engineering protection
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Н.П. Куранов ◽  
Е.А. Тимофеева

Прогнозирование мероприятий и строительства сооружений по инженерной защите от опасных процессов имеет целый ряд специфических особенностей, которые следует иметь в виду при разработке методологии обоснования наилучших доступных технологий. Математический аппарат, позволяющий обосновать выбор технологии инженерной защиты от опасных техноприродных процессов, которую можно отнести к наилучшим доступным технологиям, находится в стадии разработки. Представлен один из подходов, который позволяет на основе количественных оценок обосновывать выбор варианта инженерной защиты от опасных техноприродных процессов. За основу такого подхода принят экспертно-аналитический метод оценки риска от опасных природно-техногенных процессов, который в последние годы получил широкое развитие. Предложен математический аппарат, позволяющий обоснованно подходить к выбору наилучшей доступной технологии инженерной защиты от опасных техноприродных процессов с учетом возможностей собственника, его положения в текущей ситуации и перспектив развития. Prediction of measures and construction of facilities for engineering protection from hazardous processes has a number of specific features that should be borne in mind while developing a method for substantiating the best available techniques. The mathematical tools that provide for substantiating the choice of a technology for engineering protection from hazardous techno-natural processes, that can be assigned to the best available techniques, are under development. One of the approaches is presented that allows, on the basis of quantitative assessments, to substantiate the choice of an option of engineering protection against hazardous techno-natural processes. This approach is based on the expert-analytical method for assessing the risk from hazardous natural-technogenic processes that has been widely used in recent years. Mathematical tools have been proposed that provide for reasonably approaching the choice of the best available technique for engineering protection against hazardous techno-natural processes, taking into account the capabilities of the owner, his position in the current situation and development prospects.

В.В. Кузьмин ◽  
К.А. Болдырев

Изложена методика прогнозирования распространения нефтепродуктов группы BTEX (бензол, толуол, этилбензол, ксилолы) в подземных водах на основе гидрохимического моделирования с учетом изменения окислительно-восстановительных и кислотно-щелочных свойств раствора в процессе биодеградации нефтепродуктов. Представлена геохимическая модель биологического разложения нефтепродуктов комплекса BTEX на основе модифицированной кинетики Моно с учетом реакций между акцепторами, продуктами реакции биодеградации и неорганическими компонентами раствора. Приведены примеры геохимического моделирования, демонстрирующие важность учета процессов, связанных с изменением гидрогеохимической обстановки в подземных водах при разложении углеводородов. Разработанная модель может быть использована для выполнения геохимических прогнозов распространения легких нефтепродуктов в подземных водах, проведения работ в рамках оценки воздействия на природную среду, разработки систем инженерной защиты подземных вод от загрязнения нефтепродуктами. A method for predicting the spread of BTEX group oil products (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes) in groundwater based on hydrochemical modeling with account of changes in the redox, acidity or alkalinity of the solution during the biodegradation of oil products is stated. A geochemical model of the biological decomposition of oil products of BTEX group based on modified Mono kinetics with account of the reactions between acceptors, biodegradation products and inorganic components of the solution is presented. Examples of geochemical modeling are given that demonstrate the importance of taking into account the processes associated with the changes in the hydrogeochemical environment in groundwater during the decomposition of hydrocarbons. The developed model can be used to carry out geochemical predictions of the spread of light-end oil products in groundwater, to carry out works within the framework of estimating the environmental impact, and to develop systems for engineering protection of groundwater from oil pollution.

А. Bakalov

Difficult engineering and geological conditions of the Imeretinskaya lowland: the presence of specific soils with a thickness of more than 30 meters, several aquifers, including pressure, the development of dangerous geological processes (flooding, abrasion, suffusion, etc.) and, finally, increased seismicity was put before prospectors, designers and builders a very difficult task of erecting a whole series of unique Olympic facilities on this territory.

S. V. Kvashuk ◽  
D. Yu. Maleev ◽  
E. V. Fedorenko ◽  

Active visco-elastic mudslide streams are widely developed along the edges of basaltic flow formations on the Shufan Plateau. Brief orographic, tectonic, and geologic assessment of the area is given. Landslides, revinement, denudation violate the normal transportation rhythm. The results of studying the process conditions and causes are discussed. It is established that the main cause of mudflows is traffic arteries tracing along the low-grade (12-15 degrees) slopes built by unconsolidated clays, with of the clays transformation into plastic state during long drizzles, common in the area, as the principal one. Working out options or engineering protection of railroads against the mudflows at the outskirts of Shufan Plateau has shown that each is highly problematic. Seismotectonic hazard of the regional Lower-Suyfun fault, coinciding with the Razdolnaya River valleyas well as modern vertical movements of the earth crust in the area discussed have to be taken into account while exploring the territory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-41
Viktor Levkevich ◽  
Aleksandr Buzuk ◽  
Ivan Kirvel ◽  
Sergey Parfomuk

