actual compliance
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2021 ◽  
pp. 194855062110632
M. Mahdi Roghanizad ◽  
Vanessa K. Bohns

Research has found that people are much more likely to agree to help requests made in-person than those made via text-based media, but that help-seekers underestimate the relative advantage of asking for help face-to-face. It remains unknown what help-seekers’ intuitions about the effectiveness of richer media channels incorporating audio and video features might be, or how these intuitions would compare with the actual effectiveness of face-to-face or email versus rich media requests. In two behavioral and two supplemental vignette experiments, participants expected differences in the effectiveness of seeking help through various communication channels to be quite small, or nonexistent. However, when participants actually made requests, the differences were substantial. Ultimately, help-seekers underestimated the relative advantage of asking for help face-to-face compared with asking through any mediated channel. Help-seekers also underestimated the relative advantage of asking through richer media channels compared with email.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 184-190
Sang Hyeok Park ◽  
So Hyun Kang ◽  
Sang Jun Lee ◽  
Yongjoon Won ◽  
Young Suk Park ◽  

2021 ◽  
Justin Gengler ◽  
Noora Lari ◽  
Buthaina Al-Khelaifi ◽  
Maryam F. Al Thani ◽  
Rima Charbaji El-Kassem ◽  

Amid the outbreak of the contagious novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), states were put in an unprecedented situation never encountered before. Qatari authorities applied certain preventive measures to contain the spread of the virus. Still, knowledge of public risk perceptions and behavioral responses surrounding the COVID-19 epidemic is emerging, and clear quantitative data remain limited. This poster summarizes the results of a SESRI study that investigated social attitudes, behavior, and consequences surrounding COVID-19 in Qatar. An original online survey was conducted in both Qatar and a comparison case (Kuwait) during a 3-month period from November 2020 to January 2021. A total of 4,597 citizens and residents of Qatar aged 18 years and older were recruited to participate in the study, with 2,282 completing the full interview schedule. A total of 2,671 citizens and residents of Kuwait (1,184 completed) also took part in the survey to provide a regional baseline. The study produced many previously unavailable insights. Attitudes on risk perception, behavioral responses, and psychological distress were examined, along with individual-level determinants of intentions to comply as well as actual compliance with mandated preventive measures. The study findings suggest that authorities in Qatar should prioritize increasing public knowledge about COVID-19, present clear explanations of important changes in public policy surrounding COVID-19, spread accurate information about COVID-19 to combat the global online misinformation and debunk conspiracy theories and perpetuating myths. Redouble efforts to ensure public compliance with COVID-19 preventative measures, particularly among Qatari citizens and in relation to social gatherings, continue the transparent communication about its approach of handling the crisis with the public and effectively communicate the dangers of COVID-19 in order to encourage citizens and residents to comply with restrictions and to take the vaccine.

Neha Deopa ◽  
Piergiuseppe Fortunato

AbstractSocial distancing measures help contain the spread of COVID-19, but actual compliance has varied substantially across space and time. We ask whether cultural differences underlie this heterogeneity using mobility data across Switzerland between February and December 2020. We find that German-speaking cantons decreased their mobility for non-essential activities significantly less than French-speaking cantons. However, we find no such significant differences for bilingual cantons. Contrary to the evidence in the literature, we find that within the Swiss context, high trusting areas exhibited a smaller decline in mobility. Additionally, cantons supporting a limited role of the state in matters of welfare also experienced a smaller reduction in mobility.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 117863882110168
Sumali S Hewage ◽  
Su Aw ◽  
Claudia Chi ◽  
Joanne Yoong

