to formulate new interpretations of Milton's works, in particular, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes.</p> <p>The second part of the thesis uses the conceptions and terms developed in the opening chapters to read the two late poems, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes, as singular examples of Milton's fit reader, the aporetic moment/space of decision, and the poetics of the to-come by setting out the general comparative points between them. The focus of my arguments in these chapters will be on the hypothesis that Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes are both demonstrating the aporetic moment/space of decision - confusingly replete with uncertainties, complexities, and indeterminacies - and the dominant poetics of the to-come as well as arguing for the singularity of the moment, decision, and enactment of the decision in each poem. I will argue that Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes provide outstanding exemplifications of Milton's notion of the "fit reader" developing similar qualities and attributes in common with Derrida's "democratic intellect."Milton's works represent the aporetic moment/space of decision as an ongoing process; it is a singular moment in which uncertainties and indeterminacies produce unresolvable choices, but where a decision must nonetheless be made; it is a moment of "trial" the result of which cannot be known to the individual "fit reader" in advance. Milton's late poems, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes, explore the critical significance of this moment and demonstrate that no certain, fixed, pre-programmed, or predetermined model or frame can be applied to the resolution of aporetic moments of decision in different times, places, and contexts. The "fit reader" is one who radically and critically reads and re-reads aporetic situations, full of inescapable indeterminacies and unresolved choices, and expresses his individual judgement in the singular form of a true decision (not calculation) to advance the possibilities of truth, justice, and humanity.</p>

2021 ◽  
Jafar Mirzaee Porkoli

<p><b>The core argument of this thesis is on the aporetic moment/space of decision and the poetics of the to-come in John Milton's works, with the fundamental importance of the individual. For Milton, this moment/space is radically critical and free, and individually problematic, which goes beyond the usual private/public space even though the public aspects and responsibilities of the person's decision demonstrate exceptional significance in the form of public enactment. In Milton's terms, the experience of such an aporetic moment/space of decision is indispensible for those who want to become a "fit reader" and develop the essential qualities and attributes. I will argue that Milton has always written with the desire to highlight and exemplify the absolute singularity of such a moment and experience throughout his life and works, both prose and poetry.</b></p> <p>The thesis will represent its arguments in two sections. The first section, through a consideration of Derrida's arguments in his works (in particular: "The Laws of Reflection: Nelson Mandela, in Admiration," "The Future of the Profession or the Unconditional University," "Force of Law: 'The Mystical Foundation of Authority,'" and "This Strange Institution Called Literature") together with a selection of Milton's writings, mainly prose (including: Areopagitica, Eikonoklastes, The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, and Paradise Lost), will examine and identify possible continuities and convergences between the two writers. Such an intimate juxtaposition and close reading of their works has promisingly offered recognition of continuities, convergences, and affinities in their thought in terms of the qualities and attributes of the "fit reader" and the "democratic intellect." In the opening five chapters, the interactive reading highlights fundamental questions and notions for both writers, including the question of exemplarity or singularity, the notion of public space without conditions, the question of justice beyond the law, the critique of violence, and the question of literature as a lawless institution, providing me with the essential terminology to formulate new interpretations of Milton's works, in particular, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes.</p> <p>The second part of the thesis uses the conceptions and terms developed in the opening chapters to read the two late poems, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes, as singular examples of Milton's fit reader, the aporetic moment/space of decision, and the poetics of the to-come by setting out the general comparative points between them. The focus of my arguments in these chapters will be on the hypothesis that Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes are both demonstrating the aporetic moment/space of decision - confusingly replete with uncertainties, complexities, and indeterminacies - and the dominant poetics of the to-come as well as arguing for the singularity of the moment, decision, and enactment of the decision in each poem. I will argue that Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes provide outstanding exemplifications of Milton's notion of the "fit reader" developing similar qualities and attributes in common with Derrida's "democratic intellect."Milton's works represent the aporetic moment/space of decision as an ongoing process; it is a singular moment in which uncertainties and indeterminacies produce unresolvable choices, but where a decision must nonetheless be made; it is a moment of "trial" the result of which cannot be known to the individual "fit reader" in advance. Milton's late poems, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes, explore the critical significance of this moment and demonstrate that no certain, fixed, pre-programmed, or predetermined model or frame can be applied to the resolution of aporetic moments of decision in different times, places, and contexts. The "fit reader" is one who radically and critically reads and re-reads aporetic situations, full of inescapable indeterminacies and unresolved choices, and expresses his individual judgement in the singular form of a true decision (not calculation) to advance the possibilities of truth, justice, and humanity.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 471
Ismiati Ismiati

