piper retrofractum
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Perspektif ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Fahrauk Faramayuda ◽  
Sufyan Zainul Arifin ◽  
Akhirul Kahfi Syam ◽  
Elfahmi Elfahmi

<em><em><em> </em></em></em><p align="center">ABSTRAK</p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p>Cabe jawa<strong><em> (</em></strong><em>Piper</em><em> retrofractum</em> Vahl.) adalah tanaman daerah tropis asli Indonesia yang dijumpai juga di negara Asia Tenggara seperti Thailand dan Malaysia, dan sejak dahulu telah digunakan secara turun-temurun sebagai bahan tambahan makanan ataupun obat tradisional. Secara tradisional di masyarakat, buah cabe jawa<strong><em> </em></strong>dapat digunakan dalam ramuan untuk mengobati demam, perut kembung, mulas, muntah, mengatasi gangguan pencernaan, merangsang nafsu makan, dan lemah syahwat. Akarnya sering digunakan untuk mengobati sakit gigi, luka dan kejang, serta bagian daunnya digunakan juga untuk obat kumur. Beberapa penelitian menyebutkan aktivitas farmakologi cabe Jawa<strong><em> </em></strong>memiliki efek afrodisiaka, antipiretik, antihiperurisemia, antikanker, dan antimikroba. Pengujian klinis terhadap cabe jawa telah dilakukan dan potensial dikembangkan menjadi obat tradisional golongan fitofarmaka. Cabe jawa<strong><em> </em></strong>memiliki aktivitas sebagai imunostimulan, lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok imunostimulan fitofarmaka. Cabe jawa<strong><em> </em></strong>mempunyai potensi sebagai anti-<em>photoaging</em>, aktivitas antituberkular, antiproliferasi, aktivitas larvasida, dan aktivitas sitotoksik. Studi fitokimia senyawa metabolit sekunder utama yang terkandung dalam cabe jawa<strong><em> </em></strong>antara lain beberapa jenis alkaloid seperti <em>piperine</em>, <em>pipernonaline</em>, <em>guineensine</em>, <em>piperoctadecalidine,</em> minyak atsiri buah cabe jawa mengandung tiga komponen utama yaitu yaitu <em>β</em>-<em>caryophyllene</em> (17%), <em>pentadecane</em> (17,8%) dan <em>β</em>- <em>bisabollene</em> (11,2%) . Selain senyawa utama tersebut,  terdapat senyawa baru pada buah cabe jawa, diantaranya; senyawa amida, amida glikosida, fenilpropanoid glikosida, dan alkaloid. Sebagai afrodisiaka bagian yang digunakan adalah buahnya dan senyawa piperin yang diduga bertanggung jawab terhadap aktivitas tersebut. Piperin merupakan senyawa utama dan zat berkhasiat yang terkandung dalam buah<em> </em>cabe jawa dan berfungsi sebagai penurun demam, mengurangi rasa sakit, antioksidan, mengurangi peradangan, antitumor, dan sebagai imunomodulator. Berdasarkan aktifitas farmakologi yang baik dari cabe jawa maka studi atau penelitian-penelitian pada tanaman ini harus terus dilakukan seperti pengembangan formulasi dan upaya perbanyakan tanaman karena populasi cabe jawa jumlahnya terbatas. Media terbaik dalam induksi kalus tanaman cabe jawa adalah <em>Murrashige Skoog</em> (MS) yang ditambah 6-<em>Benzil Amino Purin</em> (BAP) dan <em>Naphtalene</em> <em>Acetic</em> <em>Acid</em> (NAA).</p><p align="center">ABSTRACT</p><p align="center"><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p><em>Piper retrofractum</em> vahl. is a tropical plant native to Indonesia which is also found in Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand and Malaysia, and has been used for generations as a food additive or traditional medicine. Traditionally in the community, <em>P. retrofractum </em> fruit can be used in potions to treat fever, flatulence, heartburn, vomiting, overcome digestive disorders, stimulate appetite, and impotence. The roots are often used to treat toothaches, wounds, and seizures, and the leaves are also used for mouthwash. Several studies have stated that the pharmacological activity of <em>P. retrofractum </em> has aphrodisiac, antipyretic, anticancer, and antimicrobial effects. Clinical testing on <em>P. retrofractum </em> has been carried out and has the potential to be developed into a traditional medicine of the phytopharmaceutical class. <em>P. retrofractum </em> has activity as an immunostimulant, which is higher than the phytopharmaceutical immunostimulant group. <em>P. retrofractum </em>has potential as anti-photoaging, antitubercular, antiproliferative, larvicidal activity, and cytotoxic activity. Phytochemical studies of the main secondary metabolites contained in P. rectofractum include several types of alkaloids such as piperine, pipernonaline, guineensine, piperoctadecalidine, fruit essential oils. Javanese chili contains three main components, namely-caryophyllene (17%), pentadecane (17.8%) and -bisabollene (11.2%). In addition to these main compounds, there are new compounds in <em>P. retrofractum </em> fruit, including; amide compounds, amide glucosides, phenylpropanoid glucosides, and alkaloids. As an aphrodisiac, the part used is the fruit and the piperine compound which is thought to be responsible for this activity. Piperine is the main compound and efficacious substance contained in <em>P. retrofractum </em> fruit and functions as a fever reducer, pain reliever, antioxidant, reducing inflammation, antitumor, and immunomodulator. Based on the good pharmacological activity of <em>P. retrofractum </em>, studies or researches on this plant must continue to be carried out such as formulation development and plant propagation efforts because the population of <em>P. retrofractum </em> is limited. The best medium for callus induction of cabe jawa was Murashige Skoog (MS) with 6-Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) and Naphtalene acetic (NAA) added.</p><p> </p>

