Aliansi : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
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Published By Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Immi

2541-545x, 1907-3666

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-138
Nurwulan Kusuma Devi ◽  
Alex Prilhanthara Harefa

Kinerja karyawan merupakan salah satu faktor yang memegang peranan penting dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan maupun tujuan individu.  Kinerja adalah suatu kemampuan yang dimiliki seseorang untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan dari atasan supaya diselesaikan dengan kemampuan, kesediaan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki seseorang. Tinggi dan rendahnya kinerja seorang karyawan ditentukan oleh faktor yang mempengaruhinya secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung. Karyawan merupakan aset utama perusahaan dan mempunyai peran penting di dalam perusahaan, yaitu sebagai pemikir, perencana dan pengendali aktivitas perusahaan. Dalam hal ini dibutuhkan peran pimpinan dalam pengawasan kerja untuk menegakkan disiplin kerja para bawahan agar kinerja karyawan meningkat, dan meningkatkan kuantitas, kualitas yang dihasilkan, ketepatan waktu, kehadiran, kemampuan bekerja sama.   Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik, yaitu peneliti melakukan pengamatan langsung kepada responden dengan melakukan penyebaran kuisioner untuk dianalisis menggunakan metode peneltian kuantitatif dengan jumlah sampel lima puluh tujuh karyawan yang dipilih secara acak dengan menggunakan  systematic random sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda  dengan pengujian hipotesis uji statistik t.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pengawasan Kerja dan kedisiplinan keeja secara signifikan positif mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-76
Deni Indra Purnama Koto

 Aset organisasi paling penting yang harus dimiliki oleh suatu organisasi dan sangat diperhatikan oleh manajemen adalah asset manusia dari organisasi tersebut.Organisasi dikelola dan terdiri atas orang-orang,para karyawannya, tanpa orang-orang maka organisasi tidak bakal ada.Kinerja pegawai sampai saat ini belum sesuai harapan, karena masih terjadi kesenjangan antara yang berkinerja sangat baik dengan yang berkinerja hanya sebatas standar minimal yang ditentukan.Disiplin kerja yang belum optimal demikian pula pendidikan pelatihan yang belum efektif.Banyak variabel yang mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai, sesuai hipotesa ada pengaruh antara disiplinkerja dan pendidikan pelatihan terhadap kinerja pegawai secara parsial maupun simultan.Sesuai penelitian ternyata teruji ada Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja Pegawai dan Pendidikan Pelatihan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di , Kecamatan TAPOS , KOTA DEPOK secara parsial maupun simultan dengan persamaan regresi berganda, Yaitu : Y = 27,158 + 0,351X1 + 0,644X2 dan koefisien determinasi berganda sebesar 75,10% dengan rincian, sebagai berikut:1.       Disiplin kerja pegawai mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai, sebesar 35,10%.2.       Pendidikan pelatihan pegawai mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai sebesar 64,40%.3.       Disiplin kerja pegawai dan pendidikan pelatihan pegawai secara simultan (bersama) mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai sebesar 75,10%.Pengaruh pendidikan pelatihan lebih dominan dibandingkan dengan disiplin kerja pegawai namun apabila dikerjakan secara simultan akan bersinergi karena pengaruhnya meningkat terhadap kinerja pegawai menjadi sebesar 75,10%.Untuk meningkatkan kinerja pegawai maka manajemen harus memperhatikan dan meningkatkan, antara lain sebagai berikut:1.       Disiplin pegawai harus ditingkatkan dengan cara memberikan sangsi tegas bagi pegawai yang melanggar.2.         Manajemen harus melaksanakan kegiatan pendidikan pelatihan secara rutin dan terencana sesuai kebutuhan organisasi dan pegawai.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-70
Puput Andriyani ◽  
Ari Sulistyowati

This study aims to determine the effect of financial literacy on financial behavior, the effect of financial inclusion on financial behavior, and the effect of education level on financial behavior. The method in data processing used in this research is to use PLS (Partial Least Square) with the object of research being SMEs in the food stalls/shops in the Bahagia Village, Bekasi Regency. The sampling technique used was purposive probability with the form of non-probability sampling. The data collection technique used a questionnaire as many as 106 SMEs in the food stalls/shops in the Bahagia Village, Bekasi Regency. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant influence of financial literacy on the financial behavior of SMEs in food stalls/food stalls in Bahagia Village with t statistics 2.618 greater than t table 1.659, and a significant value of financial inclusion on financial behavior with t statistics 2.462 greater than t table 1.659, as well as the significant value of education level on the financial behavior of SMEs in food stalls/shops in Bahagia Village with a t statistics of 2.689 which is greater than a t table of 1.659.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-114
Feriandy Feriandy

Green Marketing Strategy is a one-way marketing strategy flow that is made to direct someone to buy theproduction produced by the company. Consumer Choice through the marketing mix approach is a reference to thesuccess of a company in providing its services to consumers. The purpose of this research is to find out whether thereis an effect of Green Marketing Strategy on Consumer Choicethrough the Marketing Mix Approach at PT. AskotamaInti Nusantara.“The sampling technique used in this study the author uses the Random Sampling technique(Randomly on All Consumers) where each member of the population has the same opportunity to be selected as theoverall sample, but the sample in this study is the entire population that is sampled .“The results obtained thatpartially and simultaneously there is a positive and significant influence betweenthe Green Marketing Strategy onConsumer Choices Through the Marketing Mix Approach.“Keywords: GreenMarketing Strategy and Consumer Choice Through the Marketing Mix Approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-94
Sendianto Sendianto

