similar texture
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-59
Priyono Prawito ◽  
Impetus Hasada Windu Sitorus ◽  
Zainal Muktamar ◽  
Bandi Hermawan ◽  
Welly Herman

Understanding the relation of agroecosystem types, ages, and soil properties are vital in maintaining good quality soil. This study aims to explore the variation of selected soil properties with agroecosystem types and ages. The research has been conducted in North Bengkulu, Indonesia. Soil properties on agroecosystems of 5-yr, 10-yr, 15-yr oil palm plantation, 5-yr, 10-yr, 15-yr rubber plantation, food cropland, and scrubland were evaluated. The study found that soil in oil palm and rubber plantations of any age have a similar texture, bulk density (BD), and actual soil moisture (ASM). All plantation agroecosystems and scrubland have higher clay and lower silt content than that in food cropland. In addition, the scrubland has the highest ASM content among the agroecosystems. On the other hand, both agroecosystems enhances soil chemical properties than food cropland and scrubland as indicated by the improvement of organic-C, total-N, available P, exchangeable K and CEC of Ultisols. Older plantation also provides higher soil chemical improvement than younger one. This finding is significant for management of sub optimal soil mainly Ultisols for oil palm and rubber plantation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Kosuke Okada ◽  
Isamu Motoyoshi

Texture information plays a critical role in the rapid perception of scenes, objects, and materials. Here, we propose a novel model in which visual texture perception is essentially determined by the 1st-order (2D-luminance) and 2nd-order (4D-energy) spectra. This model is an extension of the dimensionality of the Filter-Rectify-Filter (FRF) model, and it also corresponds to the frequency representation of the Portilla-Simoncelli (PS) statistics. We show that preserving two spectra and randomizing phases of a natural texture image result in a perceptually similar texture, strongly supporting the model. Based on only two single spectral spaces, this model provides a simpler framework to describe and predict texture representations in the primate visual system. The idea of multi-order spectral analysis is consistent with the hierarchical processing principle of the visual cortex, which is approximated by a multi-layer convolutional network.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. e7110312072
Adriana Lucia Wahanik ◽  
Iramaia Angélica Neri-Numa ◽  
Glaucia Maria Pastore ◽  
Mária Herminia Ferrari Felisberto ◽  
Pedro Henrique Campelo ◽  

Whole wheat pasta is rich in fiber and antioxidants, but presents dark color and altered cooking characteristics. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of yellow (YNC) and pink (PNC) natural concentrates in fresh whole wheat pasta, on its fiber content, and technological, and antioxidant properties. Control pasta (CP) was prepared (70:30 w:w whole grain wheat (WGF): refined wheat flour (RWF)). YNC and PNC were applied (1 to 2 g/100 g) in pastas containing 60 to 70 g/100 g of WGF, following a 22 experimental design, with three central points. YNC and PNC modified whole wheat pastas color, without altering their technological characteristics. Yellow pasta (YP1, 60:40 WGF:RWF w:w, 1 g YNC/100 g) and pink pasta (PP9, 70:30 WGF:RWF w:w, 1 g PNC/100 g) presented similar texture, weight gain and cooking loss to CP, and they were selected for antioxidants analysis. The three pastas had high fiber content (above 6 g/100 g), and PNC caused a significant increase in total phenolics content in raw and cooked whole wheat pasta. The natural-colored concentrates are an alternative for modifying the color of whole wheat pasta while adding functional value to it.

