russian state standard
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Vitaly Golchevsky

The total number of automobiles in Russia currently equals 55 mln., 45 mln. of which are passenger cars. Although the number of traffic accident is going down year by year, the problem remains very urgent, the number of people killed in such accidents is over 16 th., and the number of injured — 190 th. One of the most common types of traffic accidents is accidents with pedestrians, which happen through the fault of drivers or the pedestrians themselves. The conducted analysis made it possible to establish the influence of visibility from the driver’s seat in modern vehicles of М1 category on this type of traffic accidents. The analysis of visibility from the driver’s seat, specifically determining the angles of blind spots formed by the pillars of front windows, was done for one of the flagship Japanese models Toyota Land Cruiser 200. Research showed that the angle of blind spots formed by the front pillars of the bodies of a number of modern cars can exceed the value set by the Russian state standard (GOST) by 30 %. It is recommended to conduct an investigative experiment to assess the visibility from the driver’s seat when examining the circumstances of road accidents with pedestrians.

2021 ◽  
Vol 413 ◽  
pp. 157-166
Andrey N. Dmitriev ◽  
Galina Yu. Vitkina ◽  
Roman V. Alektorov

The paper considers the theoretical foundations of softening of iron ore materials in a blast furnace (the so-called ‘cohesion zone’). The dependences of the temperature range of softening of iron ore materials (the temperatures of the beginning and ending of softening) on the degree of reduction are calculated and experimentally obtained. Physical modelling of the softening process of reduced iron ore materials was carried out using the Russian State Standard No 26517-85. The results of calculations of the location and shape of the cohesion zone in the blast furnace for iron ore materials with different metallurgical characteristics are presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (11) ◽  
pp. 785-792
A. N. Dmitriev ◽  
V. G. Smirnova ◽  
E. A. Vyaznikova ◽  
A. V. Dolmatov ◽  
G. Yu. Vit'kina

The burned pellets must retain the strength from the time they come off the roasting machine until they are loaded into the blast furnace. One indicator of the strength of burned pellets is the compressive strength, i.e., the maximum applied load at which the iron-ore pellet completely collapses. The paper studies the character of destruction of burned iron-ore titanomagnetite pellets of fraction 10 - 16 mm in the static compression test according to the Russian State Standard 24765-81. It is shown that the main type of destruction during the test is the emergence and development of plane cracks passing through the center of the magnetite core, where the maximum radial tensile stresses act or in the immediate vicinity. In some cases, the trajectory of one of the destructive cracks deviates from the above plane and envelopes the magnetite core. Obviously, this is due to the presence of a second area of tensile stress concentration at the boundary of the magnetite core and the hematite shell, formed during cooling of the pellets, due to differences in their mechanical and thermophysical properties. As a result, the final structure of pellets is characterized by the presence of two zones -peripheral hematite and central magnetite. The role of the relative size of the magnetite core on the compressive strength of burned pellets has been determined. It was established that the strength characteristics of the pellet increase with a decrease in relative size of the magnetite core. During the process of magnetite complete oxidation (when the whole volume of the pellet consists of hematite), the maximum level of the pellets compressive strength can be: the maximum destructive force - 3300 N, destructive energy - 0.55 J, mass destructive energy - 0.18 J/g.

E. A. Sorokina ◽  
N. O. Kopanitsa

The property control of concrete mix and hardened concrete is an integral part of the construction process. With the development of additive manufacturing in construction, the methods of assessing the properties of concrete mix and concrete are characterized by the formation of their structure and properties in concrete laying and curing. Currently, there is no regulatory documentation on a reliable assessment of the concrete mix and concrete quality for additive manufacturing. The purpose of this work is to propose a method for determining the concrete strength for additive manufacturing. The proposed concrete mix composition matches the technological requirements for 3D printing equipment and possesses the required properties. The concrete strength analysis and research methods are carried out in accord with the Russian State Standard. The paper describes the main problems of the concrete quality control in using additive manufacturing and proposes methods for determining the concrete strength properties for 3D printing.

