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J Yao

OpenFOAM is an open source CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) toolbox and recently attracts many researchers to develop codes based on it for their own applications. In order to numerically generate waves based on the wave-maker theory for a piston motion, numerical improvements have been done on the base of OpenFOAM by the author. In gen- eral, the present new tool can be employed to simulate wave generation as long as the piston motion is given. This paper presents the related computational procedure and simulations for generating relatively long finite-amplitude waves ac- cording to Madsen’s second-order wave-maker theory. The sensitivities of the computed incident wave profile to grid density and time step are investigated for the case of generating a wave with permanent form. The simulation accuracy is validated by comparison with the analytical solution and available experimental data.

A Reichel ◽  
RFV Sampaio ◽  
JPM Pragana ◽  
IMF Bragança ◽  
CMA Silva ◽  

This paper is focused on hybrid busbars made from copper and aluminum strips and presents a flexible tool demonstrator capable of replicating material flow in the lancing, bending and compression stages of a new joining by forming process without auxiliary elements. The flexible tool demonstrator is defined by its modular concept that allows the active tool components to be easily interchanged for testing and exploring different materials and thickness combinations, surface conditions and cross-section areas of the strips under laboratory conditions. Experimental and numerical simulation with a selected hybrid busbar geometry validates the overall concept and fabrication of the demonstrator and shows that the new joining by forming process can produce permanent form-fit joints with smooth upper and lower surfaces containing all the plastically deformed material within the thickness of the two strips. Complete filling of the free volume left in-between the thickness of the two strips allows obtaining an electric resistance lower than that of fastened hybrid busbars.

Rybakova T.A. ◽  
Stolyarova V.V. ◽  
Gizova M.V.

This work is devoted to the dynamic study of heart rate variability indicators for one year in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treated with antiarrhythmic drugs metoprolol and cordarone. The study found that patients treated with metoprolol monotherapy had a weakening of parasympathetic effects on the heart, due to a decrease in Mean by 12.9%, Mo by 13%, Amo by 29.4%, SDNN by 28.3% compared to the group of healthy individuals, but they differed in stable indicators of heart rate variability and 33% retained sinus rhythm during the year. With cordarone monotherapy, there was a curative effect of sympathetic and parasympathetic effects on the heart, as indicated by an increase in: Mean by 15.9%, Mo by 15.9%, IVR by 95.5%, Amo by 41.1% and a decrease in SDNN by 37.5%, compared with the group of healthy individuals at the initial stage. A year later, a negative dynamics was revealed - the predominance of sympathetic influences on the heart compared to the groups of healthy individuals and the control due to an increase in: IVR by 363.3% and 238.5%; VPR by 116.7% and 106%; Amo by 111.2% and 72.9; IN by 304% and 246.8%; PAPR by 92% and 79.1%, respectively. During the year, 39% of patients left the study due to the replacement of antiarrhythmic therapy and 16.5% due to the development of a permanent form of atrial fibrillation. In the remaining patients in the study, in comparison with their initial data, there was a predominance of sympathetic effects on the heart due to an increase in IVR by 137%. In combination therapy with metoprolol and cordarone, there were no significant changes in heart rate variability compared to the initial ones. Initially, there was a decrease in overall heart rate variability due to a decrease in SDNN by 28.4% and a decrease in parasympathetic effects on the heart due to an increase in Amo by 45.2% and a decrease in Delta X by 32.9% compared to the group of healthy individuals. After a year, 40% left the study due to the replacement of antiarrhythmic therapy and 30% due to the development of a permanent form of atrial fibrillation. During dynamic observation of patients, it was found that the following indicators have the most important prognostic value in the development of atrial fibrillation: SDNN, Delta X and RMSSD. Therefore, it is very important to register an ECG with the measurement of these indicators at least once every 3 months for timely correction of treatment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 169-185
Carol Brennan

This chapter presents the tort of defamation. The tort is divided into two causes of action: libel, which concerns communications in permanent form; and slander, which concerns communications in transitory form. Libel has been actionable without proof of damage although serious harm is now a factor. Slander is actionable only with proof of damage except in two exceptional situations. The claimant must establish a defamatory statement, referring to the claimant and its publication. The primary defence to defamation is truth, and defences in this field raise issues under art 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The Defamation Acts 1996 and 2013 are covered, as are remedies for defamation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002201832110331
Xiaoxiao Wang ◽  
Dennis J. Baker

In this essay, we try to present a case for having a general privacy offence. Privacy is about much more than voyeurism involving sexual exploitation. The recent offence of upskirting is too narrow to protect the broader set of privacy interests that exist in plural societies. Current technology means it is all too easy for the masses not only to spy, but to keep digital records of information that belongs to others including their images, voices and correspondence. We shall try to demonstrate that private acts and information that are revealed in an ephemeral sense in a public place should not be put in permanent form and a fortiori should not be published online or in hardcopy. It will be argued that publishing such information without consent or lawful justification is sufficiently harmful to justify making it a crime. It shall be submitted that while human rights law, data protection law and tort law recognise the wrongful harm in privacy violations, the protection offered by these bodies of laws is limited, because they rely on expensive civil litigation that is out of the reach of most. Billionaires can pay for nondisclosure agreements to keep misconduct (such as bullying and sexual harassment) out of the news, but many people with genuine privacy claims cannot afford to seek compensation.

