fundamental paper
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Wolfgang Ellermeier ◽  
Florian Kattner ◽  
Anika Raum

AbstractIn their fundamental paper, Luce, Steingrimsson, and Narens (2010, Psychological Review, 117, 1247-1258) proposed that ratio productions constituting a generalization of cross-modality matching may be represented on a single scale of subjective intensity, if they meet “cross-dimensional commutativity.” The present experiment is the first to test this axiom by making truly cross-modal adjustments of the type: “Make the sound three times as loud as the light appears bright!” Twenty participants repeatedly adjusted the level of a burst of noise to result in the desired sensation ratio (e.g., to be three times as intense) compared to the brightness emanating from a grayscale square, and vice versa. Cross-modal commutativity was tested by comparing a set of successive ×2×3 productions with a set of ×3×2 productions. When this property was individually evaluated for each of 20 participants and for two possible directions, i.e., starting out with a noise burst or a luminous patch, only seven of the 40 tests indicated a statistically significant violation of cross-modal commutativity. Cross-modal monotonicity, i.e. checking whether ×1, ×2, and ×3 adjustments are strictly ordered, was evaluated on the same data set and found to hold. Multiplicativity, by contrast, i.e., comparing the outcome of a ×1×6 adjustment with ×2×3 sequences, irrespective of order, was violated in 17 of 40 tests, or at least once for all but six participants. This suggests that both loudness and brightness sensations may be measured on a common ratio scale of subjective intensity, but cautions against interpreting the numbers involved at face value.

Metaphysics ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 39-56
Vl. P. Vizgin

Metaphysical aspects of the standard model (SM) of the modern elementary particles theory are considered. This article briefly views a history of the formation of the SM (from fundamental paper of C. Yang and R. Mills (1954) to the completion of electroweak theory and quantum chromodynamics in the early 1970s). Three groups of the interrelated metaphysical aspects are discussed: local gauge symmetry’s structure of the theory, problem of the truth and reality and the role of the metaphysical factors in the construction of the theory. Scientific-realistic nature of the SM creator’s metaphysical views are emphasized. A. Einstein’s model of the theory’s construction (with “Einstein’s arc”), E. Wigner’s three layer scheme of the structure and the development of the scientific knowledge (with the symmetry principles as a main layer) and S.I. Vavilov’s “mistakability” сonception of the scientific knowledge development are proposed for the study of the metaphysical factors and their role in the formation of the SM.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (01) ◽  
pp. 149-180
Lev Kazarin

This is a survey on the recent progress in the theory of finite groups with factorizations and around it, done by the author and his co-authors, and this has no pretensions to cover all topics in this wide area of research. In particular, we only touch the great consequences of the fundamental paper of Liebeck, Praeger and Saxl on maximal factorizations of almost simple finite groups for the theory of groups with factorizations. In each case the reader can find additional references at the end of Section 1. Some of the methods of investigation can be used to obtain information about finite groups in general, nilpotent algebras and related nearrings.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 30 ◽  
Shaul K. Bar-Lev

The Rao-Blackwell theorem has had a fundamental role in statistical theory. However, as opposed to what seems natural, Rao and Blackwell did not investigate and write the theorem jointly. In fact, they both published the same result independently, two years apart. Indeed, as C.R. Rao writes in Wikipedia: ”the result on one parameter case was published by Rao (1945) in the Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society and by Blackwell (1947) in The Annals of Mathematical Statistics. Only Lehmann and Sche ´e (1950) called the result as Rao-Blackwell theorem”. Forty years later, a situation very similar to the previous one seems to have happened. Tweedie (1984) in a paper published in a proceedings to a conference held in Calcutta and Bar-Lev and Enis (1986) in a paper published in The Annals of Statistics both presented for the first time, albeit two years apart, independently and in di erent contexts, the class of natural exponential families having power variance functions (NEF-PVFs). Tweedie’s results were then mentioned by Jorgensen (1987) in his fundamental paper on exponential dispersion models published in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. Jorgensen, however, mentioned also other researchers, including Bar-Lev and Enis, as dealt with the same problem. Nonetheless, Jorgensen (1987) stated in his paper that ”The most complete study” of NEF-PVFs was given by Tweedie (1984), a statement which has led to naming the class of NEF-PVFs as the Tweedie class. This statement of Jorgensen is entirely and utterly incorrect. Accordingly, one of the goals of this note is to 'prove' such incorrectness. Based on this 'proof' it will be evident, so I trust, that both Bar-Lev and Enis should have received the appropriate credit by re-naming the class of NEF-PVFs via the exploitation of the names of Tweedie, Bar-Lev and Enis. This would resemble the dignified and elegant manner Lehmann and Sche ´e acted on the Rao-Blackwell Theorem. Notwithstanding, the main aim of the note is to encourage young researchers to present their results with self-confidence and to get the credit they deserve.

