managerial skills
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. p11
Moyo, W. ◽  
Gasva, D.

This study sought to assess the impact of savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs) on rural sustainable livelihoods using the case of Nekatambe Ward 13 in Hwange district of Matabeleland North province in Zimbabwe. The study adopted a qualitative approach and a descriptive research design which were consistent with the research problem. Using convenience and purposive sampling, local leaders, non-governmental organisation (NGO) officials and members of the existing SACCOs were selected as respondents. The major findings were that SACCOs played a significant role in sustaining rural livelihoods particularly through enabling members to fend for themselves and their families. In addition, NGOs helped cooperatives through capacitating members with knowledge and technical skills and that SACCOs impacted positively on sustaining rural livelihoods. However, quite a number of challenges are associated with SACCOs in their bit to sustain rural livelihoods; with the major ones being failure to recover loans, competition from more established cooperatives, lack of start-up capital, poor financial and managerial skills and the general national economic meltdown. From the study findings, the researchers concluded that, despite the challenges associated with SACCOs, their existence under members’ resilience, has generally improved the lives of people in rural communities to generate employment, boost food production, send their children to school and empower the marginalized among other positive developments. Accordingly, the researchers recommend that SACCOs should diversify their operations and invest in fixed assets in order to curtail challenges and make lucrative benefits that can sustain their families and communities. On the other hand, the government and other concerned stakeholders should support SACCOs in order to alleviate the possible challenges that cripple them in their bid to promote rural livelihood sustainability.

2022 ◽  
pp. 774-788
Robert W. Kisusu ◽  
Samson T. Tongori

Community-based organizations (CBOs) are non-profit organizations established voluntarily by members in order to deliver specified services effectively. However, CBO development in Tanzania reported performing unsatisfactorily. This chapter highlights causal key problems and controversial and established solutions that can improve CBO development. Among the problems are financial dependency, weak managerial skills, low ICT coverage, gender inequality, poverty, and poor infrastructure. But the controversial issues are ineffective consultation between key actors and gender dominated by males. To achieve CBO development, the chapter notes the use of civic engagement, especially sensitization, awareness creation while strategic leadership focus on voluntary, sacrificial and compromising leaderships. The chapter concludes that CBO development in Tanzania is best to apply components of civic engagement and strategic leadership while the recommendation is to combine and integrate both civic engagement and strategic leadership with their essential sub-components.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 35-46
Nadiia Stecenko ◽  
Halyna Tkachuk ◽  

The article considers the question of the features of the training future education managers, their manage skills, the structure of which provides knowledge and experience in using the electronic educational environment. This problem is important, especially now, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, when educational institutions work mainly in a distance format. Now every manager of an educational institution must be competent not only in the field of information technology and have appropriate digital competence but also knowledgeable in the implementation of the electronic educational environment of the institution, in particular, to resolve certain management issues. During literature analysis, we found that there are many studies that describe the use of ICT in the process of forming the managerial competence of future education managers. But, there are few studies that describe the features of the work of the manager in the electronic learning environment (ELE) and solve the problem of their training in this context. To obtain objective information about the level of managerial competence in future heads of higher pedagogical education, we organized a survey that found that future education managers do not have a clear idea of ELE and do not understand its potential for management. During the study, we developed levels of managerial competence of future managers, to which we added skills related to the use of ELE. The training of students lasted from 2017 to 2020 according to the methodology that took into account the structure of managerial competence knowledge and skills of using ELE. We conducted an experimental study that determined the effectiveness of the methodology for the formation of managerial competence of future heads of educational institutions in the context of ELE. This study found that such training contributes to the formation of the future manager, develops his managerial skills, allows to solve the problem of developing managerial competence in future education managers using ELE, is an effective means of implementing educational programs at the university.

