accelerating expansion
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Eva Deli ◽  
James F. Peters

We create a model universe by equipping a topological surface (system) with compact dimensions insulated by an information blocking horizon. The insulated compact WF can produce entanglement independent of distance. Interaction between the system and the WF changes the curvature of the first and the quantum state (frequency) of the second in an interconnected relationship. Thus, the field curvature measures the evolution of the particle WF as time. Positive field curvature creates pressure, whereas negative field curvature generates a vacuum, satisfying the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem and the Page and Wootters mechanism of static time. The accumulation of pressure or vacuum generates poles with contrasting dimensionalities, two-dimensional black hole horizons (time infinite), and four-dimensional cosmic voids (time zero). The orthogonality of the field and the compact WF give rise to global self-regulation that fine-tunes the cosmic parameters and can promote fractal topology. The four-dimensional vacuum in cosmic voids can produce an accelerating expansion without dark energy. When gravity effects are eliminated, we find a new, so far unexplored, order-increasing side of entropy. The verifiable and elegant hypothesis satisfies Mach's principle.

2021 ◽  
pp. 398-416
Andrew M. Steane

The main strands of observation in cosmology are presented. These are redshift surveys using standard candles; galaxy distributions; age estimates drawing on a number of strands of evidence; and the CMB radiation. The chapter begins with a discussion of systemtic and statistical error in measurements, and explains the terminology of “Lambda CDM” model. Observations are combined with the Friedman equation in order to constrain the density parameters in a LCDM model. Data from supernova surveys are used to obtain the Hubble parameter and the deceleration parameter, and hence evidence of an accelerating expansion. Evidence of the BAO process is deduced from sky surveys, and used to constrain the spatial curvature. The CMB radiation is discussed at length. The Sachs-Wolfe effect is obtained by a simple calculation,. The method to deduce spatial curvature from the position of the acoustic peaks is outlined. Further features such as spectal index and polarization are briefly discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 39
Ogaba Philip Obande

Accelerating expansion of metric space AEMS is investigated with classical Newtonian mechanics. Relying on earlier positions, the results are analyzed to reveal what could be a new understanding of the theoretical framework of the subject. Notably, it is shown that space is physical; it comprises aggregated waveforms of the chemical elements and shares identical quantization, periodicity and mass-evolution with matter. Three plausible methods are identified for classical investigation of the Hubble effect, all three give same result, Ho= 49.5 km s-1Mpc. AEMS results from coupling of light’s 36.9o tangential component (vr=0.75rω) to periodic space, i.e., a component of the vacuum field’s e-m radiation couples to logarithmically decreasing distance scales, vr(E)/drE, to create an acceleration relative to space not time. Multiplicity of the Hubble constant aHo is traceable to corresponding multiplicity of universes nested within our universe. Mass ejection from a cosmic quantum envelope is the cosmic equivalence of radioactivity, it signals ageing and eventual disappearance of the host periodic envelope from visibility. Reality is an imperturbable (ideal) Steady-State, observations thought to invalidate this view are hugely misinterpreted, an explosion in or of spacetime marking the beginning of time could not conceivably sustain, over the aeons, an accelerating expansion of metric space; furthermore, the cosmic microwave background is the zero-point energy or vacuum radiation. The active galactic nucleus or black hole is not a singularity, it is a two-way valve that facilitates circulation of mass-energy matrices across the four phases or ref. frames of reality. There is no new creation of space or matter, only continuous recycling in line with NASA’s recent observation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Valeria Mazza ◽  
Inken Czyperreck ◽  
Jana A. Eccard ◽  
Melanie Dammhahn

The Anthropocene is the era of urbanization. The accelerating expansion of cities occurs at the expense of natural reservoirs of biodiversity and presents animals with challenges for which their evolutionary past might not have prepared them. Cognitive and behavioral adjustments to novelty could promote animals’ persistence under these altered conditions. We investigated the structure of, and covariance between, different aspects of responses to novelty in rural and urban small mammals of two non-commensal rodent species. We ran replicated experiments testing responses to three novelty types (object, food, or space) of 47 individual common voles (Microtus arvalis) and 41 individual striped field mice (Apodemus agrarius). We found partial support for the hypothesis that responses to novelty are structured, clustering (i) speed of responses, (ii) intensity of responses, and (iii) responses to food into separate dimensions. Rural and urban small mammals did not differ in most responses to novelty, suggesting that urban habitats do not reduce neophobia in these species. Further studies investigating whether comparable response patters are found throughout different stages of colonization, and along synurbanization processes of different duration, will help illuminate the dynamics of animals’ cognitive adjustments to urban life.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 363
Per Berglund ◽  
Tristan Hübsch ◽  
Djordje Minic

