family household
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Марина Васильевна Куцаева

В статье приводятся результаты социолингвистического обследования, проведенного автором в марийской диаспоре московского региона с целью выявления и описания функционирования этнического языка. Один из аспектов исследования посвящен установлению функций, которые закреплены за этническим языком в условиях диаспорного проживания группы. Несмотря на незначительную степень использования марийского в московском регионе (ввиду повсеместной распространенности и доминирования русского языка) и тяготение к его употреблению в семейно-бытовой, дружеской, иногда — профессиональной сферах общения, марийский язык, тем не менее, выполняет в диаспоре ряд важных функций. В ходе обследования автором были определены следующие функции: коммуникативная, фатическая (контактоустанавливающая), функция тайного языка (используемая в общественном пространстве между носителями марийского языка, а также в семейно-бытовой сфере между некоторыми членами семьи), эмоциональная (на каком языке опрошенным доводится думать, видеть сны, ругаться, шутить), а также сакральная (язык обращения к божественным силам, а также язык религии и религиозных отправлений) и символическая (язык как символ групповой идентификации). В результате обследования было установлено распределение функций марийского языка по поколениям; в отношении набора функций языка у респондентов в выборке был выявлен ряд закономерностей, связанных, с одной стороны, со степенью владения ими марийским языком, с другой стороны, с принадлежностью тому или иному поколению диаспоры. Кроме того, были выделены факторы, препятствующие использованию марийского в той или иной функции. The article presents the results of a sociolinguistic survey conducted by the author in the Mari diaspora of the Moscow region aimed at identifying and describing the functioning of the ethnic language. One of the aspects of the study is devoted to the establishment of the functions, assigned to the ethnic language in the conditions of the diaspora residence of an ethnic group. Despite the insignificant degree of the Mari language use in the Moscow region (due to the ubiquity and dominance of the Russian language there) and its use mainly in family, household, friendly, sometimes professional communications, the Mari language, however, performs several important functions in the diaspora. The survey results revealed the following functions: communicative, phatic (contact-establishing), the function of a secret language (used in a public space between Mari speakers or in the home communication between some family members), emotional (which language the respondents are likely to think, dream, swear, joke in), sacred (the language of appeal to the divine powers, the language of religion and religious practices) and symbolic (language used as a symbol of group identification). As a result of the survey, the distribution of functions of the Mari language by generations was established, as well as some patterns, majorly related to the proficiency levels in the Mari language and the respondents’ belonging to the first or the second diaspora generation. Factors preventing the use of Mari in some functions mentioned above have been equally singled out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 411-416
Eva Rahmawati ◽  
Jovita Melvira ◽  
Latifah Khumairah ◽  
Marsya Balkhies Alfaatihah

Marriage is an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife to form a happy and eternal family (household) based on God Almighty. In the Law of the Republic of Indonesia, Number 1 of 1974 Article concerning Marriage, marriage itself has conditions, including that it must be approved by both prospective brides, and prospective brides who have not reached the age of 21 years must obtain permission from both parents. 1 Chapter II Article 7 Paragraph 1 of 1974 has explained that marriage is only permitted if the man reaches the age of 19 years and the woman has reached the age of 16 years. The type of research used is qualitative research with a qualitative descriptive study research design. The informants in this study were teenagers at SMA X South Tangerang. The informants who will be interviewed are 4 informants who are in high school. The results of this study indicate that there are undesirable events such as pregnancy out of wedlock because children have relationships that violate norms, forcing them to have early marriages, to clarify the status of the child they are carrying Economic difficulties are one of the factors causing early marriage, families who experience economic difficulties will tend to marry off their children at a young age to have early marriages. The impact of early marriage for women who are less educated and not ready to carry out their role as mothers will be less able to educate their children so that children will grow up poorly, which will be detrimental to the children's future. Then, under certain conditions, children who marry early tend not to pay attention to their education, especially when they get married immediately they get offspring, they will be busy taking care of their children and their families, so this can prevent them from continuing their studies to a higher level.

Patricia Apps ◽  
Ray Rees

AbstractWe provide a critique of the standard methodology for inequality measurement, which makes welfare comparisons between households by deflating household income and consumption with an equivalence scale. We argue that this leads to support for tax/transfer policies that significantly disadvantage low to middle income households and second earners—predominantly women. Its main limitations are that it takes an overly-simplistic approach to household production, bases its welfare measurements on joint household income, and has no theory of the family household. We point the way to an alternative procedure by presenting a theoretical model of the family household that derives duality-based welfare measures. In the light of current data limitations we propose, as a second best, primary earner income as a superior base to joint income for across-household welfare comparisons in policy formulation. We also emphasise the importance of taking the family life cycle into account when making such comparisons. We use the Australian income tax system and Australian income and tax data for a detailed comparison of the standard approach with our proposed alternative.

