International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism (IJIERM)
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Published By Jurnal Edu Riligia, Pascasarjana UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

2722-7049, 2656-3630

Aini Safitri

Abstract: This study discusses the comparison of student achievement from Elementary Schools and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in learning Islamic education at State Junior High School 4 Rantau, Aceh Tamiang district. The research conducted by the author uses a qualitative approach that is a field study of Islamic religious education learning and analyzes student achievement from two different backgrounds. The use of the method in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection is done by observation, interviews, documentation (notes or archives). Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, data verification and critical analysis. The results showed that students from both different backgrounds obtained good learning scores, good skills, and were able to apply good attitude values ​​and uphold ethics in learning.

Muhammad Ilham ◽  

Abstract: This article focused on good governance in the perspective of Malay customs and the Koran. This article aimed to understand; the concept of good governance according to Malay customs and the Qur'an. Utilizing library sources (Library Research) to obtain data from reading materials that are accurate and relevant to the research discussion, and identify the data according to the steps, then proceed with analyzing the data using the Tafsir al-Adabiy al-Ijtima'i (socio-cultural) Thematic Tafsir methodology. This study concluded that good governance according to Malay customs contains the principles of good governance according to cos and the construction of good governance is manifested in seloko, and good governance does not conflict with the spirit of the Qur'an and al-Hadith. The principle of good governance in Jambi Malay customs is identical to the principle of governance in the Qur'an.


Abstract: This study talks about the understanding of the hadith about the sutras. I think this theme is important to discuss. To obtain a comprehensive meaning and understanding of the substance of the meaning of a hadith, in this study the author does this by considering several aspects in understanding the hadith of the Prophet SAW. such as asbabul wurud, observing variants of hadith texts, collecting meaningful traditions and looking for meanings that are relevant to the current context. In the hadith about the sutras narrated by Abu Dharr r.a, there is an order from the Prophet SAW. to make a sutrah / barrier that aims to maintain solemnity in performing prayers. If someone who prays does not make a sutrah in front of him, then his prayer will be invalid if passed by donkeys, women and black dogs. However, in the hadith narrated by Aisyah r.a, she said that she was lying in front of the Prophet SAW who was praying. Hadith regarding this sutra has a very varied meaning. According to the opinion of the majority of scholars, the hadith narrated by Abu Dharr r.a and Aisyah r.a do not contradict each other, in the hadith of A'Isyah r.a it is said that Aisyah r.a just lay in front of the Prophet SAW. who are praying, not passing.

Ahmad Munirul Hakim, Adkha Bukhori

Abstract: Conflicts between religions that lead to violence. The clashes between religious communities in Indonesia cannot go away and happen continuously. Family indifference is also a problem for building religious tolerance. This study aims to describe family education as a major force in overcoming the threat of intolerance and its implications. This research uses qualitative research methods. Data collection was carried out through interviews, documentation, literature study and online. For in-depth interviews, the informants consisted of seven people, namely academics, community organization leaders, Islamic studies researchers, and students. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that educational activities initiated by parents in the family need to be continuously encouraged to develop the importance of the spirit of unity. Parents can provide education about noble and positive values in social life. The danger of intolerance that increasingly threatens the integration of the nation, thus family education becomes a capital of strength in countering these worries. Overall family education has an important value in teaching children to have open insights in the midst of multicultural differences in society, religion and nationality.   Abstrak: Konflik antar agama yang berujung pada kekerasan. Benturan antar umat beragama di Indonesia tersebut tidak bisa hilang dan terjadi terus menerus. Sikap acuh tak acuh keluarga juga menjadi masalah untuk membangun sikap toleransi agama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pendidikan keluarga sebagai kekuatan besar dalam mengatasi ancaman bahaya intoleransi beserta implikasinya. Penelitian menggunakan metode  pustaka dan daring. Untuk wawancara mendalam, informan terdiri dari tujuh orang, yaitu akademisi, tokoh organisasi masyarakat, peneliti studi Islam, dan mahasiswa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, kegiatan edukatif yang diprakarsai oleh orang tua di dalam keluarga perlu terus-menerus digalakkan untuk mnegmbangkan pentingnya spirit persatuan. Orangtua dapat memberikan pendidikan tentang nilai-nilai luhur dan positif dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Bahaya Intoleransi yang semakin mengancam integrasi bangsa, maka pendidikan keluarga menjadi modal kekuatan dalam menangkal kekhawatiran tersebut. Secara keseluruhan pendidikan keluarga memiliki nilai penting untuk mengajarkan anak agar mempunyai wawasan yang terbuka di tengah perbedaan multikultural bermasyarakat, beragama dan berbangsa. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Keluarga, Toleransi Beragama, Intoleransi.

Alfin Siregar

Abstract: this paper aims to describe Islamic counseling from a philosophical perspective. However, Islamic counseling cannot be separated from the philosophical foundation as a foundation in analyzing the ontology, epistemology and axiology of Islamic counseling. This paper uses a library research approach, where data is obtained and collected from literature studies. Analysis of the data in this paper requires the author's important role in interpreting the data. In the end, the material object of Islamic Counseling philosophy is the same as the object of philosophy in general, namely everything that exists. Islamic counseling study methods can be done by; Normative, Historical, Linguistic, Contextual, Traditional, Critical, Hermeneutic Approaches.    

