partial correlation coefficient
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2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
Francis B. Osang ◽  
Ime J. Umoren ◽  
Abimbola O. Owolabi

Modeling procurement management system is important for quality decision making regarding business capacity planning, supply and scheduling. In the Procurement Services Department (PSD), most commonly used indicators to measuring performance include supply period, products rating, ranking recommendations, resource scheduling and number of goods supplied and delivered. In this paper, a Decision Support Service (DSS) technique was proposed to optimize procurement services in business and public organization. First, a study of a typical public and private organization was conducted to gain insights into the operations of the procurement department and the contributions of important system parameters to procurement management. Second, a product and supplier collaborative filtering technique were investigated to obtain transformed data for model training and testing for implementation using Partial Correlation Coefficient (PCC). The Partial Correlation Coefficient (PCC) for a particular product or supplier was utilized for generating the outcomes with tuned values which were compared with actual observed outcomes. The residuals were evaluated in terms of linearity, normality, independence and constant variance. The visualized system plots indicate a good performance as the quality and accuracy of the decision support model was evaluated using some basic metrics. The overall system implementation and performance results demonstrated the importance of Decision Support Services in assessing the performance of procurement management systems. A robust tool for this assessment and a model for procurement and supply planning indicates that the system framework offered Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning.

2021 ◽  
Ling Peng ◽  
Xiaohong Chen ◽  
Yanhong Fu ◽  
Yuwei Yang ◽  
Jiafu Feng

Abstract Objective Both cystatin C (CysC) and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) are markers of kidney injury and may also be marker candidates for neuroinflammation. The aim of this article is to explore the relationship between kidney injury and ischemic stroke (IS).Methods 498 IS patients were enrolled, and 173 IS-related disease control (DC) patients and 293 healthy control (HC) subjects were randomly selected. We analyzed the relationship between the levels of serum kidney function markers (including NGAL, Cre, Ure, CysC and eGFR) and the occurrence of IS.Results When they were admitted to the hospital, the NGAL level of patients with first-onset IS was higher than that of both HC group (z=5.964, P<0.001) and DC (z=12.191, P<0.001); The level of CysC of them was higher than that of HC group (z=5.762, P<0.001), and was the similar with that of DC group (z=1.663, P=0.289). The partial correlation coefficient between NGAL and the occurrence of IS was the highest (rp=0.341, P<0.001) in IS patients with normal kidney function. However, the partial correlation coefficient between CysC and IS was the highest (rp=0.460) , P<0.001) in IS patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). For patients with normal kidney function, only NGAL was a risk factor for IS [OR(95%CI)=6.54(3.75,11.41)], and had the certain predictive performance AUC=0.734(z=12.928, P<0.001). However, for CKD patients, CysC has better predictive performance for IS occurrence AUC=0.835 (z=11.343, P<0.001) and risk assessment ability [OR(95%CI)=5.97(2.45, 14.56)] than NGAL.Conclusion IS is related to kidney injury and neuroinflammation. NGAL and CysC are suitable for IS prediction in patients with normal kidney function and CKD, respectively. Researchers should pay attention to the changes of NGAL and CysC for the prevention and treatment of stroke in these two types of patients, respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
María García-Manrique ◽  
Joan Calvet ◽  
Cristóbal Orellana ◽  
Antoni Berenguer-Llergo ◽  
Silvia Garcia-Cirera ◽  

AbstractSeveral cytokines and adipokines are related to clinical severity and progression in knee osteoarthritis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the associations of IL-8 with clinical severity and with local and systemic adipokines and cytokines. This is a Cross-sectional study including 115 women with symptomatic primary knee osteoarthritis with ultrasound-confirmed joint effusion. Age, symptoms duration and body mass index were collected. Radiographic severity was evaluated according to Kellgren–Lawrence. Pain and disability were assessed by Lequesne and Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score pain, symptoms and function scales. Three inflammatory markers and five adipokines were measured by ELISA in serum and synovial fluid. Partial correlation coefficient (PCC) and corresponding 95% confidence interval were used to evaluate association. Synovial fluid IL-8 was significantly associated with clinical severity scales. After controlling for potential confounders, associations measured by a Partial Correlation Coefficient (PCC) remained essentially unaltered for Lequesne (PCC = 0.237), KOOS pain (PCC = − 0.201) and KOOS symptoms (PCC = − 0.209), KOOS function (PCC = − 0.185), although the later did not reach statistical significance. Also in synovial fluid samples, associations were found between IL-8 and TNF (PCC = 0.334), IL6 (PCC = 0.461), osteopontin (PCC = 0.575), visfatin (PCC = 0.194) and resistin (PCC = 0.182), although significance was not achieved for the later after statistical control for confounders. None of these associations were detected in serum. In conclusion, IL-8 was associated with clinical severity, inflammatory markers and adipokines in synovial fluid, but not in blood. Although the reported associations are weak to moderate in magnitude, these findings reinforce the notion that local and not systemic inflammation is more relevant to clinical severity in knee OA women with joint effusion.