Aim: To assess and explore the factors affecting willingness to undergo an early postpartum oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and receive postpartum lifestyle modification assistance. Methods: An explanatory sequential mixed-method design was used. A prenatal cross-sectional survey questionnaire (n = 216) was given to women diagnosed with GDM in a tertiary health institution in Singapore and followed up with postpartum semi-structured interviews (n = 30). Multivariate logistic regression and thematic analysis were conducted before merging the findings. Results: Despite universal GDM education, fewer than 75% intended to take the OGTT postpartum, and only 63% felt it was very important. The plan to take the OGTT postpartum was positively associated with a prenatal care provider’s specific recommendation. In contrast, Malay women were less likely to take the test. Most women interpreted a care provider’s recommendation as implying standard practice, which encouraged intended and actual compliance with testing after giving birth. The perception of moderate to high T2DM risk in the following decade, and subsidized prenatal care, and plan to take the OGTT postpartum were positively associated with willingness to receive postpartum lifestyle behavior support. A mobile application was the preferred method to receive support. Conclusions: In the early postpartum period, women with a history of GDM were willing to receive measures to reduce T2DM risk, primarily if it was under the supervision and recommendation of a care provider. A carefully designed but simple postpartum lifestyle intervention incorporating these preferences that can be integrated into mainstream diabetes prevention programs is warranted.

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 (36) ◽  
pp. 21851-21853 ◽  
Cornelia Betsch ◽  
Lars Korn ◽  
Philipp Sprengholz ◽  
Lisa Felgendreff ◽  
Sarah Eitze ◽  

Mandatory and voluntary mask policies may have yet unknown social and behavioral consequences related to the effectiveness of the measure, stigmatization, and perceived fairness. Serial cross-sectional data (April 14 to May 26, 2020) from nearly 7,000 German participants demonstrate that implementing a mandatory policy increased actual compliance despite moderate acceptance; mask wearing correlated positively with other protective behaviors. A preregistered experiment (n= 925) further indicates that a voluntary policy would likely lead to insufficient compliance, would be perceived as less fair, and could intensify stigmatization. A mandatory policy appears to be an effective, fair, and socially responsible solution to curb transmissions of airborne viruses.

2020 ◽  
Simon Winkler-Portmann

This publication based on a master thesis explores the challenges of the automotive industry regarding the European chemical regulations REACH and CLP, as well as potential improvements of the current compliance activities and the related incentives and barriers. It answers the research question: "To what extent should the compliance activities of actors in the automotive supply chain be extended in order to meet the requirements of European chemicals regulation; and where would it help to strengthen incentives in enforcement and the legal framework?“. The study’s structure is based on the transdisciplinary delta analysis of the Society for Institutional Analysis at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. It compares the target state of the legal requirements and the requirements for corresponding compliance with the actual state of the actual compliance measures of the automotive players and attempts to identify their weak points (the delta). The main sources for the analysis are the legal texts and relevant court decisions as well as guideline-based expert interviews with automotive players based on Gläser & Laudel. As objects of the analysis, there are in addition answers to random enquiries according to Article 33 (2) REACH as well as the recommendations and guidelines of the industry associations. The analysis identifies the transmission of material information in the supply chain as a key problem. The global database system used for this purpose, the IMDS, shows gaps in the framework conditions. This results in compliance risk due to the dynamically developing regulation. In addition, the study identifies an incompliance of the investigated automobile manufacturers with regard to Art. 33 REACH. In answering the research question, the study recommends solutions to the automotive players that extend the current compliance activities. In addition, it offers tables and process flow diagrams, which structure the duties and required compliance measures and may serve as basic audit criteria. The analysis is carried out from an external perspective and looks at the entire industry. It therefore cannot cover all the individual peculiarities of each automotive player. As a result, the identified gaps serve only as indications for possible further compliance risks.

