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Published By Soegijapranata Catholic University


2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 112
Bonaventura Pradana Suhendarto

Serious violations of human rights occurred in Indonesia despite Indonesia’s ratification of a number of international human rights law instruments. Victims, including their family and descendants, experiences suffering and loss. Still, there are many victims who haven’t received their rights until now. International law holds states accountable for the victims’ dignity as human beings. This research will examine the fulfillment of the rights of the victims in order to obtain effective and fair remedy and to analyze the application of international human rights law in Indonesia in order to fulfill the rights of the victims of serious violations of human rights. This research was conducted using a sociological juridical approach that collects and analyzes qualitative data. The result shows that the right to truth, the right to justice, the right to reparation and the guarantee of non-repetition are the forms of rights within the framework of transitional justice that must be given to the victims. These rights are interrelated, so they must be fulfilled thoroughly. Indonesia made real efforts to fulfill the rights by establishing a human rights court to resolve the cases of  Timor-Timur (East Timor), Tanjung Priok and Abepura. Another effort is made by establishing legal regulations. In fact, Indonesia only recognizes and regulates some rights. The existing legal regulations have not yet encouraged effective implementation, making them difficult to implement. It is necessary to evaluate and re-conceptualize existing legal regulations so that the rights of victims are fully recognized and easy to apply.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 134
Christya Putranti

Regional Leaders Election (Pilkada) is an interesting matter to discuss, Pilkada regulations have undergone several changes, the phenomenon of change occurs starting from the appointment of a regional head, in which was initially elected by House of Presentatives (DPR) until finally returned to the public as people's sovereignty, the enactment of Law No. 1 of 2015 concerning about the stipulation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perpu) No. 1 of 20114 which discussed about the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors into a law which enforced the return of elections to be carried out by House of Presentatives  which led to harsh criticism from the public so in the end government restored the public's right to vote. Another interesting thing is that as a result of the people's sovereignty, the right to be elected and to elect the citizens, especially in regions, must be implemented. Unfortunately, the problem this has become a new problem, which was the delay in the implementation of regional elections. In Law No. 32 of 2004 concerning about Regional Government in which only regulates that regional heads are proposed through a combination of political parties and political parties, after the decision of  Constitutional Court Number 5 / PUU-V / 2007 individual candidates also can run for regional head candidates.  Law Number 18 of 2015 had been reviewed by the Constitutional Court Number 100 / PUU-VIII / 2015. The blank ballot box regulation then appears in General Elections Commission Regulation (PKPU) Number 14 of 2015 concerning about the election for Governor and Vice Governor, Regent and Vice Regent and / or Mayor and Vice Mayor upon follow-up to the Constitutional Court decisions. This study will focus on the increasing blank ballot box that continues to increase, starting from a single candidate with “agree and disagree" boxes to the enforcement of the blank ballot box. It means that from 2015 Regional Leaders Election experienced a significant increase. This research used normative legal research method by examining laws and regulations, General Elections Commission Regulation (PKPU), and literature studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 174
Yovita Indrayati

Predicate as one of mega biodiversity countries refers to the fact that Indonesia is a country that is rich in potential genetic resources. The genetic resources include not only plants but also animals and microorganisms. Besides meeting food needs, the genetic resources also have important benefits for the development of medicines, both traditional and modern. The medicinal benefits of genetic resources, mainly plants, have been taken advntage of the people in various regions in Indonesia. This can be seen when Covid19 pandemic hit the world, including Indonesia. the consumption of herbal medicines has increased quite sharply. Each region in Indonesia has its own type of local plants that can increase human body stamina against Covid19. The existence of the pandemic necessarily makes Indonesia more aware of the rich diversity and genetic resource’s benefits for society welfare. On the other hand, however, Indonesia faces challenges related to the biotechnology development  as well as biopiracy problems of genetic resources utilization. Therefore, protection on genetic resources is a necessity and should become an important matter for Indonesia. This paper is a conceptual study that will describe how to protect genetic resources, especially for the use of medicine, in the Indonesian legal system, which reflects the politics of law in Indonesia. Based on the results of the analysis, the commitment of The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia is still weak in the formation of laws protecting genetic resources in Indonesia. However, Indonesia has a commitment to international agreements by becoming a party and ratifying the CBD, 1992; Cartagena Protocol, 2000 and Nagoya Protocol, 2011. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
Donny Danardono

