modes of processing
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2022 ◽  
Maik Bieleke ◽  
Peter M Gollwitzer ◽  
Gabriele Oettingen ◽  
Urs Fischbacher

We investigated whether social value orientation (SVO) moderates the effects of intuitive versus reflective information processing on responses to unfair offers. We measured SVO one week prior to an ultimatum game experiment in which participants had to accept or reject a series of 10 ultimatum offers including very low (unfair) ones. Before making these decisions, participants mentally contrasted their individual goals with the obstacle of pondering at length or acting in a hasty way; then they made the plan to adopt an intuitive or a reflective mode of processing (intuitive and reflective condition, respectively), or made no such plans (control condition). Participants with rather high (prosocial) SVO scores were more likely to accept unfair offers in the reflective than the intuitive condition. This effect also evinced for a subset of selfish individuals; however, the majority with rather low (selfish) scores made similar decisions in both conditions. This pattern of results suggests that SVO moderates the effects of intuitive versus reflective modes of processing on responses to low ultimatum offers.

Roman Strelchuk ◽  
Oleksandr Shelkovyi

The paper presents the results of a study of the cutting mechanism during electrical discharge grinding of hard alloys. The cutting mechanism during electrical discharge grinding was studied using mathematical modeling. By means of geometric modeling, a method of grinding cup wear was developed. The functional dependence of the diamonds use factor in the Kw wheel on the technological parameters of processing, wear and tool characteristics were determined. Analysis of the results of the study shows that an increase in efficiency at electrical discharge grinding can be achieved by reducing the wear of S, and by corresponding variation in the concentration of diamonds and technological modes of processing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2103 (1) ◽  
pp. 012051
A M Kamalov ◽  
K S Celujko ◽  
K A Kolbe ◽  
N V Smirnova ◽  
M E Borisova ◽  

Abstract In this work, the surface of polyimide films of PMDA-ODA was modified using a barrier discharge in order to optimize their biological properties when interacting with a culture of human dermal fibroblasts. The optimal modes of processing films in a gas discharge, which allows to increase the proliferative activity of cells, are found.

Yurii Polievoda

The considered effective way of processing by-products of biofuel production. The increase in the productivity of the technological line is achieved through the introduction of new vibration equipment for the primary purification of raw glycerin. This study proposes a new approach to determine the efficient operation of a new machine, which is useful for the purification of glycerol based on the combinatorial process of centrifugation and vibration separation. The mathematical mechanical-rheological evaluations are developed based on the experimental results. Has been proposed to evaluate the rheological characteristics of raw glycerin purification based on the experimental testing. A compression device has been used to determine the value of the unilateral deformation of this material, which allows simulating a condition of a material at various technological modes of processing. In this study, the changes of material properties under centrifugation and vibration separation processes in a vibrocentric machine have been investigated. At a choice of optimum technological parameters of processing of food masses by means of vibration methods of rheology are widely applied. In particular, the interaction of the working body of the machine with the treated environment. In order to find the optimal parameters of the technological regime, the process was considered comprehensively from the standpoint of mechanics and rheology. The methods of mechanics describe the interaction of the working body with the treated environment as a mechanical object; rheology, in turn, allows you to reveal the internal processes in the environment. The system under study can be attributed to the elastic-viscous medium, which is described by a phenomenological model consisting of interconnected elastic and viscous elements.

V. Goldobina

Cement, powder metallurgy and various large-sized equipment are used in the industry of building materials for grinding raw materials. During operation, such equipment is exposed to external influences, especially at the joints, which reduce the reliability of the units. This leads to the early replacement of wearing parts. Large components of grinding mills are connected by flanges. The flanges are fastened with bolts, some of which must be precision, since they take the load of the equipment and ensure the tightness of the connection. The holes for precision bolts, respectively, must be accurate and of high quality. A study of the processing of holes with a reamer is given. The cutting elements of the tool, in the form of multifaceted plates, are mechanically attached to the body, which makes it possible to quickly replace the plate in case of wear or breakage. Such an assembled combined cutting tool allows to perform countersinking and reaming in one operation and thereby reduce the processing time of one hole and, in general, all precision holes in the flanges of the mill being repaired. The dependence of the precision hole accuracy on the shape and spatial deviation from the cutting modes of processing when using a combined tool is derived. The dependence is established for processing using a portable device with a rising spindle, as the most used equipment for repairs. The presented dependence makes it possible to predict the accuracy of machining holes with a combined tool, taking into account the rigidity of the technological system and calculate the required reamer accuracy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002216782110229
Gabrielle Agin-Liebes ◽  
Eve Ekman ◽  
Brian Anderson ◽  
Maxx Malloy ◽  
Alexandra Haas ◽  

The primary objective of this qualitative study was to explore the therapeutic trajectories of individuals undergoing psilocybin-assisted group therapy. This interpretive phenomenological analysis focused on an enriched study sample of gay-identified cisgender men ( n = 9) with human immunodeficiency virus diagnosed before 1996 and clinically significant trauma symptoms. Microphenomenological interviews were carried out 1 day after participants’ individual psilocybin sessions to elicit fine-grained descriptions of the psilocybin-assisted treatment. Two major thematic change processes were identified using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. During their psilocybin sessions, participants reported transitioning out of habitual, evaluative modes of processing and into mindful, experiential modes of processing (from “autopilot” to “meta-aware”). Freed from their emotionally avoidant tendencies, participants were able to process and release previously disowned feelings (grief, shame) and access relational and self-transcendent feelings and prosocial attitudes (joy, gratitude, love, care, compassion). The treatment also supported processes of meaning-making and the realization of posttraumatic growth (in psychological, relational, spiritual dimensions) as participants integrated past traumas into their life narratives and identities (from “trauma-dominant” to “growth-dominant”). These findings suggest that administering adjunctive group therapy with psilocybin may enhance the effectiveness of trauma processing by reinforcing social cohesion, safety, trust, and belonging. These data provide the first empirical suggestion of psilocybin’s efficacy in alleviating trauma symptoms in a group-facilitated format and provide a deeper understanding of the potential psychological change processes involved in this novel treatment approach.

