marital relations
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Ethnohistory ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-100
Katarzyna Granicka

Abstract There are many sources that allowed scholars to study the nature and functions of polygamous marriages of the Nahua nobility. Very few studies, however, focus on the marital relations of the Nahua commoners. This article presents exploratory research into various kinds of marriages of the macehualtin—polygamy, sororate, and levirate. Based on the available material (early censuses, inquisitorial records, sixteenth-century accounts) it discusses the functions that these types of unions played in Nahua society. Moreover, it reflects on the effects that the Christianization and prohibition of such marriages had on Nahua society. The Nahuas could either reshape their communities, by adjusting to the new rules, or continue their precolonial practices in hiding. Either way, the imposed Christianization can be analyzed through the notion of the cultural trauma, which occurred when the Nahuas were forced to reshape their communities to adjust to the new rules.

Tatiana G. Orlova

The article is devoted to the comparative structural and semantic analysis of proverbs of the English and Russian languages with the meaning marriage. The novelty and relevance of the study consists in the fact that the proverbs that go to the heart of the current problems of marriage relations were first analyzed with the use of comparative approach in the context of structural and semantic analysis. In the course of the analysis, on the material of the proverbs of these languages, the main meanings of the proverbs were identified and systematized. The proverbs reveal the view on the value of marriage, the view on the predestination of marriage, the roles of husband and wife, controversial aspects of marital relations, as well as the question of the unity and strength of the family. An important part of the article is the study of male and female views on the problem of marriage, family life and the choice of a life partner. In English proverbs, a critical attitude towards marriage and the mention of the advantages of a bachelor life can be found more often. In Russian proverbs, marriage is generally viewed more positively but almost half of the proverbs that reveal the hardships of life in marriage are proverbs that convey a womans view of marriage. The article reveals lexical components, syntactic structures, artistic techniques and figurative means pertain to the proverbs of both linguistic and cultural ethnic groups. The presence of unique and distinctive proverbs in each language reflects the peculiarities of the historical and cultural experience of the two peoples, but the proverbs of both languages also have many common features. This is explained both by the community of human nature and knowledge, and by borrowing from common sources. Both Russian and English proverbs are characterized by using methods of comparison, contraposition, allegory, the use of personifying metaphors, lexical antonymy, the use of zoonyms, proper nouns and somatisms. In Russian, the emotional and expressive component is higher due to the use of diminutive suffixes, vernacular and vulgar words, they represent more widely archaisms and vocabulary associated with the realities of peasant life. Most Russian proverbs are composed according to the laws of the folklore genre and have a compositional completeness due to their rhythmic and phonetic design. Most of the English proverbs contain sayings, teachings, and use more abstract and neutral vocabulary, although there are also bright and original proverbs among them. The author reveals interaction of the figurative means and the conceptual component of proverbs and concludes that the linguistic means and figurative motivation of proverbs are related to the peculiarities of the national-cultural thinking of the both peoples.