Pancasila cannot be an ideology. Because an ideology―as an absolute truth―will deny other ideologies. So to believe in Pancasila as an ideology is to believe that one day Pancasila will be eliminated by other ideologies. However, the impossibility of Pancasila becoming an ideology will not diminish its nobility. After all, Pancasila―which was raised in the debate on the basis of an independent Indonesian state between Islamic and nationalist groups―is a historical text. It will not be erased from the history of the Indonesian nation-state. Pancasila―which emerged from the debate at BPUPKI―is a story about how individuals in a pluralistic society want to live as a nation in the same country.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Ryan Abraham Silalahi

: Human rights are acknowledgment that every human being has basic freedom and dignity. With this recognition, everyone has the right to defend and fight for their rights for their existence as a human being. Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) are everyone who works to defend and fight for people's human rights. In international law the rights of Human Rights Defenders are specifically manifested in the 1998 UN Declaration of Human Rights Defenders. Human rights and the extent to which Indonesia provides regulations for these human rights defenders. This study aims to analyze the protection of human rights defenders in the perspective of international law and the application of international law in national legal regulations related to the protection of human rights defenders. This research will use a qualitative normative juridical approach, with analytical descriptive research specifications and data collection techniques through literature study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Agustinus Joko Purwoko ◽  
Laksamana Varelino Zeustan Hartono

Perdagangan secara elektronik (e-commerce) semakin berkembang. Wacana dalam filsafat ruang memunculkan perdebatan tentang keberlakuan hukum yang mengatur perbuatan manusia di dunia maya (cyberspace). Ruang di dunia maya sering dimaknai berbeda dengan ruang di dunia nyata. Penelitian normatif kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis keberlakuan kaidah hukum perjanjian Indonesia dalam transaksi e-commerce sebagai landasan berpikir dalam pembuatan peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur transaksi e-commerce. Dunia maya pada dasarnya hanya merupakan kepanjangan dari dunia nyata (empiris). Kaidah hukum yang berlaku di dunia nyata juga berlaku di dunia maya, karena dasarnya adalah kegiatan manusia bukan ‘ruang’ (space). Kaidah hukum perjanjian sebagaimana termaktub dalam KUH Perdata memiliki keberlakuan untuk transaksi e-commerce B2C di dunia maya, baik keberlakuan faktual/empiris, normatif/normal dan evaluatif. Keberlakuan ini penting dalam konteks perlindungan bagi konsumen.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Andreas Pandiangan ◽  
Elva Visoladilla Indi

ABSTRACT: This research is based on public information disclosure which is an individual right and is realized through the availability of information. The availability of such information should be open and transparent. The purpoce of this research is to khow the extent of the Central Java Provincial Government regional institution suitability which have been provided information services based on PerKI No. 1 (2010), through the sites during 2017. The qualitative approaches that used in this research are descriptive analysis techniques anf interative analysis of miles and Huberman. The subjects of this research were public information services at 32 Central Jawa Provincial OPD through the sites during 2017. On an whole view, The Central Java Provincial Government organizations have not fully complied the standards of procedures PerKI No. 1 (2010), in providing information services based on Perki No. 1 (2010) thru the sites during 2017. The result is show through data numeration based Daftar Informasi Publik (DIP) score anf available information on it’s site such as; organizational structure of PPID, PPID duties and DIP.Keywords: Information services, information category, site. ABSTRAK:  Kesesuaian layanan informasi publik yang dilakukan perangkat daerah dengan Peraturan Komisi Informasi (PerKI) No. 1 Tahun 2010 menjadi kebutuhan badan publik dan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengadakan evaluasi perihal kesesuaian layanan informasi publik perangkat daerah di situs masing-masing sepanjang tahun 2017 dengan PerKI 1-2010. Penelitian kualitatif ini dilakujkan terhadap 32 situs perangkat daerah Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Layanan informasi publik melalui situs merupakan bagian dari komunikasi organisasi masing-masing. Namun sebagian besar perangkat daerah Pemprov Jawa Tengah belum sepenuhnya mematuhi standar/prosedur layanan informasi sesuai dengan PerKI No. 1 Tahun 2010. Hal tersebut dilihat melalui analisa atas ketersediaan Daftar Informasi Publik (DIP) dan ketersediaan informasi di masing-masing kategori informasi publik.Kata Kunci: layanan informasi publik, kategori informasi, situs

