assessment of learning
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Valeriya Konovalova ◽  
M. Fedotova

The authors of the article, analyzing the experience of the implementation of educational programs for bachelor's, master's and programs of additional professional education in the field of personnel management, focus on the assessment of learning processes and its new aspects, the emergence of which is associated both with the development of learning formats and technologies, and with changes in regulatory and legal requirements for the content and conditions for the implementation of educational programs. The study made it possible to determine the main contours of the assessment of educational programs in the field of personnel management, including indicators and criteria of efficiency, subjects of assessment, the possibility of increasing the level of innovation, as well as to highlight a number of areas for further development and refinement of assessment elements, including the integration of formats and assessment results the effectiveness of educational programs conducted by various subjects and having a different nature of the obligation (state accreditation, independent professional and public accreditation), reflected in the criteria and procedures for assessing the increase in the use of new educational technologies, taking into account delayed learning outcomes.

2022 ◽  
pp. 318-343
Errin Heyman

Advances in technology have been integrated into many facets of education, creating both opportunities and challenges for learning and assessment. This chapter provides an overview of effective assessment practices, largely targeted to higher education, with the mindset of using assessment for learning, rather than a more traditional view of assessment of learning. A brief theoretical background is presented as well as specific approaches for implementing learner-centered assessment strategies. Using assessment as a motivator and as a way to deepen, not just demonstrate, learning is discussed. Additionally, the chapter presents future considerations for assessment, especially as assessment can be enhanced by technology—“Education 3.0.”

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 538-549
Mutala'ah Mutala'ah ◽  
Arjudin Arjudin ◽  
Wahidaturrahmi Wahidaturrahmi ◽  
Sudi Prayitno

This study aims to describe the online mathematics learning process and to find out the mathematics learning outcomes in terms of the mathematics disposition of class XII IPA students at SMA Negeri 7 Mataram. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. All students of class XII IPA at SMA Negeri 7 Mataram are the population, where the sample size is 62 students who were selected by cluster random sampling rule. Data collection used a questionnaire, interview and documentation study. From this research, the results show that: (1) The learning process carried out by the teacher changes from direct learning to online learning. In the online learning process, there are several difficulties experienced by students, including students who do not understand the material presented by the teacher, whether the material is delivered in the form of a pdf or video that has been shared. In implementing the online learning process the teacher is not the only source of learning so students are actively looking for other learning reference sources such as videos on YouTube and websites. Assessment of learning outcomes is carried out by providing a written test of the test resulting in that there is no increase in student learning outcomes during learning with an online system. The implementation of online learning cannot be separated from the supervision of parents and teachers. (2) There is a correlation between final semester test scores with students' mathematical dispositions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 87-99
Natalie Hasson

Dynamic assessment (DA), or the assessment of learning potential, is becoming recognized as an alternative method that has wide application within the assessment of language. In moving away from comparison to normative data, the assessment enables a wider range of children to be assessed, including all of those for whom the norms do not apply, such as children with autistic spectrum conditions, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), hearing loss, and bi- or multilingual children. In addition to differentiating language difficulties due to lack of experience with the target language from developmental language disorders (DLD), the DA procedure contributes a considerable amount of qualitative information about the learning skills of the test-taker. This chapter reviews the multiple models and methods of DA and the work that has been done to develop tools to assess language skills in first language learners.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Sahabuz Zaeni Nur

The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of online learning in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic using Classroom and Zoom at MAN 1 Kab. Tangerang and its supporting, inhibiting, and solution factors. This study uses a qualitative approach to understand the phenomena experienced by the research subjects holistically which are described in words and language in a special natural context and by utilizing various scientific methods. The research was conducted from January to d. April 2021. Data were obtained through interviews with informants who were considered to know the problems studied, which were 17 people, consisting of: 1 madrasah principal, 4 PAI subject matter teachers, 9 students, and 3 parents/guardians of students. Data were collected through observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The results of data analysis were carried out through data reduction activities, data display, and data verification. The results showed that: First, the online learning plan carried out by the teacher went through five stages, namely: 1) recognizing students and initial competencies, 2) setting learning goals/competencies to be achieved, 3) determining the learning platform used, 4) determining the material , methods, media, and learning resources, and 5) compiling online lesson plans. Second, the implementation of online learning through three steps, namely: 1) carrying out learning according to the lesson schedule, 2) ensuring the presence of students in learning, and 3) carrying out online learning based on the online lesson plans made. Third, the assessment of learning outcomes carried out by teachers refers to the technical guidelines issued by the Decree of the Director General of Education No. 2791/2020 concerning Assessment of Learning Outcomes, namely: 1) referring to the emergency technical guidelines from the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, 2) covering aspects of attitudes, knowledge, and skills, 3) designed to encourage meaningful learning activities and do not measure the completeness of overall curriculum achievements, 4) varies between students according to their respective conditions, 5) proportional / not excessive, and 6) scoring is done. Fourth, online learning can take place because of the support of several factors, namely 1) environmental conditions, 2) available internet network, 3) available internet quota, 4) motivation to master technology, 5) curiosity about online learning applications, and 6) family support. While the inhibiting factors are: 1) some students do not have a free internet network, 2) inadequate devices, 3) lack of mastery of learning applications, 4) lack of motivation, and 5) lack of parental support.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 502
Ni Luh Sukareni ◽  
Adrianus I Wayan Ilia Yuda Sukmana

There are still many teachers who have difficulty using technology to develop teaching materials that can facilitate students' learning. This has an impact on student learning outcomes are low. This study aims to develop E-module with problem-based learning model. This type of research is development using the ADDIE model. The subject of the expert test consisted of 3 people, namely 1 subject expert, 1 learning design expert, and 1 learning media expert. The product trial subjects consisted of 9 students. The methods used in collecting data are observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The instrument used in collecting data is a questionnaire. The technique used to analyze the data is descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results of the study were the assessment given by the subject matter expert, which was 96.47 (very good). The assessment of learning design experts is 93.33% (very good). The assessment of learning media experts is 97.5% (very good).Individual trial results, that is 95.53% (very good), and the result of small group trial is 95.53% (very good). It can be concluded that E-modules with problem-based learning models are valid and feasible to be applied in the learning process. The implication of this research is that the E-module with the PBL model can be used by teachers in learning.

2021 ◽  
Nita Thalia

The assessment of learning and the assessment for learning are considered as an integral part of learning process. They provide information to improve the educational instructions and to boost the students’ performances. It is a critical aspect of teaching and learning process and it requires teachers and learners to be prepared for the whole situation. The assessment is a complex process and its implementation poses many challenges to teachers. Online tools and learning management systems (LMS) help to overcome most of these challenges. During the COVID-19 pandemic, almost all schools and universities switched to distance learning and teachers had to change their way of teaching. However, many problems arose from this situation; The "new" teaching mode raised many discussions and needs to be analyzed thoroughly. In this paper, we discuss the usage of distance learning resources during the lock-down and the issues it generated. We focus on the assessment process in the circumstances of COVID-19. For the purpose of his study, future teachers were surveyed after their experience with distance teaching. It seems that platforms providing interactive assessment and those allowing automatic evaluation of learners are more required than others.

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