implementation aspects
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Ivaylo Atanasov ◽  
Evelina Pencheva ◽  
Emilia Dimitrova

Machines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 227
Ilya Galkin ◽  
Rahims Geidarovs ◽  
Andrejs Podgornovs

This paper presents an analysis of the opportunity to increase the price availability of small electric vehicles, such as electric scooters, such as bicycles and wheelchairs, by applying expandability and modularity principles to their motors. Assuming that, in many cases, small electric vehicles are brought to the market in several power/price versions, the authors of this report evaluate the possibility of combining different numbers of electromechanical modules while, at the same time, maintaining the unity of the entire drive/motor scheme, thus making the mentioned expandability possible. Power-assist wheelchairs are taken as an example of the application, where such expandability is reasonable. The application provides a price reduction for the less powerful wheelchairs in the case of less severe disabilities. To start, the authors briefly compare multidrive schemes that ground the principle of modularity at the electromechanical level. Then, they outline a radially segmented motor concept and discuss this concept using the example of a permanent magnet synchronous motor. In particular, they propose a methodology for the calculation of its parameters and calculate the particular design details of such a motor. The motor is then analyzed with the help of its mathematical model, as well as experimentally. This tentative evaluation of two 50 W segments (of a 300 W 6-segment motor) proves that the proposed segmented modularity concept is feasible, and that it requires a more detailed consideration of the parameters and the other implementation aspects (power driver, control, cooling) of the given synchronous motor. Moreover, the concept might be successfully utilized in the designs of other motor types.

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (19) ◽  
pp. 2389
Dimitris Ziouzios ◽  
Dimitrios Rammos ◽  
Tharrenos Bratitsis ◽  
Minas Dasygenis

The fostering of empathy among primary school students is an important goal because it enhances the improvement of behavior and the development of positive social contacts. Empathy can contribute to understanding and supporting others’ needs. In most cases, empathy in young children is developed through listening to sad stories, experienced first-hand by others. In the educational scenario presented in this article, the dramatic effects of climate change were conveyed to the pupils through a message said to originate from the future, delivered by an educational robot. The message was expressed by a peer living in Iran in 2050. In addition to delivering the message, the robot called on children to prevent climate change from rapidly worsening by changing their own way of thinking and attitudes. Thus, students called upon a formulated educational problem to understand and handle through their own emotional and cognitive performance through the robot’s storytelling. This performance was intensely affected by empathy towards the Iranian peer’s difficult personal living conditions. The research focused on measuring the evidence of empathy development. Additionally, the design and implementation aspects of the robot are presented, utilizing the implemented teaching intervention as means of demonstrating the innovative nature of the robot.

Deepanjal Shrestha ◽  
Tan Wenan ◽  
Bijay Gaudel ◽  
Neesha Rajkarnikar ◽  
Seung Ryul Jeong

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-263
Arif Budi Raharjo ◽  
Gigih Siantoro ◽  
Dwi Cahyo Khartiko ◽  
Khurotul Aini

This research aims to study how the learning planning and implementation of Physical Education, Sports, and Health learning can be used as evaluation material to improve Physical Education, Sports, and Health learning in schools. This research is action research with qualitative and quantitative descriptive methods using models from Kemmis and Mc. Taggart consists of one cycle or a round of activities which include: -1) Planning (plan), (2) Action (action), (3) Observation (observing), (4) Reflection (reflecting), and planning revision will be carried out cycle. Data processing is done by reducing data, presenting data, and making conclusions. The study results indicate that the planning and implementation aspects of academic supervision improve performance in developing learning devices and on the implementation aspects. From the results of the study, there were the findings of teacher performance not following the action in the field, such as the brakes that still copied paste from fellow teachers, the facilities were inadequate and had sports outside the school because the school was still new and did not have sports facilities, the clock of the faded subjects in SMK only 2 hours of lessons run out on a trip from school to the sport. The conclusion in this study is that after being done through the filling of teacher performance appraisal instruments given to physical education teachers, it can be obtained from cycle I to cycle II the results of better teacher educators after being given assistance and supervision.  

e-mentor ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 90 (3) ◽  
pp. 64-72
Robert Pawlak ◽  

The aim of this article is to analyze the challenges and success factors on organizations’ path to agile transformation, as frequently discussed in the literature and encountered in business practice. The research conducted proved that large-scale agile transformations require a dedicated approach with set of tools and best practices in place. The implementation challenges and barriers have been categorized into method-, organization-, culture- and technology-oriented groups. As a result of an in-depth analysis carried on for the purpose of this paper, a dedicated methodology of agile transformation has been proposed to ease the implementation process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 69 ◽  
pp. 102097
Domenico Spensieri ◽  
Edvin Åblad ◽  
Robert Bohlin ◽  
Johan S. Carlson ◽  
Rikard Söderberg

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (9) ◽  
pp. 3058
Daniele Obino ◽  
Massimo Vassalli ◽  
Alberto Franceschi ◽  
Andrea Alessandrini ◽  
Paolo Facci ◽  

Nucleic acid (NA) extraction is a basic step for genetic analysis, from scientific research to diagnostic and forensic applications. It aims at preparing samples for its application with biomolecular technologies such as isothermal and non-isothermal amplification, hybridization, electrophoresis, Sanger sequencing and next-generation sequencing. Multiple steps are involved in NA collection from raw samples, including cell separation from the rest of the specimen, cell lysis, NA isolation and release. Typically, this process needs molecular biology facilities, specialized instrumentation and labor-intensive operations. Microfluidic devices have been developed to analyze NA samples with high efficacy and sensitivity. In this context, the integration within the chip of the sample preparation phase is crucial to leverage the promise of portable, fast, user-friendly and economic point-of-care solutions. This review presents an overview of existing lab-on-a-chip (LOC) solutions designed to provide automated NA extraction from human raw biological fluids, such as whole blood, excreta (urine and feces), saliva. It mainly focuses on LOC implementation aspects, aiming to describe a detailed panorama of strategies implemented for different human raw sample preparations.

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