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Emanuel Boputra

ABSTRACT: Marriage is one important part in the journey of human’s life. According to the Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, Article 1: Marriage is a physical-mental bond between a man and a woman, as a husband and a wife, aiming to create an eternal and happy family/household based on God Almighty. Marriage aims to create a happy and eternal family/household.Article 7 (1) of the Marriage Law stipulates and regulates the age limit for a marriage. A marriage is allowed when the man is at least 19 (nineteen) years old, and the woman is at least 16 (sixteen) years old. Next in the verse 2 is stated that in the event of deviating the verse 1, this article is able to request a dispensation from the Court or other Officials which is appointed by both the parents of the man and the woman. Therefore, a dispensation from the Court or other Officials, which is appointed by both the parents of the man and the woman, is required in order to hold a marriage if those minimum ages are not attained yet.Indeed, a dispensation is able to be justified based on the law aspect (a dispensation is required from the Court or other Officials, appointed by both the parents of the man and the woman, if those minimum ages are not attained yet). The submission of an application for the marriage dispensation to the Court is a legal step, chosen by the applicant in order to legalize their marriage. However, the space for dispensing various forms of child marriage is in fact a form of violation towards the children’s rights, as stated in the legal consideration of the Decree of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22/PUU-XV/2017.Keyword: Marriage, Dispensation, Decree of Law ABSTRAK: Perkawinan merupakan salah satu bagian terpenting dalam perjalanan kehidupan manusia. Menurut ketentuan Undang-undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan Pasal 1 : perkawinan adalah ikatan lahir batin antara seorang pria dengan seorang wanita sebagai suami isteri dengan tujuan untuk membentuk keluarga / rumah tangga yang bahagia dan kekal berdasarkan Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa  Tujuan perkawinan adalah untuk membentuk keluarga / rumahtangga yang bahagia dan kekal.Pasal 7 (1) Undang-undang Perkawinan menetapkan dan mengatur perihal batas umur untuk melangsungkan perkawinan ; Perkawinan hanya diijinkan jika pihak pria sudah mencapai umur 19 (sembilan belas) tahun dan pihak wanita sudah mencapai umur 16 (enam belas) tahun. Selanjutnya dalam ayat 2 disebutkan bahwa; dalam hal penyimpangan terhadap ayat (1) pasal ini dapat meminta dispensasi kepada Pengadilan atau Pejabat lain yang ditunjuk oleh kedua orangtua pihak pria maupun pihak wanita. Dengan demikian apabila belum mencapai umur tersebut apabila hendak melangsungkan perkawinan diperlukan dispensasi dari Pengadilan atau Pejabat lain yang ditunjuk oleh kedua orangtua pihak pria maupun pihak wanita.Dari aspek hukum pemberian dispensasi memang dapat dibenarkan (apabila belum mencapai umur tersebut, untuk melangsungkan perkawinan diperlukan dispensasi dari Pengadilan atau Pejabat lain yang ditunjuk oleh kedua orangtua pihak pria maupun pihak wanita). Pengajuan permohonan dispensasi perkawinan ke Pengadilan adalah langkah hukum yang dipilih oleh Pemohon untuk melegalkan perkawinan. Akan tetapi “ruang” pemberian dispensasi terhadap berbagai bentuk perkawinan anak sebetulnya juga merupakan salah satu bentuk “pelanggaran” terhadap hak-hak anak, sebagai mana dinayatakan dalam pertimbangan hukum Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 22/PUU-XV/2017.Kata Kunci: Perkawinan, Dispensasi, Dekresi Hukum

