Jurnal Filsafat
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Published By Universitas Gadjah Mada

2528-6811, 0853-1870

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Abdul Rokhmat Sairah

Perkembangan ilmu merupakan sebuah keniscayaan yang ditandai melalui proses kelahiran disiplin ilmiah. Salah satu model kelahiran disiplin ilmiah adalah kemunculan psikologi yang ditandai oleh pendirian laboratorium oleh Wilhelm Wundt di Universitas Leipzig. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap prinsip-prinsip dalam kemunculan psikologi sebagai disiplin ilmiah. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan dengan menggunakan metode analisis kefilsafatan terhadap sejarah psikologi dan pemikiran Wilhelm Wundt tentang psikologi, serta teori-teori perkembangan ilmu dalam filsafat ilmu. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kemunculan psikologi sebagai disiplin ilmiah ditandai oleh beberapa prinsip yaitu: kebaruan, spesialisasi, kekhasan, heuristik, dan revolusioner.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 220
Johanis Putratama Kamuri

The aim of this paper is to complete the concept of structure, in structuration theory, with the concept of worldview. Giddens' structuration theory emphasizes structure as a result as well as a medium for the regularization of social practice. It emphasizes structure in cognition but ignores the structure of society. As a result, the theory does not explain how social practices that produce virtual structures can exist and be practiced continuously in society, before virtual structures are formed in agents’ cognition? Therefore, the concept of structure needs to be complemented with the concept of worldview, which emphasizes the existence of a social structure that reveals itself through cultural components. Systematic reviews, on MacIntyre's thoughts and various thoughts related to the worldview, show that cultural components produce the regularization of social practice. The result is the formation of the worlview as the medium for social practice. It means that the worldview concept emphasizes the correspondence of the society's objective structure and the cognitive structures. This concept can show the existence of the structure of society and the influence of cultural components in it on the regularization of social practice and the formation of the worldview. Worldview concept answers the research problem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 290
Sri Yulita Pramulia Panani

Unskilled female labourer (buruh gendong) is a manifestation of Javanese female workers disrupting the inferiority boundary. They lift heavy goods in the market to help in providing livelihood for their family. This research aimed to analyze how the unskilled female labourers defend their existence as Javanese women who are able to fullfil double burden as the way to provide financial help to their family. This research also analyzed how they view of the women's double roles. This research was a field study using qualitative data collected from detailed interviews, observations, and documentations. Analyzes were done using philosophical approaches, i.e. induction, deduction, comparation, description, and reflection. The results showed that Javanese women were not only refined in character and submissive, but also tough, strong, and decisive in making choice. They viewed the women's double burden as part of their lives which should be ventured with willingess and sincerity. They tackled the conflict arising from the double burden by efficiency in time management and load-sharing in domestic chores. Gender deconstruction was shown as women who also can contribute economically by capitalizing their abilities. Women and men are all in the same level and have the same chances in working side by side with other men. From this research, a new knowledge has been revealed that women's double burden was not always restricting women to contribute to their family. It was depicted by this case in female unskilled labourers in helping their family willingly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 271
Otto Gusti Ndegong Madung

This article tackles the problem of religious radicalism. Religious radicalism is here interpreted as a protest against the pathology of secularism characterized by the privatization of religion. The privatization of religion is a process in which religion is regarded as an irrational and personal element, so that it cannot play a public role. In order to meet the pathology of privatization, this article offers the paradigm of post-secularism as proposed by Juergen Habermas that opens up the possibility for religion to actively participate in the public sphere. Furthermore, this writing argues that in post-secular society characterized by the public role of religion, it is essential to build a democratic and rational dialogue between religion and philosophy, faith and reason. A bridge that connects both is public reason. This article also shows that the post-secular condition opens up opportunities for theology to promote tolerance in a pluralistic society and to strengthen the public engagement of religion. This can avoid reducing religion to private piety without public responsibility while promoting the public engagement in religion in order to liberate the marginalized and oppressed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 244
John Abraham Ziswan Suryosumunar ◽  
Arqom Kuswanjono

