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Published By IAIN Jember

2684-8368, 1410-7406

Al'Adalah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-127
Syazna maulida Hasi

Abd al-Karim ibn Ibrahim ibn Abd al-Karim bin Khalifah bin Ahmad bin Mahmud al-Jilli (1365–1428 M) terkenal dengan teori sufistiknya tentang insan kamil (manusia sempurna). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan secara terperinci pemikiran tasawuf falsafi al-Jilli mengenai konsep insan kamil. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian library research (studi kepustakaan). Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa menurut pemikiran tasawuf-falsafi ‘Abdul Karim al-Jilli, manusia dapat berpotensi menjadi insan kamil dengan cara memaksimalkan potensi ruhhiyah atau spiritualnya. Abd al-Karim ibn Ibrahim ibn Abd al-Karim bin Khalifah bin Ahmad bin Mahmud al-Jilli (1365 – 1428 AD) is famous for his Sufistic theory of insan kamil (perfect man). This study aims to describe in detail about Al-Jilli's philosophical Sufism and how his famous thoughts regarding the concept of insan kamil. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with the type of research library research (library study). The results of this study explain that regarding the Sufism-philosophy concept of 'Abdul Karim al-Jilli, humans could be the perfect man (Insan Kamil) by maximizing their potential spirituality.

Al'Adalah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-92
Ahmad Badrus Sholihin

Sebuah karya sastra tidak bisa lepas dari kondisi masyarakat dan situasi budaya tempat karya itu dihasilkan. Dalam hubungan sebab akibat, diasumsikan bahwa pengaruh sosial adalah sebab-sebab yang menghasilkan suatu karya sastra sebagai akibatnya. Dalam fungsi ini, sebuah karya sastra dapat berperan sebagai cerminan situasi masyarakatnya. Refleksi ini bukan sekedar reproduksi realitas sosial menurut berbagai kesan yang masuk dari luar ke dalam persepsi. Refleksi itu sendiri berisi tanggapan dan reaksi aktif terhadap tayangan tersebut. Dengan menganalisis Syair Nabi Yusuf Madura, tulisan ini mencoba mengeksplorasi transformasi nilai-nilai Islam dalam masyarakat Madura dan/atau pengguna bahasa Madura. Dengan menggunakan teori sastra Islam Najib Kailani, penulis akan mengungkapkan tiga poin utama dari Syair Nabi Yusuf Madura. Pertama, konsep muslim ideal menurut masyarakat Madura dalam simbolisme protagonis (al-bathal). Kedua, komitmen (al-iltizam) masyarakat Madura dalam menginternalisasi nilai-nilai Islam. Ketiga, keterikatan (al-irtibath) masyarakat Madura terhadap nilai-nilai Islam.   A literary work cannot avoid the condition of the society and the cultural situation in which it is produced. In a causal relationship it is assumed that social influences are the causes that produce a literary work as a result. In this function, a literary work can act as a reflection from the situation of its society. This reflection is not just a reproduction of a social reality according to various impressions that enter from the outside into the perception. Reflection itself contains active responses and reactions to these impressions. By analyzing the Madurese Syair Nabi Yusuf, this paper tries to explore the transformation of Islamic values in Madurese society and/or Madurese language users. By using the Islamic literary theory of Najib Kailani, the writer will reveal three main points from the Madurese Syair Nabi Yusuf. First, the concept of the ideal Muslim according to the Madurese community in the symbolism of the protagonist (al-bathal). Second, the commitment (al-iltizam) of the Madurese community in internalizing Islamic values. Third, the attachment (al-irtibath) of the Madurese community to Islamic values.

Al'Adalah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-74
Matrapi Matrapi

Pendidikan Islam dewasa ini telah banyak ternodai oleh ulah dan tingkah laku murid yang melakukan asusila dan pelanggaran norma-norma agama lainnya. Oleh karena itu, saat ini perlu adanya kebijakan sekolah untuk menghidupkan suasana keberagamaan di lingkungan sekolah dalam rangka menumbuhkan perilaku murid yang sesuai dengan pendidikan Pancasila dan syariat Islam. Sebagai pemimpin sekolah, peranan kepala madrasah sangat menentukan apabila dikaitkan dengan berbagai persoalan di atas. Sebagai seorang pendidik, dia juga harus mampu menanamkan, mengembangkan, dan meningkatkan nilai-nilai religius. Untuk itu, perlu kebijakan yang dapat mendukung terciptanya suasana yang keberagamaan dan kenyamanan dalam proses belajar-mengajar, yakni setiap guru dan murid harus selalu berperilaku terpuji atau akhlaq al-karimah. Islamic education today has been tarnished by many students who commit immorality and violate other religious norms. Thus, currently, madrasah principals really need to make policies to revive the religious atmosphere within the madrasah in order to foster student behaviour in accordance with Pancasila education and Islamic law. Considering that the principal is also an educator, the role of the principal is very heavy and noble when linked to the various sources above. As an educator, he must be able to instil, promote and enhance various religious values. To support the creation of a religious atmosphere and comfort in the teaching and learning process, every teacher and student must always behave well and show noble character (akhlaq al-karimah).