Psych ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-24
Debra Wetcher-Hendricks

Bohrnstedt’s (1969) attempt to derive a formula to compute the partial correlation coefficient and simultaneously correct for attenuation sought to simplify the process of performing each task separately. He suggested that his formula, developed from algebraic and psychometric manipulations of the partial correlation coefficient, produces a corrected partial correlation value. However, an algebraic error exists within his derivations. Consequently, the formula proposed by Bohrnstedt does not appropriately represent the value he intended it to estimate. By correcting the erroneous step and continuing the derivation based upon his proposed procedure, the steps outlined in this paper ultimately produce the formula that Bohrnstedt desired.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Nanda Mellenia Amin Putri ◽  
Ika Kurniasari

Abstrak — Prokrastinasi adalah penundaan yang disengaja dalam mengerjakan suatu pekerjaan. Efek dari prokrastinasi dapat berakibat negatif pada emosi, mengakibatkan stress, dan akan mengganggu kegiatan sehari-hari. Jenis prokrastinasi yang berhubungan dengan kerja akademik adalah prokrastinasi akademik. Dengan mengingat pentingnya matematika dalam sehari-hari, peserta didik diharapkan dapat meminimalisir perilaku prokrastinasi akademik yang berefek negatif pada keoptimalan kerja akademik dan efikasi akademik pada matematika. Faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi tinggi rendahnya prokrastinasi akademik adalah kecemasan matematika dan motivasi belajar. Kecemasan matematika adalah kecemasan yang disebabkan oleh peristiwa yang berhubungan dengan matematika yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang. Sedangkan motivasi belajar adalah dorongan-dorongan yang membuat seseorang melakukan kegiatan belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari kecemasan matematika dan motivasi belajar terhadap prokrastinasi akademik. Dengan sampel 31 peserta didik SMAN 1 Krian, data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket kecemasan matematika, angket motivasi belajar, dan angket prokrastinasi akademik. Pengaruh kecemasan matematika dan motivasi belajar terhadap prokrastinasi akademik dicari dengan menggunakan koefisien korelasi dan koefisien penentu. Koefisien korelasi berganda kecemasan matematika dan motivasi belajar dengan prokrastinasi akademik adalah 0,451 dengan koefisien penentu berganda 20,3%. Kemudian koefisien korelasi parsial kecemasan matematika dengan prokrastinasi akademik apabila motivasi belajar dikontrol adalah 0,423 dan koefisien penentu parsial sebesar 17,89%. Koefisien korelasi parsial motivasi belajar dengan prokrastinasi akademik apabila kecemasan matematika dikontrol adalah -0,141 dan koefisien penentu parsialnya adalah sebesar 1,98%.Kata Kunci: kecemasan matematika, motivasi belajar, prokrastinasi akademik. Abstract — Procrastination is an intentional delay in doing activities. Procrastination can cause negative effects on emotions, stress, and interfering with everyday life. Procrastination type that related to academic work is academic procrastination. On a more important note, we need to keep in mind how important mathematics is in our lives and students are expected to minimalize academic procrastination behavior that could make academic works less optimal and negative effects on academic efficacy on mathematics learning. Many factors could contribute to academic procrastination levels. Two of them are mathematics anxiety and learning motivation. Mathematics anxiety is an anxious feeling caused by events related to mathematics that will happen in the future. Whilst learning motivation is the stimulus that drives a person to learn. The aim of this research is to find out the relationship between mathematics anxiety and learning motivation with academic procrastination. Using 31 students of SMAN 1 Krian as the sample, the data is gathered with a mathematics anxiety questionnaire, learning motivation questionnaire, and academic procrastination questionnaire. The multiple correlation coefficient of mathematics anxiety and learning motivation with academic procrastination is 0,451 while the coefficient of determination is 20,3%. The partial correlation coefficient of mathematics anxiety with academic procrastination is 0,423 while the coefficient of determination is 17,89%. Lastly, the partial correlation coefficient of learning motivation with academic procrastination is -0,141 while the coefficient of determination is 1,98%.Keywords: mathematics anxiety, learning motivation, academic procrastination.

Guogen Shan ◽  
Ece Bayram ◽  
Jessica Z. K. Caldwell ◽  
Justin B. Miller ◽  
Jay J. Shen ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (6) ◽  
pp. 69-87 ◽  
Zbigniew Śleszyński

The aim of the paper is to present the basic measures related to the analysis of relationships between quantitative variables used in econometric modelling and their selected applications. The following measures are discussed: the Pearson correlation coefficient, the multivariate correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, partial correlation coefficient and semi-partial correlation coefficient. A homogeneous approach is applied to the measures presented. Each is defined as a linear correlation coefficient of relevant vectors derived from regression equations. Additionally, mutual relations between the coefficients are described. Bordered matrices have been applied to the calculations, which significantly simplified the process, while the Statistica 13.3 PL program was used to verify the correctness of the calculations. The issue is illustrated in the model of regression of salary growth in Poland in the years 2001–2019 with four covariates, estimated using the least squares method.