Psych ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 269-278
İlknur Kıvanç Altunay ◽  
Sibel Mercan ◽  
Ezgi Özkur

Tattooing is a permanent form of body art applied onto the skin with a decorative ink, and it has been practiced from antiquity until today. The number of tattooed people is steadily increasing as tattoos have become popular all over the world, especially in Western countries. Tattoos display distinctive designs and images, from protective totems and tribal symbols to the names of loved or lost persons or strange figures, which are used as a means of self-expression. They are worn on the skin as a lifelong commitment, and everyone has their own reasons to become tattooed, whether they be simply esthetic or a proclamation of group identity. Tattoos are representations of one’s feelings, unconscious conflicts, and inner life onto the skin. The skin plays a major role in this representation and is involved in different ways in this process. This article aims to review the historical and psychoanalytical aspects of tattoos, the reasons for and against tattooing, medical and dermatological implications of the practice, and emotional reflections from a psychodermatological perspective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (Supplement_1) ◽  
IP Vakalyuk ◽  
L Seredyuk

Abstract Funding Acknowledgements Type of funding sources: Public Institution(s). Main funding source(s): Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University Topicality. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common chronic heart rhythm disorder, occurring in 1-2% of people in the general population. Stable coronary heart disease, hypertension, heart failure, obesity are risk factors for AF progression. Psycho-emotional stress, anxiety and depression can also cause AF. Goal. To investigate the dynamics of the effectiveness of treatment of psychoemotional status in patients with persistent AF. Materials and methods. We examined 62 patients with a permanent form of AF, treated in the cardiology department. Patients were divided into groups: group 1a - (n = 16), received basic therapy; 1b group - (n = 16), patients who in combination treatment received mebicar; Group 1b - (n = 15) patients who received carvedilol in addition to standard therapy; Group 1g (n = 15) consisted of patients receiving combination therapy with carvedilol and mebicar. In order to study the psychological state of patients with AF, L. Reeder"s scale of psychosocial stress, perceived stress-10, hospital scale of anxiety and depression (HADS) were used. Results. The dynamics of the scale of perceived stress-10 in patients with a permanent form of AF in the dynamics of treatment showed a decrease in stress resistance after 2 weeks and a month and a half of treatment (p1 <0,001; p2 <0,001) (p1 - the significance of the difference compared to before and after p2 - the significance of the difference between the values compared with the value after 1.5 months of treatment (p <0,05) During treatment, the proportion of people with high and medium stress decreased by 31,43% in the group of standard treatment, and 39,95% in the group of patients where mebicar was used. It should be noted that in the same group before treatment was dominated by high levels of stress, and the average level was much less common. The share of high stress levels decreased from 53,34 to 6,66%. In this group of patients, the reduction in the score of stress was 17,78%. The level of stress in patients taking carvedilol decreased by 25,89%, and in the group where mebicar was used by 13,68%. Under the influence of standard therapy, the level of stress decreased by 13%, but this figure was not significant, despite the fact that in this group the number of patients decreased from high to medium stress. In the treatment of patients with anxiolytic drug should be noted a significant reduction in psychosocial stress (p1-2 <0,001). It was found that against the background of psychopharmacotherapy in patients with AF there was a reduction from clinical to subclinical levels of anxiety and depression. It should be noted that the course of therapy with carvedilol adversely affected the course of anxiety and depression. Conclusion. According to our study, psychometric parameters improved significantly against the background of comprehensive treatment in all groups of patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 100 (3) ◽  
pp. 277-321
Leonardo Capezzone

Abstract In contemporary Muslim world, wine and its condemnation have acquired a particular importance in the processes of re-Islamisation. Compared to the classical period, the referential value – in terms of Muslim identity and belonging to the Islamic community – of the term ḫamr has taken a restrictive meaning. This article deals with the intellectual production related to the Islamic interdiction of wine. Firstly, it examines the evidence in the Qurʾān, its exegesis, and the canonical traditions, and then in Sunni and Shiite traditions. It privileges a permanent form of normative reference to the sense of revelation, found as much in the classical period as in the modern one. It is within this permanence, and with a sort of “sampling technique”, that this study aims at evaluating the cultural change at the turn of the contemporary period. It examines the works of authors such as al-Ṭabarī, Rašīd Riḍà, Sayyid Quṭb, al-Buḫārī, al-Kulaynī, Ibn Taymiyyah, Muḥammad Šalṭūṭ and ʿAbd al-Wahhāb ʿAbd al-Salām Ṭawīlah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 280 ◽  
pp. 11013
Olena Pomortseva ◽  
Sergiy Kobzan ◽  
Oleksii Voronkov ◽  
Andrey Yevdokimov

The purpose of the research is to reveal current trends in modeling the location of new catering establishments in the study area. The relevance of research in the article is determined by the development of the tourism industry. This applies to catering establishments operating in the lower price category. Such catering establishments include fast food restaurants. The article proposes to use geographic information systems for spatial analysis using software. The researchers used ArcGis software, which allows you to visualize the results of the analysis. Visualization of the results will allow to make the necessary decision on the location of catering establishments. The research was conducted on the example of the Industrialny District of Kharkiv. Analysis of geostatic models can be used to process statistical data in any locality by using a geostatistical method to convert data from a discrete view to a permanent representation. With the help of geostatistics methods, data from a discrete form are transformed into a continuous form. Researchers present mathematical formulas for determining the index of concentration of the actual population in a given area or the projected index. These indicators can be determined on the basis of data obtained during the research. Indicators are presented using elements of the ArcGis software package in discrete form and permanent form. In the research the model of optimization of placement of public catering establishments was developed. It is proposed to place twelve new catering establishments in the studied area of the city with the exact indication of their location. The scientific conclusion of the study will further improve the service to the local population and the promotion of the city of Kharkiv as a object of tourism. The principle of developing a digital map and geodatabase is effective to address issues related to tourism infrastructure, so the developed model can be used in other cities. Further research in this direction may be related to improving geostatistic analysis of data and taking into account more factors..

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