Al'Adalah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-62
Fiena Saadatul Ummah

Dalam pendekatan antropologi, Islam bukan hanya dipandang sebagai suatu ideologi politik, praktik sosial, dan ekonomi, tetapi juga sebagai sistem budaya yang diinterpretasi dan dipahami, untuk kemudian diyakini dan dipraktikkan dalam bentuk tindakan keagamaan oleh para pemeluknya. Etnisitas merupakan identitas dari suatu suku bangsa, di mana sesuatu yang membedakan antara satu suku dengan suku yang lainnya yang ditandai dengan atribut-atribut dari kebudayaan dan mempunyai pengertian dari berbagai perspektif. Banyaknya etnis di Indonesia di satu sisi menjadi kekayaan budaya masyarakat, tetapi di sisi lain menyimpan potensi timbulnya konflik. Salah satu contoh konflik etnis di Indonesia yaitu konflik etnis di Kalimantan antara suku Dayak dan suku Madura. Dalam konteks ini, Islam sebenarnya sudah mengantisipasi konflik etnis tersebut dengan memberikan berbagai solusi. Salah satunya melalui firman Allah Swt. dalam QS. al-Hujurat [49]: 13 yang memberi gambaran bahwa perbedaan bukanlah penyebab perpecahan, justru perbedaan itulah yang mendorong manusia untuk saling bersatu. In an anthropological approach, Islam is not only seen as a political ideology, social and economic practice but also a cultural system that is interpreted and understood, to be believed and carried out in the form of religious acts by the perpetrators. Ethnicity is the identity of an ethnic group, where something distinguishes one tribe from another, which is marked by the attributes of culture and has meanings from various perspectives. In Indonesia, there are also various ethnic groups, which have the potential for conflict. One example of ethnic conflict in Indonesia is the ethnic conflict in Kalimantan between the Dayak and Madurese tribes. Therefore, Islam responds to these ethnic conflicts by providing various solutions in Surah al-Hujurat [49]: 13 which illustrates to all of us that differences are not the cause of division, they are precisely the differences that encourage people to unite with each other.

Al'Adalah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-116
Shoni Rahmatullah Amrozi

In essence, the education process is the process of actualizing human potential. The process of developing the self potential system has been offered perfectly in the Islamic teaching system, this is the reason why humans can carry out the tasks that have been charged by Allah. The actualization of human potential could be directed through the concept of developing "emotional intelligence" based on Daniel Goleman's thinking is a system of developing and managing emotional intelligence that will be a project in the context of reforming ofIslamic education in Indonesia.

Al'Adalah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-194
Ainul Churria Almalachim ◽  
Asep Maulana


Al'Adalah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-135
Muh Khoirul Rifa’i

In the learning process, passion and interest are one of the most important dynamic aspects. With the enthusiasm and interest in students, learning results will be maximized. Thus, the teacher must know the form of enthusiasm and interest that how should be used to foster student enthusiasm for learning. Given that by providing enthusiasm and interest, students can develop activities and initiatives and can maintain perseverance in conducting learning activities and so students do not feel bored with the subject of Fiqh. These conditions will affect students' understanding of the subject of jurisprudence. If students truly understand and practice what is contained in it that is fiqh, then students will be able to carry out religious commands properly according to the commands of Allah SWT. Departing from the facts and descriptions above, the researchers are interested in studying and conducting research on "Madrasah Teacher's SWOT In Fostering the Spirit of Learning Jurisprudence in Millennial Generation in Tulungagung". In teaching and learning activities, as a teacher of Islamic education, he must be able to optimize his role when in class. One of them is as a motivator, meaning that teachers should be able to provide encouragement to students to be passionate and active in learning. In an effort to provide motivation, the teacher must be able to analyze the motives behind the students who are always lazy to learn and decline in school performance. Motivation can be effective if it is done by paying attention to students' needs. Diversification of ways of learning provides reinforcement and so on, can also provide motivation for students to be more passionate in learning. Besides the lesson material delivered without regard to the use of the method will also make it difficult for teachers to achieve learning objectives.