Crystals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1154
Yuze Wu ◽  
Juan Liu ◽  
Laxman Bhatta ◽  
Charlie Kong ◽  
Hailiang Yu

CoCrNi equiatomic medium entropy alloy sheets were prepared by asymmetric rolling, cryorolling, and asymmetric cryorolling. The asymmetric cryorolled samples exhibited a noteworthy ultra-fine-grain heterogeneous lamella structure. The microstructure and corresponding hardness obtained by different rolling processes and subsequent annealing are compared. It can be seen from the results that the cryogenic deformation temperature had a stronger effect on the mechanical properties of the medium entropy alloys (MEA), compared with the shear strain caused by the asymmetric cryorolling. The effect of annealing temperature on texture components and volume fractions of the specially rolled samples was also analyzed. The result revealed that the recrystallized MEA exhibited similar texture components and the corresponding volume fraction, which indicated that the rolling process had limited influence on the formation of annealing texture. The recrystallized texture after annealing retained the deformation texture and twin related orientations appeared. Asymmetric rolled MEA showed strong random composition than symmetric rolled MEA regardless of rolling temperature. The recrystallized textures of the species obtained by the three rolling processes did not exhibit a significant dependence on the annealing temperature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-223
Okky Fajar Tri Maryana ◽  
Rifqi Ikhwanuddin ◽  
Safitri Anggini ◽  
Ridho Barna

The regional election in Lampung province has finished. The events left the amount of ex-campaign props such as banner to become waste. The final landfills and the waste reuse system are still an unsolved issue in Lampung province. A study of materials composition is required to find potential reuse of the waste. One of the traditional products in Lampung province is conventional bricks. Previous studies show that mixing local clay with additional materials such as Rice Husk Ash (RHA) could improve its characteristics, especially water absorption potentiality. This study reported the prototype of bricks with banners waste mix produced employing a conventional method. The method obtains the best admixture composition is 0.002 kilograms banner waste/volume 0.125 liters or 0.02% total weight of clay-dough. The morphology of the prototype shows a similar texture with a non-waste mixture of traditional brick. It is burnt-clay red-bricks, which is used as a control in this study. The prototype bricks show smooth texture and nearly flat on all sides. The addition waste composition ratio of more than 0.002 kilograms indicated cracking texture that affects the market tend to buy bricks, which has good appearance and texture. This study also reported that the mixture's effect is decreasing compressive strength, almost 20% from the control sample.

2020 ◽  
Aleksey V Belikov

It is widely acknowledged that, in order to provide a rich unified experience to our internal conscious observer, the brain constructs a sophisticated model of the world on the basis of fragmented pieces of information incoming from sensory organs. It has been long known that perceptual filling-in mechanisms exist to extrapolate missing information from adjacent visual fields, especially in the periphery. Recently, a uniformity illusion has been reported for primitive features, such as color, shape and motion, in which the content of central vision spreads to the periphery upon prolonged gaze fixation. Here I report that similar illusion exists for real-world textures, such as grass and foliage, observed directly in a real environment or on a photographic image. The texture around the point of gaze fixation is perceptually cloned to cover the areas of similar texture and color. This illusion may be triggered by the fading of textural information in the periphery due to the Troxler effect. This is a preliminary report and requires validation in multiple subjects and detailed characterization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-133
Yalda Basim ◽  
Ghasemali Mohebali ◽  
Sahand Jorfi ◽  
Ramin Nabizadeh ◽  
Mehdi Ahmadi Moghadam ◽  

Background: Biodegradation of hydrocarbon compounds is a great environmental concern due to their toxic nature and ubiquitous occurrence. In this study, biodegradation potential of oily soils was investigated in an oil field using indigenous bacterial consortium. Methods: The bacterial strains present in the contaminated and non-contaminated soils were identified via DNA extraction using 16S rDNA gene sequencing during six months. Furthermore, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were removed from oil-contaminated soils. The TPH values were determined using a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Results: The bacterial consortium identified in oil-contaminated soils (case) belonged to the families Halomonadaceae (91.5%) and Bacillaceae (8.5%), which was significantly different from those identified in non-contaminated soils (control) belonging to the families Enterobacteriaceae (84.6%), Paenibacillaceae (6%), and Bacillaceae (9.4%). It was revealed that the diversity of bacterial strains was less in oil-contaminated soils and varied significantly between case and control samples. Indigenous bacterial consortium was used in oil-contaminated soils without need for amplification of heterogeneous bacteria and the results showed that the identified bacterial strains could be introduced as a sufficient consortium for biodegradation of oil-contaminated soils with similar texture, which is one of the innovative aspects of this research. Conclusion: An oil-contaminated soil sample with TPH concentration of 1640 mg/kg was subjected to bioremediation during 6 months using indigenous bacterial consortium and a TPH removal efficiency of 28.1% was obtained.

