marital relationship
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Maturitas ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 155 ◽  
pp. 32-39
Danyang Wang ◽  
Duanhui Li ◽  
Shiva Raj Mishra ◽  
Carmen Lim ◽  
Xiaochen Dai ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
pp. 2211-2218
Mohamed Shafei Moftah Bosheya

One of the most important goals of the marital relationship is the affection and compassion that drive spouses to cooperate together in earning their livelihood. When the marital relationship breaks down, each of the spouses would claim his/her share of the matrimonial property; such claim is different from the stipulated legal dues such as the inheritance and the alimony. The question is, what is the definition of the matrimonial property? Does this concept exist in the old Islamic jurisprudence? Is it legal to claim this money by one of the spouses or their heirs? And to what extent is the interest achieved or hardship avoided if the claimant is given his/her share? What is the position of the Malaysian Judiciary and its legal text on that issue? What is the stand of the official fatwa departments on this issue? What are the types of legal evidence cited by the different fatwas related to the matrimonial property? Moreover, are there countries other than Malaysia that have adopted this system?

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
pp. 2161-2167
Khobaib Ali Saeed Salem ◽  
Salah Mohamed Moustafa Moustafa Elbahrawi ◽  
Ragab Abou Melih Mohamed Soliman ◽  
Ahmed Fathi Ramdan Abdelgayed

This research study addresses the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence on the right established for a wife in her husband’s property that is disputed by them both, especially after termination of their marital relationship. The research problem lies in that many women, upon their separation from their husbands, believe that their husbands’ financial welfare was only a result of their own assistance in undertaking marital responsibilities. This research study attempts to answer the question raised in such cases: What are the rights established for women against their husband in case they claim so?. The study seeks to highlight the objectives of the Shar?‘?h behind marriage and legalization of divorce, and to illustrate the established as a woman’s right in her husband’s property which she should have shared with him or substituted him in managing, through different considerations. The significance of the study lies in the emergent need for investigating it due to contemporary occurrences. This study builds on a descriptive and deductive comparative approach, along with a referential and applied method based on the juristic maxims and Shar?‘?h objectives, drawing only on preponderant legal opinions; outweighed views and their proofs are not mentioned in this study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
pp. 2146-2153
Ahmed Fathi Ramdan Abdelgayed ◽  
Ragab Abou Melih Mohamed Soliman ◽  
Khobaib Ali Saeed Salem ◽  
Salah Mohamed Moustafa Moustafa Elbahrawi

There are rising voices at present calling for the wife’s sharing ownership of her husband’s property that is earned during their marital relationship, on the premise that such property is earned due to the mutual effort of both spouses, with the wife carrying out house chores and thus allowing the husband time to work, or with both having jobs and contributing to the welfare of the family and maximizing their property. Some countries legalized such matrimonial property, binding the husband to share with his wife whatever he earns during their marital relationship. In this study, I examined the corroborating proofs of such a stance and concluded that each spouse is independent in terms of ownership, wealth, income, and disposal. I also concluded that financial transactions between the spouses are liable to legal rulings on financial transactions in general and that if the two spouses dispute the ownership of any property, the claimant is bound to prove the validity of such a claim.