Shevchuk V.V.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of a study of the impact of children with complex developmental disorders on the marital relationship of their parents.Methods. To achieve this goal and solve problems, the following psychodiagnostic tools were used: the scale “Marital Relations” according to the method “Incomplete sentences” and the scale of perception of self, marriage partner and other men and women according to the Semantic Differential of C.Osgood. The Mann-Whitney test was used to verify the reliability of the obtained data.Results. The study of marital relationships was conducted with 288 parents with children with complex developmental disorders (among them 152 raising children with complex speech and mental retardation and 136 parents of children with musculoskeletal disorders and oligophrenia), who formed the main group, and 184 parents of children without disabilities, who acted as a control group. According to the analysis of the research results, the following general characteristics can be distinguished:− marital relations in families with children with complex developmental disorders are less harmonious, less favorable, with a complicated intimate life and more tense compared to families raising children without developmental disabilities. Mothers of children with musculoskeletal disorders and oligophrenia show a particularly negative attitude towards marital relations, although their husbands consider them to be strong and active individuals;− self-esteem of mothers of children with complex developmental disorders is not homogeneous: underestimated - in those who raise a child with musculoskeletal disorders and oligophrenia and adequate - in women who have a child with complex speech defects and mental retardation;− men who raise children with complex developmental disorders also have low self-esteem, are not purposeful and less active than parents of children with normative development;− mothers and fathers explain their unrealized plans by failed marital and family relationships and their child’s shortcomings.Conclusions. The appearance in the family of a child with complex developmental disorders mainly has a negative effect on the marital relationship of parents, changing the perceptions of the couple about the environment, about themselves, each other and affects the relationship between them.Key words: child with complex developmental disorders, complex speech defects, oligophrenia, marital relations. Метою статті є висвітлення результатів дослідження особливостей впливу дітей із комплексними порушеннями розвитку на шлюбні стосунки їх батьків.Методи. Для досягнення поставленої мети та вирішення завдань використано такий психодіагностичний інструментарій: шкала «Подружні стосунки» за методикою «Незакінчені речення» і шкали сприймання себе, шлюбного партнера та інших чоловіків і жінок за семантичним диференціалом Ч. Осгуда. Для перевірки достовірності отриманих даних застосовувався критерій Манна-Уїтні.Результати. Дослідження шлюбних взаємин було проведене з 288 батьками, які мають дітей з комплексними порушеннями розвитку (серед них – 152 виховують дітей зі складними мовленнєвими вадами та розумовою відсталістю і 136 – із порушеннями опорно-рухового апарату та олігофренією), які склали основну групу, а також з 184 батьками дітей без вад розвитку, які виконували роль контрольної групи. За аналізом результатів дослідження можна виокремити такі загальні характеристики: – шлюбні стосунки у сім’ях, де є діти з комплексними порушеннями розвитку, менш гармонійні, менш сприятливі, з ускладненим інтимним життям та більш напружені порівняно із сім’ями, які виховують дітей без вад розвитку. Особливо виражене негативне ставлення до шлюбних стосунків демонструють матері дітей з порушеннями опорно-рухового апарату та олігофренією, хоча чоловіки вважа-ють їх сильними та активними особистостями;– самооцінка матерів дітей з комплексними порушеннями розвитку є неоднорідною: занижена – у тих, які виховують дитину з порушеннями опорно-рухового апарату та олігофренією, адекватна – у жінок, які мають дитину зі складними мовленнєвими вадами та розумовою відсталістю;– чоловіки, які виховують дітей з комплексними порушеннями розвитку, мають також занижену самооцінку, нецілеспрямовані та менш активні, ніж батьки дітей з нормативним розвитком;– матері та батьки пояснюють свої нереалізовані плани невдалими шлюбно-сімейними стосунками та вадами своєї дитини.Висновки. Поява в сім’ї дитини з комплексними порушеннями розвитку переважно негативно позначається на шлюбних стосунках батьків, змінюючи уявлення подружжя про оточення, себе, один одного, та впливає на взаємини між ними.Ключові слова: complex developmental disorders, complex speech disorders, oligophrenia, musculoskeletal disorders, marital relations.


В статье исследуется расхождение между modus vivendi меровингских королей и нормами светских и церковных законов в области внутрисемейных и брачных отношений в VI веке в условиях подчинения идеологической сферы церковному институту. Крещение Хлодвига и христианизация франкского общества были пристрастно изображены Григорием Турским в его труде с многочисленными умолчаниями и искажениями. Выдвигается гипотеза о связи умолчания в «Истории франков» о дате крещения Хлодвига с регентским правлением Хродехильды при несовершеннолетних сыновьях. За брачными одеждами запрещенных союзов (с вдовой брата и сестрой жены, с мачехой и близкой родственницей) у Меровингов скрывались политические заговоры (дело Претекстата, обвинение Григория Турского в клевете на Фредегонду) и ожесточенная борьба за власть. Предлагаются новые интерпретации спорных исторических событий. The article examines the discrepancy between the modus vivendi of the Merovingian kings and the norms of secular and ecclesiastical laws in the field of family and marital relations in the sixth century in the conditions of subordination of the ideological sphere to the church institution. Gregory of Tours represented with prejudice the Christianization of Frankish society in his historical work with numerous eliminations and distortions. My hypothesis discloses the connection between the concealment about the date of Clovis’s baptism in the Decem Libri Historiarum and Clothild’s regency with minor sons. Behind the wedding clothes of incestuous marriages (including brother’s widow, wife’s sister, stepmother, cousin) the Merovingians were hiding political conspiracies (the trial of Bishop Praetextatus, the accusation of Gregory of Tours the spreading rumours about Fredegund) and a fierce struggle for power. New interpretations of controversial historical events are proposed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
pp. 300-310
Nataliia Yu. Maksymova ◽  
Antonina Hrys ◽  
Mykola V. Maksymov ◽  
Yuliia M. Krasilova ◽  
Julia M. Udovenko