Knowledge and science are central issues in epistemological debates. The paradigm of knowledge will imply on the methods and means that are used to achieve truth. The social contexts which influence the tradition of thought have also a strong impact on the construction of scientific paradigms. Different social contexts is the reason why the western and eastern scientific paradigms are considered to have different characteristics. In the tradition of eastern thought there are various opinions on scientific paradigm. One of which is from the perspective of Suhrawardi Al-Maqtul. By using the hermeneutic method, the author attempts to answer the question how is the concept of science and its characteristics from the perspective of Suhrawardi and what are the methods and the orientation of science that used by the perspective of Mazhab Al-Isyraqiyyah that Suhrawardi Al-Maqtul created.  The paper proposes that the concept of science in Suhrawardi’s thought resulted from syncretism of various previous eastern thoughts. Suhrawardi understood the plurality of methods that can be used, namely the burhani method with ratio and evidence, as well as the irfani method that comes from intuition. The method must be suitable for the objects of study, which is Suhrawardi’s, encompasses not only aspects of the physical world but also the non-physical supra-worldly. The orientation of this thought is not only to achieve the validity of knowledge but to achieve the perfection of knowledge or the transformation from the dark to the light of knowledge.     

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Althien John Pesurnay

This article addresses the sensitive topic of human rights issues in Indonesia through a Kantian analysis. Cases of human rights violations are a common occurrence in Indonesia. Presently, human rights violations in the country are assessed from historical and legal perspectives. However, there is little commitment or willingness on the part of the Indonesian government to protect and defend the principles of human rights. This article is attempts to utilize arguments from political philosophy that can contextualize the protection and implementation of human rights in Indonesia, through an analysis of  the concept of social contract in Immanuel Kant’s political philosophy. According to Kant, freedom and equality are natural rights. This article demonstrates that Kant's social contract theory is linear with his formal moral philosophy. In his explanation, ‘contract’ is unified will. Therefore, the Indonesian state with its power is responsible to implement the will of the public to ensure order and rule of law and to protect the rights and freedom of each individual.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
Redaksi Jurnal Filsafat

