asymptotic state
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2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
pp. 0
Hyungjun Choi ◽  
Seung-Yeal Ha ◽  
Hansol Park

<p style='text-indent:20px;'>The Lohe sphere model and the Lohe matrix model are prototype continuous aggregation models on the unit sphere and the unitary group, respectively. These models have been extensively investigated in recent literature. In this paper, we propose several discrete counterparts for the continuous Lohe type aggregation models and study their emergent behaviors using the Lyapunov function method. For suitable discretization of the Lohe sphere model, we employ a scheme consisting of two steps. In the first step, we solve the first-order forward Euler scheme, and in the second step, we project the intermediate state onto the unit sphere. For this discrete model, we present a sufficient framework leading to the complete state aggregation in terms of system parameters and initial data. For the discretization of the Lohe matrix model, we use the Lie group integrator method, Lie-Trotter splitting method and Strang splitting method to propose three discrete models. For these models, we also provide several analytical frameworks leading to complete state aggregation and asymptotic state-locking.</p>

Automation ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 266-277
Romain Delpoux ◽  
Thierry Floquet ◽  
Hebertt Sira-Ramírez

In this paper, an algebraic approach for the finite-time feedback control problem is provided for second-order systems where only the second-order derivative of the controlled variable is measured. In practice, it means that the acceleration is the only variable that can be used for feedback purposes. This problem appears in many mechanical systems such as positioning systems and force-position controllers in robotic systems and aerospace applications. Based on an algebraic approach, an on-line algebraic estimator is developed in order to estimate in finite time the unmeasured position and velocity variables. The obtained expressions depend solely on iterated integrals of the measured acceleration output and of the control input. The approach is shown to be robust to noisy measurements and it has the advantage to provide on-line finite-time (or non-asymptotic) state estimations. Based on these estimations, a quasi-homogeneous second-order sliding mode tracking control law including estimated position error integrals is designed illustrating the possibilities of finite-time acceleration feedback via algebraic state estimation.

Maria Luján Iglesias ◽  
Mukesh Tiwari ◽  
V. M. Kenkre ◽  
Sebastian Gonçalves

The microscopic origin of friction is an important topic in science and technology. To date, noteworthy aspects of it remain unsolved. In an effort to shed some light on the possible mechanisms that could give rise to the macroscopic emergence of friction, a very simple 1D system of two particles is considered, one of them is free but moving with an initial velocity, and the other confined by a harmonic potential. The two particles interact via a repulsive Gaussian potential. While it represents in a straightforward manner a tip substrate system in the real world, no analytic solutions can be found for its motion. Because of the interaction, the free particle (tip) may overcome the bound particle (substrate) losing part of its kinetic energy. We solve Newton’s equations of the two particles numerically and calculate the net exchange of energy in the asymptotic state in terms of the relevant parameters of the problem. The effective dissipation that emerges from this simple, classical model with no ad hoc terms shows, surprisingly, a range of rich, nontrivial, behavior. We give theoretical reasoning which provides a satisfactory qualitative description. The essential ingredient of that reasoning is that the transfer of energy from the incoming particle to the confined one can be regarded as the source of the emergent dissipation force the friction experienced by the incoming particle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
Konstantinos V. Spiliopoulos ◽  
Ioannis A. Kapogiannis

AbstractMechanical engineering structures and structural components are often subjected to cyclic thermomechanical loading which stresses their material beyond its elastic limits well inside the inelastic regime. Depending on the level of loading inelastic strains may lead either to failure, due to low cycle fatigue or ratcheting, or to safety, through elastic shakedown. Thus, it is important to estimate the asymptotic stress state of such structures. This state may be determined by cumbersome incremental time-stepping calculations. Direct methods, alternatively, have big computational advantages as they focus on the characteristics of these states and try to establish them, in a direct way, right from the beginning of the calculations. Among the very few such general-purpose direct methods, a powerful direct method which has been called RSDM has appeared in the literature. The method may directly predict any asymptotic state when the exact time history of the loading is known. The advantage of the method is due to the fact that it addresses the physics of the asymptotic cycle and exploits the cyclic nature of its expected residual stress distribution. Based on RSDM a method for the shakedown analysis of structures, called RSDM-S has also been developed. Despite most direct methods for shakedown, RSDM-S does not need an optimization algorithm for its implementation. Both RSDM and RSDM-S may be implemented in any Finite Element Code. A thorough review of both these methods, together with examples of implementation are presented herein.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Zhe Lin ◽  
Xiao-Yong Wen ◽  
Meng-Li Qin