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (21) ◽  
pp. 6377
Laphatrada Yurasakpong ◽  
Chanin Nantasenamat ◽  
Saksit Nobsathian ◽  
Kulathida Chaithirayanon ◽  
Somjai Apisawetakan

Betulinic acid (BA) is a pentacyclic triterpene usually isolated from botanical sources. Numerous studies have reported the inhibitory effect of BA against human colorectal cancer cells (CRC). However, its effect on the expression of the molecular chaperone HSPA is unclear. The aim of this research is to investigate the anti-cancer activities of BA purified from Piper retrofractum and study its effect on the expression of HSPA in colorectal cancer HCT116 and SW480 cells. The viability of both cancer cells was reduced after they were treated with an increasing dosage of BA. Flow cytometry assay revealed that levels of cell apoptosis significantly increased after incubation with BA in both cancer cells. Pro-apoptotic markers including Bax, cleaved-caspase-3 and cleaved-caspase-9 were increased while anti-apoptotic marker Bcl-2 was decreased after BA treatment. Western blot also showed that the expression of HSPA fluctuated upon BA treatment, whereby HSPA was increased at lower BA concentrations while at higher BA concentrations HSPA expression was decreased. Preliminary molecular docking assay showed that BA can bind to the nucleotide binding domain of the HSP70 at its ADP-bound state of the HSP70. Although further research is needed to comprehend the BA-HSPA interaction, our findings indicate that BA can be considered as potential candidate for the development of new treatment for colorectal cancer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-110
Khoirul Hidayat ◽  
Millatul Ulya ◽  
Nadiyah Ferah Aronika ◽  

This study aims to determine the cabe jamu (Piper retrofractum Vahl) herbal drink shelf-life with the addition of sodium benzoate concentration and determine the sodium benzoate addition effect on the cabe jamu herbal drink shelf-life. This research used Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT) method. Cabe jamu herbal drink was stored at 35 °C and 45 °C and then tested every week for 28 days. The test parameters used were pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), color, total microbes, and total phenolics. The results showed that the cabe jamu herbal drink without sodium benzoate addition stored at a lower temperature had a longer shelf-life. Cabe jamu herbal drink with 400 ppm sodium benzoate addition and stored at 35 °C has the most extended shelf-life, which was 201.21 days. Sodium benzoate addition had a significant effect on the cabe jamu herbal drink shelf-life at a temperature of 35 °C and 45 °C.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 194
Idha Kusumawati ◽  
Syailendra Mahatmaputra ◽  
Rohman Hadi ◽  
Rohmania Rohmania ◽  
Subhan Rullyansyah ◽  

Background: Pepper plants belong to the Piperaceae family with many pharmacological activities. The fruits of these plants have been widely used traditionally for various therapies, one of which is an aphrodisiac. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the aphrodisiac activity of the fruits of three pepper plants, Piper nigrum, Piper retrofractum, and Piper cubeba to prove their traditional use. Methods: The level of piperin, the active compound of plants from the family Piperaceae, was also determined in the ethanolic extract of those three fruits of the pepper plant. The aphrodisiac activity was determined by counting the number of introducing and mounting mice. The acute toxicity test of the extract was carried out according to the OECD-423 guidelines. Results: The ethanolic extract of Piper nigrum fruits had the highest piperin concentration, while the ethanolic extract of Piper retrofractum fruits had the highest aphrodisiac activity, according to the findings. During the entire duration of the acute toxicity study, no signs of toxicity or mortality were discovered.Conclusion: This study proves that all fruits of three species of pepper plants exhibit aphrodisiac activity. Furthermore, this study also shows that not only piperin is responsible for the aphrodisiac effect.

