direct practice
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Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 119-132
Cucu Cahyana ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Ngurah Singa

Abstract    Bakery product innovation is a food that is currently a trend and has a great opportunity to be developed. Another goal is to trigger the productivity of the household culinary business, which is mostly practiced by housewives in Benda Baru Village, South Tangerang, especially in the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used in this activity is the provision of material, direct practice, and assistance in making rolls with stuffing using pineapple jam as one of the bakery product innovations. The results of the training show that the results of the gain score on knowledge before and after training show a gain value of 0.66 in the range of 0.3 g 0.7, meaning that the increase in knowledge is in the medium category. The results of the satisfaction level of participants showed that in the material aspect 52.6% stated it was very clear, 21.1% stated it was clear and 26.3% said it was quite clear; the suitability of the material 100% states it is very suitable; delivery of explanations of materials, tools and product manufacturing processes 52.6% stated very clear, 21.1% stated clear and 26.3% stated quite clear; the sound and picture quality in the training video showed that 42.1% said it was very good, 36.8% said it was good and 21.1% said it was quite good; the time or duration of the training video shows 94.7% said it was enough and 5.3% said it was too long; 100% interest in making the product stated that they were interested, the feasibility of the roll product for consumption 100% of the participants stated that it was feasible; The feasibility of the product to be marketed shows 100% stating that it is feasible; the attractiveness of bread roll products for practice shows 47.4% said it was very interesting, 47.4% said it was interesting and 5.2% said it was quite interesting; the relevance of the application material 47.4% said it was very good and 52.6% said it was good. Meanwhile, the results of the level of preference for training products show that the average value of the assessment is ; the color aspect of rolls 4.52 which is in the category close to very like; the rating of preference for the aroma aspect of rolls is 4.16 which is in the like category; the texture/softness aspect of the rolls is 4.39 which is in the like category. the taste aspect of rolls is 4.26 which is in the like category; the color of pineapple jam is 4.39 which is in the like category; the color aspect of pineapple jam is 4.12 which is in the like category; The chocolate cheese roll was the most preferred by the trainees. The conclusion in the training participants were satisfied with the increase in the level of moderate knowledge and chocolate cheese rolls as the most preferred training product.   Abstrak   Inovasi produk bakery merupakan makanan yang sedang trend saat ini dan memiliki peluang yang besar untuk dikembangkan. Tujuannya lainnya adalah untuk memicu produktivitas usaha kuliner rumah  tangga yang banyak digeluti oleh ibu-ibu rumah tangga di desa Benda Baru, Tangerang Selatan terutama dalam kondisi pandemi covid-19 seperti sekarang ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pemberian materi, praktek secara langsung, dan pendampingan pembuatan produk roti gulung dengan isian  menggunakan selai buah nanas sebagai salah satu inovasi produk bakery. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa Hasil nilai gain skor pada pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan menunjukkan nilai gain 0,66 berada pada rentangan 0,3 ≤ g ≤ 0,7 artinya peningkatan pengetahuan berada pada kategori sedang. Hasil tingkat kepuasan peserta menunjukkan bahwa pada aspek materi 52,6% menyatakan sangat jelas, 21,1% menyatakan jelas dan 26,3% menyatakan cukup jelas; kesesuaian materi 100%  menyatakan sangat sesuai; penyampaian penjelasan bahan, alat dan proses pembuatan produk 52,6% menyatakan sangat jelas, 21,1% menyatakan jelas dan 26,3% menyatakan cukup jelas; kualitas suara dan gambar pada video pelatihan didapatkan bahwa 42,1% menyatakan sangat baik, 36,8% menyatakan baik dan 21,1% menytakan cukup baik; waktu atau durasi tayangan video pelatihan 94,7% menyatakan cukup dan 5,3% menyatakan terlalu lama; ketertarikan  membuat produk 100% menyatakan tertarik, kelayakan produk roti gulung untuk dikonsumsi 100% peserta menyatakan layak; Kelayakan produk untuk dipasarkan  menunjukkan 100% menyatakan layak; kemenarikkan produk roti gulung untuk dipraktekkan menunjukkan 47,4% menyatakan sangat menarik,  47,4% menyatakan menarik dan 5,2% menyatakan cukup menarik; keterkaitan materi aplikasi 47,4% menyatakan sangat baik dan 52,6% menyatakan baik. Sedangkat untuk hasil tingkat kesukaan pada produk pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa nilai  rata-rata penilaian ; aspek warna roti gulung 4,52 yang berada pada kategori mendekati sangat suka; penilaian kesukaan pada aspek aroma roti gulung adalah 4,16 yang berada pada kategori suka; aspek tekstur/kelembutan roti gulung adalah 4, 39 yang berada pada kategori suka. aspek rasa roti gulung adalah 4,26 yang berada pada kategori suka; warna selai nanas adalah 4,39 yang berada pada kategori suka; aspek warna selai nanas adalah 4,12 yang berada pada kategori suka; Roti gulung cokelat keju adalah yang paling disukai oleh peserta pelatihan. Kesimpulan dalam pelatihan peserta puas dengan kenaikan tingkat pengetahuan sedang dan roti gulung cokelat keju sebagai produk pelatihan  yang paling disukai.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-95
Usep Saepul Mustakim