Валерія Г. Щербак ◽  
Дар’я С. Даценко

The article provides insights into the specifics and key management patterns related to the socio-psychological subsystem of a consulting company. According to current standards, the study offers an assessment on social responsibility of the consulting company along with suggesting argument on the need to implement socially responsible programs and activities to enhance the competitiveness of LUKMI UKRAINE Ltd consulting company. The hypothesis of the study is based on the statement that given the research results, tackling interpersonal relationships is critically important for the organization, since conflicts and misunderstandings between colleagues may translate into derailing of strategic planning and create barriers to attaining goals. Accordingly, a study of human behavior psychology will facilitate management regulation process which in turn might contribute to attaining better management performance and boost management effectiveness. The purpose of the research is to identify the role and significance of studying modern practices in managing a company socio-psychological subsystem in the context of the national economy development and the realia of structural and innovative transformations. To attain the research objectives, the following methods have been employed: dialectical, structural and systemic methods – to build a structural and logical model to ensure effective management of socio-psychological subsystem of the enterprise, historical and systemic approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction techniques – to explore the conceptual paradigm of company management. The study presents the structure and the nature of the company socio-psychological subsystem and the specifics of its successful application to foster further business development and attaining its strategic objectives – financial, structural, etc. The research findings demonstrate that better understanding by management of the content and structural elements of the consulting company socio-psychological subsystem, and good managerial skills in harnessing socio-psychological management methods to implement their executive managerial power will contribute to enhancing the current practices of the consulting company in managing the socio-psychological subsystem.

2021 ◽  
Mariana Gîdei ◽  
Răzvan-Constantin Dumitru

Currently, in the conditions of the modern economy, with the increase in complexity and diversity of organizations, an important role is played by managers who tend to professionalize by learning the science of management, but also other adjacent fields that would enhance their managerial skills. A leader must be prepared to help the sports organization achieve its goals with the least material investment and minimal mental and physical effort. The managers of the social structures and the managers of the institutional level deal with the elaboration of the strategic plans, the formulation of the goals, the adaptation of the organizations to different changes, the direction of the attitude between the organization, the environment and the society. We proposed a practical-applied experimental study, in order to identify the defining elements of an integrated model of communication that can be applied in the teaching-learning process in the instructive activities of the faculties, by applying an integration questionnaire, applied to staff teachers and students at the State University of Physical Education and Sport, from various study programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 2038-2048
Lilis Sulastri

There must be a high level of focus on principals' quality of human resources in education. This focus must be demonstrated by a commitment and capacity to optimally strengthen managerial abilities and motivate their subordinates, mainly teachers and education professionals, to better their work. Based on this research, the impact of principal managing skills on teacher performance, motivational factors, job satisfaction on teacher performance, and the influence of job satisfaction on principals' managerial skills and teacher performance. Descriptive verification with a quantitative approach—sampling utilizing non-probability sample type—is used in this study. tcount ttable (6.094 1.666), tcount ttable (9.366 1.666) and rcount ttable (0.000). The results of this study indicate that (1) the principal's managerial skills have an impact on teacher performance, (2) there is a significant and also influence between motivation and teacher performance, and (3) there is an influence between Job Satisfaction on Teacher Performance because the rcount ttable (0.000). There is no significant effect of Job Satisfaction interaction moderating the effect of Skills managerial principal to teacher performance, as the results of tcount ttable (0.769 1.666) with a significance value of 0.444 0.05 and tcount ttable (0.161 1.666) with a significance value of 0.872 0.05 show. Systems audit materials require direct skills and in-depth knowledge of the subject matter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Mia Rahma Romadona ◽  
Sigit Setiawan

<p>When change becomes a need, research and development organizations must likewise be adaptable to new challenges. The necessary changes will provide difficulties for management to manage human resource development. Failure, stagnation, or success is the eventual consequence of every organizational reform. Organizational changes are effective or unsuccessful based on the implementation strategies used, emphasizing the significance of human development managerial skills, leadership communication, and organizational interpersonal communication. This study aims to present an empirical study of changes occurring in research and development companies using grief cycle analysis. This research utilizes a variety of aspects and documents from prior studies to analyze the collective grief cycle phenomena associated with organizational changes in the R&amp;D sector. The empirical description of the grieving cycle analysis demonstrates that the outcome of the grief cycle process indicates that the organization is not prepared to undertake changes, resulting in the crisis of certain workers. An empirical account of grieving cycle analysis reveals that time and the process of habituation play a significant influence in organizational members acceptance of changes in research and development organizations. Leadership communication and organizational interpersonal communication are critical in influencing organizational members' comprehension and acceptance of organizational goals and change processes..</p><p> </p>Keywords: grief cycle, organizational change R&amp;D, acceptance, HR management, leadership communication, organizational interpersonal communication

