occupancy rates
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Dave A. Dongelmans ◽  
Fabian Termorshuizen ◽  
Sylvia Brinkman ◽  
Ferishta Bakhshi-Raiez ◽  
M. Sesmu Arbous ◽  

Abstract Background To assess trends in the quality of care for COVID-19 patients at the ICU over the course of time in the Netherlands. Methods Data from the National Intensive Care Evaluation (NICE)-registry of all COVID-19 patients admitted to an ICU in the Netherlands were used. Patient characteristics and indicators of quality of care during the first two upsurges (N = 4215: October 5, 2020–January 31, 2021) and the final upsurge of the second wave, called the ‘third wave’ (N = 4602: February 1, 2021–June 30, 2021) were compared with those during the first wave (N = 2733, February–May 24, 2020). Results During the second and third wave, there were less patients treated with mechanical ventilation (58.1 and 58.2%) and vasoactive drugs (48.0 and 44.7%) compared to the first wave (79.1% and 67.2%, respectively). The occupancy rates as fraction of occupancy in 2019 (1.68 and 1.55 vs. 1.83), the numbers of ICU relocations (23.8 and 27.6 vs. 32.3%) and the mean length of stay at the ICU (HRs of ICU discharge = 1.26 and 1.42) were lower during the second and third wave. No difference in adjusted hospital mortality between the second wave and the first wave was found, whereas the mortality during the third wave was considerably lower (OR = 0.80, 95% CI [0.71–0.90]). Conclusions These data show favorable shifts in the treatment of COVID-19 patients at the ICU over time. The adjusted mortality decreased in the third wave. The high ICU occupancy rate early in the pandemic does probably not explain the high mortality associated with COVID-19.

Ketut Candri ◽  
I Komang Gde Bendesa

  Bali is an island where tourism plays a dominant role in its economy, so its potential needs to be further developed. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of tourist visits, number of hotels, and hotel occupancy rates on total employment and welfare of the people in Bali. The data used is secondary data published by Bali Provincial Tourism Office and the Bali Province Central Statistics Agency from 2000-2019. The analysis technique used is path analysis. The results showed that the number of tourist visits has a positive and significant effect on total employment, the number of hotels has a negative and insignificant effect on total employment, while the hotel occupancy rate has a positive and insignificant effect on total employment. In addition, the number of tourist visits has a negative and insignificant effect on welfare, the number of hotels and the total employment have a positive and significant effect on welfare, while the hotel occupancy rate has a negative and significant effect on the welfare of the community.  Labor absorption is not a mediating variable between tourist visits and occupancy rate on welfare.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Adrian P. Mundt ◽  
Sabine Delhey Langerfeldt ◽  
Enzo Rozas Serri ◽  
Mathias Siebenförcher ◽  
Stefan Priebe

Introduction: Mental health policies have encouraged removals of psychiatric beds in many countries. It is under debate whether to continue those trends. We conducted a systematic review of expert arguments for trends of psychiatric bed numbers.Methods: We searched seven electronic databases and screened 15,479 papers to identify expert opinions, arguments and recommendations for trends of psychiatric bed numbers, published until December 2020. Data were synthesized using thematic analysis and classified into arguments to maintain or increase numbers and to reduce numbers.Results: One hundred six publications from 25 countries were included. The most common themes arguing for reductions of psychiatric bed numbers were inadequate use of inpatient care, better integration of care and better use of community care. Arguments to maintain or increase bed numbers included high demand of psychiatric beds, high occupancy rates, increasing admission rates, criminalization of mentally ill, lack of community care and inadequately short length of stay. Cost effectiveness and quality of care were used as arguments for increase or decrease.Conclusions: The expert arguments presented here may guide and focus future debate on the required psychiatric bed numbers. The recommendations may help policymakers to define targets for psychiatric bed numbers. Arguments need careful local evaluation, especially when supporting opposite directions of trends in different contexts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 852-853
Xiao Qiu ◽  
Jane Straker ◽  
Katherine Abbott

Abstract Official complaints are one tool for addressing nursing home quality concerns in a timely manner. Similar to trends nationwide, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) has noticed a trend in increasing nursing home complaints and has partnered with the Scripps Gerontology Center to learn more about facilities that receive complaints. Greater understanding may lead to proactive approaches to addressing and preventing issues. This study relies on two years of statewide Ohio nursing home complaint data. Between 2018 and 2019, the average complaint rate per 100 residents went from 6.59 to 7.06, with more than 70% of complaints unsubstantiated. Complaint information from 629 Ohio nursing homes in 2018 was linked with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Nursing Home Compare data, the Ohio Biennial Survey of Long-Term Care Facilities, and Ohio Nursing Home Resident and Family Satisfaction Surveys. Using ordered logistic regression analyses, we investigated nursing home providers' characteristics using different levels of complaints and substantiated complaints. Findings suggest that providers with higher complaint rates are located in urban areas, had administrator and/or director of nursing (DON) turnover in the previous 3 years, experienced decreased occupancy rates, had reduced nurse aide retention, and received lower family satisfaction scores. Additionally, providers with administrator and/or DON turnover, and low family satisfaction scores are more likely to have substantiated complaints. Because increasing numbers of complaints are accompanied by relatively low substantiation rates, policy interventions targeted to specific types of providers may improve the cost-effectiveness of complaint resolution, as well as the quality of care.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-182
Halim Dimas Ferdiansyah ◽  
Syamsul Fatoni