Shevchuk V.V.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of a study of the impact of children with complex developmental disorders on the marital relationship of their parents.Methods. To achieve this goal and solve problems, the following psychodiagnostic tools were used: the scale “Marital Relations” according to the method “Incomplete sentences” and the scale of perception of self, marriage partner and other men and women according to the Semantic Differential of C.Osgood. The Mann-Whitney test was used to verify the reliability of the obtained data.Results. The study of marital relationships was conducted with 288 parents with children with complex developmental disorders (among them 152 raising children with complex speech and mental retardation and 136 parents of children with musculoskeletal disorders and oligophrenia), who formed the main group, and 184 parents of children without disabilities, who acted as a control group. According to the analysis of the research results, the following general characteristics can be distinguished:− marital relations in families with children with complex developmental disorders are less harmonious, less favorable, with a complicated intimate life and more tense compared to families raising children without developmental disabilities. Mothers of children with musculoskeletal disorders and oligophrenia show a particularly negative attitude towards marital relations, although their husbands consider them to be strong and active individuals;− self-esteem of mothers of children with complex developmental disorders is not homogeneous: underestimated - in those who raise a child with musculoskeletal disorders and oligophrenia and adequate - in women who have a child with complex speech defects and mental retardation;− men who raise children with complex developmental disorders also have low self-esteem, are not purposeful and less active than parents of children with normative development;− mothers and fathers explain their unrealized plans by failed marital and family relationships and their child’s shortcomings.Conclusions. The appearance in the family of a child with complex developmental disorders mainly has a negative effect on the marital relationship of parents, changing the perceptions of the couple about the environment, about themselves, each other and affects the relationship between them.Key words: child with complex developmental disorders, complex speech defects, oligophrenia, marital relations. Метою статті є висвітлення результатів дослідження особливостей впливу дітей із комплексними порушеннями розвитку на шлюбні стосунки їх батьків.Методи. Для досягнення поставленої мети та вирішення завдань використано такий психодіагностичний інструментарій: шкала «Подружні стосунки» за методикою «Незакінчені речення» і шкали сприймання себе, шлюбного партнера та інших чоловіків і жінок за семантичним диференціалом Ч. Осгуда. Для перевірки достовірності отриманих даних застосовувався критерій Манна-Уїтні.Результати. Дослідження шлюбних взаємин було проведене з 288 батьками, які мають дітей з комплексними порушеннями розвитку (серед них – 152 виховують дітей зі складними мовленнєвими вадами та розумовою відсталістю і 136 – із порушеннями опорно-рухового апарату та олігофренією), які склали основну групу, а також з 184 батьками дітей без вад розвитку, які виконували роль контрольної групи. За аналізом результатів дослідження можна виокремити такі загальні характеристики: – шлюбні стосунки у сім’ях, де є діти з комплексними порушеннями розвитку, менш гармонійні, менш сприятливі, з ускладненим інтимним життям та більш напружені порівняно із сім’ями, які виховують дітей без вад розвитку. Особливо виражене негативне ставлення до шлюбних стосунків демонструють матері дітей з порушеннями опорно-рухового апарату та олігофренією, хоча чоловіки вважа-ють їх сильними та активними особистостями;– самооцінка матерів дітей з комплексними порушеннями розвитку є неоднорідною: занижена – у тих, які виховують дитину з порушеннями опорно-рухового апарату та олігофренією, адекватна – у жінок, які мають дитину зі складними мовленнєвими вадами та розумовою відсталістю;– чоловіки, які виховують дітей з комплексними порушеннями розвитку, мають також занижену самооцінку, нецілеспрямовані та менш активні, ніж батьки дітей з нормативним розвитком;– матері та батьки пояснюють свої нереалізовані плани невдалими шлюбно-сімейними стосунками та вадами своєї дитини.Висновки. Поява в сім’ї дитини з комплексними порушеннями розвитку переважно негативно позначається на шлюбних стосунках батьків, змінюючи уявлення подружжя про оточення, себе, один одного, та впливає на взаємини між ними.Ключові слова: complex developmental disorders, complex speech disorders, oligophrenia, musculoskeletal disorders, marital relations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 95-101
Bezhnar G. ◽  

The specificity of contemporary daily life is manifested in the interaction of mass culture with new media forms. Such interactions cause many social and cultural problems, one of which is marital well-being. The paper aims at studying the potential impact of digital space and social networks on marital relationship. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to the study of social objects, interpretive research paradigm, multidisciplinary analysis. Information base of the research are monographs, articles, conference proceedings, reports, blogs. The search was conducted using the following keywords: mass culture, social networks, Internet, social media, digital space, marital relationship, mental health, psychological well-being, marital satisfaction. Social media offers a diverse experience for each user. The researchers state that this experience is largely positive that explains the growing use of social networks around the world. However, the use of social networks has its significant drawbacks and can threaten marital harmony. Danger factors are information that can arouse suspicion and uncertainty in a relationship; excessive control over partners in social networks, which destroys the sense of autonomy and privacy; excessive time spent in networks and intrusive signs of their use; disclosure of private information; insufficient privacy control; online adulteries that can cause divorce; feelings of worthlessness and dissatisfaction, which often arise as a result of comparing the personal offline reality with the online reality of the actors of communication processes and leads to frustration and depression.

2021 ◽  
pp. 166-240
Marilyn Booth

This chapter assesses Fawwaz’s writings on marriage, divorce, and family life, 1892‒1900. In stand-alone essays and a long-running debate with a customs official, published in the journal Fursat al-awqat, Fawwaz addressed the exploitation of late versions of Islamic fiqh (jurisprudence) and its hadith sources, and the fiction of the Islamic basis of extreme seclusion, as patriarchal mechanisms to keep women subordinate and unhappy in marriage. It assesses the reformist views of Muhammad ‘Abduh while arguing that Fawwaz focused less on legal change and more on the prevalence of misogynistic views in the marital relationship that maintained the hegemony of patriarchal social organization. In her debate with Husayn Fawzi, Fawwaz used logic, arguments from history, and knowledge of Islamic sources to reject his understanding of gender, based on his reading of the creation story, Qur’an, and hadith, and medieval marriage manuals. This debate centred on marriage but went beyond it to explore Islamic understandings of gender difference.

Remigiusz Kijak

The purpose of this study was to determine the level of sexual satisfaction and type of relationship between spouses, and then to determine the correlation between these variables and independent variables. These include: disability type of the child, the number of children in the family, and the gender of the parents. The hypothesis was that ‘the level of sexual satisfaction in parents is significantly related to the type of disability possessed by their children’ and similarly it was found that disability type significantly affects the type of relationship between parents. The research was conducted using the Matched Marriage Questionnaire (MMQ) and the Sexual Satisfaction Scale (SSS). The data obtained in the study showed that most spouses experience high and average sexual satisfaction and no particular differences between men and women were observed. The differences appeared when analyzing parents of a child with autism. In this group the results were more diverse in the detailed descriptions of the scale. The results obtained regarding marital relationship satisfaction indicate a not very favorable picture of the relationships of the surveyed subjects.

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