Journal of English Language and Literature (JELL)
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Published By Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing IEC Jakarta

2654-3745, 2540-8216

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Agus Sulaeman ◽  
Enawar Enawar ◽  
Supyan Sori

The purpose of this study is to describe the slang contained in Novel literature ‘’Analogi Cinta Berdua” by Dara Prayoga’’ Language is a tool used by humans to communicate language in the form of sound symbols issued by human speech organs, Slang is contemporary or easy to disappear and is not permanent, therefore it is rare to find slang that is permanent and long used for a long period of time. The approach used is qualitative to analyze the novel using the content analysis method From the results of the study, it was found that the use of slang in the form of linguistic symbols such as. Yoi, sekarang gue punya pacar!”   From these quotations, researchers can find out the use of slang. The quote is translated into Indonesian as "yes now I have a lover".“Emang punya duit lo, Ka? Anak kos aja”.  From these quotations, researchers can find out the use of slang. The quote is translated into Indonesian as "Do you really have money, Sis? Just kiddos." “Yah, giliran kalah main PES aja kabur. Cupu!”. From these quotations, researchers can know the use of slang. The quote is translated into Indonesian as "Well, it's your turn to lose playing PES, just run away. Geek!” In literary works there are those who use slang as their writing, such as in youth novels, the language is more popular with readers because the language is easy to understand and use in everyday life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-114
Istiwarni Diah ◽  
Siti Anisa ◽  
Budiarto Budiarto

The aims of this research are (1) to find out the meaning of the day of the dead holiday (Día de Los Muertos) based on the movie; (2) to elaborate on the importance of the day of the dead holiday (Día de Los Muertos); and (3) to find out how to deal with a family conflict during the day of the dead holiday (Día de Los Muertos). This study uses a qualitative approach to address research problems as it enables the researcher to perform in-depth studies of a specific phenomenon. The findings or this research are (1) The meaning of the day of the dead holiday (Día de Los Muertos) based on Coco has some indicators such as symbols, heroes, and ritual (2) How the main character deals with his family conflict is that (a) The conflict which comes from the family culture is making the main character to become a rebel. Conflict is highly present in families; however, in general, the presence of conflict is not problematic by itself. (b) parents are making decisions about what they consider is best for all family members.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Julyanta Br Sitepu ◽  
Abdulloh Abdulloh ◽  
Sarsono Sarsono

The research is conducted to find out what types of errors the students do most in translating English into Indonesian and Indonesian into English in order to improve the quality of the teaching for Private University Students. The description of the data is made by the writer based on the errors the students made in translation. The errors are articles, plural words, pronoun, noun phrases, gerund, participles, tenses, and word choices. The methodology used in this research is a qualitative research using the students’ translation from English into Indonesian and Indonesian into English. The research found the most error made by the students in translation is word choices 33.18 % or 154 errors in translating English into Indonesian and tenses 48.73% or 135 errors in translating Indonesian into English. The least error found in the students’ translation was gerund 0.64% or 3 errors in English into Indonesian and 0.72% or 2 errors Indonesian into English

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-82
Mukhlasul Fasikh ◽  
Demici Natali

This thesis attempts to analyze in the movie Zootopia directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore. The study is based on two research questions, first about kind of moral values and second about the effects of moral values through the main character. The methodology of the study is descriptive qualitative. It means that it does not need statistic approach to explore the material. The primary data is taken from the original movie itself and script from Zootopia movie. The secondary data is taken from many journals, literary books and some relevant materials to support and complete the primary data sources. The result shows that there are ten types of kind of moral values which the writers found by in the script of the movie Zootopia. They are brave, respect, kind and friendly, confidence, loyalty, self-discipline, fair and human, love and affection, honesty and sensitive and not selfish. Then, the effects of moral values that reflected through the main character are optimistic, brave, ambitious, caring, and enthusiastic. The writers hope that movie lovers can see the positive aspect and take it to imply their life

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-70
Bejo Sutrisno ◽  
Lestari Lestari

This research is aimed to analyze the figurative languages used in Roar song by Katy Perry. Objectives of the study: (1) to find out the figurative languages used in Roar song by Katy Perry, (2) to find out the meaning of figurative language used in Roar song by Katy Perry, and (3) to find out the moral value messages of the song lyrics. Based on the objective of the study, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative method in collecting the data. From the data analysis, the researcher found out  of figurative language appeared in Roar song by Katy Perry. They are Metaphor, Personification, Simile, Paradox, Irony, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia and Hyperbole. It can be implied that figurative language is always used in song lyrics. In Roar song lyrics, there can find moral value massages that can be learned in by the figurative language shown in this song. That is trusting ourself, never doubt to ourself and believe that we have power to refuse some of bad thins comes to our life such as bullying and toxic relationship.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-40
Chandra Ivan ◽  
Agita Violy

