literary period
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Maria Stachoń

The connection between literature and religion can be observed in the writing of every literary period. Old Polish religious poetry has an established position within this field of research – it constitutes a huge part of the literary works of the Middle Ages, the Reneissance and Baroque. Therefore, it is not surprising that this kind of literature appeared in the core curricula, syllabuses and textbooks for cultural and literary education of secondary school students even before the latest reform of the educational system, as well as after it. The crucial factor in the consideration of the role of Old Polish religious poetry in schools, is the opinion of Polish teachers, who base it on their experience in teaching it. The empirical research conducted on a group of Polish teachers prove that despite various difficulties faced while teaching Old Polish religious poetry, they see a great value in this type of literature in the overall process of education as well as in young adults’ personal life. Old Polish religious poetry introduces students to symbols crucial for our cultural circle. The last but not the least, it may help to fully understand and experience oneself/other people in the face of the sacred.

Transilvania ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 49-52
Dragoș Varga

The article aims to identify some of the peculiarities of the XIXth century outlaw novel in relation to the conventions and the stereotypes of the adventure novel, focusing on George Baronzi’s novel, Mina the Outlaw. The Girl of the Forests, an agreeable novel in spite of several narrative clumsiness. The novelty comes from the fact that the novel proposes a female character in the role of the hero, somehow accumulating the conventions and some narrative invariants specific to the outlaw novel, but also to the sentimental novel, the plot having as a starting point a love story. The novel is, therefore, chracterized by a certain naivity specific to the subgenre and to the literary period to which it belongs, but the author cannot be blamed for the lack of a certain sense of suspense and proliferation of adventures, by moving from one conflict to another, by changing the setting of the action thus activating its narrative potential.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 156-166
Karthick K ◽  
Thiruveni V

Until the Sangam literary period (till 200 AD), Tamil language was secular and Tamil literature was created with an emphasis on virtue in both internal and external life. After that, religious literature started appearing in Tamil language. Tamil grammar texts are based on literature that appeared in different periods. Thus the “Pulamai ilakkanam” (grammar for scholarliness) composed by Vannacharabam Dantapani swami reveals the literary context that prevailed in the 19th century when he lived. Pulamai ilakkanam shows the author's religiosity and the religious beliefs and devotion in the field of education and literature at that time. Grammar is the rules for creating literature. If so, constructing Tamil scholarliness in relation to a particular religion would be tantamount to narrow down the breadth of the Tamil language. Based on the content of Pulamai ilakkanam and the literary context of the time, this article discusses the dominance of the religions over Tamil literature and the use oflanguage by religions for their development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (05) ◽  
pp. 47-55
Yashin Nishanov ◽  

The article is devoted to the work of V.S. Makanin. "The Underground, or a Hero of Our Time", which was published in 1999, was noticed by critics, but quickly faded into the shadows, could not stand the competition in the stream of books, publishing projects of Rossi, which stepped into the new millennium. But Makanin's prose remains a part of the literary process, the literary period of study, that is, it needs scientific understanding. The organization of the artistic space in the narrative is carried out through images, they are the most significant part of the novel space.

Marek Grajek

In the article, there have been portrayed silhouettes of the two Main School of Warsaw alumni, who were the last to debut as the men of letters – Gustaw “Gamaston” Kamieński and Stanisław Graybner. The author pictures life choices as well as writing selections of the writers who had studied amongst the positivistic exemplars, however, their first literary work was published on the eve of the Young Poland period, thus their careers represent this exact literary period. The novelty of the article is that so far in the literary researches their names have been completely left out. According to press criticism dated on the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the author proves that the late debuts did not help the aforementioned writers – even though they specialized in different literary genres (Kamieński in prose, Graybner in drama) they both created their work as if on the literary margins of the Young Poland period. Although their first work raised attention and the favor of receivers, the next ones brought only failures most of the time. 

2021 ◽  

This volume focuses on the figure of the traveller emerging from the French literature of the 18th-19th centuries (real and imaginary travels). Eminent specialists from universities around the world (Réunion, Montpellier, Nancy, Lausanne, Szeged, etc.) analyse the changes taking place in the way the traveller is represented. Do travel accounts always focus on real trips? Does travel literature speak (only) about travels? What is the aim of imaginary travels? Does each literary period have its own model of travelling? The volume provides answers to all of those questions and much more.