Muhammad Rafi'i, A Yuli Tauvani, Fahmi Rohim, Mohd Haramen

Abstract: This article started from the dynamics of Islam Nusantara that always experience interpretation and contextualization. Various views enrich the idea Islam Nusantara; however various offers to reexamine the idea on Islam Nusantara are inevitable. Taking in-depth interview, this article attempts to explain Kh. Lohot Hasibuan’s views that related to the Islam Nusantara: cultural conservation and it can be also strengthen the nation. In addition, to support this article the data also taking from the document written by Kh. Lohot Hasibuan. To sum up, Islam Nusantara was initiated by Nahdatul Ulama at the congress of 2015 got some polemics, nevertheless various offers contained in the idea of Islam Nusatara, such as accommodating culture, costumes in diversity, he gave the example of Islam occurred in Jambi has same Islamic expression as in Java.    

Saidina Usman, Nori Nopita Sari, Teguh Adimarta

Abstract One theory of the arrival of Islam to the archipelago states that the arrival of Islam was brought by merchants. There are those who say that the merchants came from Gujarat and some who got direct opinions from Arabia. Not a few also disagree that Islam was brought to the archipelago by traders, but rather by religious scholars from Arabia. This paper is not to discuss the pros and cons of this theory, but focuses on the relationship between trade activities and Islamization in the Jambi remoted area. By using historical research methods covering heuristics, internal and external criticism, interpretation and historiography, this article argues that the process of Islamization in Jambi is similar to the processes and flows of Islamization that occurred in other regions in Sumatra.

Ach Fikri Fausi

Abstract: The internalization of multicultural values ​​is carried out as an effort to introduce the diversity of Indonesian society. This means that the internalization of multicultural values ​​wants to provide planting for students to respect and have good humanistic qualities among their peers. Internalization of values ​​is a way to introduce diversity and differences to students without questioning the differences that each student has. From the results of observations at SD-Islamic Global School Malang City, educators has properly applied multicultural internalization to students through religious culture. This discovery aims to obtain concrete, definite and accountable clarity regarding the internalization of multicultural values ​​to students through religious culture in SD-Islamic Global School Malang City. This study aims to: 1) Understand the religious culture model in SD-Islamic Global School Malang City, 2) identify multicultural values ​​internalized through religious culture in SD Islamic Global School Malang City, and 3) describe the process of internalizing multicultural values through religious culture in SD Islamic Global School Malang City. To achieve this goal, this study used a qualitative research approach by selecting the background of SD Islamic Global School Malang, then the researcher used a case study research type. The results showed that: 1) Religious culture model in SD-Islamic Global School Malang City is divided into two types, namely: a) the value of devotion to God, and b) human values. 2) There are two types of multicultural values ​​internalized through religious culture in SD-Islamic Global School Malang, namely: a) democratic values. b) The value of tolerance, 3) The process of internalizing the multicultural values ​​of students through religious culture at SD-Islamic Global School Malang: a) role models, teachers b) habits, and c) through Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

Kusnan Kusnan

Abstract: Pluralism in religious studies is often placed in context and theological significance. As a result of this understanding, the understanding of the theological concepts in all religions led to the prohibition by MUI. While in some circles it provides an understanding of pluralism, in a religious context, from the point of view of its social function, which is a system of life that binds people in units or social groups. Pluralism is not an understanding that says all religions are the same. Pluralism must be separated from relativism and syncretism. In order to lead to a practical order in pluralist social fiqh, courage is required in deconstructing fiqh openly. In the fiqh of pluralism the construction that must be built is to understand plurality as a fact of sausageal where, each individual and group to know and understand each other. So it is necessary to restore universal values such as common benefit, egaliterianism, rationalism, pluralism as the principles of paradigmatic fiqh so as not to get caught up in the wedges of litreralism, fundamentalism, authoritarianism and conservatism

Achmad Anwar Abidin ◽  
Muhammad Ali Murtadlo

Abstract: the discussion in this article refers to the development of a multicultural-based Islamic religious education curriculum as an effort to develop the values of religious moderation in Indonesia that have been implemented. The research method in this article is an observative research on educational institutions in Indonesia from the policy side of government and related educational institutions. The conclusion is as follows: 1). Multicultural-based Islamic religious education learning Model. In developing a multicultural learning model that must be blessed is a truly multicultural-laden learning activity. Learning activities are designed to provide a learning experience involving mental and physical processes through interaction between learners, learners with teachers, the environment, and other learning resources in order to achieve basic competencies. 2). Learning Media of Islamic religious education. Media can also be called tools while commonly used at this time is an audio visual aids, which means audiovisual aids are materials or tools used in the situation to help the writings and words spoken in the transmission of knowledge, attitudes, and ideas in the development of Islamic education be bases multicultural. 3). Sources of educational learning Islamic religion-based multicultural sources of Islamic values as a cornerstone of Islamic education The Foundation consists of the Qur'an and Sunnah Prophet Muhammad SAW that was developed with Ijtihad, Al Maslahah al murincorrectly, Istihsan, Qiyas and so on and from the source of learning it in the Islamic Religious education based multicultural developed with regard to the values of Islam Rahmatan li Al-"alamin that put forward the principles of Islamic Humanist , tolerant, democratic, and accommodating local cultures.  

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