Elkawnie ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Fahrauk Faramayuda ◽  
Jaka Permana ◽  
Akhirul Kahfi Syam ◽  
Elfahmi Elfahmi

Abstract: Javanese chili (Piper retrofractum Vahl) is a traditional medicinal plant originating from Indonesia and has many pharmacological activities, one of which is often used as a base for aphrodisiac herbal medicine. The population of P. retrofractum is limited, so it is necessary to design secondary metabolite production and propagation efforts using plant tissue culture techniques. The materials used in this study were explants of P. retrofractum leaves that were induced in Murashige and Skoog (MS) media and the ratio of growth regulators 2.4-dichlorophenoxyacetis acid (2,4-D): Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) 0.5: 0.5. The results showed that the callus of P. retrofractum was formed in the growth regulator 2.4D: BAP (0.5: 0.5). TLC and spectrophotometry identified the secondary metabolite content of callus. Secondary metabolite analysis using the thin layer chromatography (TLC) method using the mobile phase ethyl acetate: n-hexane (7: 3) showed a terpenoid compound indicated by purple spots on the visual appearance after spraying 10% spotting vanillin. Identification using infrared spectrophotometry shows functional groups -CH, C = O, C = C, -CH2, and -CH3, characteristic of terpenoid compounds. Based on TLC data and spectrophotometry, callus P. retrofractum is thought to contain terpenoid compounds. This study's results are expected to be the basis for developing secondary metabolite production in P. retrofractum with cell suspension culture and P. retrofractum propagation by micropropagation.Abstrak: Cabai Jawa (Piper retrofractum  Vahl) merupakan tanaman obat tradisional yang berasal dari Indonesia dan banyak memiliki aktivitas farmakologis salah satunya sering digunakan sebagai bahan dasar jamu afrodisiaka. Populasi tanaman cabai Jawa terbatas maka perlu dirancang upaya produksi metabolit sekunder dan upaya perbanyakan tanaman cabai Jawa salah satunya menggunakan teknik kultur jaringan tanaman. Bahan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah eksplan daun tanaman cabai Jawa yang diinduksi pada media Murashige and Skoog (MS) dan perbandingan zat pengatur tumbuh 2.4-dichlorophenoxyacetis acid (2,4-D) : Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) 0,5 : 0,5. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kalus cabai Jawa terbentuk dalam zat pengatur tumbuh 2,4D: BAP (0,5: 0,5). Kandungan metabolit sekunder dari kalus diidentifikasi dengan KLT dan spektrofotometri. Analisis metabolit sekunder menggunakan metode kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT) menggunakan fasa gerak etil asetat: n-heksana (7: 3) menunjukkan adanya senyawa terpenoid yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya bercak ungu pada penampakan visual setelah disemprotkan spotting vanilin 10%. Hasil Identifikasi menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-Vis  menunjukkan isolat mempunyai panjang gelombang maksimum 272,6 nm. Identifikasi menggunakan spektrofotometri inframerah menunjukkan adanya gugus fungsi -CH, C = O, C = C, -CH2, dan -CH3 yang merupakan ciri khas senyawa terpenoid . Berdasarkan data KLT dan spektrofotometri kalus cabai Jawa diduga mengandung senyawa terpenoid. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi dasar pemgembangan produksi metabolit sekunder dalam tanaman cabai Jawa dengan kultur suspensi sel dan perbanyakan tanaman cabai Jawa dengan mikropropagasi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Ni Putu Eka Leliqia ◽  
Ni Komang Sri Lumbung Artha Wardani