Foods ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 507
Lina María Peña-Saldarriaga ◽  
José Angel Pérez-Alvarez ◽  
Juana Fernández-López

During poultry slaughtering, fatty byproducts are generated, mainly comprising abdominal and gizzard fat, which are mostly discarded and result in consequent environmental problems. The objective of this work was to use these fatty byproducts as fatty raw material in the production of chicken sausages (emulsion-type). They were applied for the partial replacement (40% and 50%) of chicken skin (fatty source usually used in chicken sausages). The effect of these partial replacements on the quality properties (proximate composition, lipid profile, color, texture, and microbiological and sensory properties) of chicken sausages were assessed. Sausages with fatty byproducts added (40% and 50%) showed lower moisture but higher fat content than control. Nevertheless, all of them meet the nutritional requirements of the Colombian regulation for this type of meat product. Sausages with 40% and 50% substitution level showed similar texture properties and microbiological quality as control. When these fatty byproducts were used at 50% substitution level, differences in several color properties and sensorial attributes (color, flavor, and meat taste) were noticed with respect to control. When the substitution level was reduced to 40%, no sensorial differences were detected. Chicken fatty byproducts can be successfully applied as partial replacement of chicken skin in emulsion-type sausages.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Peiru Min ◽  
Jie Li ◽  
Beniamino Brunetti ◽  
Zheming Pu ◽  
Weijie Su ◽  

Abstract Background Reconstruction of upper and lower lip subunits is a complicated and elusive challenge. For patients affected by defects involving upper and lower lip subunits, a technique able to reconstruct both aesthetic units with matched colour, sufficient contours and similar texture would be ideal. In this study, we present our experience with upper and lower lip reconstruction using the pre-expanded bipedicled visor flap. Methods From January 2014 to January 2017, 12 male patients presenting with defects of the upper and lower lip subunits were treated using this surgical technique. After a period of expansion of the scalp flap of over 6 months, the bipedicled visor flap was raised from both the parietal regions and rotated to resurface the defect. Delay and section of the pedicle were then performed. Results Twelve male patients with postburn scars aged 22 to 48 years (mean: 34 years) were successfully treated with no major complications. The donor site was closed primarily in all cases. Subsequent flap debulking and minor revisions were performed under local anaesthesia between 6 and 12 months postoperatively. Conclusions The pre-expanded bipedicled visor flap provides an effective and reliable option for upper and lower lip reconstruction with excellent colour and texture. It is feasible to achieve these results simultaneously from a single donor site by using a pre-expanded bipedicled visor flap.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 476-482
Ipat Kasyifatul Mufarihat ◽  
Sakinah Haryati ◽  
Aris Munandar

Bontot is one of fish gel products in Banten Province. The main raw material of Bontot was Hawaiian ladyfish which is commonly found in the milkfish pond. However, the availability of the Hawaiian ladyfish was very limited. This study investigated the utilizaation of tarpon (Megalops cyprinoides), a fish of similar texture to the hawaiian ladyfish, for the production of bontot. The bontot quality was evaluated based on the organoleptic and microbial parameters. A combination of 37.5% ladyfish and 62.5% tarpon was considered as the best formula producing bontot with folding test 4.07 and bites 6.77, and the parameter of color, aroma, flavor, and texture similar to those of the commercial (3.43-4.00) products. The bontot contained moisture 50.50%, ash 2.42%, fat 0.32%, protein 5.67%, and carbohydrates 41.09% while the microbiological was below the 4.20 threshold, suggesting the bontot is safe for consumption.

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