The article highlights the problem of finding the causes of disharmonies in marital relations and the criteria for the normal functioning of a family system. Dysfunction or disturbances of family functioning are such features of family life that complicate or hinder execution of family functions. A dysfunctional family in a broad sense means a system determining distortions of personal development and, therefore, maladaptive, deviant behaviour or neurotic disorders at one or more of the family members. The aim of the study is to identify the causes of disharmony in marital relations and the criteria for normal functioning of a family as a system. The empirical part of this study was devoted to determining the causes of such disharmonies in marital relationships that subsequently led to divorce. The study was conducted during the family counselling of married men, women and married couples who were in the process of divorce. The next criteria for normal family functioning have been determined: respect for differences; sincerity in expressing thoughts and feelings; dynamic relationships; role sharing; observance of personal boundaries; family openness; emotional and spiritual intimacy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 387-407

Mythopoetic thinking operates on a binary principle, classifying all the phenomena of the macro- and microcosm. The opposition between cosmos and chaos, in other words, between life and non-being, was fundamental. Spaces assimilated by culture, an ordered world, symbolized by various images: a pillar, a mountain, a temple, a dwelling, was conceived as the center of the universe, which was opposed by chaos that threatened order. These ideas about the world order were actualized in the sphere of ritual, designed to preserve the order created in the first times by the ancestors and gods. The repetition of the original myth in the ritual was supposed to restore, renew the world order in the cyclical movement of time. This applied both to the general Egyptian holidays, such as the New Year, and to the initiations that members of society took place at one stage or another of the development of Ancient Egyptian culture. Transitional rites had two aspects: age and social. When passing the initiation, the members of the collective increased their social status, became initiated, moving from adolescence to marital relations, increasing their status in the collective. A special position was occupied by leaders and kings, who confirmed their high position in society during the holiday sd. Funerals were also considered transitional rites. Transitional rituals united ideas about such opposites as life and death, which was equated with the loss of a person's previous social status. An indispensable attribute of rituals was sacrifice, and not only bloody of animals, but also sacrifice with ancient ritual objects during the construction of temples on the site of ancient sanctuaries. Notable examples have been associated with the kings in charge of the prosperity of Egypt.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 85-91
Victoria N. Kargol ◽  
Marina V. Zemlianykh

The article is devoted to the study of infertility-related stress experienced by infertile women. We studied such components of the stress of infertility as anxiety, depression, coping strategies, emotional schemes, as well as the psychological component of the quality of life. The aim of the study was to study the characteristics of individual components of the stress of infertility, such us anxiety, depression, emotional schemas and coping strategies. The following research methods were selected: A. Becks Anxiety Scale, A. Becks Depression Scale; questionnaire of the study of the quality of life in infertility FertiQoL J. Boivin; R. Leahy Scale of Emotional Schemes Questionnaire (LESS II); COPE coping strategies questionnaire in adaptation by T.O. Gordeeva, E.N. Osin, E.A. Rasskazova, O.A. Sychev, V.Yu. Shevyakhova. 33 women with infertility (main group) and 33 women without infertility and not planning pregnancy in the near future were studied. The results of the study revealed such characteristics of women with infertility as insufficient satisfaction with the quality of life, subjectively felt emotional discomfort, insufficient social support and some dissatisfaction with marital relations. At the same time, subclinical levels of anxiety-depressive symptoms are accompanied by a general tension of emotional schemes, the prevalence of such schemes, Feelings of guilt for their own emotions, Lack of meaningfulness, Invalidation of emotions by others, Predicted duration of emotions, Tendency to ruminate, A simplified idea of emotions. Behavioral strategies in a stressful situation in women with the stress of infertility are characterized by inflexibility, a tendency to avoidance and denial, and the rare use of positive reformulation and humor. The study revealed the presence of various supporting stress factors of infertility characteristic of women suffering from infertility: insufficient satisfaction with the quality of life, subjectively felt emotional discomfort, insufficient social support and dissatisfaction with marital relations. At the same time, subclinical levels of anxiety-depressive symptoms are accompanied by a general tension of emotional schemes and limited behavioral strategies in a stressful situation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 481
Irina G. Polyakova