The study discusses the types, functions, and morphological processes of Reduplication in the Sumbawa Besar dialect. Data was taken from recorded conversation, which naturally occurred among the native speakers of Sumbawa Besar Dialect. The native were also interviewed to gain deeply information. Finding of this study describes some types of Reduplication in Sumbawa Besar Dialect namely full Reduplication, partial Reduplication, and reduplication variation of phoneme. In full Reduplication, the word is fully repeated without any additional morpheme or phoneme to the base word. For example, the base word ‘lao’ (slow) is fully reduplicated becomes ‘lao-lao’ (slowly). Partial Reduplication is partly the repetition of the base word. For example, ‘Barema’ (together) is the base form that is reduplicated by repeating the last phoneme to become ‘Barema-rema’. ‘Barema’ is the base and ‘rema’ is its phoneme which is repeated to form Reduplication. Reduplication variation of phoneme is the type of Reduplication which combines two different word classes and meaning to create meaningful Reduplication. As example, ‘sedo-gaso’ (supplies).  ‘sedo’ is the first  base word  and the second word is ‘gaso’. Those are combined to create Reduplication becomes ‘sedo-gaso’ (supplies). Function of Reduplication in Sumbawa Besar Dialect was to change word classes as verb is changed into noun and change singular form to plural form of the noun. In example, ‘Mangan’ (eat) is the word class of verb which is changed into the word class of noun ‘Mangan’-‘Mangan’ (a picnic) in its Reduplication. In another example, the word Anak (a child) is the singular form of noun is changed into plural form Anak-dadi (children) in its Reduplication.

2021 ◽  
Ayoub Tahiri ◽  
Daniel Che ◽  
David Ladevèze ◽  
Pascale Chiron ◽  
Bernard Archimède

Abstract Real-time management of hydraulic systems composed of multi-reservoir involves conflicting objectives. Its representation requires complex variables to consider all the systems dynamics. Interfacing simulation model with optimization algorithm permits to integrate flow routing into reservoir operation decisions and consists in solving separately hydraulic and operational constraints, but it requires that the water resource management model is based on an evolutionary algorithm. Considering channel routing in optimization algorithm can be done using conceptual models such as the Muskingum model. However, the structure of algorithms based on a network flow approach, inhibits the integration of the Muskingum model in the approach formulation. In this work, a flood routing model, corresponding to a singular form of the Muskingum model, constructed as a network flow is proposed, so that it can be easily integrated into the water management problem. A genetic algorithm is involved for the calibration of the model. The proposed flood routing model was applied on the standard Wilson test and on a 40 km reach of the Arrats river (southwest of France). The results were compared with the results of the Muskingum model. Finally, operational results for a water resource management system including this model are illustrated on a rainfall event.

David Banks

Abstract President Macron’s New Year message on 31 December 2019 was given against a background of social unrest due to his proposed Pension reforms. He defended his policy reiterating the phrase “un projet de justice et de progress social”, but passing responsibility for resolving the crisis to his Prime Minister. The general analytical framework is that of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Macron uses first person singular (je) and plural (nous) subject pronouns to more or less the same extent but the singular form is used mainly with mental processes and the plural with material processes. There are in addition a large number of first person pronoun references other than those that function as grammatical subject: Macron manipulates the ambiguity of the plural pronoun to associate the general public with regard to responsibility for the government’s actions. Material processes are encoded more frequently as non-finite or as nominalizations where specification of the agents is not required, than as finite verbs. Obligation is attributed to the plural nous rather than the singular je. Thus Macron defends his policies while avoiding accepting personal responsibility for them.

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