general number
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Chris Lasse Däbritz

This paper investigates the linguistic expression of number in seven languages from Western and Central Siberia. In a first step the number system of each language is described in detail, and afterwards the most relevant convergences and divergences of the languages are dealt with. Three particularly interesting phenomena are discussed in more detail: First, it is shown that the concept of general number, denoting noun forms underspecified for number, is able to account for a range of related phenomena (unmarked noun forms after numerals, nouns denoting paired objects). Second, singulatives in Selkup, Ket and partly Eastern Khanty are analyzed, whereby it is argued that their similar morphosyntactic and grammaticalization patterns allow for analyzing them as a contact phenomenon. Third, two splits on the animacy hierarchy between the first and second person in Dolgan as well as Chulym Turkic are presented. Finally, the results are evaluated against a broader areal-typological background, whereby it is shown that the category of number does not support any larger areal groupings within Western and Central Siberia, but that the analyzed languages rather adhere to patterns of number marking present all over Northern Eurasia.

I. Verkhovod ◽  
D. Grybova ◽  
K. Chernenko ◽  
L. Khitsenko ◽  
S. Biliaiev ◽  

Abstract. The article has been devoted to the assessment of the impact of the spreading of the small business on the position of the employees in the relationship of the distribution of the added value. It has been researched how the potential of the small business as for the mitigation of the negative social consequences of the deterioration of the macroeconomic situation has been realized in the different types of the economic activity. As the indicator of the spreading of the small business, the part of the small business in the general number of the employees has been used. As the indicator for the assessment of the position of the employees, it is the part of the wages consisting of the added value. The limitation of the domestic statistics does not allow modeling the dependence of these indicators neither with the help of the constructing of the panel (the necessary data is available only for ten types of the economic activity) nor the dynamic database (the data is available only from 2012 to 2015). Accordingly, we have resorted to the grouping of the types of the economic activity using the average of the geometric tempos of the growth of both indicators. For 2012 and 2015, the dramatic reduction of the part of the value for the wages in the complex of the added value of the economy as a whole and all, except only one of the types of the economic activities has been taken place in the Ukrainian economy. Such tendency suggests that the burden of the deterioration of the macroeconomic dynamics puts, mainly, on the employees, the recipients of the wages, depriving the domestic economy of the important sources of the resources for the investing in the development of the human capital. Using as the indicator of the spreading of the small business of its part in the general number of the employees, we haven’t got the empirical confirmation that the growth of the part of the small business in the structure of the employment improves the economic situation of the employees as for the proportion of the distribution of the added costs value (the growth of the part of the value on the wages in the complex of the added value of the generated types of the economic activity). Accordingly, we consider that in itself the redistribution of the general number of the employees in favor of the small business is not a sufficient condition for the improving of the features of the conditions of the reproduction of the personal resources of the Ukrainian economy. The results of the research haven’t confirmed the positive impact of the spreading of the small business on the realization of the economic interests of the employees in the process of the distribution of the added value between the wages and other elements. Keywords: small business, part of employees in small business, part of wages in added value, grouping of types of economic activities. JEL Classification D39, E24, H25 Formulas: 0; fig.: 0; tabl.: 3; bibl.: 22.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 485-489
Lovish Sethi ◽  
Shalini Suri ◽  
Kamal Sarma ◽  
Jasvinder Singh Sasan ◽  

The present study was conducted on the liver of non-descript goats of Jammu region during 2019. The samples were divided into young (below 1 year), adult (2–3 years) and senile (4 years and above) age groups as per the dentition. Six samples from each age group were collected. The capsule showed maximum thickness in adult age group. Maximum thickness of capsule was seen at upper part of main lobe (UPOML) in the liver of young, adult and senile age group. The diameter of central vein showed highest values in adult, followed senile group probably due to increased liver functions in adult. Inter-central vein distance was maximum in adult age group followed by young and senile groups. The mean values of length of hepatocytes ranged between 13.50 to 22.50 µm in all regions of liver of irrespective of age groups. The mean values showed higher values in adult and senile age groups. The nuclear diameter of the hepatocytes ranged between 9.00 to 13.50 µm with mean values varying between 9.75±0.50 to 10.50±0.64 µm in all the three age groups. Number of liver lobules per field was maximum at MPOML in senile group (14.16±0.61) whereas minimum number was observed at CL in young (4.41±0.22). Maximum number of portal triads per field was seen at VPOML in senile group (5.16±0.32) whereas minimum number was observed at VPOML in young group (3.08±0.19). In general, number of liver lobules and portal triads per field was highest in senile group followed by adult and young.