ABSTRAKDasar pertimbangan dikeluarkannya Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor 10 Tahun 2020 tentang Persyaratan Pemberian Hak Asimilasi dan Integrasi bagi Narapidana dan Anak dalam rangka pencegahan dan penanggulangan penyebaran COVID-19. dengan banyaknya tingkat hunian di penjara, hal ini telah menimbulkan kekhawatiran bagi pemerintah. Namun, terpidana yang dibebaskan mengulangi kejahatannya lagi dan menimbulkan kecemasan publik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara Permenkumham Nomor 3 Tahun 2018 dengan Permenkumham Nomor 20 Tahun 2020 dan kesesuaian prinsip pembinaan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 1995 tentang pemasyarakatan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan pemberian hak asimilasi dan integrasi narapidana dalam Permenkumham Nomor 3 Tahun 2018 diberikan sesuai dengan persyaratan substantif dan administratif secara lengkap. Namun dalam Permenkuham Nomor 10 Tahun 2020 terdapat beberapa perbedaan dalam hal pemberian hak asimilasi dan integrasi, baik persyaratan substantif maupun administratif, sehingga Permenkumham Nomor 10 Tahun 2020 memudahkan narapidana mendapatkan hak asimilasi dan integrasi. serta pelaksanaan ketentuan pemberian asimilasi dan integrasi dalam Permenkumham Nomor 10 Tahun 2020 tidak sesuai dengan prinsip pembinaan dalam undang-undang pemasyarakatan. Ketidaksesuaian tersebut dikarenakan adanya narapidana yang kembali melakukan tindak pidana, hal ini menunjukkan kegagalan dalam melakukan pembinaan terhadap narapidana. Pasalnya, program pembebasan hanya berfokus pada pencegahan penularan COVID-19 di lapas Kata kunci: asimilasi, integrasi, narapidana, perbedaan dan kesesuaian Permenkumham ABSTRACTThe basis for the consideration of the issuance of Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 10 of 2020 concerning the Requirements for Granting Assimilation and Integration Rights for Prisoners and Children in the context of preventing and overcoming the spread of COVID-19. with many occupancy rates in prisons, it caused a concern of the government. However, the convict who was released repeated the crime again and caused public anxiety. The purpose of this research was to find out the difference between Permenkumham (Regulation of the minister of Law and human righs) Number 3 of 2018 and Permenkumham Number 20 of 2020 and the suitability of the principles of development with Law Number 12 of 1995 concerning correctionalism. The method used in this research was a type of normative legal research using a statutory approach, a conceptual approach. The results of this study indicated that the differences in the provision of assimilation rights and integration of prisoners in Permenkumham No.3 of 2018 were given in accordance with the complete substantive and administrative requirements. However, in Permenkuham No.10 of 2020 there are several differences in terms of granting assimilation and integration rights, both substantive and administrative requirements, so that Permenkumham No.10 of 2020 made it easier for inmates to get the right of assimilation and integration. and the implementation of the provisions for assimilation and integration in Permenkumham No.10 of 2020 is not in accordance with the principles of guidance in the correctional law. This mismatch was due to the presence of prisoners who had returned to committing criminal acts, this indicated a failure to provide guidance to prisoners. This was because the release program only focuses on preventing transmisfsion of COVID-19 in prisons. Keywords: Assimilation, Integration, Prisoners, Differences and suitability of Permenkumham