2020 ◽  
Cornelia Betsch ◽  
Lars Korn ◽  
Philipp Sprengholz ◽  
Lisa Felgendreff ◽  
Sarah Eitze ◽  

Mandatory and voluntary mask policies may have yet unknown social and behavioral consequences related to the effectiveness of the measure, stigmatization, and perceived fairness. Serial cross-sectional data (04/14-05/26/20) from nearly 7,000 German participants demonstrate that implementing a mandatory policy increased actual compliance despite moderate acceptance; mask wearing correlated positively with other protective behaviors. A preregistered experiment (n = 925) further indicates that a voluntary policy would likely lead to insufficient compliance, would be perceived as less fair, and could intensify stigmatization. A mandatory policy appears to be an effective, fair, and socially responsible solution to curb transmissions of airborne viruses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 855-870
Doron Goldbarsht ◽  
Hannah Harris

Purpose This paper aims to explore the case of counter-terrorist financing (CTF) within the transnational regulatory network (TRN) of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). The paper demonstrates how the structure and operation of the FATF reflect those of a TRN and shows how the FATF has been successful in securing formal compliance with CTF policies. Design/methodology/approach The paper stresses that formal compliance does not guarantee actual compliance or effective enforcement. It is argued that the FATF and the CTF regime must balance concerns for legitimacy with those of flexibility and efficiency. Traditionally, TRNs have focused on flexibility, efficiency and informal cooperation over legitimacy. This paper demonstrates that legitimacy concerns cannot be ignored. Findings A lack of legitimacy may ultimately result in non-compliance and ineffectiveness. On this basis, current efforts to build legitimacy through the FATF are noted but deemed insufficient. If this balance is not struck, the FATF may be doomed to failure through an overreliance on coercive methods. Particularly in the case of CTF, coercion is insufficient for meaningful compliance. Global enforcement by diverse states is a necessary condition for the success of the regime. Originality/value This paper will fill the gaps existing in the literature by examining CTF, as well as the FATF as an example of TRN. This approach differs from other literature in the field, which deals solely with the effectiveness of the FATF and the global CTF without considering the effect of legitimacy on compliance.

2020 ◽  
dahibo Alemirew ◽  
Taye Zeru

Abstract Background:-The Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness strategy encompasses a range of interventions to prevent and manage the major childhood illness, both in health facilities and in the home. Information on actual compliance of care takers in integrated management of newborn and childhood illness is important for program planners, policy makers, health care providers and care takers to design appropriate local and national intervention plan, to increase community participation and to improve knowledge of care takers. Based on our knowledge there are limited studies regarding to care takers compliance towards integrated management of new born and childhood illness in the study area. Therefore the result of this study used for design appropriate intervention.Objective: - The objective of this study was to assess the care takers compliance and associated factors in integrated management of newborn and childhood illness with respect to counseling.Methods:-Community based cross-sectional study was conducted. The study populations were all care takers of under-five children who attended integrated management of newborn and childhood illness clinic at health center. A total of 394 respondents were randomly selected by using systematic random sampling method from the seven health centers. Information on the care takers compliance was collected using structured, pre-tested questionnaire. Data entry and analysis were conducting using Statistical Package for Social Science version 16. Significance of the study was presented by using adjust odd ratio, confidence interval and p value. The result was presented in texts, tables and graphs.Result:-Three hundred seventy three care takers with under-five year children were voluntary to be interviewed, making the response rate 94.7 %. The findings of this study showed that 144(39%) were compliance to antibiotic treatment and 102(27.3%) were compliance to counseling. Compliance to counseling was significantly associated with age categories between 25-34 year with (AOR=2.118, 95% CI: 1.042, 4.305), post-secondary education with (AOR=2.959, 95% CI: 1.354, 6.463), knowledge with (AOR= 2.574, 95% CI: 1.482, 4.469), trust on health workers with (AOR= 2.781, 95% CI: 1.344, 5.752) and distance with (AOR= 2.214, 95% CI: 1.254, 3.91).Conclusion: The finding of this study revealed that the high rates of noncompliance with antibiotic treatment were identified. Therefore, implementation of integrated management of childhood illness activities at all levels should be strengthened and need to improve the social status of care takers in order to reduce child hood morbidity and mortality.

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