Pembaca Yang Budiman,Di tengah situasi yang belum normal seperti sediakala sebelum pandemi Covid-19, redaksi Jurnal Filsafat tetap berupaya untuk tetap menjaga kontinuitas penerbitan jurnal yang telah memperoleh kembali akreditasi nasional peringkat Sinta 2 ini untuk terbit dua kali dalam 1 tahun, Pada edisi volume 31 nomor 2 Agustus 2021, Jurnal Filsafat menyajikan enam artikel, dengan jumlah penulis 12 orang.Penulis pertama, Abdul Rokhmat Sairah, menyajikan artikel berjudul “Prinsip-Prinsip Kemunculan Disiplin Ilmiah Dalam Pemikiran Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) Tentang Psikologi”. Menurut Sairah, perkembangan ilmu merupakan sebuah keniscayaan. Perkembangan itu ditandai melalui proses kelahiran disiplin ilmiah. Banyak klaim menyertai proses kelahiran tersebut. Para ilmuwan atau komunitas ilmiah saling mengajukan klaim sebagai pihak otoritas bagi sebuah disiplin ilmiah. Berbagai klaim dalam kemunculan disiplin ilmiah membutuhkan prinsip sebagai kriteria keilmiahan. Prinsip-prinsip tersebut menjadi acuan dalam penentuan keabsahan sebuah disiplin ilmiah dan panduan pengembangan disiplin keilmuan. Salah satu model kelahiran disiplin ilmiah adalah kemunculan psikologi yang ditandai oleh pendirian laboratorium oleh Wilhelm Wundt di Universitas Leipzig. Hasil penelitian Sairah menunjukkan bahwa kemunculan psikologi sebagai disiplin ilmiah ditandai oleh beberapa prinsip yaitu: kebaruan, spesialisasi, kekhasan, heuristik, dan revolusioner.Artikel kedua, berjudul “Kontrak Sosial Menurut Immanuel Kant: Kontekstualisasinya dengan Penegakan HAM di Indonesia Kasus pelanggaran HAM masih sering terjadi di Indonesia” ditulis oleh Althien J Pesurnay. Dalam artikel ini Pesurnay menganalisis konsep kontrak sosial dari perspektif filsafat politik Immanuel Kant. Kebebasan dan kesetaraan yang merupakan prinsip dasar HAM dalam pemikiran Immanuel Kant merupakan hak alamiah yang perlu dilindungi dengan perangkat prosedur filsafat moral. Konsep kontrak sosial Kant linier dengan filsafat moralnya yang bersifat murni rasional. Kontrak bagi Kant merupakan penyatuan kehendak. Negara melalui pemerintah bertugas menjalankan kehendak publik untuk mengatur dan memberi kepastian hukum untuk menjamin kebebasan dan kesetaraan bagi setiap individu dalam kerangka HAM.Penulis selanjutnya, Johanis Putratama Kamuri, memaparkan artikel bertajuk “Konsep Worldview: Usaha Melengkapi Konsep Struktur Dalam Teori Strukturasi Giddens”. Kamuri menyatakan bahwa terbentuknya worlview sebagai medium bagi tindakan sosial, mengandung makna berarti bahwa konsep worldview menekankan korespondensi struktur objektif masyarakat dan stuktur kognitif. Dengan demikian konsep ini, bagi penulis artikel ini, dapat menunjukkan eksistensi struktur masyarakat dan pengaruh komponen-komponen kultural di dalamnya terhadap regularisasi praktik sosial dan pembentukan worlview. Ini adalah jawaban bagi pertanyaan yang tidak dapat diatasi oleh teori strukturasi Giddens.John Abraham Ziswan Suryosumunar dan Arqom Kuswanjono menulis artikel keempat berjudul “Kesempurnaan Sebagai Orientasi Keilmuan Dalam Teosofi Suhrawardi Al-Maqtul”. Kedua penulis artikel menyimpulkan bahwa konsep ilmu dalam pemikiran Suhrawardi al-Maqtul adalah hasil sinkretisme dari beragam pemikiran Timur sebelumnya. Suhrawardi memahami adanya pluralitas metode yang dapat digunakan, yaitu: metode burhani dengan rasio dan pembuktian, serta metode irfani yang bersumber dari intuisi. Metode harus selaras dengan objek kajiannya, yang dalam pemikiran Suhrawardi, tidak hanya melingkupi aspek dunia fisik tetapi juga yang non fisik supra-duniawi. Orientasi dari hal tersebut bukan hanya untuk mencapai validitas pengetahuan, tetapi untuk mencapai kesempurnaan ilmu atau perpindahan dari gelap menuju cahaya ilmu.Artikel kelima berjudul “Post-Secularism As A Basis Of Dialogue Between Philosophy And Religion” ditulis oleh Otto Gusti Ndegong Madung. Melalui tulisan ini, Madung menawarkan paradigma post-sekularisme dari Juergen Habermas solusi untuk membuka ruang bagi partisipasi publik agama. Lebih jauh, tulisan ini berargumentasi bahwa dalam masyarakat post-sekular di mana agama kembali muncul di ruang publik, perlu dibangun dialog yang rasional dan demokratis antara agama dan akal budi. Jembatan yang menghubungkan keduanya adalah nalar publik. Kondisi post-sekularisme ini membuka peluang bagi teologi untuk memajukan toleransi dalam masyarakat plural dan memperkuat keterlibatan agama atau Gereja di ruang publik, sehingga agama tidak direduksi kepada kesalehan privat minus pertanggungjawaban publik, melainkan terlibat secara sosial-politis dalam proses pembebasan kelompok marginal.Artikel keenam dari edisi ini, berjudul “Pandangan Buruh Gendong Di Yogyakarta Terhadap Peran Ganda Perempuan”, ditulis oleh Sri Yulita Pramulia Panani, Aris Novita Rahayu, Wahyu Alga Ramadhan, Fitri Alfariz, dan Sartini. Dalam artikel ini terungkap bahwa buruh gendong memandang perempuan Jawa sebagai individu yang tidak hanya bersifat halus dan penurut tetapi juga tangguh, kuat, dan berani dalam mengambil sebuah tindakan. Buruh gendong memandang peran ganda yang dijalani sebagai bagian hidup perempuan yang harus dijalani dengan kerelaan dan ikhlas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Konflik peran ganda dapat diatasi dengan sikap pandai mengatur waktu dan berbagi peran dalam pekerjaan rumah tangga. Dekonstruksi gender diperlihatkan buruh gendong pada pandangan bahwa perempuan juga dapat mencari uang dengan apa yang mereka miliki dan mampu kerjakan. Baik perempuan dan laki-laki memiliki kesempatan untuk bekerja sama dengan siapa pun. Melalui hasil penelitian ini didapatkan pengetahuan baru bahwa peran ganda tidak selalu menjadi sesuatu yang memberatkan tetapi bagian dari kerelaan perempuan dalam membantu kebutuhan keluarga terutama pada kasus buruh gendong.Mengakhiri kata pengantar ini, atas nama redaksi Jurnal Filsafat, saya mengaturkan terima kasih kepada para penulis, reviewer, editor dan staf redaksi yang telah berkontribusi dalam edisi ini. Kepada para pembaca, saya menyampaikan selamat membaca dan menikmati setiap artikel pada edisi ini!.Yogyakarta, 21 Agustus 2021Salam Hormat,Editor in Chief,                                                                                                Syarif Hidayatullah

