splay faults
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Muhammad Nouman ◽  
Gohar Rehman ◽  
Muhammad Yaseen ◽  
Sohail Wahid ◽  
Ibrahim Safi ◽  

AbstractThis research was carried out to understand the nature of strike-slip Jhelum Fault zone and to propose a model for the surface to subsurface deformation pattern. Field data along with satellite images are used to construct the geological map. Moreover, the subsurface model has been proposed using the mechanism of dip-isogons in computer application which connects points of equal inclination or dip on the outer and inner bounding surfaces of a folded layers. The proposed geological map and subsurface model shows that the Jhelum Fault when propagated in the south from Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis forms a continuous shear zone on surface with some discontinuous exposure of splay faults rather than exposed as continuous discrete break. Likewise, the subsurface cross sections show that deformation along the fault zone is accumulated by splay faults from the main Jhelum Fault, which forms a positive flower structure with steep north-eastward dips, which is characteristics of strike-slip movement along Jhelum Fault Zone. The vertical stratigraphic throw along these faults shows small offsets and little east–west shortening, indicating that the major slip along the fault is strike slip.

2021 ◽  
pp. 110169
Amin Rashidi ◽  
Denys Dutykh ◽  
Nasser Keshavarz ◽  
Laurence Audin

Solid Earth ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 2467-2477
Yueyang Xia ◽  
Jacob Geersen ◽  
Dirk Klaeschen ◽  
Bo Ma ◽  
Dietrich Lange ◽  

Abstract. We resolve a previously unrecognized shallow subducting seamount from a re-processed multichannel seismic profile crossing the 1994 Mw 7.8 Java tsunami earthquake rupture area. Seamount subduction occurs where the overriding plate experiences uplift by lateral shortening and vertical thickening. Pronounced back-thrusting at the landward slope of the forearc high and the formation of splay faults branching off the landward flank of the subducting seamount are observed. The location of the seamount in relation to the 1994 earthquake hypocentre and its co-seismic slip model suggests that the seamount acted as a seismic barrier to the up-dip co-seismic rupture propagation of this moderate-size earthquake.

2021 ◽  
Vol 873 (1) ◽  
pp. 012070
M Ramdhan ◽  
Priyobudi ◽  
A Mursityanto ◽  
K H Palgunadi ◽  

Abstract The 2020 Sumbawa earthquake of moderate magnitude (M 5.3) produced very significant aftershocks. Based on the computation of Utsu’s method, those aftershocks would be ended after the 20th day. Those earthquakes along 20 days were relocated using double-difference method. The relocation results show the southwest-northeast orientation and getting deeper into the northwest direction. Those two directions show the strike and the dip from the fault plane of the earthquake which was consistent with the focal mechanism released by the Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG). Those results showed the majority of earthquakes occurred at a depth of shallower than 20 km. Those earthquake depths were fit with the previous study showing the crustal thickness beneath Sumbawa Island that was about 28 km. We also found that those earthquakes occurred at splay faults propagating to decollement structure. This study is beneficial for earthquake disaster mitigation especially in updating active faults on Sumbawa Island.

2021 ◽  
Marlon Ramos ◽  
Lee Liberty ◽  
Peter Haeussler ◽  
Robert Humphreys

The Kodiak Islands lie near the southern terminus of the 1964 Great Alaska earthquake rupture area and within the Kodiak subduction zone segment. Both local and trans-Pacific tsunamis were generated during this devastating megathrust event, but the local tsunami source region and the causative faults are poorly understood. We provide an updated view of the tsunami and earthquake hazard for the Kodiak Islands region through tsunami modelling and geophysical data analysis. Through seismic and bathymetric data, we characterize a regionally extensive sea floor lineament related to the Kodiak shelf fault zone, with focused uplift along a 50-km long portion of the newly named Ugak fault as the most likely source of the local Kodiak Islands tsunami in 1964. We present evidence of Holocene motion along the Albatross Banks fault zone, but suggest that this fault did not produce a tsunami in 1964. We relate major structural boundaries to active forearc splay faults, where tectonic uplift is collocated with gravity lineations. Differences in interseismic locking, seismicity-rates, and potential field signatures argue for different stress conditions at depth near presumed segment boundaries. We find that the Kodiak segment boundaries have a clear geophysical expression and are linked to upper plate structure and splay faulting. The tsunamigenic fault hazard is higher for the Kodiak shelf fault zone when compared to the nearby Albatross Banks fault zone, suggesting short travel paths and little tsunami warning time for nearby communities.