Anatoliy Krivosheya ◽  
Yevhen Pashchenko ◽  
Volodymyr Melnyk ◽  
Kyryl Shcherbyna

In the presented article, a new method of finishing is considered in more detail - gear honing of cylindrical gears. Analysis of literature sources shows that the most problematic technological operation is the finishing of gear wheels and gear honing in particular. The difference between the traditional honing of cylindrical gears with disc abrasive honing and the new method of processing with diamond worm honing is shown. The main advantage of this method is that it can be implemented on milling machines. New tools are proposed - diamond worm gears and the technology of their manufacture is described. The modes of processing cylindrical gears with various diamond worm gears are given and the processing method itself is described. The gear wheels that were processed are used in hydraulic pumps and in hydraulic motors. Roughness parameters Rmax (total height of profile), Rz (irregularity height at 10 points), Rq (root mean square deviation of the assessed profile), which correspond to the Ukrainian and European DSTU ISO 4287 standard, were used as a criterion for assessing the quality of gear processing: 2012. As you know, the strength, wear resistance, durability and other parameters depend on the roughness of the working surfaces of the teeth of the gear wheels. Roughness affects the wear of contact surfaces and noise during operation when running in gears, as well as at the time of their starting. The surfaces were compared before and after treatment. Distribution curves were plotted to visualize the experimental data. When using the new processing method, the correction of defects of the previous processing methods is shown. Based on the results of the studies carried out, it can be concluded that the roughness parameters Rmax, Rz, Rq improve on average by 1.5-2 times. This method can be recommended for the finishing of cylindrical gears, as effective and not requiring new equipment, replacing the traditional methods of honing gears, which can be implemented without significant costs at most Ukrainian enterprises.

Tania Kuteva ◽  
Bernd Heine

Both linguistic and neuroanatomical evidence suggests that there are two modes of processing in linguistic discourse, namely an analytic mode and a holistic mode. Competent speakers of a language know many linguistic entities in two ways: holistically and analytically, and can move between the two. The analytic mode is concerned with propositional language processing based on the compositional format of sentences, clauses, and phrases and their hierarchical organization, while the holistic mode surfaces mainly in unanalyzable, formulaic expressions, for example, in speech act formulas such as interjections (wow, ouch), ideophones (bang, splish-splash), formulae of social exchange (hello, sorry, goodbye). Research on the reconstruction of earlier stages of language evolution has for the most part been restricted to the analytic mode, and grammaticalization theory played an important role in this research. The present chapter demonstrates that a complementary analysis of holistic ways of processing can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of how human languages may have evolved.

2021 ◽  
Manon E. Jaquerod ◽  
Alessandra Lintas ◽  
Gabriel Gratton ◽  
Monica Fabiani ◽  
Kathy A. Low ◽  

Most people tend to prefer smaller certain gains to large uncertain gains when making financial choices (risk aversion). However, attitudes toward risk vary greatly between individuals, and over time within individuals. Consistent behavior may reflect the adoption by the individual of a simple or automatized heuristic which reduces the subject's uncertainty about the outcome of a behavioral choice. In contrast inconsistent behavior may reflect the adoption of a "fuzzy" logic, likely leaving high levels of uncertainty in the participant making the choice. Therefore, inconsistent behavior may often be associated with greater risk aversion. The use of simple/automatized heuristics may also lead to increased reliance on fast brain processes, whereas fuzzy heuristic may lead to lingering uncertainty. These two modes of processing may therefore lead to different brain dynamics. To examine these dynamics we recorded event-related brain potentials (ERPs) from 22 adults participants engaged in a task requiring choices between certain (but often smaller) gains and an uncertain (but often bigger) gains. Behavioral analyses allowed us to quantify choice consistency and risk aversion for each individual. Choice consistency was related to the amplitude of P200; risk aversion was related to modulation of the medial frontal negativity (MFN) as a function of choice uncertainty, to the amplitude of a late positive potential (LPP). These findings are consistent with the idea that differences in individuals' behavior when making financial choices may reflect variations in the type of heuristics they adopt, which in turn may may be reflected in differences in brain dynamics.

2021 ◽  
Moshe Shay Ben-Haim ◽  
Olga Dal Monte ◽  
Nicholas A. Fagan ◽  
Yarrow Dunham ◽  
Ran Hassin ◽  

Scholars have long debated whether animals, which display impressive intelligent behaviors, are consciously aware or not. Yet, because many complex human behaviors and high-level functions can be performed without conscious awareness, it was long considered impossible to untangle whether animals are aware, or just conditionally or non-consciously behaving. Here, we developed a novel empirical approach to address this question. We harnessed a well-established crossover double dissociation between non-conscious and conscious processing, in which people perform in completely opposite ways when they are aware of stimuli versus when they are not. To date, no one has explored if similar performance dissociations exist in a non-human species. In a series of seven experiments, we first established these signatures in humans using both known and newly developed non-verbal double dissociation tasks, and then identified similar signatures in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). These results provide robust evidence for two distinct modes of processing in non-human primates. This empirical approach makes it feasible to disentangle conscious visual awareness from non-conscious processing in non-human species; hence, it can be used to strip away ambiguity when exploring the processes governing intelligent behavior across the animal kingdom. Taken together, these results strongly support the existence of both non-conscious processing as well as functional human-like visual awareness in non-human animals.

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