public understanding
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 381-391
Marianella Maxera ◽  
Lucía Álvarez-Blanco

<p style="text-align: justify;">Scientific culture has been a concern for decades in the developed world, giving rise to conceptual changes known as paradigms. The first one is the longstanding literacy paradigm, defined by the skills and knowledge acquired at the education institution. It has been followed by the public understanding of science paradigm, related to the scientific understanding and an allegedly subsequent positive attitude towards science. Lastly, the engagement with science paradigm or science and society paradigm involves people's implications about the science-technology controversies with significant social impact. This article reflects how science teaching has evolved along the years in line with the scientific culture's conceptual shifts. It is concluded that this triad of paradigms is thus of a school nature, given that educational fields have suffered from transformation processes under the same vision of the world (world view), which has also changed the concept of scientific culture. Individuals in a research community learn ways of thinking, feeling and acting and therefore cannot help feeling a liking for what is short-lived and has not taken roots, both inside and outside the school in our postmodern age</p>

Peter Hegarty ◽  
Annette Smith

AbstractSurgical interventions on infants with intersex characteristics are considered justified by some on the grounds that they carry a high risk of intolerable stigma. However, public understanding of intersex and its medicalization are under-researched. We review recent qualitative and quantitative studies of the understandings of intersex and its medicalization among people who have no particular professional or public experience of intersex. First, such laypeople reason about clinical dilemmas by drawing on values in similar ways as expert healthcare professionals do. Second, laypeople can over-estimate the utility of current ‘umbrella terms,’ including intersex, for people with direct familial experience of intersex. Third, beliefs about good and bad effects of medical intervention are affected by framing intersex as either a medical condition or the natural basis for a social identity. Fourth, sexual identity is the best evidenced predictor of opinions about early surgical intervention and its legal limitation on human rights grounds. We argue that possible stigmatizing reactions from the public may not be a solid basis on which to justify early surgical intervention on intersex characteristics.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-58
Telutci Telutci ◽  
Yunisa Oktavia

The aim is to find out the writing on the banner to get pictures or photos on the banner to see in this case which vocabulary and sentences are wrong on the banner and to get information that can be processed as material for making scientific articles, which consists of the basic theory of the language used is far from the norm. This case is caused by the lack of public understanding of language and writing in the use of words according to the KBBI which uses vocabulary and is structured in sentences. In producing data sources obtained from the surrounding environment to be able to take data such as interviews with people who are responsive around the environment to obtain accurate data as material for scientific works. The perfection and correctness of linguistic basics in language use errors were found around the banner, from the results of research in the use of descriptive methods in language use errors found in research as objects and research subjects on banners in data recording is observed in case studies used in writing the results of the study indicate that the writing on the banner uses informal language in the form of various written languages ​​depending on the inappropriate writing style. According to the rules. From the results of the study, it was found that there was a lot of error information on language users on banners in grouping sentences and vocabulary based on factual information in processing data as an object of analysis in solving Indonesian.

2022 ◽  
Muhammad Zahir Ramli ◽  
Yusairah Amani Mohd Aliziyad ◽  
Juliana Mohamed ◽  
Siti Fairuz Che Othman ◽  
Muhammad Zubir Yusof ◽  

Abstract A cross-sectional study was conducted to examine the public understanding of rips currents at Teluk Cempedak Recreational Beach of Pahang, Malaysia, from November 2020 to March 2021 via a questionnaire survey. Convenient sampling was used to collect data from 300 respondents. The questionnaire consisted of 24 questions, encompassing five sections, i.e., the demographic background, frequency of visiting the beach, swimming ability, their knowledge of rip currents, and understanding of beach safety. Associations between the study variables and the knowledge of both rip currents and beach safety were evaluated using the independent sample t-test, Chi-square test, and multiple logistic regressions at the confidence level of 0.05. In general, only 86% of the respondent knew about the rip currents. For beach safety knowledge, 83% of the respondents on the lifeguard facilities, 44% for the yellow red-flag and 93.7% for the red flag. Variables such as gender (knowledge of rip currents: Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) = 0.647, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.487 - 0.60, p = 0.003; beach safety: AOR = 0.665, 95% CI = 1.14 - 5.02, p = 0.021), locality (knowledge of rip currents: AOR = 2.482, 95% CI = 1.407 - 4.380, p = 0.002, beach safety: AOR = 1.821, 95% CI = 1.022 - 3.245, p = 0.042), and respondents’ experience of having problems in water activities (knowledge of rip currents: AOR = 0.170, 95% CI = 0.635 - 6.379, p = 0.000) were significantly associated with the knowledge of both rip currents and beach safety. Further studies are essential to enhance public understanding of rip currents and hence the beach safety in Malaysia.