2021 ◽  
Yueyang Xia ◽  
Jacob Geersen ◽  
Dirk Klaeschen ◽  
Bo Ma ◽  
Dietrich Lange ◽  

Abstract. We resolve a previously unrecognized shallow subducting seamount from a re-processed multichannel seismic depth image crossing the 1994 M7.8 Java tsunami earthquake slip area. Seamount subduction is related to the uplift of the overriding plate by lateral shortening and vertical thickening, causing pronounced back-thrusting at the landward slope of the forearc high and the formation of splay faults branching off the landward flank of the subducting seamount. The location of the seamount in relation to the 1994 earthquake hypocentre and its co-seismic slip model suggests that the seamount acted as a seismic barrier to the up-dip co-seismic rupture propagation of this moderate size earthquake. The wrapping of the co-seismic slip contours around the seamount indicates that it diverted rupture propagation, documenting the control of forearc structures on seismic rupture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
James J. Holmes ◽  
Neal W. Driscoll ◽  
Graham M. Kent

The Inner California Borderland (ICB) records a middle Oligocene transition from subduction to microplate capture along the southern California and Baja coast. The closest nearshore fault system, the Newport-Inglewood/Rose Canyon (NIRC) fault complex is a dextral strike-slip system that extends primarily offshore approximately 120 km from San Diego to Newport Beach, California. Holocene slip rates along the NIRC are 1.5–2.0 mm/year in the south and 0.5 mm/year along its northern extent based on trenching and well data. High-resolution 3D seismic surveys of the NIRC fault system offshore of San Onofre were acquired to define fault interaction across a prominent strike-slip step-over. The step-over deformation results in transpression that structurally controls the width of the continental shelf in this region. Shallow coring on the shelf yields a range of sedimentation rates from 0.27–0.28 mm/year. Additionally, a series of smaller anticlines and synclines record subtle changes in fault trends along with small step-overs and secondary splay faults. Finally, sedimentary units onlapping and dammed by the anticline, place constraints on the onset of deformation of this section of the NIRC fault system. Thickness estimates and radiocarbon dating yield ages of 560,000 to 575,000 years before present for the onset of deformation.

Mohammad Heidarzadeh ◽  
Takeo Ishibe ◽  
Tomoya Harada ◽  
Danny Hilman Natawidjaja ◽  
Ignatius Ryan Pranantyo ◽  

Abstract Tsunami potential from high dip-angle splay faults is an understudied topic, although such splay faults can significantly amplify coastal tsunami heights as compared with ordinary thrust faults. Here, we identify a hotspot for tsunamis from splay faulting in the Molucca Sea arc–arc collision zone in eastern Indonesia, which accommodates one of the world’s most complicated tectonic settings. The November 2019 Mw 7.2 earthquake and tsunami are studied through teleseismic inversions assuming rupture velocities in the range 1.5–4.0  km/s followed by tsunami simulations. The normalized root mean square error index was applied and revealed that the best model has a rupture velocity of 2.0  km/s from the steeply dipping plane. The recent high dip-angle reverse 2019 Mw 7.2 and 2014 Mw 7.1 earthquakes combined with numerous similar seismic events may indicate that this region is prone to splay faulting. This study highlights the need for understanding tsunamis from splay faulting in other subduction zones.

