Jurnal Riset Bisnis dan Manajemen
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Published By Universitas Pasundan

2580-9539, 1979-0600

There are data that show a decrease in occupancy rates of star-rated hotels and rise of budget hotels in Indonesia. Supported by customer reviews which explain their reasons for choosing budget hotels over star hotels, this switching behavior may reduce the demand of star hotel services. This study aims to determine the Push-Pull-Mooring (PPM) factors on the intention and behavior of hotel service users. This study uses PPM with quantitative method using 400 samples. The samples were determined using Non-Probability Sampling, analyzed with SEM research analysis method and processed using SmartPLS. The results showed that PPM factors significantly affected the Switching Intention as well as Switching Behavior. However, Mooring factor does not have a significant effect on intensing switching either a significant influence on the Push and Pull factors of Switching Intention.

This research aims to determine customer perceptions about prices, testimonials and service user decisions at PT. Kampung Marketerindo Berdaya. The population were about 218 with the sample of 118 customers by an accidental sampling technique. while the data analysis is path analysis. In general, the results of this research indicated that price is in the good category as well as testimonials and service user decisions. The results of T Test showed that the prices partially has a significant effect on decision making for using services. Moreover, testimonials partially has a significant effect on the decision to use services and the result of F test showed that the prices and testimonials simultaneously have a significant effect on the decision making to use services.

Online shopping has been really familiar for both public and smartphone users. Recent phenomenon has showed us a much-helpful simple way in providing customers’ needs and consumption during Covid-19 pandemic. The limited space caused by the condition has made consumers shift towards instant online shopping. The customers’ changing behavior forces business sector to adjust and fulfil customer’s need and desires. This research is implemented by using judgmental sampling method, which includes millennial generation as users on instant shopping. The amount of population is unknown, while the sample calculation is 1:10 of each questionnaire statement. Partial least square is also used in this research as analysis method, by also using SmartPLS 3.0. The result gave an analysis and found a slight change of customer’s behavior, especially in using Instagram account as an instant shopping alternative which supports recent situation. This could also be next suggestion for further development after Covid-19 pandemic.

Mango Day is small medium industry that echoes a healthy lifestyle as one of their visions with fruit strip as their product made from dried mangoes. The purpose of this research is to get the best marketing strategy for the Mango Day business. This research is a qualitative research with data collection techniques for instance, interviews, observations, and documentation with analytic descriptive results. The SWOT analysis technique is used to process data to obtain alternative strategies. There are four alternative strategies that can be used by companies as the company’s latest marketing strategy. SO strategy: maintaining product quality and creating new product variants, ST strategy: intensifying marketing on social media and other E-commerce is inserted with knowledge of products to be affordable to all groups and to expand the spread of products offline. WO Strategy: improve the quality of packaging and WT strategy: improve production processes to industrial scale

Non-performing loans will effect to the bank losses due to non-receipt of the funds that have been distributed along with the interest income. This research aims to find out and analyze the impact of internal and external factors on non-performing loans distributed to the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and its implications towards profitability of Bank BJB. The method used in this research is descriptive and verifiative, while data collection was carried out through interview, observation, and documentation. The sample was also collected by purposive sampling, by analyzing and using path analysis. The result showed that the internal and external factor did give impact to the non-performing loans, both simultaneously and partially. The loans also gave impact to the profitability of Bank BJB.

Service marketing by taking advantage of marketing communication can form a good relation with the consumer. This research aims to find out the program, process, communication media of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implementation in promoting a room at Sheo Resort Hotel Bandung. The method used in this research is qualitative method with a case study approach based on symbolic interaction theory, and constructivist paradigm with key informants of hotel managers, marketing division and three customer informants of Sheo Resort Hotel Bandung. The result showed that the CRM program in promoting the room was by using continuity marketing, individual marketing (one to one marketing) and partner relation (partnering program) by providing and giving discount, voucher, special facility and membership card which include room discount. The CRM implementation needed a customer service and employee support at maximum, as well as program development to maintain customer’s loyality.

Satisfaction and dissatisfaction of customers to a product/service will affect the subsequent behavior patterns, and it is shown after the customers use of the product/service. The purpose of this research is to analyze the magnitude of influence service delivery towards customer value and the impact on customer satisfaction in Cuis Cake Café and Shop in Cianjur. The methods used in this research is explanatory survey methods, while for data analysis by using path analysis. The results support four hypothesis are, an influence of service delivery to the customer value with the effect of 25,4%, the influence of customer value on customer satisfaction with the level of influence of 63,3%, the influence of service delivery to customer satisfaction with the level of influence of 28,9%, and an effect on the variable service delivery to customer value and impact to customer satisfaction with the overall level of influence of 66,9%.

Salah satu kebutuhan yang sangat penting untuk masyarakat saat ini adalah mengenai ketenagalistrikan. Seiring dengan berkembangnya ekonomi dan pertumbuhan kelistrikan, Badan Hukum PLN mengalami perubahan dari Perusahaan Umum (Perum) menjadi Perseroan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi pegawai PT. PLN tentang fringe benefit dan mutasi terhadap kepuasan kerja baik secara parsial dan simultan, serta untuk Untuk mengetahui, menganalisa dan mengkaji seberapa besar pengaruh fringe benefit dan mutasi terhadap kepuasan kerja secara parsial dan simultan. Pegawai yang diteliti sebanyak 71 orang dengan metode simple random sampling. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan eksplanatori, untuk analisis data dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier ganda. Secara umum hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan fringe benefit, mutasi dan kepuasan kerja masuk kedalam kategori cukup baik. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan besarnya pengaruh fringe benefit dan mutasi terhadap kepuasan kerja sebesar 72.2 %, dan fringe benefit memiliki pengaruh yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan mutasi.


Kebutuhan masyarakat yang mendasar dan merupakan hak asasi manusia adalah pangan yang mempunyai arti dan peran sangat penting bagi kehidupan suatu bangsa. Masalah yang dihadapi dalam ketahanan pangan mengisyaratkan tidak ada single policy yang dapat mengatasi semua persoalan sekaligus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, menganalisa dan mengkaji factor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja pegawai yang diukur melalui kepemimpinan visioner, motivasi kerja dan kompetensi dan dampaknya pada kinerja pegawai baik secara parsial dan simultan. Pegawai yang diteliti sebanyak 105 pegawai dengan metode sampel jenuh. Metode yang digunakan adalah descriptive survey dan metode explanatory survey, untuk analisis data dengan menggunakan analisis jalur. Secara umum hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kepemimpinan visioner masuk dalam kategori baik dan untuk motivasi, kompetensi dan kepuasan serta kinerja masuk kedalam kategori cukup baik. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan besarnya pengaruh kepemimpinan visioner, motivasi kerja dan kompetensi terhadap kepuasan kerja sebesar 62,1%, dan pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja sebesar 76,9%.

Customer loyalty is the main aspect of the company that needs to be maintained through a good, consistent, and long-lasting strategy. This study aims to determine the influence of experiential marketing and switching barriers on customer retention and their impact on customer loyalty at the Supratman branch of Togamas bookstore, Bandung. The method used is descriptive and verification methods. Nonprobability sampling with incidental method was used with a sample size of 100 respondents. The data analysis method used is path analysis, multiple correlation, and the coefficient of determination. The results showed that experiential marketing, switching barriers, and customer retention at the Togamas bookstore were good, while customer loyalty was good enough. The direct effect of experiential marketing on customer loyalty is greater than the indirect effect through customer retention. The indirect effect of switching barriers on loyalty is greater than the direct effect.

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