Miranda Levanat-Peričić

Publication of a book of literary reviews Romani krize (The Novels of Crisis) by Igor Mandić in Belgrade in 1996, as well as the book promotion in Serbia, have been the subject of sharp attacks on its author in the Croatian media. In this “case,” which Mandić himself called “the chase of the collegial choir of elite commentators” for an “insignificant book of literary reviews,” several peripheral levels that are attempted to impose as dominant or to compete for a more favorable discursive position can be distinguished. First of all, the complex of peripheral is in the very status of literary criticism, the marginal letter, inferior to the prestigious discourses of belletristic and literary theory. However, as Mandić underlined in the foreword to The Novels of Crisis, this “by status wholly devalued writing, no matter how small, could always be used as a ‘symptom’ to raise some sort of ward-heeler’s alarm.” Regardless of the ironic modus of this attitude, the “ward-heeler alarm” that followed completely departed from the subject of this Mandić’s collection, or a decade of Serbian and Croatian literary productions, from the 80’s to the 90’s. Finally, precisely this literary period, which Mandić defined as a decade after the death of J. B. Tito and M. Krleža until the break-up of the SFRY, as the last decade of literary and cultural life in a common state, after its disintegration remained on the historical periphery of newly established national canons. However, the most important peripheral level of the whole of this “case” is concerned with the approach to the body of texts that this book deals with, i.e. a comparative study of Serbian and Croatian literature. At the time it was published in 1996, from peripheral cultural positions the comparative approach to the Croatian and Serbian literature was perceived as a radical political provocation that comes from the common past, in the wake of its renewal. In this work special attention is given to Mandić’s choice of Serbian and Croatian literary titles, hence to the very content of the Novels of Crisis. However, since the cultural context of this book goes beyond the literary criticism of the decade to which it relates, its significance is looked into from the aspect of polemical discourses this book produced, even at the periphery of the Croatian nineties.

2020 ◽  
pp. 290-293
E. V. Sharygina (Novikova) ◽  
V. I. Novikov

Malygina’s book portrays Andrey Platonov in the context of the literary period in which he was active. Malygina also summarizes the history of the journal Krasnaya Nov, the Krug Publishers, and the Pereval Group. While depicted as particularly close to Pilnyak due to his expressionist tendencies, Platonov, however, remained faithful to the utopian ideal of ‘proletarian literature’ and reserved tongue-incheek comments for Soviet literary aristocrats. Although a fi   ce critic of Soviet reality, Platonov cherished his own ‘Soviet project’ – he envisaged a truly revolutionary, progressive ideal of a genuinely democratic nature. The literary period in question is shown to have a complex structure, unyielding to ideological abstractions.

Zh. Abeldaev ◽  

The Turkish historical novel has a history of birth, formation and development. It developed closely related to its historical reality. If the prose patterns based on the first historical novels were reflected in the medieval classical prose of the Turks, then it was formed in the nineteenth century in the literary period of the Tanzimat on the basis of European prose. Therefore, the genesis of the historical novel of the Turks was based not only in the XIX century, but also in medieval Divan literature and folk tales. Due to the fact that the XIX century saw significant changes in world culture, Anatolian Turkish literature did not lag behind this process. Major reforms in the Ottoman society of the XIX century also covered cultural and literary aspects. In particular, they have undergone a major cultural and literary modernization. For the first time, the Ottoman society is approaching European civilization. In some cases, he even wanted to show his Imperial character. However, in this context, the elements of Western culture began to enter into the Turkish culture. Based on the cultural modernization of the Turks, literary processes went through a difficult period. But, despite the fact that the historical novel of the Turks in this period was particularly in demand, and therefore it aroused the interest of Turkish writers. In the literary period of the Tanzimat, the first historical novels adopted the rules of the Western model, but the historical truth was connected only with the reality of the Ottoman Empire.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (99) ◽  
pp. 73-85

The article analyses the rhythmic characteristics of Russian-language literary texts using the automated PRD (Prose Rhythm Detector) application. The authors consider the main approaches to the periodization of Russian literature of the XIX-XXI centuries in order to determine the affiliation of works to a particular epoch based on the specifics of the text rhythmic structures. The quantitative and statistical methods of the analysis are used.

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