Promosi mempunyai peranan penting dalam manajemen pemasaran guna meningkatkan hasil penjualan karena tanpa adanya promosi sangatlah sulit untuk dapat meyakinkan pembeli. Penjualan adalah penyajian secara lisan oleh perusahaan kepada satu atau beberapa calon pembeli dengan tujuan agar barang atau jasa yang ditawarkan dapat terjual. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adakah Analisis Pengaruh Peomoasi terhadap Tingkat Penjualan Produk Beserta Peramalan Penjualannya Pada PT. Askotama Inti Nusantara.Teknik pengambilan sampel yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan teknik Random Sampling (Secara Acak pada Seluruh Konsumen) Dimana setiap anggota populasi mempunyai peluang yang sama untuk dipilih sebagai sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin yang dikutip Sevilla dalam Husein Umar (2012)Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa secara parsial dan simultan ada pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara Promosi Terhadap Tingkat Penjualan Produk Beserta Peramalan Penjualannya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-128
Bambang Ermansyah Saragaih

The  development  of  the  business  world  in  Indonesia  iscurrently  growing  rapidly,  considering  that  it  has entered  the  era  of  globalization  so  that  the  business  world  isrequired to develop rapidly. Consumers prioritize product quality, affordable prices and the company's advertisementsare not excessive. Creating purchase satisfaction is a challenge for entrepreneurs because a buyer is now increasinglycritical in choosing the type of product and must match his expectations. The purpose of this study is to determine:Analysis  of  the  Effect  of  Product  Quality, Price  and  Advertising  on  Purchase  Satisfaction  at  PT.  Askotama  IntiNusantara.“The sampling technique used in this study the author uses the Random Sampling technique (Randomlyon All  Consumers) where  each member of the  population has the  same opportunity  to be  selected as  the overallsample, but the sample in this study is the  entire population that is sampled .“The results obtained that partially andsimultaneously there is a positive and significant influence between Product Quality, Price, Advertising on Purchase Satisfaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-104
Joucelin Alaida Panese

The  leadership  expects  the  professionalism  of  work  to  be  better,  it  is  really expected  because  if  the professionalism  of  the  work  is  good,  it  will  greatly  affect  the  level  of  work  performance  of soldiers.  Work motivation  is  to  provide  encouragement  and  effort  to  achieve  the  satisfaction  of  the  desires  and  goals of  each soldier. Satisfaction is meant to feel pleasure or happiness when a desire has been achieved. This soldier's work performance  is  the  result   of  work  within  the  scope  of  his  responsibility,  of  course   referring  to  a  formal  and structured system that is used as an instrument to measure, assess, and influence work-related characteristics. While the objectives of this research are: to determine the effect of the professionalism of educators and work motivation on the work performance of soldiers at the TNI Academy.“The sampling technique used in this study the author uses the Random Sampling technique or randomly. Some soldiers are the population and 89 people are sampled using the Slovin formula in Husein Umar (2012).“The results obtained that partially and simultaneously there is a positive and significant  influence  between  the  Professionalism  of  Educators  and  Work  Motivation  on  Soldier's  Work Achievement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Imam Santoso

The objective of this research to obtain information relating  to the influence business communication , achievement motivation on performance of Perumnas marketing employees. This Research has been carried out  using  regretion this study, 320 employees of the third level housing company in jabotabek as population   were randomly selected as analysis unit of  along with 78 samples along with the thirfd caracteritics study. The results showed that (1) communication business has significant effect  on the employees work performance (2) achiement motivation has sigficant effect on employee work performance  (3)   communication business and achiement motivation has significant effect on the employees work performance. The result  of the  studies  show that business communication, achievement motivation is an important determinant of the employee work performance.Based on these findings it can be concluded that any change or variantions that occur in the work  performance of perumnas employees have been influenced by business communication and achievement motivation Therefore business comunication, and achievement motivation must be included in the strategic planning of human resource development  in increasing the work performance of perumnas employees, but need  to consider  other varables needed to work performance is influenced by variation in business communication , and achievement motivation Keywords: .  

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-60
Meta Luvita Sari ◽  
Rycha Kuwara Sari

This research was conducted to determine whether there is an effect of the implementation of training programs and the application of occupational safety and health management systems on the work productivity of members of the Bekasi city fire department. Based on the results of the research on the Implementation of the Training Program and the Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (K3) on the Work Productivity of Employees at the Bekasi City Fire Department, there is an effect either partially or simultaneously. The conclusion of this study is that the Implementation of the Training Program and Implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (K3) explains the effect on the Work Productivity of Members at the Bekasi City FireService by 53.8%, while the rest is influenced by other independent variables that are not researched.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Munir Azhari

The effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in FBM WORLDWIDE. The study aims to determine service quality to customer satisfaction correlation and influence score at FBM WORLDWIDE. The method used is a survey method by using questionnaires to respondents as many as 75 respondents from customers/users of FBM WORLDWIDE delivery services. The data used are descriptive analysis, simple linear regression analysis, R test, T-test, and hypothesis testing. The results show that the service quality variable simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. The type of research is the quantitative method. Furthermore, Data collection techniques use carried out through survey methods. The number of samples is 75 people. The results of this study use statistical data methods with the SPSS (Statistical Package For Social Science) version 21 program. The results of the analysis state that the relationship between variable X (service quality) and variable Y (customer satisfaction) is forceful. It can be seen from the R-value of 0.903 so that it is close to 1. The influence of service quality variable (X) to customer satisfaction variable (Y) score is 0.813 or 81,3%. Furthermore,  the rest is influenced by other factors. The T-count value is 17.980 and T-table is 1.993 (based on the table), so T-count is greater than T-table which means Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, meaning that the X variable (quality of service) is very related and has a significant effect on the Y variable (customer satisfaction).

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