2022 ◽  
pp. 096366252110657
Sabrina Heike Kessler ◽  
Mike S. Schäfer ◽  
David Johann ◽  
Heiko Rauhut

The mental models that individual scholars have of science communication – how it works, what it is supposed to achieve and so on – shape the way these academics actually communicate to the public. But these mental models, and their prevalence among scholars, have rarely been analysed. Drawing on a large-scale, representative web survey of academics at universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland ( n = 15,778) from 2020, we identify three mental models that are prevalent among scholars, and that correspond to conceptual models found in science communication theory: ‘Public Understanding of Science’, ‘Public Engagement with Science’ and ‘Strategic Science Communication’. The results suggest that the ‘Strategic Science Communication’ model is particularly prevalent among academics in precarious employment and female scholars. Extrinsically motivated academics, that is, those under pressure to win grants, also seem to use science communication more strategically. The ‘Public Engagement’ model is prevalent among older and female scholars, while ‘Public Understanding’ is particularly prevalent among scholars who find their work especially meaningful. Findings also reveal that academics’ mental models largely align with the way they practice science communication.

Susan Lagdon ◽  
Julie-Ann Jordan ◽  
Paula Devine ◽  
Mark A. Tully ◽  
Cherie Armour ◽  

AbstractCoercive control is characterised by negative behaviours which intimidate, threaten, and humiliate a person or restrict a person’s liberty. In addition to being a known risk factor for experiencing other forms of violence, research has linked coercive control to symptoms of psychological distress and suicidality. In the UK, coercive and controlling behaviours within intimate and familial relationships have been legislated as offending behaviours. However, there still exists a lack of international evidence on wider public knowledge and understanding of coercive control. The Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (NILT) is an annual cross-sectional representative survey of social policy topics. Participants are adults aged 18 years or over. Concerning coercive control, respondents were presented with two relationship scenarios: obvious and less obvious coercive control. Following each scenario, respondents indicated their level of agreement to ten statements covering attitudes towards coercive control, victims of coercive control, talking about coercive control, and whether coercive control is a crime. Respondents indicated whether they had heard of the term ‘coercive control’. Predictors of coercive control awareness were assessed using multinomial logistic regression. Mixed analysis of variance assessed if agreement levels to the ten statements varied by type of coercive control and victim gender. Most respondents said that they had heard of the term coercive control and knew what it meant. Those who had not heard of coercive control at all were more likely to be on a lower income, less qualified and younger, when compared to those who said they knew what the term meant. Significant interactions between coercive control type and victim gender were evident for all ten statements. While most respondents are aware of the term coercive control, a significant number have not and are therefore unlikely to recognise the signs of this type of abuse.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Alexander Christian

Abstract Contributions to the philosophical genre of popular culture and philosophy aim to popularize philosophical ideas with the help of references to the products of popular (mass) culture with TV series like The Simpsons, Hollywood blockbusters like The Matrix and Jurassic Park, or popular music groups like Metallica. While being commercially successful, books in this comparatively new genre are often criticized for lacking scientific rigor, providing a shallow cultural commentary, and having little didactic value to foster philosophical understanding. This paper discusses some of these methodological and didactic objections and seeks to encourage a constructive discussion of concerns with the genre. It shows how the genre similar to previous attempts to foster public understanding of philosophy and that it is a methodologically viable approach to reach a broad range of readers with diverse informational preferences and educational backgrounds. Considering what makes this approach to the popularization of philosophical thinking successful will shed light on some of the criteria for popularization of philosophy in general.