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
Redaksi Jurnal Filsafat

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Armaidy Armawi ◽  
Raharjo Raharjo

ABSTRACTThis study aims to find out and evaluate the process of civic literacy socialization to establish the ethics of young citizens and the implications towards personal resilience in Surakarta and formulating the socialization model of civic literacy as a form of citizenship education.This research was conducted in Surakarta with the target of community conducting citizenship education activities. This research used field research with descriptive qualitative approach which describes citizenship education practice which is done informally in socialization of civic literacy activities. The results showed that the socialization of civic literacy was done informally with habituation, development, and learning which was done continuously and had the objective to form the ethics of citizens with the perspective of personal resilience. This research also produces a model of civic literacy as a planning in the learning process which contains information about how to be an ethical citizen, understand the rights and obligations, have a sense of responsibility and nationalism that is implemented in the life of society, nation and state.ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan mengevaluasi proses sosialisasi civic literacy dalam pembentukan etika warganegara muda di Kota Surakarta serta merumuskan model sosialisasi civic literacy sebagai bentuk pendidikan kewarganegaraan kemasyarakatan (citizenship education).Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kota Surakarta dengan sasaran komunitas yang melakukan kegiatan sosialisasi materi kewarganegaraan di lingkungan masyarakat. Penelitian merupakan penelitian lapangan berupa pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yang mendeskripsikan praktik citizenship education,  dilakukan secara informal di masyarakat berupa kegiatan sosialisasi civic literacy. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sosialisasi civic literacy dilakukan secara informal dengan pembiasaan, pengembangan, dan pembelajaran secara berkelanjutan memiliki tujuan untuk membentuk etika warganegara berperspektif ketahanan pribadi. Penelitian ini juga menghasilkan suatu model civic literacy sebagai perencanaan dalam proses pembelajaran yang berisi informasi tentang bagaimana menjadi warganegara yang beretika, paham hak dan kewajibannya, memiliki rasa tanggungjawab dan rasa cinta tanah air yang diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 130
Muhammad Rijal Fadli

Philosophy and science are human efforts in understanding the concepts and methods of a scientific discipline. The changing times and developments have ushered the philosophy of a configuration by showing how the "tree of knowledge" grows and branches fruitfully from each of the disciplines, to break away from the trunk of its philosophy, develop and follow its methodological trends. This research method uses the hermeneutic method in explaining the reality that occurs with elements of interpretation and description. The results of the research can be described that the study of the relationship between philosophy and science has progressed so intensely. Philosophy and science are indispensable for their presence during the development of science and technology which is marked by the sharpening of scientific specialization, because by studying philosophy scientists are expected to be aware of their limitations so as not to be trapped into intellectual arrogance. It is impossible to counter-discourse developing science and technology, but rather to reduce the negative impact of the technology itself. In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0, the community groups are very heterogeneous, so it is very risky to the problems faced regarding the development of technology and can change the mindset of life into a more sophisticated pattern of life with the power of technology such as robots and the internet. So the science that is used as an axiological milestone in directing and controlling the development of science and technology in a positive way for the benefit of mankind and its environment is philosophy and science. 

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