Abstract Pondok Pesantren, is an educational institution that provides formal education to students aged children. There are many Islamic boarding schools scattered in various villages in Ciputri Village. The low design ability of santri and students is very unfortunate even though they are the successors to the next civilization. Besides that, in Ciputri village there is no course institution for graphic design training, so graphic design training is held within 1 day. The purpose of this activity is to increase the creativity of students and students in the world of design. Make students and students independent so that they can make designs such as pamphlets, banners or banners themselves and do not use the services of a printing company. This training is carried out by delivering material and direct practice for students and students. Participants can get to know graphic design and can practice the applications used to create the graphic design.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-169
Indro Wicaksono ◽  
Hermin Arista ◽  
Linda Kurnia ◽  
Ari Analisa Rahma

The purpose of this training activity is to equip the students of MAN 2 Kota Probolinggo in producing good and interesting scientific work based on students' creative ideas, critical thinking, and innovative. The method of conducting this training includes three stages, the first stage of identifying students who have a desire to write scientific papers and carry out pretests. In the second stage, the delivery of material by means of lecture methods, discussions, and direct practice of the process of preparing scientific work. Next in stage 3, is the student evaluation stage through posttest. The results of this scientific writing technique training include a noticeable improvement in writing techniques, field coverage, and the use of the internet as a reference for scientific work. Increased knowledge of students who are more creative in thinking to find ideas and ideas that can be used as topics to make scientific papers so that it becomes provision for purposes at a higher level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-211
Hamzan Ahmadi ◽  
Aris Sudianto ◽  
Hadian Mandala Putra ◽  
Muhammad Iman Darmawan ◽  

An inventory system is a system that manages data on items owned by an office. A good inventory system will help a company manage data on goods owned by the company. Not only do big companies need an inventory system, but small offices also need an inventory system. Likewise, with the Health Center, managing data such as drugs, medical equipment, stationery, etc., requires a good warehouse inventory system. Therefore, this service activity aims to develop and train the Health Center Warehouse Inventory application. The partner of this activity is the Sakra Community Health Center (administrative staff). The methods used are lectures, mentoring, and direct practice using applications. The result of this activity is the production of warehouse inventory system software for the Sakra Health Center. In addition, the Sakra Health Center's administrative staff can also run the software

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-177
Aris Sudianto ◽  
Imam Fathurrahman ◽  
Hamzan Ahmadi ◽  
Mahpuz Mahpuz ◽  

Interactive learning media is one of the tools in the learning process. With interactive learning media, it will help students understand the learning material better, especially subjects that require practice to better understand the theory being taught. Web programming subjects in vocational schools are one of the subjects that have a lot of practicums. Therefore, to support the delivery of the subject matter, good interactive learning media are needed and are following the needs of students. This PKM aims to provide training on the use of web-based interactive learning media for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that have been developed so that students understand more about designing web-based applications. This activity was carried out at SMKN 1 Selong, with 25 participants from the Software Engineering department. The activity lasted for 4 months. The method used is lectures and direct practice on WEB-based software engineering with lecturers from the Informatics Engineering study program, Hamzanwadi University. The material presented is in the form of steps to make simple software by utilizing existing technology and seeing some examples that have been prepared previously by the resource person to be used by students. For this method use a computer with a local network. The results of the activity show that students can master basic techniques for WEB-based software and students are also able to make simple WEB-based applications by applying the concept of good system analysis.