Stroke ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 51 (Suppl_1) ◽  
Shuichi Suzuki ◽  
Brandon Nguyen ◽  
Wadi Lara ◽  
Lisa Moores ◽  
Jeein Kim ◽  

Background and Objective: Mechanical Thrombectomy (MT) is standard treatment for stroke due to large vessel occlusion (LVO). However, extent of preventability of these strokes is generally not addressed. This study analyzes stroke preventability for patients treated with MT for LVO. Subjects and Methods: We conducted retrospective analyses of stroke patients treated with MT for LVO at UC Irvine Medical Center from June 2008 to March 2019. We obtained data including age, NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS) at onset, and (beginning in 2015) 90-day outcome measured by modified Rankin Scale (mRS). We used the Stroke Preventability Score (SPS, 0-10 points) from our prior work (JAMA Neurology 2016, 73:186), based on how well patients had been treated given their hypertension, hyperlipidemia, atrial fibrillation, and prior stroke history. We examined associations of SPS with age, NIHSS at onset, and mRS. Results: For 301 patients treated with MT for LVO, mean ± standard error of age was 60±0.1 years (range 18-97) and NIHSS was 17±0.4 (range 0-37, n=282); one-third (n=96) were male. SPS was calculated for 273 patients, with mean±SE 2.1±0.1 (range 0-8). Over two-thirds (n=184, 67%) demonstrated some degree of preventability (SPS 1 or higher), while 23% (n=64) showed high stroke preventability (SPS 4 or higher). Among 119 patients with mRS data, stroke preventability was associated with age (66±2.5, 69±2.4 and 79±1.7 years for no, low and high SPS, respectively; p<0.002). Stroke preventability was also associated with NIHSS at onset (15±1.3, 16±0.9, and 20±1.4 for no, low and high preventability, respectively; p<0.04). SPS was significantly correlated with age (r=0.33, p<0.0002), NIHSS (r=0.29, p=0.002), and mRS (r=0.22, p=0.02). The partial correlation coefficient for SPS remained significant after adjusting for age and NIHSS. Conclusion: Nearly one-quarter of patients, with LVO treated with MT, presented with strokes that were highly preventable. High stroke preventability tended to be seen in older patients, patients with more severe deficits, and (to a lesser extent) patients with poor outcome. While most acute stroke treatment efforts focus on streamlining workflow, these findings demonstrate the enduring importance of stroke prevention in this patient population.

Johansyah Johansyah

This study aims to determine the effect of managerial competence and cooperation of school principals on the job satisfaction of educators in state junior high schools in East Borneo. This research uses quantitative and descriptive approaches. In terms of this type of research is a type of correlational research that is research that seeks to connect two or more variables based on facts that have occurred through data collection, data processing, then analyzing and finally explaining according to facts. The population of this study was all school principals and state junior high school teachers in East Borneo (South Balikpapan and East Kutai). The sampling technique uses this purposive sampling technique by taking schools in the Municipality of Balikpapan and East Kutai with a total of 20 teachers. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant correlation between the managerial skills of school principals ((X1) and the satisfaction of teachers (Y) of SMP in East Borneo with a partial correlation coefficient of 0.450. then known that there is a significant correlation between the cooperation of principals (X2) on the satisfaction of teaching staff (Y) SMP in East Borneo with a partial correlation coefficient of 0.209. and there is a significant influence between the managerial skills of principals (X1) and collaboration of principals (X2) on the satisfaction of educators (Y) Middle East Borneo Middle Schools with a multiple correlation coefficient (Multiple R) of 0.440 which means that the managerial skills of principals ((X1) and the cooperation of school principals (X2) towards the satisfaction of educators (Y) is 44.0% so that the high and low level of managerial skills in school principals, and the cooperation of school principals will determine the satisfaction of teacher performance.This study aims to determine the effect of managerial competence and cooperation of school principals on the job satisfaction of educators in state junior high schools in East Borneo.[MOU1]  This research uses quantitative and descriptive approaches[MOU2] . In terms of this type of research is a type of correlational research that is research that seeks to connect two or more variables based on facts that have occurred through data collection, data processing, then analyzing and finally explaining according to facts. The population of this study was all school principals and state junior high school teachers in East Borneo (South Balikpapan and East Kutai). The sampling technique uses this purposive sampling technique by taking schools in the Municipality of Balikpapan and East Kutai with a total of 20 teachers. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant correlation between the managerial skills of school principals ((X1) and the satisfaction of teachers (Y) of SMP in East Borneo with a partial correlation coefficient of 0.450. then known that there is a significant correlation between the cooperation of principals (X2) on the satisfaction of teaching staff (Y) SMP in East Borneo with a partial correlation coefficient of 0.209. and there is a significant influence between the managerial skills of principals (X1) and collaboration of principals (X2) on the satisfaction of educators (Y) Middle East Borneo Middle Schools with a multiple correlation coefficient (Multiple R) of 0.440 which means that the managerial skills of principals ((X1) and the cooperation of school principals (X2) towards the satisfaction of educators (Y) is 44.0% so that the high and low level of managerial skills in school principals, and the cooperation of school principals will determine the satisfaction of teacher performance. [MOU1]don't need to be listed  [MOU2]should be: This research uses Descriptive method and quantitative approach.

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