Archivaria ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 140-159
Shelley Sweeney ◽  
Cheryl Avery

Archivists need to increase public understanding, support, and engagement in archives to enable archives to fulfil their missions. As one way to increase support, archives have increasingly carved out time and resources for various types of outreach. One important audience that has long been acknowledged is children. In the past, archivists have visited classrooms, brought children to archives, and prepared kits of archival facsimiles or surrogates on websites for children to use with the guidance of teachers. But another way to reach children includes narratives in books, films, and television directed at children. This article explores a number of titles to see whether archives and archivists are accurately portrayed in the narratives. The numbers are few, and the portrayals are generally weak. Two exceptions were books created by an archivist and commissioned by an archives. These two approaches led to significant works that enhance children’s understanding of archives and archivists and lead the way as examples for future archival endeavours to emulate.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 612-622
Indra Mahdi ◽  
Oka Agus Kurniawan Shavab ◽  
Empung Empung ◽  
Hendra Hendra ◽  
Albi Muhammad Fauzi ◽  

The objectives of this service activity are as follows: 1). Increase public understanding of the dangers of chikungunya mosquitoes and their solutions, 2). They were suppressing the spread of chikungunya mosquitoes through fogging and implementing the recommendations for the Eradication of Mosquito Nests (PSN) in the surrounding environment, 3). They are creating a drainage prototype to prevent chikungunya mosquito nests which can be used as examples for making the next prototype, 4). Increase community participation in suppressing chikungunya mosquito nests through the construction of drainage channels, 5). Improve a clean culture in maintaining the cleanliness of the drainage in the surrounding environment. The planned activities to be carried out are in collaboration with the local health center, and the Tasikmalaya city health office to reduce the number of chikungunya mosquito nests and, together with the community, build good drainage channels. The method of activity used is by bringing in experts from puskesmas, health offices, and unsil academics. Next, an approach is taken in solving problems through the 5W 1H strategy, which is solving problems from the questions: what, who, where, when, why, how. The solutions to the problems found in the field are as follows: 1). Provide a stimulus with the construction of a drainage system in accordance with the rules of the Public Works Department, 2). Cooperating with the Cigeureung Health Center by providing chemicals for fogging, 3). Counseling with the Health Center and the Tasikmalaya City Health Office regarding the dangers and solutions of diseases originating from chikungunya

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1081-1086
Syah Alam ◽  
Indra Surjati ◽  
Lydia Sari ◽  
Sentot Novianto ◽  
Chairul Rizki ◽  

In 2020 a number of areas in DKI Jakarta were hit by floods, one of which was the North Tanjung Duren Village, Grogol Petamburan District, West Jakarta. The extreme rainfall of 377 mm/day has flooded almost all areas of DKI Jakarta and its surroundings. In addition, poor drainage causes water to stagnate, causing flooding. However, the absence of an early flood information system makes residents restless when the rainy season arrives. The Community Service (Community service activity) activity carried out aims to provide training to the community in the Tanjung Duren Utara Village area RW 04, RT 0010 regarding water level detection equipment placed in culverts. This tool serves to provide early information if the volume of water in the culvert is full of information in the form of a siren sound. The method used in this Community service activity activity is to provide online counseling and training to the community in RT 0010 / RW 04, North Tanjung Duren Village, Grogol Petamburan District, West Jakarta. The results obtained are an increase in public understanding regarding the dangers of flooding to household electricity, as indicated by the results of the pre-test and post-test which are obtained an average of 43 and 90, respectively. Public understanding of the dangers of flooding to electricity has increased up to 109.3%. In addition, the average partner satisfaction with the material presented is 92%, this shows that the material presented by the presenters team is very useful for the extension participants.

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