Finding four-dimensional de Sitter spacetime solutions in string theory has been a vexing quest ever since the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe. Building on a recent analysis of bubble-nucleation in the decay of (false-vacuum) AdS backgrounds where the interfacing bubbles themselves exhibit a de Sitter geometry we show that this resonates strongly with a stringy cosmic brane construction that naturally provides for an exponential mass-hierarchy and the localization of both gravity and matter, in addition to an exponentially suppressed positive cosmological constant. Finally, we argue that these scenarios can be realized in terms of a generalization of a small resolution of a conifold singularity in the context of a (Lorentzian) Calabi–Yau 5-fold, where the isolated (Lorentzian) two complex dimensional Fano variety is a four-dimensional de Sitter spacetime.

2021 ◽  
Wei Zhang ◽  
Cheng Deng

Abstract After taking into account the mass loss of galaxies and stars at the cosmic scale, the speed and acceleration of the accelerating expansion of the Universe are derived from general relativity and Newtonian mechanics, as respectively. The physical significance of the Hubble constant is proved to be the average of the masses ejected per second per unit mass in the observed range, and it is shown that the accelerated expansion of the universe doesn’t require dark energy

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (7) ◽  
pp. 886
Martin Tamm

In this paper, the concept of causality in physics is discussed. Causality is a necessary tool for the understanding of almost all physical phenomena. However, taking it as a fundamental principle may lead us to wrong conclusions, particularly in cosmology. Here, three very well-known problems—the Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen paradox, the accelerating expansion and the asymmetry of time—are discussed from this perspective. In particular, the implications of causality are compared to those of an alternative approach, where we instead take the probability space of all possible developments as the starting point.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 205
Sanjay Mandal ◽  
Avik De ◽  
Tee-How Loo ◽  
Pradyumn Kumar Sahoo

The objective of the present paper is to investigate an almost-pseudo-Ricci symmetric FRW spacetime with a constant Ricci scalar in a dynamic cosmological term Λ(t) and equation of state (EoS) ω(t) scenario. Several cosmological parameters are calculated in this setting and thoroughly studied, which shows that the model satisfies the late-time accelerating expansion of the universe. We also examine all of the energy conditions to check our model’s self-stability.

2021 ◽  
K.H.K. Geerasee Wijesuriya

At this moment, scientists don’t have any significant explanation to explain ‘why there are much matter particles than anti-matter particles’ in the universe. But with this research, it is going to provide an explanation for that.An attempt of this research is to provide detailed innovative arguments regarding the real nature of supermassive black holes also. Here this is intending to explain why, the contribution to the accelerating expansion of the universe by the quantum vacuum is much bit than the contribution by other matters in the universe.Scientists have confused on why the energy of the zero-point energy (quantum vacuum) state, does not contribute to the cosmological vacuum energy (cosmological constant) much. The goal of this research is to investigate a solution to that particular problem also. This will explain why there is a difference between the observed energy of a satellite and the theoretically calculated energy of a satellite, which is orbiting around the Earth. This research will argue regarding whether dark matter is responsible for differences in observed and theoretical speed of stars revolving around the center of Galaxies.

Anirudh Pradhan ◽  
Priyanka Garg ◽  
Archana Dixit

In the present paper, we have generalized the behaviors of {\color{blue}transit-decelerating to accelerating} FRW cosmological model in f (R, T) gravity theory, where R, T are Ricci scalar and trace of energy-momentum tensor respectively. The solution of the corresponding field equations is obtained by assuming a linear function of the Hubble parameter H, i.e., q = c<sub>1</sub> + c<sub>2</sub>H which gives a time-dependent DP (deceleration parameter) q(t)=-1+\frac{c_2}{\sqrt{2c_2 t +c_3}}, where c<sub>3</sub> and c<sub>2</sub> are arbitrary integrating constants [Tiwari et al., Eur. Phys. J. Plus: 131, 447 (2016); 132, 126 (2017)]. There are two scenarios in which we explain the particular form of scale factor thus obtained  (i) By using the recent constraints from OHD and JLA data which shows a cosmic deceleration to acceleration and (ii) By using new constraints from supernovae type la union data which shows accelerating expansion universe (q<0) throughout the evolution. We have observed that the EoS parameter, energy density parameters, and important cosmological planes yield the results compatible with the modern observational data. For the derived models, we have calculated various physical parameters as Luminosity distance, Distance modulus, and Apparent magnitude versus redshift for both supporting current observations.

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