Rising infertility across the globe has created a growing demand for assisted reproductive technologies (ART). In recent years, apart from sperm donation in formal settings such as fertility clinics, informal donation practices have emerged and spread across Russia. These reproductive donation practices have become possible due to the development of social networks and private online platforms. We conducted a pilot study (eleven semi-structured interviews) of the informal sperm donation in Russia and analyzed donor-recipient interactions, donors’ expectations and experiences of finding recipients online. We focus on donors' motivations and on the meanings, which donors invest in this practice that consumes significant resources on their part (medical tests and artificial insemination costs, travel and accommodation expenses, sometimes mutually agreed financial support of future offspring). We interpreted the practices that coalesced around informal donation from the perspective of symbolic interactionism, because it allowed us to showcase how actors reflected on and formulated the meanings of their actions in the absence of externally imposed rules (legal regulations, established moral conventions). Since informal donation practices do not fit into the traditional schemes of interpretation, such research requires the actors involved in informal donation either to create their own schemes or to modify the existing conceptual frames in creative ways. The study shows that informal donors do not only provide their genetic material but also spend time and invested considerable resources to ensure their procreation, including eventual financial support of the child. At the same time, these men are not interested in marital relations or paternal relations with their offspring. Thus, the informal sperm donors do not associate the parental project with traditional family and its values. We conclude that ART engendered a new phenomenon, which might be described as extramarital reproduction. Assisted reproduction outside marriage ­gains footing in Russia and requires more detailed further study.

2021 ◽  
pp. 9-27
A. Aru

The features of word-formation objectification of the concept FRIENDSHIP in the Russian linguistic picture of the world are considered. The research focuses on the structure and semantics of words that form a word-formation nest with apex “friend” in Russian. It was found that the word-formative nest with the top “friend” in Russian includes 53 words. The question is raised about the verification and clarification of the cognitive features of the “Friendship” concept identified at the previous stages of the analysis. It is shown that substantive derivatives embody in conceptual block I “friendship as a feeling and attitude” such new cognitive features as “uniting someone based on friendship, unity of views, interests; cooperationʼ and friendly, benevolent attitude towards someoneʼ, and in conceptual block II the subject of friendshipʼ — such new cognitive features as ʽthe subject of marital relations (only for females)ʼ, ʽthe object that is paired with another object, forming together whole. The analysis of verb derivatives revealed a new cognitive feature for conceptual block III “friendship as a process” is a cognitive feature “to render a friendly service, to serve”. The analysis of adjective and adverbi-al derivatives helped to substantiate the need to introduce into consideration a new conceptual block IV — “quality, property, feature, characteristic of attitude / feeling of friend-ship”, in which 9 new cognitive features were found.

V.V. Luchkovsky

In the scientific article the author conducted a scientific study of the features of protection of property and per-sonal rights of persons who are in actual marital relations in the judicial practice of Ukraine. Based on the above research, the author notes that most often the appeal to the court to establish the legal fact of living in the same fam-ily of a woman and a man without marriage, is to inherit one of the de facto spouses or to establish joint ownership of jointly acquired property. . In general, the jurisprudence to establish the legal fact of living with one family of a woman and a man without marriage is ambiguous. This ambiguity concerns primarily the following issues:1) terminology used to denote the actual marital relationship (they are in judicial practice called «actual marital relationship», «actual marriage», «actual relationship», «living with one family of a man and a woman without marriage», «staying in actual marital relations and living with one family ”,“ actual marital relations ”,“ living with one family in actual marital relations ”,“ living with one family ”, etc.);2) a list of circumstances that clearly indicate the existence of a de facto marital relationship. In particular, some courts include the registration of both de facto spouses in the apartment (however, as evidenced by the Supreme Court ruling of 10 October 2019 in case 48 748/897/18 residence of a man and a woman at the same address, which is related to the division of property after divorce and the absence of another place of residence, does not indicate a family relationship between them), joint presence on holidays and transfer of funds (however, this is denied by the Supreme Court ruling of 15 August 2019 in case № 588/350/15), the fact of periodic joint recreation (which is denied by the decision of the Supreme Court of February 27, 2019 in case № 522/25049/16-ts). 

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