2021 ◽  
Cecilia McHugh ◽  
Leonardo Seeber ◽  
Michael Steckler ◽  
Syed Humayun Akhter ◽  
Nickolas Dubin

<p>Incoming sediment thickness and composition are primary factors in the morphology and shallow structure of subduction boundaries. Sediment thickness in the Indian Ocean increases SE to NW along the Sunda arc. From <1km along Java to >15km where the boundary encounters the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta (GBD). Here the accretionary prism broadens to the NW to >300 km wide. It is dominated by shallow-water to non-marine sediment. This segment also features a broad shallow megathrust overlain by linear anticlines rooted in splay faults. It is entirely above sea level and blind in its frontal part. This GBD segment transitions to a more familiar subduction structure and morphology along the submerged Arakan segment to the SE. The SE portion of this segment is characterized by larger splay faults that expose deep-water sediment with mud diapirism forming volcanoes and circular synclines. With increasing sediment input, the NW portion of the Arakan segment encroaches onto the GBD shelf. Both the SE and NW portions of the Arakan segment ruptured in the Mw>8.5 1762 tsunamigenic earthquake according to field and modeling evidence.</p><p>Uplifted coral reefs and marine terraces along the Myanmar and Bangladesh coasts document a >500 km rupture in 1762. The uplift, ranging from 6 m to 2 m from south to north, has been linked to rupture on the megathrust and on shallow splays. Tsunami deposits are traced for ~10 km along the St. Martin’s Island anticline and for >40 km along the Teknaf peninsula. Microfossils and mollusk assemblages in these deposits are consistently of shallow water affinity and date the tsunami to 1762. This deposit covers only a small fraction of the inferred megathrust rupture. If it is representative of the total tsunami distribution, a local anticline may have been the main source. Evidence from live coral microatolls show uplift on St. Martin’s Island continuing 250 years after the earthquake. This motion could stem from continued anelastic deformation of the anticline updip of the rupture. More widely distributed evidence from sediment and corals could address questions about megathrust and splay behavior in 1762 and after. Plans include multichannel seismic surveying, high resolution subbottom profiling and 40 m long piston coring to compare the SE to NW shelf portions to the Arakan segment along the Myanmar and Bangladesh coasts. More generally, we aim to better understand subduction and geohazards along thickly sedimented systems.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 225 (2) ◽  
pp. 1048-1061
Ina Storch ◽  
Stefan Buske ◽  
Pia Victor ◽  
Onno Oncken

SUMMARY The Northern Chilean subduction zone is characterized by long-term subduction erosion with very little sediment input at the trench and the lack of an accretionary prism. Here, multichannel seismic reflection (MCS) data were acquired as part of the CINCA (Crustal Investigations off- and onshore Nazca Plate/Central Andes) project in 1995. These lines cover among others the central part of the MW 8.1 Iquique earthquake rupture zone before the earthquake occurred on 1 April 2014. We have re-processed one of the lines crossing the updip parts of this earthquake at 19°40′S, close to its hypocentre. After careful data processing and data enhancement, we applied a coherency-based pre-stack depth migration algorithm, yielding a detailed depth image. The resulting depth image shows the subduction interface prior to the Iquique megathrust earthquake down to a depth of approximately 16 km and gives detailed insight into the characteristics of the seismogenic coupling zone. We found significantly varying interplate reflectivity along the plate interface which we interpret to be caused by the comparably strong reflectivity of subducted fluid-rich sediments within the grabens and half-grabens that are predominant in this area due to the subduction-related bending of the oceanic plate. No evidence was found for a subducted seamount associated to the Iquique Ridge along the slab interface at this latitude as interpreted earlier from the same data set. By comparing relocated fore- and aftershock seismicity of the Iquique earthquake with the resulting depth image, we can divide the continental wedge into two domains. First, a frontal unit beneath the lower slope with several eastward dipping back-rotated splay faults but no seismicity in the upper plate as well as along the plate interface. Secondly, a landward unit beneath the middle slope with differing reflectivity that shows significant seismicity in the upper plate as well as along the plate interface. Both units are separated by a large eastward dipping mega splay fault, the root zone of which shows diffuse seismicity, both in the upper plate and at the interface. The identification of a well-defined nearly aseismic frontal unit sheds new light on the interplate locking beneath the lower continental slope and its controls.

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