Erni Hawayanti ◽  
Iin Siti Aminah ◽  
Nico Syahputra ◽  
Yopie Moulyohadi ◽  
Dessy Tri Astuti

1 Ilir Urban Village is a village located on the Musi River edge. These Urban Village is quite broad, however underdeveloped area compared to other places in the city of Palembang. Many people live below the poverty line, lack green open space, and have inadequate educational facilities. Most of the population earns a living as laborers, while the women are ordinary housewives. To increase the income of homemakers in helping to improve the family's economy, we conduct training to increase community knowledge in red onion cultivation in polybags by utilizing a narrow yard of the house. The purpose of the activity is to provide motivation, knowledge, and skills to residents, especially housewives, by using the house's yard for onion cultivation to increase productivity and welfare. The methods used to achieve the objectives are surveys, counseling, and training the community on the use of yard land for onion cultivation in polybags and direct practice of red onion cultivation. Based on the process and results of the service that has been carried out, the training participants are very enthusiastic and understand and can carry out onion cultivation in polybags.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 2134-2141
Yustiana Nabila ◽  
Helmi Fatinabila ◽  
Imroautul Maghfiroh ◽  
Yusril Ihza Mualana ◽  
Gilang Nuari Panggraita

AbstractThis training activity aims to provide health sports program training for the maintenance of physical fitness of students at the madrasah level during the covid-19 pandemic. The substance of this devotional activity includes; education on the importance of maintaining physical fitness during pandemics, mentoring physical fitness practice, and education on the principles of good and correct physical fitness training include; Form of exercise, objectives and targets of exercise. Students / i who are the target of this devotional activity are students / i level Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Delegtukang, Wiradesa Subdistrict, Pekalongan Regency.. This devotional activity is carried out using a lecture approach and direct practice assistance by the service team. The result of this devotional activity is (1) students / i have a good understanding of the importance of maintaining physical fitness, (2) mastering physical exercise skills for the maintenance of physical fitness during the covid-19 pandemic, and (3) have an understanding of the principles of good and correct physical fitness training including; Form of exercise, objectives and targets of exercise.Keywords: Physical Fitness And Health, Choreographed Activities, Pandemic Imaji Gymnastics AbstrakKegiatan pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan program olahraga kesehatan untuk pemeliharaan kebugaran jasmani siswa/i tingkat madrasah di masa pandemi covid-19. Substansi kegiatan pengabdian ini meliputi; edukasi pentingnya pemeliharaan kebugaran jasmani selama masa pandemi, pendampingan praktik latihan kebugaran jasmani, serta edukasi mengenai prinsip-prinsip latihan kebugaran jasmani yang baik dan benar meliputi; bentuk latihan, tujuan dan sasaran latihan. Siswa/i yang menjadi target kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah siswa/i tingkat Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Delegtukang, Kecamatan Wiradesa, Kabupaten Pekalongan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakasanakan dengan menggunakan pendekatan ceramah dan pendampingan praktik secara langsung oleh tim pengabdi. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah (1) siswa/i memiliki pemahaman yang baik mengenai pentingnya pemeliharaan kebugaran jasmani, (2) menguasai keterampilan latihan fisik untuk pemeliharaan kebugaran jasmani selama pandemi covid-19, serta (3) memiliki pemahaman mengenai prinsip-prinsip latihan kebugaran jasmani yang baik dan benar meliputi; bentuk latihan, tujuan dan sasaran latihan.Kata kunci: Kebugaran Jasmani Dan Kesehatan, Aktivitas Koreografi, Senam Imaji Pandemi

Galina Volkovitckaia

The monograph is devoted to the problem of effective incentives for personnel as one of the most acute in the theory and practice of modern management. The paper considers the main stages of labor incentives , the specifics of personnel management from the standpoint of a motivational approach, suggests ways to assess the quality of incentive systems, analyzes the motivational structure of the employee's personality. The definitions, classifications, typologies and models proposed in the monograph can be used not only for educational and methodological purposes, but also in the direct practice of personnel management. The monograph is addressed to specialists in personnel management, students, graduate students, teachers, as well as everyone who is interested in the field of HR management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 981
Basuki Basuki ◽  
Sukron Romadhona ◽  
Listya Purnamasari ◽  
Vega Kartika Sari