Under investigation is the discrete modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equation, which is an integrable discretization of the continuous mKdV equation that can describe some physical phenomena such as dynamics of anharmonic lattices, solitary waves in dusty plasmas, and fluctuations in nonlinear optics. Through constructing the discrete generalized m , N − m -fold Darboux transformation for this discrete system, the various discrete soliton solutions such as the usual soliton, rational soliton, and their mixed soliton solutions are derived. The elastic interaction phenomena and physical characteristics are discussed and illustrated graphically. The limit states of diverse soliton solutions are analyzed via the asymptotic analysis technique. Numerical simulations are used to display the dynamical behaviors of some soliton solutions. The results given in this paper might be helpful for better understanding the physical phenomena in plasma and nonlinear optics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 926 ◽  
Sergio Pirozzoli ◽  
Joshua Romero ◽  
Massimiliano Fatica ◽  
Roberto Verzicco ◽  
Paolo Orlandi

We study turbulent flows in a smooth straight pipe of circular cross-section up to friction Reynolds number $({\textit {Re}}_{\tau }) \approx 6000$ using direct numerical simulation (DNS) of the Navier–Stokes equations. The DNS results highlight systematic deviations from Prandtl friction law, amounting to approximately $2\,\%$ , which would extrapolate to approximately $4\,\%$ at extreme Reynolds numbers. Data fitting of the DNS friction coefficient yields an estimated von Kármán constant $k \approx 0.387$ , which nicely fits the mean velocity profile, and which supports universality of canonical wall-bounded flows. The same constant also applies to the pipe centreline velocity, thus providing support for the claim that the asymptotic state of pipe flow at extreme Reynolds numbers should be plug flow. At the Reynolds numbers under scrutiny, no evidence for saturation of the logarithmic growth of the inner peak of the axial velocity variance is found. Although no outer peak of the velocity variance directly emerges in our DNS, we provide strong evidence that it should appear at ${\textit {Re}}_{\tau } \gtrsim 10^4$ , as a result of turbulence production exceeding dissipation over a large part of the outer wall layer, thus invalidating the classical equilibrium hypothesis.

Yeping Li ◽  
Jing Tang ◽  
Shengqi Yu

In this study, we are concerned with the asymptotic stability towards a rarefaction wave of the solution to an outflow problem for the Navier-Stokes Korteweg equations of a compressible fluid in the half space. We assume that the space-asymptotic states and the boundary data satisfy some conditions so that the time-asymptotic state of this solution is a rarefaction wave. Then we show that the rarefaction wave is non-linearly stable, as time goes to infinity, provided that the strength of the wave is weak and the initial perturbation is small. The proof is mainly based on $L^{2}$ -energy method and some time-decay estimates in $L^{p}$ -norm for the smoothed rarefaction wave.

Irina V. Alexandrova ◽  
Dmitri V. Alexandrov ◽  
Eugenya V. Makoveeva

The Ostwald ripening stage of a phase transformation process with allowance for synchronous operation of various mass transfer mechanisms (volume diffusion and diffusion along the block boundaries and dislocations) and the initial condition for the particle-radius distribution function is theoretically studied. The initial condition is taken from the analytical solution describing the intermediate stage of a phase transition process. The present theory focuses on relaxation dynamics from the beginning of the ripening process to its final asymptotic state, which is described by the previously constructed theories (Slezov VV. et al. 1978 J. Phys. Chem. Solids 39 , 705–709. ( doi:10.1016/0022-3697(78)90002-1 ) and Alexandrov & Alexandrova 2020 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 378 , 20190247. ( doi:10.1098/rsta.2019.0247 )). An evolutionary behaviour of particle growth rates dependent on various mass transfer mechanisms and time is analytically described. The boundaries of the transition layer, which surround the blocking point, are found. The fundamental and relaxation contributions to the particle-radius distribution function are derived for the simultaneous occurrence of various mass transfer mechanisms. The left branch of this function is shifted to smaller particle radii whereas its right branch extends to the right of the blocking point as compared with the asymptotic universal distribution function. The theory under consideration well agrees with experimental data. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Transport phenomena in complex systems (part 1)’.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (180) ◽  
pp. 20210257
Alan Hastings ◽  
Karen C. Abbott ◽  
Kim Cuddington ◽  
Tessa B. Francis ◽  
Ying-Cheng Lai ◽  

There is a growing recognition that ecological systems can spend extended periods of time far away from an asymptotic state, and that ecological understanding will therefore require a deeper appreciation for how long ecological transients arise. Recent work has defined classes of deterministic mechanisms that can lead to long transients. Given the ubiquity of stochasticity in ecological systems, a similar systematic treatment of transients that includes the influence of stochasticity is important. Stochasticity can of course promote the appearance of transient dynamics by preventing systems from settling permanently near their asymptotic state, but stochasticity also interacts with deterministic features to create qualitatively new dynamics. As such, stochasticity may shorten, extend or fundamentally change a system’s transient dynamics. Here, we describe a general framework that is developing for understanding the range of possible outcomes when random processes impact the dynamics of ecological systems over realistic time scales. We emphasize that we can understand the ways in which stochasticity can either extend or reduce the lifetime of transients by studying the interactions between the stochastic and deterministic processes present, and we summarize both the current state of knowledge and avenues for future advances.

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