Asy-Syari ah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Dudi Badruzaman

Abstract: Marriage is a physical and spiritual bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of forming a happy and eternal family (household). Marriage life which is a goal that is desired by Islam. However, in reality, to realize these ideal goal, some couples have experience difficulties. If the problem cannot be resolved properly, it will lead to disputes and lead to divorce. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors of young marriage and divorce rates and to determine the effect of young marriage on divorce rates at the Antapani Religious Court in Bandung. Sampling in this study used a simple random sampling technique with 30 couples who filed for divorce at the Antapani Religious Court in Bandung. The method used in this study uses a quantitative approach, namely descriptive analysis and simple linear regression analysis. From the results of research that has been carried out that young marriage has a positive and significant effect on the divorce rate at the Antapani Religious Court in Bandung, which means that the younger the age of a person having a marriage, the higher the divorce rate. This will have a negative impact on a person's psychology, neglect of children and so on.Abstrak: Perkawinan adalah ikatan lahir dan batin antara seorang pria dengan seorang wanita sebagai suami istri dengan tujuan membentuk keluarga (rumah tangga) yang bahagia dan kekal. Kehidupan perkawinan merupakan satu tujuan yang sangat diinginkan oleh Islam. Akan tetapi pada realitanya untuk mewujudkan tujuan yang ideal tersebut sebagian pasangan suami istri mengalami kesulitan. Apabila permasalahan itu tidak dapat diselesai­kan dengan baik, maka akan menimbulkan perselisihan dan berujung pada perceraian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui faktor pernikahan usia muda dan tingkat perceraian serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh pernikahan usia muda terhadap tingkat perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Antapani Bandung. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dengan 30 pasangan yang mengajukan gugatan cerai di Pengadilan Agama Antapani Bandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yakni analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi linier sederhana. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan ditemukan bahwa pernikahan usia muda berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap tingkat perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Antapani Bandung. Artinya bahwa semakin muda usia seseorang melakukan pernikahan maka semakin tinggi tingkat perceraian. Hal ini akan berdampak buruk bagi psikologis seseorang, penelantaran anak dan lain sebagainya. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-169
Margareta Sevilla Rosa Angelin ◽  
Farida Danas Putri ◽  
Akbar Prasetyo Sanduan

 Abstract The purpose of the research from this journal is to determine how the position of extramarital child in inheritance law applies in Indonesia. Then afterwards, it will appear how the inheritance law in the Indonesian state regulates the inheritance rights of the out-of-wedlock child. From this research, various problems will also arise that arise as a result of the position of extramarital children who have inheritance rights which must also be recognized, which will then be offered solutions through this journal research based on the laws and regulations that have legally regulated it. The purpose of marriage is to form a happy, eternal and prosperous family. A harmonious family life also arises when a child is blessed. However, some people prefer to have children without a marriage bond. This causes problems in terms of inheritance distribution. In this matter it has been conveyed in accordance with Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage, many have touched on family issues which are closely related to a basis of marriage as Article 1, that: "Marriage is a physical and spiritual bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the goal of forming a happy and eternal family (household) based on the One Godhead. " Then, how is the distribution of inheritance for children out of wedlock? Do extramarital child children have the right to inherit?Keyword: extramarital child; inheritance; inheritance rights AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian dari jurnal ini adalah untuk menentukan bagaimana posisi anak luar kawin dalam huklum waris yang berlaku di Indonesia. Kemudian setelahnya, akan dimunculkan bagaimana hukum waris di negara Indonesia mengatur hak mewaris dari anak luar kawin tersebut. Dari penelitian ini, akan dimunculkan juga berbagai permasalahan yang timbul sebagai akibat dari adanya posisi anak luar kawin yang memiliki hak mewaris yang juga harus diakui, yang kemudian akan ditawarkan solusi melalui penelitian jurnal ini dengan berdasarkan pada peraturan peraturan perundang-undangan yang telah mengaturnya secara sah. Tujuan dari perkawinan yaitu membentuk keluarga yang bahagia, kekal dan sejahtera. Kehidupan berkeluarga yang harmonis juga muncul jika telah dianugerahi seorang anak. Namun, beberapa orang lebih memilih untuk memiliki anak tanpa adanya ikatan pernikahan. Hal tersebut menyebabkan munculnya masalah dalam hal pembagian waris. Dalam permasalahan ini telah disampaikan sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2019 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan banyak disinggung perihal masalah kekeluargaan yang berhubungan erat dengan suatu dasar perkawinan sebagaimana Pasal 1, bahwa : “Perkawinan ialah ikatan lahir batin antara seorang pria dan seorang wanita sebagai suami istri dengan tujuan membentuk keluarga (rumah tangga) yang bahagia dan kekal berdasarkan Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa.” Lalu, bagaimana pembagian waris untuk Anak Luar Kawin? Apakah Anak Luar Kawin memiliki Hak sebagai Pewaris? 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (01) ◽  
pp. 129-142
Shofiyullah Muzzammil ◽  
Mohammad Affan ◽  
Muhammad Alwi HS ◽  
Masturiyah Masturiyah

