grand design
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2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-196
Grace V. Dumalang

Smart ASN merupakan suatu konsepsi dan nilai baru yang dicanangkan Pemerintah di Tahun 2019 di lingkungan birokrasi Indonesia guna mendorong para aparatur agar mampu beradaptasi menghadapi perubahan eksternal yang bersifat global di lingkungan birokrasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan arah kebijakan yang dilakukan berbagai kabupaten/kota di Indonesia dalam upaya membangun SDM aparatur yang berkualitas dalam rangka mewujudkan Smart ASN. Metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah metode PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) dengan pertimbangan protokol riset metode PRISMA detail dan lengkap yang memungkinkan terhindar dari bias subjektif pada saat melakukan kajian literature. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa arah kebijakan yang dilakukan pemerintah kab/kota di Indonesia dalam upaya membangun SDM aparatur yang berkualitas dalam rangka mewujudkan Smart ASN pada dasarnya telah mengarah pada Grand Design Pembangunan ASN 2020-2024 yang terdiri dari perencanaan, perekrutan dan seleksi,  pengembangan kompetensi, penilaian kinerja dan penghargaan, promosi, rotasi dan karir, serta peningkatan kesejahteraan. Keenam pemerintah daerah dalam penelitian ini telah bergerak ke arah strategi di atas meski masih banyak hal yang perlu disesuaikan dan disempurnakan dalam penerapannya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 485-497
Yosinta Swarty Ganwarin ◽  
Sadu Wasistiono ◽  
Eko Budi Santoso

Dalam rangka mengejar visi reformasi birokrasi Pemerintahan Indonesia, yaitu “terwujudnya pemerintahan kelas dunia” dan tujuan reformasi birokrasi “mewujudkan tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik”, maka dipandang perlu untuk menyusun Road Map Reformasi Birokrasi sebagai bentuk operasionalisasi dari Grand Design Reformasi Birokrasi 2010-2025. Di Kabupaten Kepulauan Tanimbar, penyusunan Road Map Reformasi Birokrasi 2020-2024 belum terlaksana, sehingga Bagian Organisasi dan Tata Laksana Setda Kabupaten Kepulauan Tanimbar sebagai OPD penanggung jawab penyusunan Road Map tersebut perlu untuk mengambil tindakan dalam mewujudkan hal yang dimaksud. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui penyusunan Road Map Reformasi Birokrasi dalam mewujudkan World Class Government, menganalisis dan mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambat serta menganalisis dan mengetahui strategi penyusunan Road Map tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penentuan informan dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyusunan Road Map Reformasi Birokrasi dalam mewujudkan World Class Government di Kabupaten Kepulauan Tanimbar belum terlaksana karena masih terdapat beberapa kendala seperti belum adanya peraturan daerah yang mendasari, adanya ego sektoral antar OPD, sarana prasarana kurang memadai, keterbatasan anggaran, kurangnya dukungan dari stakeholder, serta akuntabilitas dan kapabilitas SDM Aparatur yang masih rendah. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini penulis menganalisis strategi yang dapat dilakukan pemerintah daerah, yaitu memanfaatkan potensi ASN yang memadai dalam menunjang pelaksanaan tugas birokrasi, dan memanfaatkan perhatian pemerintah pusat dan provinsi terhadap pembangunan Blok Masela.

2021 ◽  
Vol 884 (1) ◽  
pp. 012004
Irfiani Triastari ◽  
Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum ◽  
Sovia Husni Rahmia

Abstract In vulnerable disaster-geographical condition in ring of fire, schools in Indonesia have conducted innovation of disaster mitigation education recent years. A disaster mitigation model in Indonesia is the use of local wisdom. Local wisdom-based disaster education aims as grand design during learning process and it supports the formation of student resilience. Therefore, to revive the value of local wisdom, it needs reinterpretation through adaptation of local knowledge and revitalization of contemporary conditions as innovations in disaster risk reduction. Through the integration of local wisdom based on disaster mitigation curriculum in the learning process, it is expected to be able to take fast, precise and accurate steps in dealing with disasters that occur in every region in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 385-393
Rizqi Fajar Pradipta ◽  
Dimas Arif Dewantoro ◽  
Herlina Ike Oktaviani

