government employees
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Xy-Za Marie De Gulan ◽  
Hector Aguiling

The purpose of this study is to determine the mediating and moderating factor of organizational climate on the relationship of career adaptability and career intention. A total of 991 employees from a government institution participated in the study. The results showed that there are significant relationships between organizational climate, career adaptability, and career intention. The organizational climate was found to mediate the relationship between career adaptability and career intention. However, the organizational climate has no moderating effect on career adaptability and career intention. The result will be useful in providing guidance in the design and development of programs that will strengthen the employees’ career intention and the overall perception of the organizational climate.

2021 ◽  
Vol specjalny II (XXI) ◽  
pp. 299-319
Tomasz Miśkowicz

The article is devoted to the legal situation in which local government unit heads find themselves with regard to remuneration due to them in the situation when, during their term of office, the Ordinance of the Council of Ministers on the remuneration of local government employees lowering the maximum rates of their remuneration in the situation of inactivity of the bodies constituting local government units with regard to the change of remuneration, its reduction to the rates determined by virtue of the above Ordinance, among others, of village heads, mayors or starosts.

2021 ◽  
Vol specjalny (XXI) ◽  
pp. 317-330
Zbigniew Góral

The study presents the assumptions of the general legal regulation concerning persons employed in local self-government, confronted with the purpose and principles of the civil service. The first part shows the mutual relations between the legislation concerning the status of local self-government employees and the acts on the civil service from a historical perspective. The second part comprises comments on the legislation in force at present, including constitutional regulations. It was emphasised that the similarities between the regulations on local self-government and civil service are significant. This also applies to the principles on which employment in local self-government and civil service is based. In the case of regulations concerning local self-government, only the principle of political neutrality was not included, which may raise doubts.

2021 ◽  
Vol specjalny II (XXI) ◽  
pp. 417-435
Roksana Pytlik

The regulations on the entitlement to practice the profession of a social worker are set out in Art. 116 of the Act of March 12, 2004 on social assistance. When assessing qualifications for employment as a social worker, the key is to meet the requirement of appropriate education. Employment in local government social welfare units is regulated by the provisions of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of May 15, 2018 on the remuneration of local government employees. A social worker has the opportunity to raise professional qualifications by participating in specialization in the profession of a social worker. In the process of social assistance reform, which seems to be going on, the important issue of professional development of social workers in the context of career advancement was overlooked. The Act on Social Assistance does not define any path to promotion. The regulation on remuneration of local government employees also does not regulate the possibility of professional promotion. The Act on Local Government Employees does not contain such regulations either.

Nandkumar Baburao Bodhgire

National Pension Scheme is a mandatory for all central and state government employees who joined in services after 2005. Although the scheme is implemented in 2006, most of the government employees are unknown about the benefit of the same scheme. Hence, this paper highlights functions of national pension scheme and performance of pension fund managers in terms of its return in 2020. ANOVA tool is employed for analyzing differences in return by pension fund managers. The study is concluded that HDFC pension fund gives more return other than pension fund.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 870-880
Rinante Genuba ◽  
Marife E. Abaya ◽  
Annabelle R. Dafielmoto ◽  
Merlinda T. Espirituoso ◽  
Lyn Marie C. Centeno ◽  

The study primarily aims to determine which domain of social support significantly influences the personal resilience of government employees. The study utilized a descriptive correlational design and employed a survey method to attain the research objectives. The selected respondents were the 210 government employees who were selected through a stratified random sampling technique. The researchers made use of the pilot-tested and enhanced adapted questionnaires. The statistical tools used were mean, pearson r and regression. As reflected on the results, social support and personal resilience of government employees obtained different mean scores but both belong to high descriptive levels. Further, it was found out that there is a significant relationship between social support and the personal resilience of government employees. Furthermore, it was found that social support significantly influences personal resilience having three out of four domains contributed to its significant influence. Lastly, it was emotional support emerged as the best predictor in this study.   Keywords: public administration, social support, personal resilience, emotional support, Philippines

Imelda Soriano

The study aimed to assess the organizational commitment and the internalization of the standards contained in the Oath of Government Employees (Panunumpa ng Kawani ng Gobyerno) based on the experience of the employee of the Local Government Unit of Olongapo.  It will specifically focus on four key result areas reflected in the pledge of commitment: honesty and integrity, proper use of government property, fight against corruptions, technical and professional competencies. The researcher used a descriptive research method and utilized a cross-sectional design with the questionnaire as the main data gathering tool. The population of the study consisted of the employees in the different service-delivery units of a highly urbanized city in Central Luzon, Philippines. A sample size representing ten percent (10%) of the total population determined the respondents for the study. The sample respondents were selected among the different service-delivery units of the local government unit using a simple random sampling technique. This study intended to prove the significant difference in the organizational commitment of employees in the local government unit in terms of gender, age, and length of service. Furthermore, the research also tried to determine the relationship between the Oath of Government Employees – Based Standards and Employees Organizational Commitment in the local government unit of the involved highly urbanized city. The result of the study will serve as a basis to develop a proposed Service Charter for each of the service-delivery units of the local government of the City.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 2021-232
M Najibur Rohman ◽  
Daud Rismana

This article aims to find out the policy formulation of reducing the bureaucratic structure in Indonesia and the impact that occurs as its result. This article is a literature research using literature review as a primary legal source supported by secondary data which is the result of implementing regulations in the field. The results of the study indicate that the formulation of the policy of  reducing the bureaucratic structure in Indonesia is to eliminate echelon III to echelon V. The main purpose of this cut is to streamline government services through government employees (civil servants). As the impact, organizationally, this cut is not ideal because it is carried out in parallel with the preparation of SOTK. In terms of human resource management, this cut has an impact on the transfer of administrative officials to functional positions that are more competency-based or expertise-based.

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