Abstract The conditions of wind waves influence on the ground upper soil slopes of retaining structures and natural shores that are fixed in the form of reinforced concrete fastening with deformations are considered. The results of modeling the regime of intra-water currents and field surveys of artificial water bodies are shown. A criterion for assessing the stability of ground slopes and coastal slopes with reinforced concrete fastening with a broken structure is proposed and the conditions for its applicability are determined. Measures for engineering protection of the reservoir shores are proposed via using a criterion for the stability of fixed slopes Пк. It is assumed that at Пк ≥ 1 the slope profile with fastening plates deformed during operation acquires the contour of the dynamic equilibrium profile adopted for the calculated type of soil as a result of the destruction of the slope by waves.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-33
D. Shesternev ◽  
A. Verkhoturov ◽  

he study of flooding of engineering structures as a dangerous engineering and geological process and the prevention of emergencies and environmentally adverse consequences is an important task of national economic importance. The purpose of this work was to study the natural conditions of the area of the Kadala airport in Chita to identify the main causes of flooding of the artificial runway (IVPP). The object of research was the near-surface part of the geological environment, the subject-the factors of formation of hydrogeological, engineering-geological and geocryological conditions. In the course of the research, the following tasks were solved: 1) identification of factors that affect flooding; 2) assessment and proposal of acceptable protective measures. The research methodology included: collection and analysis of materials from previous engineering and geological studies; interpretation of satellite images; field survey of the artificial runway and adjacent territory; analysis of hydrometeorological conditions. As a result of the research, the factors that lead to flooding of the south-eastern section of the airport, and in winter to the formation of ice and deformations on this section of the airport’s artificial surfaces are determined. The identified factors are divided into regional and local. The hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions of the territory and their dynamics over time are considered. It is determined that the main factors of flooding are the creation of barrages in the path of the movement of underground water and the intensive freezing of the soil on the section of the artificial runway. Recommendations for the stabilization of the ground base on this site and measures for the engineering protection of the airport territory are given. The implementation of the recommendations will ensure the accident-free operation of the artificial runway and improve the environmental condition of the settlement adjacent to the airport from the south-east


The article discusses and analyzes the results of field work of the Mari archaeological expedition and the author on a seasonal hunting site of the Stone and Early Bronze Age. Polyanskaya V site, located in the Western part of the Republic of Mari El, was attributed by its discoverer (A.H. Khalikov) to the circle of monuments of the Balakhna Neolithic culture, represented by hundreds of settlement monuments in the Middle Volga region. The main ceramic complex of the site consists of fragments of walls and corollas of vessels with pit-comb ornamentation. In the late 1970s, the Polyanskaya V site was partially destroyed during the creation of engineering protection of the Yurinskaya lowland from flooding by the waters of the Cheboksary reservoir. Due to the lack of possibility to conduct stationary excavations of the monument, V.V. Nikitin (Mari archaeological expedition) and we regularly collected lifting material. These fees were most effective in 2000-2005. The collection of flint inventory of the Polyanskaya V site has been significantly expanded. Thanks to our findings of throwing tools in the damaged by wind erosion cultural layer of the site, it was possible to more accurately determine the cultural identity of porous ceramics, which are also found on the monument square. Visiting the site by groups of hunters of the Eneolithic era is illustrated by flint arrow that have analogies in the inventory of Volosovo type settlements of the Mari Volga region. Keywords: Balakhna culture, stone tools, ceramics, archaeological collection

Andrey Kharichkin ◽  
Kirill Rogov ◽  
Aleksey Dranitsin ◽  

С развитием и упрощением систем дистанционного зондирования Земли появляется возможность применения данных перспективных методы и технологии в инженерных изысканиях. Одним из таких методов является аэрофотосъёмка и получение цифровых моделей поверхности Земли на основе стереофотограмметрии при помощи беспилотного летательного аппарата (БПЛА). В статье описан опыт использование указанного метода для проектирования мероприятий инженерной защиты от опасных геологических процессов на острове Парамушир (город Северо-Курильск, реки Матросская и Кузьминка), в Кабардино-Балкарской Республике (гора Эльбрус) и в Московской области (деревня Летово, искусственная насыпь)

2020 ◽  
pp. 137-144
N. A. Bondarenko ◽  
I. V. Ivanus ◽  
T. N. Kuropatkina ◽  
A. A. Zolotarev

We analyzed: 1) morphometric characteristics of the terrain: density of dissection (km/km2), depth of dissection (m/km2), General dissection of the terrain (km/km2), obtained by multi-stage processing of data from The earth's radar survey (SRTM). Overlay analysis of the following maps was performed: maps of the density of the terrain division, maps of the depth of the terrain division, and maps of the General terrain division. A geo-information model of potentially dangerous areas of origin and development of erosion processes was created based on the overlay of zones of the highest values of terrain dissection. The resulting map was created by interpreting the results of overlay operations and defining extreme values for each parameter. The graphic constructions obtained from a set of morphometric indicators will be of great applied value when planning the construction of new socio-economic objects, when developing General schemes for expanding existing settlements and designing new ones, when planning the construction of linear objects, as well as when developing measures for the engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures. Были проанализированы: 1) морфометрические характеристики рельефа: густота расчленения (км/км2), глубина расчленения (м/км2), общее расчленение рельефа (км/км2), полученные путем многоступенчатой обработки данных радиолокационной радарной съемки Земли (SRTM). Осуществлен оверлейный анализ следующих карт: карты густоты расчленения рельефа, карты глубины расчленения рельефа и карты общего расчленения рельефа. На основании наложения зон наиболее высоких значений расчлененности рельефа была создана геоинформационная модель потенциально-опасных участков зарождения и развития эрозионных процессов. Создание результирующей карты выполнялось путем интерпретации результатов оверлейных операций и определения экстремальных значений по каждому параметру. Полученные по комплексу морфометрических показателей графические построения будут иметь большое прикладное значение при планировании строительства новых социально-экономических объектов, при разработке генеральных схем расширения существующих населенных пунктов и проектировании новых, планировании строительства линейных объектов, а также при разработке мероприятий инженерной защиты территорий, зданий и сооружений.

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