Desa Sukorejo merupakan salah satu desa dari 14 desa yang berada di Kecamatan Gondanglegi, Kabupaten Malang. Desa Sukorejo memiliki 3 dukuh yaitu Dukuh Mbedali, Dukuh Jengglong, dan Dukuh Diyeng. Batas-batas Desa Sukorejo yaitu sebelah utara dan timur Desa Bulupitu Kecamatan Gondanglegi, sebelah selatan Desa Brongkal Kecamatan Pagelaran dan sebelah barat Desa Kedungpendaringan Kecamatan Kepanjen. Salah satu bentuk wisata yang ingin dibangun oleh pihak Desa Sukorejo adalah wisata rafting dan tubing. Ide ini timbul karena adanya sungai Brantas yang mengalir disepanjang pinggir Desa Sukorejo. Berdasarkan hasil survey dan koordinasi dengan pihak desa, akan mendesain wisata rafting dan tubing Arsa Sewu yang nantinya akan memiliki 4 pos dengan total panjang keseluruhan kurang lebih mencapai 2 km

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Ahmad Fanani ◽  
Ardhika Wahyu Kuncoro ◽  
Ahmad Bin Muhammad Husni ◽  
Elina Adi Wijayanti

Poverty is an important issue in this digital era and has a great impact in social element of human being. Islam is a complete religion has attention in tangible and intangible aspect of human to reach Allah’s will and has solution to alleviate poverty till human feel a good life in here and hereafter. Waqf as one from many Islamic solutions could alleviate poverty that can saw from historical lesson since prophet Muhammad r and his companions which developed by various program and tools like digital platforms in this era. The purposes of this research to snapshot a poverty situation and detail a grand design of waqf in poverty alleviation through digital platforms in Indonesia and good governance principles used in waqf management. The research used qualitative methodology based on document analysis and observation of all instruments related to waqf. In the end of research, the authors conclude that waqf has an important advantage to decrease poverty and using digital platforms with a good management make waqf spread widely and easily to collect the asset of waqf from Muslim in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-170
Adison Adrianus Sihombing

AbstractThis article aims to examine the application of character education in Taman Seminary, the level of early childhood education. The research was conducted at five schools in the Java region in March – August 2019 using qualitative methods. The result shows that the school under the guidance of the Directorate General of Catholic Community Guidance has a positive impact on the growth and development of children's character. Children begin to be independent by eating alone, can make a cross, pray spontaneously before eating, and even children can remind their parents if they forget to pray before eating. This is evident from the recognition of the parents who see changes in the attitudes and behavior of religious, independent, disciplined, and caring. This research recommends that the Directorate General of Catholic Community Guidance make a grand design for the Taman Seminary school and conduct socialization to the public, specifically to the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, so that this policy has full support. In addition, substantial efforts and actions are needed to increase the competence of teaching staff and improve facilities and infrastructure, including class buildings.AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penerapan pendidikan karakter di Taman Seminari, jenjang pendidikan anak usia dini. Riset dilakukan pada lima sekolah di regio Jawa pada Maret – Agustus 2019 dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Temuannya adalah ternyata sekolah yang berada dalam binaan Ditjen Bimas Katolik ini berdampak positif terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan karakter anak. Anak mulai mandiri dengan makan sendiri, dapat membuat tanda salib, berdoa spontan sebelum makan, bahkan anak dapat mengingatkan orang tuanya jika lupa berdoa sebelum makan. Hal ini terbukti dari pengakuan orang tua siswa yang melihat adanya perubahan sikap dan perilaku anak yang religius, mandiri, disiplin, peduli. Riset ini merekomendasikan agar Ditjen Bimas Katolik membuat grand design sekolah Taman Seminari dan melakukan sosialisasi kepada publik, secara khusus kepada hierarki Gereja Katolik sehingga kebijakan ini mendapat dukungan penuh. Selain itu diperlukan usaha dan tindakan konkret untuk peningkatan kompetensi tenaga pengajar dan perbaikan fasilitas sarana-prasarana termasuk  gedung kelas. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. A236-A237
Robert S Fredericks