Al'Adalah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-79
Fauzan Fauzan

The term of leadership is one of topic which is always interesting to be discussed and studied, because it is always observed and the phenomenon is less understanding. Leadership phenomenon in Indonesia has given a huge influence on politic and nation. The progress and the decrease of organization depends on leadership style, thus in institution such as educational institution and Islamic boarding school. If the educational institution has good leadership style, so it will get fast progress.

Al'Adalah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Muhamad Farhan

is one of the countries that embraces the system of democratic government. In a democratic state the people have sovereignty, this is done to ascertain who deserves to be a leader. The Party is an organization that represents the people and means of public participation to participate. Electoral parties compete for leadership seats (power) by strategizing to win them. Elections (elections) is the process of electing people to fill positions within government. The positions are diverse, ranging from the President, People's Representatives at various levels of government, to the Village Head. Elections as a means to participate in the people persuasively (not forced) to the government, so as to realize the principles of democracy in the implementation. Election is a means for political parties to place their cadres in strategic positions in government either executive (President, Governor, Regent, Mayor, etc.) or legislative (Regency, Provincial and Central DPRD) to seize power, not to mention Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) Jember district in the face of elections East Java area. various pilitical communication strategies are used to hook as many constituens for the achievment of goals. The formulation of the problem in this Thesis is: How is the communication strategy of the Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) of Jember Regency ahead of the election of General Head of Region (Pemilukada) of East Java 2018. The purpose of this research is to describe the communication strategy used by the Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) of Jember Regency ahead of the elections of Regional Head (Pemilukada) of East Java 2018 to get the constituents from Jember society which is quite diverse. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. With data collection method of observation and documentation. The research concludes that the Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) of Jember Regency divides its political communication strategy according to age ie political communication among young people and political communication among parents. Political communication among youth is done through the program of open together, coffee with PKB Jember, and halal bihalal. Whereas political communication among parents is implemented through the program of maintaining and maintaining the intensity of communication with leaders of both structural figures such as senior officials of an institution or mass organization or culture such as public figure.

Al'Adalah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-157
Muhammad Ardiansyah

Berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi pesantren, khususnya terkait dengan pengembangan kajian keilmuan dalam rangka menjawab persoalan-persoalan kontemporer umat Islam di Indonesia. Isu HAM, Gender, dan dan nasionalisme, misalnya, menjadi tantang besar bagi kalangan pesantren untuk menjawab dan emmcahkan problem kebangsaan tersebut. Namun, jika pesantren hanya mengandalkan literatur kitab klasik apalagi dengan metodologi pengkajian yang bersifat tradisional sebagaimana yang selama ini dikembangkan, maka persoalan-persoalan di atas tidak terjawab dengan baik. Kajian keilmuan di pesantren harus lebih memberikan porsi besar bagi pengembangan kajian keislaman dengan corak burhani. Demokrasi hanya bisa tegak dengan berlakunya supremasi hukum. Hukum memiliki logika dan rasionalitas-nya, yang itu bisa dikembangkan dengan mengkaji lebih banyak ushul fiqh dan manthiq. Dengan mensinergiskan tiga nalar, bayani, burhani, dan irfani, pesantren akan mampu menghadapi tuntutan zaman. Untuk itu, pesantren perlu merumuskan kurikulum kajian keislaman secara lebih serius dan sistematis dengan memepertimbangkan porsi masing-masing nalar tersebut. The various challenges faced by pesantren, especially those related to the development of scientific studies in the context of answering contemporary problems of Muslims in Indonesia. The issues of human rights (HAM), gender, and nationalism, for example, are a big challenge for pesantren to answer and solve this national problem. However, if the pesantren only relies on classical literature, let alone the traditional methodology of study as it has been developed, then the above problems will not be answered properly. Scientific studies in Islamic boarding schools should provide a greater portion for the development of Islamic studies with a burhani style. Democracy can only be upheld by the enactment of the rule of law. Law has its logic and rationality, which can be developed by studying more ushul fiqh and manthiq. By synergizing the three reasons, bayani, burhani, and irfani, pesantren will be able to face the demands of the times. For this reason, Islamic boarding schools need to formulate a more serious and systematic curriculum for Islamic studies by considering the respective portions of reasoning.

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