escape process
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Hai-Feng Li ◽  
Dun-Zhong Xing ◽  
Qian Huang ◽  
Jiangcheng Li

Abstract We theoretically stochastic simulate and empirically analyze the escape process of stock market price nonequilibrium dynamics under the influence of GARCH and ARCH effects, and explore the impact of ARCH and GARCH effects on stock market stability. Based on the nonlinear GARCH model of econophysics, and combined with GARCH and ARCH effects of volatility, we propose a delay stochastic monostable potential model. We use the mean escape time, or mean hitting time, as an indicator for measuring price stability, as first introduced in Ref. [1]. Based on the comparative analysis of actual Chinese A-share data, the theoretical and empirical findings of this paper are as follows} (1) The theoretical simulation results and actual data are consistent. (2) There exist optimal GARCH and ARCH effects maximally enhancing stock market stability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 499
Litao Han ◽  
Cheng Gong ◽  
Lei Gu ◽  
Hu Qiao ◽  
Aiguo Zhang ◽  

Most of the existing staged evacuation algorithms only consider the impact of crowd density on evacuation partition, but do not take into account the influence of the spatial distribution of occupants and the capacity of exits on the total evacuation time (TET). Therefore, a novel indoor emergency evacuation algorithm based on time equalization is proposed in this paper. All factors affecting TET such as the position and size of each group and the capacity of exits are fully considered in the proposed algorithm, which are uniformly converted into the occupancy time of each exit. An improved Dijkstra algorithm is used to generate evacuation zones according to the proximity relationship and the occupancy time of different exits. The strategy of waiting at the starting point is adopted to ensure that all evacuees are free from congestion during the escape process. In addition, the method of group merging is proposed to further increase the balance among all zones during the partitioning process. The objectives of the proposed algorithm include minimizing the TET of all evacuees, the path length of each escape group, avoiding congestion during the escape process. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm effectively reduces TET and the path length of groups compared with existing algorithms, which improves the efficiency of evacuation and utilization of all exits and can be applied to the various distribution and density of evacuees.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (27) ◽  
pp. e2101807118
Haichao Wu ◽  
Benjamin Greydanus ◽  
Daniel K. Schwartz

Micro/nanoswimmers convert diverse energy sources into directional movement, demonstrating significant promise for biomedical and environmental applications, many of which involve complex, tortuous, or crowded environments. Here, we investigated the transport behavior of self-propelled catalytic Janus particles in a complex interconnected porous void space, where the rate-determining step involves the escape from a cavity and translocation through holes to adjacent cavities. Surprisingly, self-propelled nanoswimmers escaped from cavities more than 20× faster than passive (Brownian) particles, despite the fact that the mobility of nanoswimmers was less than 2× greater than that of passive particles in unconfined bulk liquid. Combining experimental measurements, Monte Carlo simulations, and theoretical calculations, we found that the escape of nanoswimmers was enhanced by nuanced secondary effects of self-propulsion which were amplified in confined environments. In particular, active escape was facilitated by anomalously rapid confined short-time mobility, highly efficient surface-mediated searching for holes, and the effective abolition of entropic and/or electrostatic barriers at the exit hole regions by propulsion forces. The latter mechanism converted the escape process from barrier-limited to search-limited. These findings provide general and important insights into micro/nanoswimmer mobility in complex environments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 608-614
Yu Yang ◽  
Chunhua Guo ◽  
Wangang Chen ◽  
Hansen Sun ◽  
Ping Yan ◽  

Since the sampling depth is large in deep coalbed methane wells, during the lifting process of coalbed cores, the core surface pressure drops nonlinearly with time, which is contradictory to the premise of the conventional United States Bureau of Mines (USBM) method and the Smith-Williams method. In this paper, a desorption–diffusion model was established to quantitatively characterize the actual escape process of methane gas from nanoscale pores in coal cores in both the wellbore and desorption tank by considering the nonlinear relationship between the core surface pressure and time. Based on the optimization method, the measured volume of the desorbed gas in the desorption tank was fitted, and then, the amount of lost gas in the wellbore was inferred. The calculation result of the USBM method was smaller than that of the method used in this paper. In the calculation model of lost gas volume proposed in this paper, the lost gas time was corrected, and the non-uniform decreasing characteristics of the core surface pressure were considered. Therefore, the lost gas obtained by this model was more accurate than that obtained by the conventional method.

2020 ◽  
Vol 500 (2) ◽  
pp. 2020-2035 ◽  
N V Erkaev ◽  
M Scherf ◽  
S E Thaller ◽  
H Lammer ◽  
A V Mezentsev ◽  

ABSTRACT We apply a 1D upper atmosphere model to study thermal escape of nitrogen over Titan’s history. Significant thermal escape should have occurred very early for solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) fluxes 100–400 times higher than today with escape rates as high as ≈1.5 × 1028 s−1 and ≈4.5 × 1029 s−1, respectively, while today it is ≈7.5 × 1017 s−1. Depending on whether the Sun originated as a slow, moderate, or fast rotator, thermal escape was the dominant escape process for the first 100–1000 Myr after the formation of the Solar system. If Titan’s atmosphere originated that early, it could have lost between $\approx0.5\,\, \mathrm{ and}\,\, 16$ times its present atmospheric mass depending on the Sun’s rotational evolution. We also investigated the mass-balance parameter space for an outgassing of Titan’s nitrogen through decomposition of NH3-ices in its deep interior. Our study indicates that, if Titan’s atmosphere originated at the beginning, it could have only survived until today if the Sun was a slow rotator. In other cases, the escape would have been too strong for the degassed nitrogen to survive until present day, implying later outgassing or an additional nitrogen source. An endogenic origin of Titan’s nitrogen partially through NH3-ices is consistent with its initial fractionation of 14N/15N ≈ 166–172, or lower if photochemical removal was relevant for longer than the last ≈ 1000 Myr. Since this ratio is slightly above the ratio of cometary ammonia, some of Titan’s nitrogen might have originated from refractory organics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Nidhi Raval ◽  
Hardi Jogi ◽  
Piyush Gondaliya ◽  
Kiran Kalia ◽  
Rakesh K. Tekade