Yulia A. Filyasova

Synonymy is a linguistic phenomenon which reflects the complexity of reality representation in a linguistic worldview. Terminological synonymy poses certain difficulties for specialists who perform practical tasks in application areas such as translation and education. Career development , career advancement , career growth , career progression , career progress , career enhancement are among the most frequently used terms with similar semantics which indicates a certain degree of indefiniteness in the terminology in the correspondent professional field. The aim of this paper is to conduct comparative linguistic analysis of these terms. The material is presented by research article titles from eight scientific databases. Methods include quantitative and qualitative study of frequency, semantic fields by semantically related concepts, keywords, syntagmatic collocability and componential analysis. The results show that career development can be currently considered a hyperonym as it is the most frequent and time-proved term with the widest semantic coverage and indication to professional spheres in the dictionaries. Despite its obvious prevalence, career advancement , career progression , career growth and career progress are gaining momentum as alternative terms highlighting a lack of important semantic nuances in career development . Though the general number of career advancement and career progression across research papers is considerably lower, their presence in article titles is almost the same as that of career development . Title is arguably the most demonstrative part of a research paper; therefore, it can be presumed that the career terms might acquire lexical meanings which will clearly differentiate vertical career growth from horizontal organizational movement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-61
David Logan ◽  
Christina Rowe ◽  
Cathy McKenna ◽  
Juliet Herrick ◽  
Paul Rogers

The greenhouse thrips, Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis is a quarantine pest of kiwifruit. There is a need for reliable information on its phenology in kiwifruit orchards to inform the development of new management options. Numbers of larval, pupal and adult greenhouse thrips were counted on leaves of the two main kiwifruit cultivars Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa (‘Hayward’) at two sites at different times and A. chinensis var. chinensis ‘Zesy002’ at one site. Greenhouse thrips were also counted on leaves of shelter tree species Cryptomeria japonica, and other plants present on kiwifruit orchards, blackberry (Rubus fruticosus s.l.), barberry (Berberis glaucocarpa), and wineberry (Aristotelia serrata) across a number of sites at different times. There was a strong seasonal pattern to the phenology of greenhouse thrips and it was relatively synchronous for all the host plants surveyed. In general, number of greenhouse thrips on foliage increased from January to peak in April or May before declining in late autumn or winter and remaining low until the following January or February. The phenology of greenhouse thrips followed the same seasonal pattern for a variety of host plants found on kiwifruit orchards at sites in the Bay of Plenty across two two-year time periods. Therefore, host species does not appear to be a factor affecting the phenology of thrips. Other, non-host factors such as microclimate may be important drivers of phenology but they require further study. The consistency of the seasonal pattern of relative abundance means that there is a well-defined window to target for thrips management.

Menshykova O.S.

The article draws attention to appropriateness of the comparative study of emotions based on cinematographic database, especially German and Ukrainian dialogues in original telenovelas as a perspective linguistic bulk of the text (“Sturm der Liebe”, “Alisa – folge deinem Herzen”, “Wege zum Glück, Spuren im Sand”, “Тільки кохання”, “Дві матері”, “Обручка з рубіном” (12000 sentences, about 80000 words)).Every country adapts scripts of telenovelas according to its own cultural opportunities and nonverbal semiotic contexts. In spite of the fact emotive vocabulary for every script has ethnically specific features, analysing them it’s possible to make conclusions about the structure and scenario keynotes. The structure and scenario leitmotives have global and typical character. This fact determines the necessity to search standardized semantic number of leitmotives.On the basis of information provided by the analysis and certification of emotive vocabulary paying moiré attention to the status, frequency and the semantics of emotive nouns among other morphological categories. While choosing positive or negative charged lexemes, both denotative and konotative emotve breadths are considered. The given data is compared with the data from corpus studies and the dictionaries as for the frequency of Ukrainian and German languages. The article raises the problem of correlation between positive and negative emotives in sentences considering positive and negative emotions. Moreover, the reasons for large number of lexemes with positive semantics in negatively emotived statements (grammar features, context, nonverbal factors) are also considered by the author. According to qualitative analysis the synonymous line of positive and negative nouns for German and Ukrainian languages is qualified by semantic groups. It gives perspectives for further modelling of a movie dialogue in each developed language. The data as for the correlation between the number of emotive nouns and general number of emotive lexemes in both Ukrainian and German languages is considered. Due to statistic data it’s clear that Ukrainian part is twice as big as German, moreover it’s more full of emotive lexemes. Synonymous variation is also more spread in Ukrainian language than in German.Key words: emotions, negative / positive emotives, emotive nouns, semantic group, telenovelas. У статті розглядається питання доцільності компаративного дослідження емоцій на матеріалі кінемато-графу, зокрема кінодіалогу німецьких та українських оригінальних теленовел, як перспективного лінгвістичного масиву тексту («Sturm der Liebe», «Alisa – folge deinem Herzen», «Wege zum Glück, Spuren im Sand» і «Тільки кохання», «Дві матері», «Обручка з рубіном» (12 000 речень, близько 80 000 слів)).Кожна країна адаптує сценарій теленовели під можливості своєї лінгвокультури та невербальних семіо-тичних контекстів. Хоча вибір емотивної лексики для кожного сценарію має етноспецифічні риси, у ході аналізу можна дійти висновку, що побудова та сценарні лейтмотиви мають глобальний і типізований характер, що зумовлює необхідність пошуку стандартизованих семантичних наборів емотивів.На базі поданого матеріалу проведено аналіз і паспортизацію емотивної лексики з фокусом на статус, частотність і семантику емотивних іменників серед інших морфологічних класів. У відборі позитивно чи негативно заряджених лексем враховуються як денотативна, так і конотативна емотивність. Отримані дані зіставляються з даними корпусних досліджень і словників частотності української та німецької мов. У статті розглядається проблема співвідношення позитивних і негативних емотивів у реченнях на позначення позитивних і негативних емоцій і причини наявності великої кількості лексем із позитивною семантикою в негативних емотивних висловлюваннях (граматичні особливості, контекст, невербальні фактори). За даними якісного аналізу синонімічний ряд позитивних і негативних іменників для німецької та української мов класифіковано за семан-тичними групами, що надає перспективи подальшого моделювання прототипу кінодіалогу в кожній із досліджуваних мов. Наведено дані щодо співвідношення кількості емотивних іменників і загальної щільності емотивних лексем у німецькій та українській мовах. За результатами статистичних підрахунків бачимо, що українська вибірка вдвічі більше насичена емотивними лексемами, ніж німецька. Синонімічна варіативність української мови також превалює над німецькою.Ключові слова: емоції, негативні / позитивні емотиви, емотивні іменники, семантична група, теленовела.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 2548-2559
Andrzej Lorek ◽  
Katarzyna Steinhof-Radwańska ◽  
Anna Barczyk-Gutkowska ◽  
Wojciech Zarębski ◽  
Piotr Paleń ◽  

Contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) is a promising, digital breast imaging method for planning surgeries. The study aimed at comparing digital mammography (MG) with CESM as predictive factors in visualizing multifocal-multicentric cancers (MFMCC) before determining the surgery extent. We analyzed 999 patients after breast cancer surgery to compare MG and CESM in terms of detecting MFMCC. Moreover, these procedures were assessed for their conformity with postoperative histopathology (HP), calculating their sensitivity and specificity. The question was which histopathological types of breast cancer were more frequently characterized by multifocality–multicentrality in comparable techniques as regards the general number of HP-identified cancers. The analysis involved the frequency of post-CESM changes in the extent of planned surgeries. In the present study, MG revealed 48 (4.80%) while CESM 170 (17.02%) MFMCC lesions, subsequently confirmed in HP. MG had MFMCC detecting sensitivity of 38.51%, specificity 99.01%, PPV (positive predictive value) 85.71%, and NPV (negative predictive value) 84.52%. The respective values for CESM were 87.63%, 94.90%, 80.57% and 96.95%. Moreover, no statistically significant differences were found between lobular and NST cancers (27.78% vs. 21.24%) regarding MFMCC. A treatment change was required by 20.00% of the patients from breast-conserving to mastectomy, upon visualizing MFMCC in CESM. In conclusion, mammography offers insufficient diagnostic sensitivity for detecting additional cancer foci. The high diagnostic sensitivity of CESM effectively assesses breast cancer multifocality/multicentrality and significantly changes the extent of planned surgeries. The multifocality/multicentrality concerned carcinoma, lobular and invasive carcinoma of no special type (NST) cancers with similar incidence rates, which requires further confirmation.

Maarten Mous

Cushitic languages have a number of interesting properties in the category of number. None of these are valid for all Cushitic languages. Number is not obligatorily expressed in various Cushitic languages which have a general number form that is unspecified for number. Nonetheless morphological number marking in the noun is often complex in two ways: there are many competing lexically determined morphological markers and many different constellations of derived singular and derived plurals. Number and gender show complex interactions in Cushitic. Number formatives impose gender and hence different gender values for different number forms in the same lexeme, sometimes apparent gender polarity (singular and plural having opposite values for gender). A theoretically challenging property of some languages is that that there is a third gender, here labelled ‘plural’ because it takes the agreement morphology of 3pl pronouns.

I Wayan Arka ◽  
Mary Dalrymple

Nominal number in Balinese varies in expression. All Balinese pronouns are singular, in violation of Greenberg’s Universal 42 (‘All languages have pronominal categories involving at least three persons and two numbers’). Non-reduplicated common nouns have general number, and regular and associative plural constructions allow for expression of nominal plurality. Common nouns can also be reduplicated, which often (but not always) indicates plural meaning. In the verbal domain, reduplication is a derivational process which can imply rather than encode plural meaning. We also examine the semantics of nominal plurality in Balinese and the availability of inclusive/exclusive plural readings.

2021 ◽  
Donald Dunagan ◽  
Shulin Zhang ◽  
Jixing Li ◽  
Shohini Bhattasali ◽  
Christophe Pallier ◽  

One aspect of natural language comprehension is understanding how many of what or whom a speaker is referring to. While previous work has documented the neural correlates of general number comprehension and quantity comparison, we investigate semantic number from a cross-linguistic perspective with the goal of identifying cortical regions involved in distinguishing plural from singular nouns. We use three fMRI datasets in which Chinese, French, and English native speakers listen to an audiobook of a children's story in their native language. We select these three languages because they differ in their number semantics. While Chinese lacks nominal pluralization, French and English nouns are overtly marked for number. We find a number of known semantic processing regions in common, including dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and the pars orbitalis, in which cortical activation is greater for plural than singular nouns and posit a cross-linguistic role for number in semantic comprehension.

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