Elena V. Sysoeva ◽  
Ilʼya V. Morozov

Introduction. The era of high technologies and economy disrupts interaction between man and nature, worsening the state of the environment and living conditions on Earth. In Russia, the construction industry follows a classical development model and applies stereotypical patterns of urban design. Finding problem solving methods means identifcation of problem triggers that help to clearly understand and develop rational problem tackling mechanisms. Green roofs suggest an advanced approach to architecture and urbanization whereby green spaces take the place of new buildings. Supplementary dynamic space is not reduced to its decorative and environmental functions. Materials and methods. We applied such research methods as analysis, the system approach, synthesis, deduction, and comparative analysis. The initial review of the state of affairs in the Ryazan region was performed with regard for the theoretical nature of this study; correlation and regression analysis were employed to assess territories and spaces. Results. The history of green roof systems is analyzed in the article. Systematization of the effective regulatory and technical framework enabled the co-authors to assess the widespread applicability of the green roof technology in Russia. Special attention is paid to the issues that are not covered by effective domestic regulations. The research work has shown that the frst edition of GOST (All-Russian State Standard) 58875 is an attempt to consolidate previously issued manuals and recommendations. There is no information available about the seasonal efciency of green roof solutions in different Russian regions. A number of issues remain unresolved. The “green roof” policy has not been developed. Conclusions. Russia is not ready for large-scale construction of green roofs. Further research into green construction should be carried out with regard for unstable climatic conditions in different regions of the country to confrm the feasibility of green roofing at the legislative level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 225 ◽  
pp. 05004
Andrey Keresten ◽  
Stepan Ostanin ◽  
Vyacheslav Zuev

The paper discusses anticorrosive materials developed by JSC “СRONOS SPb” for different application for oil/gas industry. A series of coatings were tested for compliance with industrial Russian and international standards. Epoxy KronEpur 80 and KronEpur NKT coatings for the internal surfaces of pipelines and tubing with high Tg comply with Russian state standard GOST 58346. KronTag developed for RFID tags protection meet the requirements for internal coatings according GOST 58346. Hybrid epoxy-urethane coating Eton-SAP has extremely low operational thickness. Repairing material Polykron-R tested by DIN EN 10290.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-41
Irina Merzlyakova ◽  
Aleksandr Feofanov

The article considers general problems of implementing the enterprise risk management procedure. One of the ways to solve the problems arising when meeting Russian state standard ISO 9001-2015 requirements concerning risk-oriented thinking is presented. A risk assessment control model aimed at coordinating all kinds of the enterprise departments activities, forming a clear algorithm of risk management procedure implementation and attracting a greater number of employees towards this activity is offered.

2020 ◽  
Vol 992 ◽  
pp. 534-539
Viktor A. Kukartsev ◽  
Vladislav V. Kukartsev ◽  
Vadim S. Tynchenko

The advantages of the AlpHaset process, the features of its application, the requirements for the materials used are considered. Molding sands, making in Russia are analyzed. It is noted that the consumption of molding and core mixture used in the manufacture of castings using this process is reduced by 3-4 times. The mixture after knocking out is regenerated up to 90%, which, in comparison with liquid glass, does not require the removal of spent molding and core mixtures to the dump, thereby, improving the environmental situation in the industrial zone. In addition, this process contributes to the introduction of environmentally friendly technological process of manufacturing castings in foundries of machine-building enterprises and individual foundries. The best values of strength are achieved on quartz sand, with a content of fine dust particles ranging in size from 0 to 0.125 mm less than 2% and a residue on the grid of 0.125 mm maximum 5%. The average grain size of such sand should be 0.25 - 0.30 mm. The molding sands produced in Russia are analyzed. The conclusion is made on the application of the AlpHaset process, based on the use of molding sand, produced according to Russian State Standard 2138-91.

2020 ◽  
Vol 839 ◽  
pp. 144-149 ◽  
Alexander A. Saprykin ◽  
Yuriy P. Sharkeev ◽  
Natalya A. Saprykina ◽  
Egor A. Ibragimov

Magnesium-based materials find their use mainly in manufacturing light-weight constructions in motor-car, airspace industries, and biomedicine due to the low density. This paper provides an overview of introducing magnesium into SLM technology and describes searching experiments to prepare samples of magnesium powder МPF-4 (Russian State Standard 6001-79) conducted in the Laboratory of Yurga Institute of Technology. The study has determined appropriate parameters to synthesize a compact structure: laser output power 100 W, laser beam movement velocity 200 mm/s, scanning pitch 0.1 mm, modulation frequency of laser irradiation m = 2500 Hz, linear energy density Е=5 J/mm2, the process is to be carried out in argon shielding medium.

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