2019 ◽  
pp. 29-38

The educational process always involves a relationship with value: in essence and foundation it is valuable. Always framed by legal contexts, it is possible to say that, since it is educational, the Royal Decree 126/2014 is based on values. In this research an analysis of the axiological content of this basic curriculum is carried out, concretely the block dedicated to literary education. The study starts from an integral approach of education to which literature contributes with a fundamental paper. The objective is to demonstrate how this is represented in the referenced legal text, stimulating the consideration of elements that may lead to an improvement in future normative actions, including the strengthening of the role of the children’s and youth literature in this process.

Belgica Bravo ◽  
Gerson Chávez ◽  
Nelson Márquez ◽  
Nacarid Delgado ◽  
Ana Cáceres ◽  

Los ácidos alquilcarboxílicos pueden dar origen a la formación de una especie iónica con características anfifílicas que disminuye la tensión superficial de un sistema agua/aire. El tipo de contraión de estas especies juega un papel fundamental en las propiedades superficiales del compuesto. Se preparó una novedosa clase de surfactantes de par iónico (SPI) por neutralización de cantidades equimolares del ácido carboxílico con una base de tipo ciclohexilamina (cHACn) bajo condiciones suaves de reacción. Se estudió el comportamiento de agregación por tensión superficial. Los compuestos obtenidos disminuyeron la tensión superficial presentando baja concentración micelar crítica (CMC) y por tanto una mayor actividad superficial. La CMC de todos los compuestos estudiados disminuyó con la longitud de la cadena alquílica aniónica (n).  Palabras clave: ácidos alquilcarboxílicos, surfactantes de par iónico, comportamiento de agregación, tensión superficial. ABSTRACT The alkylcarboxylic acids can give origin to the formation of ionic species with amphiphilic characteristics that decreases the surface tension of a water/air system. The type of counterion of these species plays a fundamental paper in the surface properties of the compound. Novel class ion pair surfactants (IPS) were prepared by neutralization of equimolar amounts of carboxylic acid with a base of type cyclohexylamine (cHACn) though mild reaction conditions. The aggregation behavior through surface tension was studied. The compounds obtained reduced the surface tension presenting low critical micelar concentration (CMC) and therefore a greater surface activity. The CMC of all compounds studied decreased with the length of the anionic alkyl chain (n).  Key words: Alkylcarboxylic acids, ion pair surfactant, aggregation behavior, surface tension.

Bélgica Bravo ◽  
Gerson Chávez ◽  
Nelson Márquez ◽  
Nacarid Delgado ◽  
Ana Cáceres ◽  

Los ácidos alquilcarboxílicos pueden dar origen a la formación de una especie iónica con características anfifílicas que disminuye la tensión superficial de un sistema agua/aire. El tipo de contraión de estas especies juega un papel fundamental en las propiedades superficiales del compuesto. Se preparó una novedosa clase de surfactantes de par iónico (SPI) por neutralización de cantidades equimolares del ácido carboxílico con una base de tipo ciclohexilamina (cHACn) bajo condiciones suaves de reacción. Se estudió el comportamiento de agregación por tensión superficial. Los compuestos obtenidos disminuyeron la tensión superficial presentando baja concentración micelar crítica (CMC) y por tanto una mayor actividad superficial. La CMC de todos los compuestos estudiados disminuyó con la longitud de la cadena alquílica aniónica (n).  Palabras clave: ácidos alquilcarboxílicos, surfactantes de par iónico, comportamiento de agregación, tensión superficial. ABSTRACT The alkylcarboxylic acids can give origin to the formation of ionic species with amphiphilic characteristics that decreases the surface tension of a water/air system. The type of counterion of these species plays a fundamental paper in the surface properties of the compound. Novel class ion pair surfactants (IPS) were prepared by neutralization of equimolar amounts of carboxylic acid with a base of type cyclohexylamine (cHACn) though mild reaction conditions. The aggregation behavior through surface tension was studied. The compounds obtained reduced the surface tension presenting low critical micelar concentration (CMC) and therefore a greater surface activity. The CMC of all compounds studied decreased with the length of the anionic alkyl chain (n).  Key words: Alkylcarboxylic acids, ion pair surfactant, aggregation behavior, surface tension.