Abstract Small interfering RNA (siRNA) are synthetic RNA duplex designed to specifically knockdown the abnormal gene to treat a disease at cellular and molecular levels. In spite of their high potency, specificity, and therapeutic potential, the full-fledged utility of siRNA is predominantly limited to in vitro set-up. Till date, Onpattro is the only USFDA approved siRNA therapeutics available in the clinic. The lack of a reliable in vivo siRNA delivery carrier remains a foremost obstacle towards the clinical translation of siRNA therapeutics. To address the obstacles associated with siRNA delivery, we tested a dendrimer-templated polymeric approach involving a USFDA approved carrier (albumin) for in vitro as well as in vivo delivery of siRNA. The developed approach is simple in application, enhances the serum stability, avoids in vivo RNase-degradation and mediates cytosolic delivery of siRNA following the endosomal escape process. The successful in vitro and in vivo delivery of siRNA, as well as targeted gene knockdown potential, was demonstrated by HDAC4 inhibition in vitro diabetic nephropathy (DN) podocyte model as well as in vivo DN C57BL/6 mice model. The developed approach has been tested using HDAC4 siRNA as a model therapeutics, while the application can also be extended to other gene therapeutics including micro RNA (miRNA), plasmids oligonucleotides, etc.

2019 ◽  
Vol 489 (2) ◽  
pp. 2280-2297 ◽  
Francesco Flammini Dotti ◽  
M B N Kouwenhoven ◽  
Maxwell Xu Cai ◽  
Rainer Spurzem

ABSTRACTYoung stars are mostly found in dense stellar environments, and even our own Solar system may have formed in a star cluster. Here, we numerically explore the evolution of planetary systems similar to our own Solar system in star clusters. We investigate the evolution of planetary systems in star clusters. Most stellar encounters are tidal, hyperbolic, and adiabatic. A small fraction of the planetary systems escape from the star cluster within 50 Myr; those with low escape speeds often remain intact during and after the escape process. While most planetary systems inside the star cluster remain intact, a subset is strongly perturbed during the first 50 Myr. Over the course of time, $0.3\!-\!5.3{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ of the planets escape, sometimes up to tens of millions of years after a stellar encounter occurred. Survival rates are highest for Jupiter, while Uranus and Neptune have the highest escape rates. Unless directly affected by a stellar encounter itself, Jupiter frequently serves as a barrier that protects the terrestrial planets from perturbations in the outer planetary system. In low-density environments, Jupiter provides protection from perturbations in the outer planetary system, while in high-density environments, direct perturbations of Jupiter by neighbouring stars is disruptive to habitable-zone planets. The diversity amongst planetary systems that is present in the star clusters at 50 Myr, and amongst the escaping planetary systems, is high, which contributes to explaining the high diversity of observed exoplanet systems in star clusters and in the Galactic field.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (87) ◽  
pp. 96
Daniels Bernards Gratkovskis

The reasons for the copycat crimes at the moment are a “white spot” in criminology. Theories explaining the origins of human behaviour can help in filling it out. Skinner’s and Bandura’s behavioristic theories explain the copycat process with the action of operant conditioning and the learning of aggression, respectively. Confronting the escape process from freedom is one of the reasons why a person can go against social norms and laws. These theories conclude in the cognitive theory of identification, which currently most extensively explains the mechanism of imitation, as well as is taking into concideration the influence of the media, an important actor in the mechanism of copycat crimes, on a person and vice versa.

2019 ◽  
Vol 224 ◽  
pp. 02007
V.A. Fedirko ◽  
S.V. Polyakov ◽  
A.L. Kasatkin ◽  
M.V. Fedirko

We report a numerical modeling of single vortex depinning and its subsequent dynamics in HTS film with extended linear defects under the influence of the transport current. Numerical simulation of stable pinned vortex state and its escape from a linear defect has been performed. The non-stationary dynamics of vortex escape has been investigated and time-dependent solution for vortex displacement from the defect has been obtained. The delay effect in vortex escape process has been studied and the time delay has been estimated. The impact of processes being studied on electrodynamic properties of a superconductor has also been discussed. The dynamics of vortex escape from columnar pinning site described in the present work is important both for understanding of vortex dynamics and applying high-Tc superconductors with columnar defects.

Symmetry ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 581 ◽  
Weilong Yang ◽  
Yue Hu ◽  
Cong Hu ◽  
Mei Yang

With the gradual expansion of high buildings and underground spaces, deep foundation pits have been widely used in these engineering projects, but if they are not well-designed, safety problems occur. Proper deep foundation pit design requires proper exit distribution. However, calculating an adequate number of exit distributions for evaluation is difficult due to the numerous influential factors existing in the deep foundation pit environment. To this end, this paper presents a prototype of a decision-making system that uses agent-based modeling to simulate deep foundation pit evacuation in the presence of collapse disaster. By modeling the collapse occurrence process and agent escape process, an agent-based evacuation model is built, and a modified simulation-based particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to solve the optimization problem of exit distribution. Extensive experiments are conducted to verify the system, and the results show that the system provides a feasible framework for deep foundation pit evacuation.

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