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Petrus Soerjowinoto

ABSTRACT: The fact shows that social conflicts remain frequently happening in Indonesia until today. The social conflicts manifest in various forms and happen in different sites and are caused by various reasons.The motto of Bhinneka Tunggal Ikarepresenting Indonesia as a nation having diversity in tribes, religions, races, and groups is indeed to be a significant factor and capital that contributes to the establishment of a unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia. However, the motto, on the other hand, can also be a seed of the emergence of vertical and horizontal conflicts. It could be noted that there were a lot of serious social conflicts that caused casualties in the forms of death, loss of property, social and  environmental damages, human rights violations and so on. As a critical reflection, Indonesian nation is now being faced to challenges that tend to lead to disintegrative and threatening situations that will probably threaten the existence of the nation. Besides, there are a number of sites having potential social conflictsand they spread throughout Indonesia. This needs to be overcome.Keywords: legal protection, victim, social conflict ABSTRAK: Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa: di Indonesia sampai saat ini masih sering terjadi konflik sosial dalam berbagai bentuk di berbagai wilayah dengan berbagai sebab. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika yang merupakan keanekaragaman suku, agama, ras dan golongan merupakan modal dan faktor yang memberikan kontribusi  tegaknya negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia, namun di sisi lain, sekaligus juga bisa menjadi munculnya konflik vertikal maupun horisontal. Telah dicatat banyak sekali konflik  besar yang menimbulkan korban yang berupa:  kematian, kerugian harta benda,  kerusakan sosial, kerusakan lingkungan, pelanggaran HAM berat dan sebagainya. Refleksi kritis bahwa bangsa Indonesia dihadapkan pada tantangan yang cenderung mengantarkan ke situasi yang bersifat disintegratif dan mengancam eksistensi bangsa, serta  terdapat sejumlah  titik rawan konflik sosial di Indonesia yang tersebar  di seluruh Indonesia yang perlu diatasi.Kata Kunci: HAM, Konflik Sosial, Perlindungan Hukum

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
V. Hadiyono

ABSTRACT: The concept of a welfare state is the idea that the state is responsible for its citizens, that is, by means of the welfare of its people through services, assistance, protection and prevention of social problems. Indonesia applies this system by adopting a minimal welfare state model, namely by providing a very small budget for social spending. So that social services are provided only for civil servants, Indonesia Military members and private employees who are able to pay the premium. Constitutional support is mentioned in the Indonesian Constitution of 1945, namely Articles 23, 27, 28C, 31, 33, and 34. This is then followed by laws. Number 40 of 2004 concerning the National Social Security System. However, the concept of welfare state is implemented in a minimal model. This is exacerbated by the corruption problems. Indonesia should not only focus on the health sector in realizing the concept of the welfare state, but the education sector can also be a priority to provide an idealistic human resources to create a clean Indonesia for the achievement of the dream of a welfare state.Keywords: Indonesia, Welfare State, Corruption, Poverty ABSTRAK:  Konsep negara kesejahteraan (welfare state) adalah gagasan bahwa negara bertanggung jawab atas warga negaranya, yaitu dengan jalan sejahterakan rakyatnya melalui pelayanan, bantuan, perlindungan dan pencegahan masalah-masalah sosial. Indonesia adalah salah satu peganut sistem ini dengan mengadopsi welfare state model minimal, yaitu dengan memberikan anggaran begitu kecil dalam pembelanjaan sosial. Sehingga pelayanan sosial diberikan hanya secara minimal serta pada umumnya diberikan kepada pegawai negeri, anggota ABRI dan pegawai swasta yang mampu membayar premi.  Dukungan secara konstitusional termuat dalam UUD’45 yaitu Pasal 23, 27, 28C, 31, 33, dan 34 yang selanjutnya ditindak lanjuti dengan UU. No. 40 Tahun 2004 tentang Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional yang dirasa masih keteteran karena undang-undang yang mestinya mendahuluinya justru terbit belakangan, hal ini justru memperlihatkan ketidak siapan pemerintah untuk menyelenggarakan konsep welfare state sekalipun dengan model minimal. Hal ini diperparah dengan kondisi negara Indonesia yang syarat dengan korupsi yang dapat dibuktikan melalui survay-survay internasional yang menyoroti masalah negara-negara yang dilanda korupsi. Di mana negara Indonesia menduduki rangking 107 negara dari 177 dengan indeks 34 dari 100 (merbupakan angka tertinggi). Seharusnya Indonesia tidak hanya terfokus pada bidang kesehatan saja dalam merealisir konsep welfare state, tetapi bidang pendidikan juga dapat dijadikan prioritas utama karena sebagai penghasil sumber daya manusia yang idealis, bermoral, bermental dan berakhlak untuk menciptakan Indonesia bersih demi tercapainya angan-angan negara kesejahteraan.Kata kunci: Negara Indonesia, Welfare state, Korupsi, kemiskinan.

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