Ramón García Perales

Resumen:En los procesos de identificación de los alumnos más competentes el docente cumple un papel fundamental. Es por ello que estos procedimientos de detección deberán de partir de las experiencias desarrolladas en las propias aulas y en los que la formación docente se torna fundamental, más si cabe en el campo de aquellos alumnos con mayores potencialidades llamados a ser el referente de la evolución social. A lo largo de este artículo se señalan los resultados de una investigación desarrollada en la provincia de Albacete con 712 alumnos de 5º de Educación Primaria. A este grupo de alumnos se le ha administrado la Batería de Evaluación de la Competencia Matemática, BECOMA. Entre las variables de estudio analizadas tras la administración de este instrumento, se señalan los resultados de dos de ellas, interés y motivación de los alumnos hacia el aprendizaje de las Matemáticas según el punto de vista del maestro y posible existencia de una elevada aptitud matemática del alumno a juicio del tutor. Se observa que los alumnos son bien considerados por sus maestros según la primera variable y según la segunda los tutores se muestran bastante erráticos al diagnosticar dicotómicamente la capacidad matemática de los alumnos, resultando los resultados especialmente llamativos en el caso de los alumnos ubicados en los niveles de rendimiento superiores de la batería.Abstract:In the processes of the most competent students' identification the education alone completes a fundamental paper. It is for it that these detection procedures will leave of the experiences developed in the own classrooms and in those that the educational formation you fundamental restitution, more if it fits in the field of those students with bigger potentialities called to be the relating of the social evolution. Along this article the results of an investigation are pointed out developed in the county of Albacete with 712 students of 5º of Primary Education. To this group of students it has been administered the Battery of Evaluation of the Mathematical Competence, BECOMA. Among the study variables analyzed after the administration of this instrument, the results of two of them, interest and the students' motivation are pointed out toward the learning of the Mathematics according to the teacher's point of view and possible existence of a high mathematical aptitude from the student to the tutor's opinion. It is observed that the students are very considered by their teachers according to the first variable and according to second the tutors are shown quite erratic when diagnosing dicotomically the mathematical capacity of the students, being the specially attractive results in the case of the students located in the superior yield levels of the battery.

2016 ◽  
Vol 33 (6) ◽  
pp. 1502-1515 ◽  
Maddalena Cavicchioli

In this paper we derive matrix formulae in closed form for higher order moments and give sufficient conditions for higher order stationarity of Markov switching VARMA models. We provide asymptotic theory for sample higher order moments which can be used for testing multivariate normality. As an application, we propose new definitions of multivariate skewness and kurtosis measures for such models, and relate them with the existing concepts in the literature. Our work completes the statistical analysis developed in the fundamental paper of Francq and Zakoïan (2001, Econometric Theory 18, 815–818) and relates with the concepts of multivariate skewness and kurtosis proposed by Mardia (1970, Biometrika 57, 519–530), Móri, Rohatgi, and Székely (1993, Theory of Probability and its Applications 38, 547–551), and Kollo (2008, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 99, 2328–2338). Under suitable assumptions, our results imply that the sample estimators of the skewness and kurtosis measures proposed by these authors are consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. Finally, we check our theory statements numerically via Monte Carlo simulations.

Humanomics ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-159 ◽  
Amir Wahbalbari ◽  
Zakaria Bahari ◽  
Norzarina Mohd-Zaharim

Purpose – The aim of this paper is to reconcile the diverging opinions among Islamic economists toward the concept of scarcity and to present a holistic model of scarcity and abundance from a Qur’anic perspective. Design/methodology/approach – Analyses of both interviews and texts were performed. The method in studying scarcity from Islamic perspective consisted of semi-structured interview with five experts in the field of Islamic economics and development. Findings – One major implication of this study is that the concept of scarcity as it is postulated by mainstream economics tends to clash with the Islamic worldview, as it does not have any reference in Islam. Scarcity can act as a phenomenon in economic activities but not as the defining concept in Islamic economics. Practical implications – Practically, this paper will contribute to the making of the first lecture of the course of Islamic economics. Social implications – Socially, this paper will contribute to the process of transforming the science of economics and Islamic economics for a sustainable tomorrow. Originality/value – This paper is a fundamental paper that addresses some aspects from critical realism and transcendental idealism into the making of Islamic economics. Not only that the discussion on the concept of scarcity in Islamic economics is limited and seems to be lacking; in addition, this paper offers a critical discussion on the validity of the concept of scarcity in economics from a critical perspective.

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