ABSTRAKLahan pertanian mengalami penurunan kesuburan tanah dengan indikasi nilai C-Organik < 1% sangat luas, termasuk di Desa Sekarputih Kabupaten Bondowoso. Masyarakat Desa Sekarputih sebagian besar bermata pencaharian sebagai petani dan peternak. Survei awal menunjukkan bahwa kotoran sapi yang dihasilkan oleh ternak belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Banyak kotoran sapi yang dibiarkan begitu saja sehingga menimbulkan masalah lingkungan seperti bau yang menyengat. Tujuan dari program pengabdian ini adalah sosialisasi dan pelatihan pembuatan pupuk organik yang berasal dari kotoran sapi sebagai alternatif untuk meningkatkan bahan organik tanah dan mengurangi permasalahan lingkungan. hasil kegiatan pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa peserta sangat aktif dan antusias dalam bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan dalam kegiatan sosialisasi, dan antusias aktif dalam praktek langsung pada tahap pelatihan. Kata kunci: pelatihan; pupuk organic; kotoran sapi; ternak. ABSTRACTAgricultural land experienced degradation of soil fertility with indicated C-Organic value < 1% very widely, including in Sekarputih Village, Bondowoso Regency. The people of Sekarputih village mostly make a living as farmers and ranchers. The initial survey shows that cow dung produced by livestock has not been utilized optimally. A lot of cow dung is left alone which causes environmental problems such as a strong odor. The purpose of this service program is socialization and training on the manufacture of organic fertilizer derived from cow dung as an alternative to increasing soil organic matter and reducing environmental problems. the results of the service activities showed that the participants were very active and enthusiastic about asking and answering questions in socialization activities, and enthusiastically active in direct practice at the training stage. Keywords: training; organic fertilizer; cow manure; livestock.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 457
Rusmansyah Rusmansyah ◽  
Abdul Hamid ◽  
Misbah Misbah ◽  
Lili Rahmawati ◽  
Rima Sugianti ◽  

Masih banyak guru yang belum memahami tentang pembuatan e-modul. Selain itu juga belum banyak yang mengetahui mengenai aplikasi yang dapat digunakan dalam pembuatan e-modul. Hal ini melatarbelakangi dilakukan pelatihan pembuatan e-modul menggunakan eXe-learning di lingkungan lahan basah. Kegiatan pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman para guru dalam membuat e-modul menggunakan eXe-learning di lingkungan lahan basah. Selain itu juga untuk mengetahui respon guru dalam mengikuti pelatihan. Peserta pelatihan ini ialah 23 orang guru kelompok Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Kimia di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara (HSU). Kegiatan pelatihan dilaksanakan melalui metode ceramah, diskusi dan praktik secara langsung dalam membuat e-modul dengan menggunakan eXe-learning. Berdasarkan hasil pelatihan diperoleh bahwa terjadi peningkatan pemahaman guru tentang pembuatan e-modul menggunakan eXe-learnig dan respon guru terhadap kegiatan pelatihan minimal memiiki kategori baik. Pelatihan ini dapat meningkatkan pemahaman guru tentang pembuatan e-modul menggunakan eXe-learning. Produk e-modul yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan dalam membantu proses pembelajaran.  There are still many teachers who do not understand about making e-modules. In addition, not many people know about applications that can be used in making e-modules. So that training on making e-modules using eXe-learning is carried out in a wetland environment. This training activity aims to improve teachers' understanding of making e-modules using eXe-learning in a wetland environment. In addition, to find out the teacher's response in participating in the training. The training participants were 23 teachers of the Chemistry Subject Teacher Consultation Group (MGMP) in Hulu Sungai Utara (HSU) District. Training activities are carried out through lectures, discussions and direct practice in e-modules using eXe-learning. Based on the training results, it was found that there was an increase in teachers' understanding of making e-modules using eXe-learning, and the teacher's response to training activities had at least a good category. This training can improve teachers' understanding of making e-modules using eXe-learning. The resulting e-module product can be used to assist the learning process. 

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