The phenomenon of polygamy by the kiai of the Pesantren in Madura is rooted in the religious teachings that are intertwined with the legitimacy of the patriarchal socio-cultural structure. The research aims to reveal the motives, construction, and apparent justice in polygamy practices still widely practiced by people in Madura, especially by kiai as central figures in Pesantren. This research includes field research by conducting interviews and observations in two Pesantrens in Madura led by kiai, who practice polygamy. By using the descriptive-analytical method, this article discovers some of the kiai's polygamy motives, among others, as an outlet for the tradition of matchmaking in his family environment, the desire to have many children, especially sons, and to minimize the concentration of conflict between the first and second wives by presenting a next wife. The practice of polygamy by kiai is framed in religious discourse and the socio-cultural structure of the Madurese community through the pesantren habitus, which forms the construction of polygamy as something ordinary, even noble. The polygamy discourse is formed through the standardization of gender roles through the rules of the pesantren and the teaching of the kitab kuning. In preventing the fulfillment of the requirements of justice in polygamy, kiai make a pre-marriage contract with the prospective wife to avoid justice demand. In this construction, women are always conditioned to be accepting and obedient. Thus, religious discourse co-opted injustice with the promise of heaven for every polygamous woman so that the kiai's polygamous family household could survive but in an atmosphere of false justice.

2021 ◽  
Asharaf Abdul Salam

Abstract Background: Public health data for dissemination and discussion in Saudi Arabia are limited but the new initiatives of General Authority of Statistics creates many national surveys. One of the most recent one, the Family/Household Health Survey - 2017 aims to fill the gaps in health information data on many population and health indicators. This research aims at appraising the self-assessed health and to examine age-sex and geographic differentials and the probable interconnections with chronic diseases, injuries and periodic examinations.Data and Methods: The National Family/Household Health Survey conducted in October-December, 2017 covered both Saudi and non-Saudi households from 13 administrative areas through a random sample procedure involving primary sampling units and secondary sampling units. A portion of the published data on self-assessment of health, chronic diseases, injuries, and periodic medical examinations were analyzed.Results: More than half of the persons in the Kingdom, reportedly, are in good health; more so among females than males: their proportions decreased with age up to 40 years and thereafter increased sharply. However, the major regions have lesser proportion of good health people than the others. On the contrary, the prevalence of chronic diseases increases with age, in both general and Saudi population, but with variations across specific diseases – hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases: there are pertinent geographic differentials. On the other hand, there are injuries (from traffic accidents and others) occurred at house, work/school, public place, and other places; pertinent with geographic variations. Moreover, age, sex, and regional differences in periodic health examinations have a contributing effect on health assessments. Moreover, the median age shows a pattern resembling adults assessing good health; chronic diseases after 50s; injuries before 40s; periodic medical examinations in 50s; with females at a lower age, both in general and Saudi population. Discussions and Conclusions: The national health system played an important role not only in health status and health assessments but also in building confidence and trust and thereby enhancing optimism, realism, recognition, self-awareness, and acceptance of physical condition. Thus, age, sex, and regional variations in health assessment are born out of chronic diseases, injuries, and periodic medical examinations and also of expectations and experiences. Generation of such information, effective dissemination, and regular discussions at various levels followed by in-depth analyses raise health and health care.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-111
Paro Mishra ◽  
Ravinder Kaur

This paper maps the impact of gender imbalance on intergenerational relations in north India. It uses the idea of multiple biological clocks to understand the impact that gender imbalance and male marriage squeeze have on two categories of persons: “overage” unmarried sons and their aging parents, and the inter-generational contract between them within the family-household. De-linking the idea of the biological clock from the female body, this paper demonstrates that social understandings of bodily progression are equally significant for men, who, in the Indian context, need to marry by a certain age, and their elderly parents who need to be cared for. In north India, where family-household unit is the most important welfare and security institution for the elderly, disruptions to household formation due to bride shortage caused by sex ratio imbalance, is subjecting families to severe stress. Families with unmarried sons struggle with anxieties centred on the inability to arrange marriages for aging sons, questions of allocation of household labor, the continuation of family line, and lack of care for the elderly. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in north India, this paper explores the tensions and negotiations between elderly parents and unmarried sons concerning the fulfillment (or lack of it) of the intergenerational contract against the backdrop of gender imbalance. It concludes by discussing the various strategies available to families in crisis that involve shame-faced adoption of domestic and care tasks by unmarried sons or bringing cross-region brides who then provide productive, reproductive, and care labour.

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