2021 ◽  
Sarah Febe Stefani ◽  
Deddy Priatmodjo K ◽  

The fact that no company is immune to distress is indicates that business perform in a similar fashion to products. A company’s failures or a passive reaction towards handling the decline would cause the company to end up in crisis. SBH Hotel has seen a continuous decline in occupancy rates from 2016 to 2019 from 70% to 51% and 27% after the COVID-19 pandemic hit. The hotel’s sluggish reaction towards increasing competition and small improvements in management since its establishment in 1998, were not good enough to help them rebound and led them into their present crisis. Turnaround management that has been known to be the best strategy to save a company in crisis, is the proposed solution that this research paper recommends. The financial data collected, interviews and this researcher’s observations in the gathering of the data and the use of International Turnaround Management Standard framework by Lymbersky will be applied in a bid to resolve the hotel’s crisis. The International Turnaround Management Standard framework by Lymbersky was chosen as a solution due to its thorough coverage which makes it the suitable framework for the turnaround process. The framework covers areas which include, financial strategies, operational and others that the hotel needs to consider. Business process re-engineering will also help this researcher to determine the change in management processes that are required when developing the hotel’s turnaround management action plan. This research paper will be a development from previous research regard its marketing strategy. Turnaround management will be done through Business Process Reengineering as a rethinking and redesign process. SBH Hotel expected to perform with better management process and provide customer with higher quality of services and products. SBH Hotel ability in earning outstanding guests’ experience brought hotel more guest loyalty and help the hotel remain profitable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
Felicitas Schmidt ◽  
Christian Hauptmann ◽  
Walter Kohlenz ◽  
Philipp Gasser ◽  
Sascha Hartmann ◽  

Background: The current pandemic requires hospitals to ensure care not only for the growing number of COVID-19 patients but also regular patients. Hospital resources must be allocated accordingly.Objective: To provide hospitals with a planning model to optimally allocate resources to intensive care units given a certain incidence of COVID-19 cases.Methods: The analysis included 334 cases from four adjacent counties south-west of Munich. From length of stay and type of ward [general ward (NOR), intensive care unit (ICU)] probabilities of case numbers within a hospital at a certain time point were derived. The epidemiological situation was simulated by the effective reproduction number R, the infection rates in mid-August 2020 in the counties, and the German hospitalization rate. Simulation results are compared with real data from 2nd and 3rd wave (September 2020–May 2021).Results: With R = 2, a hospitalization rate of 17%, mitigation measures implemented on day 9 (i.e., 7-day incidence surpassing 50/100,000), the peak occupancy was reached on day 22 (155.1 beds) for the normal ward and on day 25 (44.9 beds) for the intensive care unit. A higher R led to higher occupancy rates. Simulated number of infections and intensive care unit occupancy was concordant in validation with real data obtained from the 2nd and 3rd waves in Germany.Conclusion: Hospitals could expect a peak occupancy of normal ward and intensive care unit within ~5–11 days after infections reached their peak and critical resources could be allocated accordingly. This delay (in particular for the peak of intensive care unit occupancy) might give options for timely preparation of additional intensive care unit resources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 372
Ni Made Ary Widiastini ◽  
Siti Annisa Silvia Rosa ◽  
Roni Ekha Putera ◽  
Gabriella Susilowati ◽  
Totok Hari Wibowo

This study aims to determine the form of resilience of women tourism workers affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data sources are primary data from interviews with various parties, including hotel owners, hotel associations and hotel employees, while secondary data sources are documentation data. Data analysis was performed using an interactive model. The spread of the corona virus globally has affected various lines of community life, including in Bali. Hotels are the tourist facilities in Bali that are most affected. The decline in tourist visits, causing hotel occupancy rates to experience a drastic drop which resulted in layoffs. The finding of this research is that job termination for female employees occurs in almost every hotel in Bali. However, the termination of employment was responded creatively. In an effort to maintain a life for themselves and their families, women who are affected by hotel employees, especially those who have worked in the food and beverage division, react by adjusting to the conditions that occur. They make various types of food that are sold online using WhatsApp, I.G. and F.B. social media. The attitude of women who are former hotel workers in the food and beverage division in Bali towards termination of employment shows that creativity is driven by the spirit of survival as a modality that needs to be supported and worthy of being a good practice as well as a model on develop women’s capacities during pandemic Covid-19 and new normal.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (21) ◽  
pp. 7177
Michel Noussan ◽  
Matteo Jarre

Effective solutions are needed to decrease the greenhouse gases emissions of the transport sector, not only in terms of supply-side measures, but also including demand-side solutions. This paper focuses on the passenger demand related to daily commuting, either for work or study purposes. A bottom-up analysis is presented, which draws from detailed data for Lombardy, the most populous region in Northern Italy, to build an estimate of the annual energy consumption and emissions related to commuting. The potential of different measures to decrease emissions is evaluated, including the renovation of the vehicle stock, higher levels of remote working, and the deployment of carpooling schemes. The results show that the largest part of the current emissions from commuting is caused by car use, both due to its higher modal share and to the higher specific emissions, which are in turn also contributed by the low occupancy rates. The renewal of the current vehicle stock can lead to significant emission savings, thanks to both improved efficiency and higher shares of electrification. Remote working could also play a significant part, especially when it is applied to workers that face the longest commuting distances. Conversely, carpooling seems to be providing lower benefits, not so much because of lower effectiveness but more so because of constraints and barriers to its implementation.

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