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 661
Lina Dameria Siregar ◽  
Wita Farla ◽  
Yuliansyah M. Diah ◽  
Nia Meitisari ◽  
Hera Febria Mavilinda

ABSTRAKPengelolaan dan manajemen bisnis dalam usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) masih menjadi permasalahan yang seringkali diabaikan oleh kebanyakan para pelaku UMKM. Masalah ini disebabkan karena masih minimnya pengetahuan dan kemampuan manajerial tentang bisnis yang dimiliki oleh SDM di UMKM tersebut. Tujuan dari dilaksanakannya pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan solusi tas masalah yang dihadapi oleh mitra binaan, khususnya di UMKM Desa Kerinjing, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan. Fokus utama dalam pengabdian ini adalah memberikan berbagai pendampingan dan pelatihan dalam kaitannya dengan prinsip dasar manajemen bisnis yang baik, diantaranya yaitu tentang pemberdayaan dan peningkatan kompetensi SDM UMKM melalui pelatihan aplikasi marketplace. Disrupsi ekonomi digital dan adanya pandemi Covid-19 merupakan peluang yang seharusnya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh para pelaku usaha kecil untuk beralih ke bisnis online. Hal ini diupayakan untuk seiring sejalan dengan program pemerintah yang berupaya mewujudkan sebanyak 30juta UMKM untuk beralih ke bisnis online pada tahun 2024. Adapun khalayak sasaran yang menjadi mitra dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah para pelaku UMKM di Desa Kerinjing, Kecamatan Tanjung Raja, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. Metode dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah ceramah, tutorial aplikasi, dan diskusi. Kata kunci: manajemen; marketplace; SDM; UMKM; desa kerinjing. ABSTRACTBusiness management in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) is a problem that is often ignored by most MSME entrepreneurs. This problem is caused by the lack of knowledge and managerial skills about the business owned by human resources in the MSMEs. The purpose of this community service is to provide solutions to problems faced by partners, especially in SMEs in Desa Kerinjing, Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra. The main focus in this service is to provide various assistance and training related to the basic principles of good business management, including the empowerment and improvement of MSME human resources competencies through marketplace application training. Disruption of the digital economy and the Covid-19 pandemic are opportunities that should be used by small business entrepreneurs to move to online business. This is in accordance with the program that has been launched by the government, namely "30 million MSMEs go digital by 2024". The target audience who are partners in this community service are MSME entrepreneurs in Desa Kerinjing, Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra. The methods in implementing this service activity are lectures, application tutorials, and discussions. Keywords: management; marketplaces; human resources; MSMEs; desa kerinjing. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (12) ◽  
Zaituna Khamidullina ◽  
Joel Alanya-Beltran ◽  
Kannapat Kankaew ◽  
Harsandaldeep Kaur ◽  
Alfe M. Solina ◽  

The covid-19 infection has reduced educational institutions' economic aspects and made it possible for the researchers to assess the financial issues associated with funding and efficiency of operations among schools in South East Asian universities. In the realm of education, economic concerns are not the central role of the holder, but actors who properly define educational achievement to conduct all training establishments and activities. The essential components are lifelong training and dedication, competency, managerial skills, and instructors in all educational facilities. The study employed descriptive qualitative and literature review to secondary sources. The primary findings were that, because of the COVID 19 issue, school finances are often challenging to manage on a macro and micro level. Consequently, schools are forced to seek the most efficient allocation of money in the COVID 19 era. This study presents implications for the Fiscal Management of Learning Institutions.

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