Abstract The necessity of developing models that effectively organize data for the purpose of translating basic science to clinical care is being increasingly recognized. Reliance upon digital computational methods restricts the value of natural experience reportable by patients, often considered subjective. In the course of modeling phosphate metabolism in the context of clinical practice it has become evident that use of categories based on normality, as definition of health, is inconsistent with the experience of patients. Given the opportunity, patients can provide detailed observations upon their experience of heat as the principle component of metabolism. It seems logical that heat should also be the foundational principal component of models developed for the translation of data to clinical care. This strategy has been applied to modeling the role of ACE2 in the expression of variable phenotypes of COVID 19. Attempts to engage massive data and super-computing to the modeling of COVID 19 supported the assumption that ACE2 is a critical component causing disease. The finding is attributed to an influence, not on heat, but instead suggested bradykinin that has long been a proposed explanation for ACE inhibition on chronic cough. Our modeling would posit that the ACE system engages aldosterone and subsequent influence on heat and acid/base balance as the mediators of variance in the expression of individual phenotypes. This clarification has been useful for addressing complexity in the presentation of metabolic disorders including thyroid disease, Diabetes, bone health, sleep disorders, vascular disease and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It appears that the risk of developing ARDS shares a predisposition to chronic kidney disease mediated by excessive FGF23 effects, while the asymptomatic spreaders are more Klotho dependent. The vitamin D system is also complex and involved in the modulation of heat and phosphate. These and other components can be extended to understanding bone and the hematopoietic marrow niche governing immune responses and includes a role for modulation of the microbiome influences by ACE2. It is concluded that SARS-CoV-2 has helped to clarify the complexity of biology and has exposed the limitations of modeling strategies that do not include the application of case-based practice that can be described as “model-dependent realism” 1 as a means to discover the principle components of nature. The models are the valued product of the research that is mandated by the Helsinki accords when outcomes do not meet expectations. These models can facilitate the organization of all data in the appropriate translation to clinical care. 1 Hawking S., Mlodinow L. The Grand Design p 39–59, Bantom Books NY, 2010

Arsitektura ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Bambang Triratma

<p class="AbstractTitle"><em>Pesanggrahan Langenharjo is the Heritage building that was built by Sri Susuhunan Paku Buwono X, The King of Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat 1893-1939. Those building was a place where the king and his family held some activities such as a family gathering, recreation and meditation, it has a spasific location at the river side of Sungai Bengawan Solo. Most of building has suffered various serious damages because of lack of maintenance. National and local Government doesn’t have a sufficient fund for carrying out a regular reparation and recovery to those degradation processes. This research aimed to build a self capabiity for conserving Pesanggrahan Langenharjo by creating a synergic interaction with some potential factors surrounding it. Some essences of the Sustaiable Architecture were applied in formulating the concept of the Grand Design for Pesanggrahan Langenharjo for empowering the self capability in carrying out its conservation. ‘A Litle Forrest of Pesanggrahan Langenharjo’ is a grand concept which accommodate the needs of conserving a historical value of building and maintening a natural resources simultaneously. Some various activities are going to be able to be held within the area together harmoniously in order to strengthen sustainability and durability of the building and its environmrnt.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 125-134
Enny Agustina

The local expansion was a concrete manifestation of local autonomy. In addition, regional expansion is splitting from one region to more than one region to support community welfare. The problems discussed in this study were the consequences of the law of local expansion on the registration of land rights in Ogan Komering Ulu district and solutions to resolve land conflicts due to the expansion of the area. This study uses a normative juridical approach where the literature used is regulations and books. In conclusions, the legal consequences of the division of Ogan Komering Ulu District on the implementation of land registration indicate a change in the work area and authority for making land deeds by the Land Deed Making Officials and changes in the work area and authority in carrying out the duties and obligations of registering land at the Land Office of Ogan Komering Ulu district. To solve this conflict problem, the Ministry of Home Affairs sometimes must intervene in the dispute resolution process. Conflicts like this can hinder the wheels of government in the regions. Another solution is for the government to immediately finalize the grand design while still paying close attention to historical aspects and customs before many conflicts occur in the regions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-120
Is Fadhillah ◽  
Evita Widyawati ◽  
Nurita Nilasari

This study aimed to determine the understanding of health care towards social phenomena related to the dominance of non-communicable diseases which were increased in the community and to identify what efforts were made by health workers in preventing non-communicable diseases. The long-term goal of this study was to control the risk factors for PTM in Indonesia, especially in Campurejo Health Center, Mojoroto District, Kediri City. This study used a qualitative method with 72 populations and 10 samples. The data was collected through purposive sampling and in-depth interviews. The study informants were health workers from Kediri city health office, health workers at the Campurejo Health Center, community leaders and health cadres. The data analysis used interactive qualitative methods (Milles and Hebberman) and the instrument was recorder. The results of the study showed the concept of objectivation in opposing the flow of public understanding of PTM could be seen from the results of the socialization conducted by health workers. This new fact could be seen from one of the efforts of health workers in disseminating PTM in society. Other forms of socialization that were still general in nature could be seen in a variety of activity formats, for example: early detection, health promotion, counseling, mobile Posbindu, and door to door systems. The five micro activities were derived from the grand design of socialization in the perspective of social construction theory as a form of externalization by health workers.

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