Background: Javanese long pepper (Piper retrofractum Vahl.) is a plant that commonly found in Southeast Asia and is empirically used to treat various diseases. It is known that the phytochemical content in plants is one factor responsible for its pharmacology activities. The study of the pharmacological effects of herbal ingredients both pre-clinically and clinically is an attempt to prove their empirical properties. Aims: This review article aims to provide information to academics and the public regarding phytochemical studies and pharmacological activity that have been carried out regarding the Javanese long pepper plant. Methods: Article preparation was carried out through literature studies from various national scientific journals, international journals, and online reference books. Javanese long pepper data search system was based on chemical content and pharmacological activity studies either in vitro, in vivo, or clinical trials. Results: Phytochemical studies have shown that the plant parts of Javanese long pepper contain compounds such as alkaloids, saponins, tannins, flavonoids, steroids, triterpenoid, and glycosides. Based on studies of its pharmacological activity, Javanese long pepper has been reported to have antimicrobial, antioxidant, cytotoxic, analgesic, androgenic, aphrodisiac, antihyperlipidemic, antihyperuricemic, lowering leukocyte count, antileishmanial and immunostimulant effects. Conclusion: The efficacy of Javanese long pepper has been scientifically proven to have pharmacological effects either through in vitro or clinical studies which can be taken into consideration for the development of traditional medicinal products. Keywords: Javanese Long Pepper, Piper retrofractum, Phytochemical, Pharmacology activity

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-227
Rahmatan Rahmatan ◽  
Yulia Raudhatul Balaqis Zahro ◽  
Safira Azizah

WINS" (Win-Win Strategy) in the management of protected areas is the strategy that benefit both parties. Agroforestry with forest trees accompanied by agricultural crops may benefits the community if it is implemented in line with the management of Meru Betiri National Park (TNMB) policies. The agroforestry plants proposed in this study were aren (Arenga pinnata), java chili (Piper retrofractum), and porang (Amorphophallus muelleri). This study recommends four strategies for better agroforestry practice in TNMB, i.e.,g. 1) strategy I, increasing public awareness of the urgency of the preservation of national park areas; 2) strategy II, formulating policies to support agroforestry as a strategic management effort; 3) strategy III, education and counseling, as a strengthening of the role of extension workers; and 4) strategy IV, facilitating access to relevant data across all participating institutions and is supported in a multidisciplinary manner. This model may be used as a reference for agroforestry models in conservation areas, especially in TNMB, which will optimize the development of native plants in an area. Keywords: agroforestry, Arenga pinnata, Meru Betiri National Park, SWOT analysis, win-win strategy

2021 ◽  
Vol 733 (1) ◽  
pp. 012011
L C Hawa ◽  
A Sugesti ◽  
A N Laily ◽  
N I W Yosika ◽  
Y Wibisono ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-22
Ni Putu Ermi Hikmawanti ◽  
Endang Hanani ◽  
Shintia Maharani ◽  
Ajeng Istiningtyas Wahyudi Putri

Piper retrofractum Vahl. (java chili or cabe jawa) and Piper nigrum L. (black pepper or lada hitam) are parts of the Piperaceae. One of the chemical constituents found in the fruit of the two plants is piperine, which has properties as antimicrobial, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer etc. This study aims to determine the piperine levels contained in 95% ethanol extract of java chili and black pepper fruits from regions with different altitude using UV-Visible spectrophotometer. Each sample were extracted by maceration method using 95% ethanol. Qualitative identification of piperine was carried out using thin layer chromatography (TLC). Determination of piperine levels was carried out with UV-Visible spectrophotometer at maximum wavelength of 253.8 nm. The results showed that the levels of piperine contained in the 95% ethanol extract of java chili fruit from low altitude (Lampung), medium altitude (Madura) and high altitude (Bogor) are 1.54±0.02%; 1.44±0.02%; and 1.41±0.02% (w/v), respectively. Whereas the levels of piperine contained in the 95% ethanol extract of black pepper fruit from low altitude (East Luwu), medium altitude (Central Lampung) and high altitude (Bogor) are 5.63±0.14%; 5.38±0.05%; and 4.87±0.09% (w/v), respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-350
Wuri Prameswari ◽  
Welly Herman ◽  
Umi Salamah

Long pepper (Piper retrofractum Vahl.) It is one of the potential medicinal plants in Indonesia. However, information related to the cultivation of this plant is still minimal. Therefore, research needs regarding the determination of suitable planting media for the growth of herbal chilies. This experiment used a complete randomized group design (RKLT) with one treatment factor for the composition of the growing media, namely soil, soil + sand (3: 1, v / v), soil + rice husk charcoal (3: 1, v/v), and soil + manure (3: 1, v / v). Each treatment repeats six times, and each consisted of 10 plants. Data analysis using a variance. The plant material used was in soil tendrils and polybags measuring 30 cm x 30 cm as a container. NPK + Mg inorganic fertilizer with an equivalent dose of 12: 12: 17: 2. The results of the experiment showed that the composition of the different growing media affected all observed variables. The use of soil planting medium + cow manure showed the best growth results of chili herbs for plant height, the number of leaves, root length, root and canopy wet weight, and root and canopy dry weight.

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