This research aims to enlarge knowledge and understanding the element of literature, especially in conflict element. It is very important to know about conflict in literature because the readers can understand to response every condition through representation conflict in this novel. The writer focuses on conflict rising up from the beginning to the end of the story. There are so many people in the groups that want to climb Everest. And of course, in an expedition, especially in a dangerous mountain like Everest has so many conflicts. This research is descriptive qualitative research. This thesis uses physical conflict analysis and also applies psychological aspect to analyze the main characters’ characteristics when struggle a force of nature such as the rogue storm that caused disaster. The story reminds the readers of a journey of life. It reminds us that everybody do not be arrogance and must ready to face everything that will happen in the future. It also remind us to being trust and loyalty among teammate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Umar Umar

Abstract: This case study intended to analyze the higher graders’ English learning difficulties of the Islamic Education Guidance and Counselling study program and Islamic Education Management. This study mainly focused on finding students’ difficulties in mastering English competency. It was conducted in Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah (STIT) Buntet Pesantren Cirebon by involving 40 students who are also as Santri and a lecturer as the subjects or the researcher. The researcher used both classical and individual approaches in gathering both qualitative and quantitative data. The procedures used context, input, process, and product/CIPP-Evaluations Model for its benefit to increase teaching quality. The data was analyzed by using McDonough & McDonough Model, i.e.: (1) exploration on both students’ learning processes and the results; (2) analyzing the results of exploration through questionnaire, interviewing with students; (3) conducting peer-debriefing, i.e. interviewing with other lecturers related to, the methods, syllabus content, whether they have matched with the students’ needs. The findings showed that students’ English learning difficulties for: (1) Their sense of being-forced; (2) Low mastery on the basic concept/intakes; (3) Less-endorsement from their environment; (4) Forget factor; (5) Having less-chance to practice. In reference with the findings, it was suggested that teachers and institution should facilitate and give high motivation for their students’ English learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-20
Muji Endah Palupi

The purpose of this research is to study an analysis of figurative language in poetry. People are interested in reading literary books because reading literary books makes them to understand about life, human and nature. Reading literary books can get pleasure. The language used in poetry make more complex. Figurative language can make create interesting poetry. It is important to know the meaning of poems. Sometimes people read poetry without understanding the meaning conveyed. Poetry is a collection of words that express emotions or ideas into a literary text. In poetry there are many elements of language. English poetry can help students to improve their vocabulary skills. Poetry improves skills in listening word for word conveyed from the reader of the poem. Poetry analysis examines the elements of language to understand literary works as a whole. Analyzing a poem line by line allows you to learn about its structure, form, language, metric patterns, and themes. Hopefully this research can be widely accepted so that readers will be interested in knowing more about poetry and it is nuances

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-50
Sri Supeni ◽  
Ilham Dhony Pribadi

The aim of this research was to see the improvement of the EFL learners’ speaking ability  through the implementation of  Storytelling Strategy using pictures. This research was also directed to explore the beneficial of collaborative learning for students of Al Maulidiyah Orphanage in Jatiasih Bekasi. The subject consisted of 15 of EFL learners. A Classroom Action Research in two cycles had been conducted within 2 meetings for every cycle. The meetings were focused on the interactivity and communicative ability among learners. The research result showed that the learners’ fulfillment of the storytelling task improved from 40% or 66.7%. It also showed that the learners’ ability in speaking performance improved. The highest improvement was seen from fluency indicator that is from 26.7% to 46.7%. While for the other two indicators namely pronunciation and vocabulary move upward a little. In conclusion, the implementation of Interactive Storytelling Strategy increased the EFL learners’ fulfillment of the storytelling task and their speaking ability

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-134
Mangantar Sitohang ◽  
Sifa Cahayati ◽  
Mohamad Mansur

The aims of this research are to find and to discuss the types, functions of Taboo words and the types of Euphemisms. The qualitative method is used in this research since the description regarding the utterances found in the movie is necessary. The quantitative approach is used in this research as well in representing the data findings by using percentages.  The research data are taken from the movie scripts and are formed from the characters’ utterances  either words or phrases. As the results, the researcher found five types of language of Taboo in the movie that consist of (1) Obscenity, (2) Epithets, (3) Profanity, (4) Insults and Slurs (5) and Vulgarity. Obscenity is the highest number of occurrence while Vulgarity holds the smallest number. There are four functions of Taboo language which are namely; (1) To draw Attention to one self, (2) To be Aggressive or Provocative, (3) To show Contempt, and (4) To mock Authority. To draw attention to one self is the most appeared functions of Taboo while to mock authority is the smallest number. There are four types of Euphemisms found in the movie which are (1) Euphemisms for Death and Killing, (2) Euphemism for Political Correctness, (3) Euphemisms for Sexual Activities, and (4) Euphemism for Addressing. The most appeared type of Euphemism is Euphemisms for Death and Killing while the least appeared one is Euphemism for Addressing.

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